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BW, you absolutely must roll back the zero credits for WZs nerf


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This is literally gamebreaking. It cannot go live. It is just an awful, awful change no matter how you look at it.


For 1-49 PVP:


This change literally means that any time you spend in PVP from 1-49 gimps your character if you don't have a level 50 alt to funnel you credits. With all the changes you will get 10 levels in the time it takes to get a single piece of PVP gear, and you will get zero credits. You wll not be able to pay for skill training and you will be constantly using gear that is 10+ levels out of date. Every time you level you will get worse because of the way bolster works.


For level 50 PVP:


You are forcing anyone who wants to craft into PVE. You cannot afford to send your characters out on crafting missions while you PVP if you get no credits from PVP.


It is just a mind bogglingly stupid change. If you want to LOWER credit gain - particularly at level 50 - that's ok (within reason). But you can't ELIMINATE it.


Nobody is asking to get rich from PVPing. The current rate at 50 may be higher than it needs to be.


But we need enough credit gain from PVP to pay for skill training leveling up, and we need enough credit gain at 50 to pay for sending out companions.

Edited by yukirshiro
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Wut? It's the only way I make my bank...


Guess I better go read the patch notes...


They are trying to sneak it in by saying the credit rewards are being "rebalanced."


They arn't. The rewards are basically zero. I think there is still some tiny reward for winning but it is literally tiny.

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It's sad to see people whining about all the usual stuff and not getting on top of this. It is by far the biggest change to PVP in the patch and will have massive consequences on every single person who PVPs in this game.



I couldn't agree more with this as it's game breaking. If they let this go live people will leave in droves. I won't re-subscribe until they address it.

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It is the sort of change that really makes you wonder what they are thinking. Of all the problems with PVP in this game, they decide one of the most pressing is that people are earning enough credits from it to train skills while leveling up, and we can't have that?
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"Credit rewards for Warzones have been rebalanced."


Not liking what I'm hearing here. So, some of you have experienced 0 credit gain in WZs on the test server or something?



Vendor - "No creds?!? Do some PvE to get some, and bring them back anytime."


**** all that!

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wz cash was too much. Run your class quests like everyone else and some of the side quests in that area and you will be fine.


and at cap... you want to force PVE dailies... no thanks.. I work to work... when I game I want to "PLAY"


I leveled, I did my stories... I'll even do NEW content... dont' make me repeat content to buy stims/gear for Wz.


You people want to get 1-49 nerfed fine... (your dumb but fine) leave us 50's alone having fun in Wz's.


Why in gods name are you changing this.. because it worked and made people happy?

Edited by VoidJustice
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wz cash was too much. Run your class quests like everyone else and some of the side quests in that area and you will be fine.


That isn't my play style or is it for a lot of players that PVP. If they want to keep the PVP crowd they will fix it.

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wz cash was too much. Run your class quests like everyone else and some of the side quests in that area and you will be fine.


Lol do side quests? Are you insane? The only reason i even do the class quests is for the companions lol.


1/50 in PvP mate , and that is the way.

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wz cash was too much. Run your class quests like everyone else and some of the side quests in that area and you will be fine.


How about, you make zero cash for PvE, and the only way you could make money was by PvP?


Yeah, you'd be crying as well.



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wz cash was too much. Run your class quests like everyone else and some of the side quests in that area and you will be fine.


You smell kinda like a troll, but whatever.


I'm not doing **** like everyone else. I PvP. That's it. I didn't join a PvP server to run around with a bunch of PvE folks getting my rocks off on PvE content.

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I vote more pvp daily missions then in the areas of Belsavis, The New Planet, The New Place on Corellia, and where ever else there are daily missions... Add in pvp stuff so it'd be fun


Ya ok great idea... TO ADD..




Planets take to long to load to force those of us with limited time to play to run around 2 hours to make bank before we can PVP.

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