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Defense Rating and Knights/Marauders


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Rdean, I'd just like to thank you for taking the time to ensure correct and, more importantly, consistent information is held within this thread. Everything you have posted is consistent with the results of both real world and theoretical testing I have seen elsewhere.


Rdean, you have fought the good fight longer than I thought possible.


With proper allocation of points, you can get your effective defense rating up to around 37-39% when you factor in retaliation proc bonus and the quake (I consider lowering Acc by 5% to be the functional equivalent of increasing defense by 5% against an affected target). That's huge! Plus, defense procs revenge and retaliation ... the latter of which is basically the number one priority in a rotation.


The problem is that it's tough to effectively stack Defense. Unless you're doubling/tripling up on Rakata boots, chest, or gloves (I think those are the one with Def on it) by ripping out the mods you're pretty much stuck with two or three mods and enhancements (I buy them off the GTN when I can) or augments. The math supports getting defense until you're about 450-500 points, IIRC, and I don't see why that's even much of a debate.


Thanks guys. It's nice to know that people have been listening and my efforts to fight for the facts haven't been totally in vain.

Edited by RDeanOU
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Having read most of the posts, theres a couple of factors no one seems to be considering

(some one mentioned it in a short post but got no reply)

1. The chance to shield can be reduced or eliminated by critical hits, an important factor in pvp where high crit chances abound. ie if someone get their crit to 100% you get no shield chance

2. Defense only works against energy/kinetic attacks (ie weapon attacks) not force/tech powers.

(this may have changed in patches and if it has I appologise)

These seem to me to change the relative value of defense and shield/absorb, though I've no idea how

have these things been tested and am I just using out-dated info or blatanly wrong info (I've only been looking

for a little while so I'm not widely read)

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