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Defense Rating and Knights/Marauders


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I've been thinking about the Defense stat and how it impacts the functionality of the Knight/Warrior tanks. One thing that I considered was if getting hit by attacks is a way to increase our resources.


However, Defense increases our dodge/parry/etc. and from what I've seen it doesn't appear as though we gain resource in this circumstance. As a result, I've been more focused on driving my Shield/Absorption stats and lowering my Defense as much as I can.


I'm certain that there are others that have given this some thought and I would like to see some people come in an tell me I'm wrong (or hopefully right!).


What are your thoughts on defense?

Edited by TheSidehatch
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I've done what you are doing. I ignored stats with defense, on my Rakata gear I've swapped out mods for mods with +Shield or +Absorb over +Defense.


Defense is great; don't get me wrong, but it suffers from diminishing returns faster then the other two. The reason being is it "avoids" all damage. Where shielding only blocks part of it.


Absorb has the best return rate on stats, and that's because it is a static decrease in damage taken when an attack is shielded. Increasing shield rating/absorb rating ends up smoothing out incoming damage; making your life go down in a more predictable manner as opposed to dodging 4 attacks in a row; and then taking 4 hits in a row.


In short: I prefer shielding/absorption over defense as well.

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I've done what you are doing. I ignored stats with defense, on my Rakata gear I've swapped out mods for mods with +Shield or +Absorb over +Defense.


Defense is great; don't get me wrong, but it suffers from diminishing returns faster then the other two. The reason being is it "avoids" all damage. Where shielding only blocks part of it.


Absorb has the best return rate on stats, and that's because it is a static decrease in damage taken when an attack is shielded. Increasing shield rating/absorb rating ends up smoothing out incoming damage; making your life go down in a more predictable manner as opposed to dodging 4 attacks in a row; and then taking 4 hits in a row.


In short: I prefer shielding/absorption over defense as well.


I have found that defense is generally preferrable because of its ability to avoid all damage instead of mitigating a portion of damage.


Diminishing returns is always a factor and you don't ever want to ignore any of your mitigation stats. I think you will generally find that a balance of the 3 mitigation stats will be your best bet.


Also remember that shield is more valuable when you have high absorption and vice versa. Those 2 stats need to be balanced properly to maximize the points you are putting into them.


If you are focusing heavily on any of your 3 stats you will quickly hit diminishing returns (this can be done with only the mods from daily quests).



You are best off with a balance. Until diminishing returns hits (at around 400 defense rating) it will mitigate more damage point for point than shield/absorption.

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Defense hits Diminishing Returns before 400. It's in the tanking primer guide. 400 is just the average amongst all tertiary stats that most people stop putting points into it, but if you are comparing the 3 defense stats Defense/Shield/Absorb then it's better to put points into the 3 in the following order:


Absorb (Best stat because it's straight reduction when an attack is shielded and has the best rate of return)

Shield (Because without a significant shield rating, having high absorb is worthless so this is the next best thing to focus on)

Defense (Avoiding damage completely is nice, but it also suffers from the Gambler's Fallacy and has the lowest rate of return on points invested)

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Defense hits Diminishing Returns before 400. It's in the tanking primer guide. 400 is just the average amongst all tertiary stats that most people stop putting points into it, but if you are comparing the 3 defense stats Defense/Shield/Absorb then it's better to put points into the 3 in the following order:


Absorb (Best stat because it's straight reduction when an attack is shielded and has the best rate of return)

Shield (Because without a significant shield rating, having high absorb is worthless so this is the next best thing to focus on)

Defense (Avoiding damage completely is nice, but it also suffers from the Gambler's Fallacy and has the lowest rate of return on points invested)


It depends on your class, but for Knight/Warrior you really want your defense up around 500 to get the best mitigation and until then you will get a better return point for point out of investing in Defense. That is even calculating for diminishing returns.


That's not just my opinion. That's what the math says and I've seen the spreadsheets that prove it.


Absorb doesn't always give you mitigation. It gives you mitigation when you shield an attack. I think you may be confused on exactly what absorb does. The only thing it does is increase how much you absorb when your shield procs. It isn't giving you constant mitigation.


Up to 500 or so defense rating you want to put your points into defense. After that you want to put points into absorb/shield at a roughly 2:1 ratio favoring absorb.


Check any of the theorycrafting models and you will find that I am correct.

Edited by RDeanOU
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Also, I don't think you understand what the Gambler's fallacy is because this is not an example of it at all.


All 3 mitigation stats depend on a % chance of getting mitigation. Defense gives a % chance to avoid all damage, shield a % chance to absorb some damage, and absorb an increase to how much is absorbed when your shield procs (whatever % of the time it does). None of these three stats offer a flat mitigation that smooths over all incoming damage.


Yes, you get higher % increases with shield and absorb, but the % increase on defense is still better because you mitigate all damage when you defend. If you get your absorb up around 45% you are still getting more than twice as much mitigation from 1% chance to defend as from 1% chance to shield. You gain that 1% from shield rating faster because you have to in order for it to ever be better than DR.

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Greatest resource for tanks:


http://************/774bnhj - EDIT: Apparently you can't link to tinyurl on these forums o.O. You can find the spreadsheet on the forum thread I linked below. It's the link at the top of the post.


1.) Go to file->save as to get a copy that you can edit with your stats.

2.) Input all your stats into row 9

3.) Copy and Paste cells M15-P15 into B15-E15 (this will switch it from sin base numbers to jugg)


Then in row 28 you can see the armor equivalent of the three different stats. The stat with the largest armor equivalent will give you the most benefit.


*Disclaimer* - This is not my work. This spreadsheet brought to you by LagunaD on sithwarrior.com. Discussion thread here:



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Also, I don't think you understand what the Gambler's fallacy is because this is not an example of it at all.


All 3 mitigation stats depend on a % chance of getting mitigation. Defense gives a % chance to avoid all damage, shield a % chance to absorb some damage, and absorb an increase to how much is absorbed when your shield procs (whatever % of the time it does). None of these three stats offer a flat mitigation that smooths over all incoming damage.


Yes, you get higher % increases with shield and absorb, but the % increase on defense is still better because you mitigate all damage when you defend. If you get your absorb up around 45% you are still getting more than twice as much mitigation from 1% chance to defend as from 1% chance to shield. You gain that 1% from shield rating faster because you have to in order for it to ever be better than DR.


Yes I do understand what Absorb/Shield/Defense rating do. I also understand what the gambler's fallacy is. You seem to think that Defense Rating is "super **** *** awesome" when it isn't that great. 500 points into defense? LOL Enjoy that spike damage in raids.


I would much rather bump up my shield and absorb rating and completely get rid of my defense rating (if I had the choice to) so that way the incoming damage is at least more consistent then I would play the luck game with defense rating. I understand shield rating is just as prone to luck, however the difference is that I KNOW when I shield an attack; I will block a certain percentage of it.


MY POINT was that defense has the lowest returns. Yes it provides the "best" overall defense by completely avoiding damage however BioWare already accounted for that and gave it very bad diminishing returns. I've seen the math for this too.


Absorb is by far the best rate of return for points invested. You can argue as much as you want over "DEFENSE IS TEH BEST I R GUD U LISTEN 2 ME NOW!" and I'll continue to ignore you as I have done so far. You apparently are more intent on blowing steam then actually debating this so I'm done arguing.


I say, Good day sir!

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Yes I do understand what Absorb/Shield/Defense rating do. I also understand what the gambler's fallacy is. You seem to think that Defense Rating is "super **** *** awesome" when it isn't that great. 500 points into defense? LOL Enjoy that spike damage in raids.


I would much rather bump up my shield and absorb rating and completely get rid of my defense rating (if I had the choice to) so that way the incoming damage is at least more consistent then I would play the luck game with defense rating. I understand shield rating is just as prone to luck, however the difference is that I KNOW when I shield an attack; I will block a certain percentage of it.


MY POINT was that defense has the lowest returns. Yes it provides the "best" overall defense by completely avoiding damage however BioWare already accounted for that and gave it very bad diminishing returns. I've seen the math for this too.


Absorb is by far the best rate of return for points invested. You can argue as much as you want over "DEFENSE IS TEH BEST I R GUD U LISTEN 2 ME NOW!" and I'll continue to ignore you as I have done so far. You apparently are more intent on blowing steam then actually debating this so I'm done arguing.


I say, Good day sir!


I am not claiming to have special knowledge here. I have merely read the hard work that the theorycrafting people (who are far smarter than me or you) have done.


You say, " I understand shield rating is just as prone to luck, however the difference is that I KNOW when I shield an attack; I will block a certain percentage of it." Well I KNOW that when I successfully defend an attack I will block ALL of it and not merely a certain percentage. The question then isn't whether one is always reliable. Neither is always reliable because they both only work a percentage of the time. The question is which one will mitigate more damage for the points we invest.


I understand the idea that you don't want damage spikes. If we were talking about a stat that actually smoothed over all incoming damage vs. one that didn't then I think you would have a valid point. We aren't talking about that though and you don't have a valid point. Shield rating still causes spikes. It still relies on a percentage based proc.


You claim flatly that absorb offers the best rate of return when the rate of return for all of our stats changes based on how much we have of each. The rate of return will vary for all 3 stats.


I am not arguing that anyone should listen to me because I am good. I am arguing that they should listen to the math and spreadsheets because FACTS MATTER. Those facts say that we should stack defense until we get around 500 DR.


I am telling people including you to check what the facts say. You are the one who is dismissing all of that because you think you are too good to rely on the math.


Check this link here and the excellent theorycrafting done by Agrath:



Check this link here and look at the theorycrafting Malissant did on this issue.



TL/DR: Don't argue with me if you don't trust me. Argue with the theorycrafting because that theorycrafting is what says that you are wrong.

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Yes I do understand what Absorb/Shield/Defense rating do. I also understand what the gambler's fallacy is. You seem to think that Defense Rating is "super **** *** awesome" when it isn't that great. 500 points into defense? LOL Enjoy that spike damage in raids.


I would much rather bump up my shield and absorb rating and completely get rid of my defense rating (if I had the choice to) so that way the incoming damage is at least more consistent then I would play the luck game with defense rating. I understand shield rating is just as prone to luck, however the difference is that I KNOW when I shield an attack; I will block a certain percentage of it.


MY POINT was that defense has the lowest returns. Yes it provides the "best" overall defense by completely avoiding damage however BioWare already accounted for that and gave it very bad diminishing returns. I've seen the math for this too.


Absorb is by far the best rate of return for points invested. You can argue as much as you want over "DEFENSE IS TEH BEST I R GUD U LISTEN 2 ME NOW!" and I'll continue to ignore you as I have done so far. You apparently are more intent on blowing steam then actually debating this so I'm done arguing.


I say, Good day sir!


You are absolutely correct. The cap for Defense (from stats alone) is 30% where shield and absorb are both 50%. Also at level 50, it takes 9 points to get 1% absorb, 16 points to get 1% shield, and 27.5 points to get 1% defense. So while defense is nice in that it avoids all damage, it caps sooner and takes more effort to increase. This information is all available at SithWarrior.com.


As for mitigation, 50% Shield and 50% absorb with no defense will equal 25% defense with no shield and absorb. However, since it takes less points to level shield and absorb, you can get a higher overall mitigation by focusing on shield and absorb.


I am not saying defense is worthless but it certainly is not far and away better than shield and absorb.

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You are absolutely correct. The cap for Defense (from stats alone) is 30% where shield and absorb are both 50%. Also at level 50, it takes 9 points to get 1% absorb, 16 points to get 1% shield, and 27.5 points to get 1% defense. So while defense is nice in that it avoids all damage, it caps sooner and takes more effort to increase. This information is all available at SithWarrior.com.


As for mitigation, 50% Shield and 50% absorb with no defense will equal 25% defense with no shield and absorb. However, since it takes less points to level shield and absorb, you can get a higher overall mitigation by focusing on shield and absorb.


I am not saying defense is worthless but it certainly is not far and away better than shield and absorb.


Thank you so much BroadStreetBully for pointing out to RDeanOU what I was trying to get across. While I don't have the eloquence or the patience like you do to point out the math; I honestly don't feel I have to do so to people like RDean who obviously have been misinformed.

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You are absolutely correct. The cap for Defense (from stats alone) is 30% where shield and absorb are both 50%. Also at level 50, it takes 9 points to get 1% absorb, 16 points to get 1% shield, and 27.5 points to get 1% defense. So while defense is nice in that it avoids all damage, it caps sooner and takes more effort to increase. This information is all available at SithWarrior.com.


As for mitigation, 50% Shield and 50% absorb with no defense will equal 25% defense with no shield and absorb. However, since it takes less points to level shield and absorb, you can get a higher overall mitigation by focusing on shield and absorb.


I am not saying defense is worthless but it certainly is not far and away better than shield and absorb.


I'm sorry, but your information is misleading at best or incorrect at worst. You listed flat amounts for return rate on points spent (9 points of absorb = 1% etc), but the rate of return is not static. The points it takes to gain 1% from each stat will vary based on how many points you have already invested. Also, how much real mitigation 1% shield or 1% absorb gives you depends on how much you have of the other stat (since shielding more attacks is more valuable when your shield absorbs more damage and vice versa). You can actually see that if you looked at either of the theorycrafting models that I linked above. It is a far more complex question than you are portraying it. The value that you get from a point spent in any of the three mitigation stats will vary based on where you have already spent points.


It also depends on your class. Vanguards get bonuses to shielding that make shield/absorb more attractive to that class. Guardians (which is what we are talking about) actually get increased value for DR from talents.


The question is so complex that to understand how much real mitigation you are getting from each stat you have to run simulations with the values at different amounts. Fortunately, others have already done that work for us.


Please look at the graphs and spreadsheets in the links I listed above from Agrath and Malissant. You will see that I am relaying their information accurately.


If you want to disagree with their information then please show the tanking community where either of those theorycrafting models is flawed because many of us rely on them.

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It depends on your class, but for Knight/Warrior you really want your defense up around 500 to get the best mitigation and until then you will get a better return point for point out of investing in Defense. That is even calculating for diminishing returns.


That's not just my opinion. That's what the math says and I've seen the spreadsheets that prove it.


Absorb doesn't always give you mitigation. It gives you mitigation when you shield an attack. I think you may be confused on exactly what absorb does. The only thing it does is increase how much you absorb when your shield procs. It isn't giving you constant mitigation.


Up to 500 or so defense rating you want to put your points into defense. After that you want to put points into absorb/shield at a roughly 2:1 ratio favoring absorb.


Check any of the theorycrafting models and you will find that I am correct.


Are you sure it's 500? The difference between 400 and 500 def rating is ~2.5% according to Agrath's graphs. If you're not leveling out DR in absorption or shield wouldn't those 100 points be better spent in those two stats?


From what I've read on that blog, it seems you want to aim for 400 def, ~140 absorb, ~60 shield to start.


After 400 defense, shield rating becomes nearly as valuable as defense, so you would want to improve them at nearly a 1:1 ratio (maybe a little bit more on the def side due to that self buff guardians get from parrying).


Yes, 500 def is the optimal def level for JK/SW, but from your phrasing it sounded like you should shoot for that first without regard to either of the other mitigation stats. Rather, you should first get your absorb and shield up to 140 and 60, respectively, and THEN start stacking the hell out of defense until you get to 400. At that point you should then start focusing on shield/absorb (at roughly a 1.5 abs: 1 shield ratio) equally as much as defense.


500 is the cap. Once you go over that, you should probably reallocate a few def points into the other stats...thus increasing your item budget while staying at max def.


Sorry in advance if I misunderstood what you or your links were saying.

Edited by Ibiza-Vin
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I'm sorry, but your information is misleading at best or incorrect at worst. You listed flat amounts for return rate on points spent (9 points of absorb = 1% etc), but the rate of return is not static. The points it takes to gain 1% from each stat will vary based on how many points you have already invested. Also, how much real mitigation 1% shield or 1% absorb gives you depends on how much you have of the other stat (since shielding more attacks is more valuable when your shield absorbs more damage and vice versa). You can actually see that if you looked at either of the theorycrafting models that I linked above. It is a far more complex question than you are portraying it. The value that you get from a point spent in any of the three mitigation stats will vary based on where you have already spent points.


It also depends on your class. Vanguards get bonuses to shielding that make shield/absorb more attractive to that class. Guardians (which is what we are talking about) actually get increased value for DR from talents.


The question is so complex that to understand how much real mitigation you are getting from each stat you have to run simulations with the values at different amounts. Fortunately, others have already done that work for us.


Please look at the graphs and spreadsheets in the links I listed above from Agrath and Malissant. You will see that I am relaying their information accurately.


If you want to disagree with their information then please show the tanking community where either of those theorycrafting models is flawed because many of us rely on them.


RDeanOU, the 9 points is to get the first 1%. I get that it isn't static. If you went to the link I gave you and read through it, you would see that not only are the formulas listed but towards the bottom of the orginal post, there is an explanation of how the formulas are derived and what the values mean. I am not making up my own calculations. Instead this is all based off of calculations done by people spending hours and hours of time verifying these values.


As for class bonuses, I am not including them when talking about the initial calculations since they are added after the percent from stats is calculated. I am talking about base stats. I agree that it isn't always 100% a certain way, but in most cases Shield/Absorb is a more effective way to go for mitigation and it definately makes life easier for your healers. That is actually the first thing my healers noticed when I switch from defense to shield/absorb.

Edited by BroadStreetBully
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Are you sure it's 500? The difference between 400 and 500 def rating is ~2.5% according to Agrath's graphs. If you're not leveling out DR in absorption or shield wouldn't those 100 points be better spent in those two stats?


From what I've read on that blog, it seems you want to aim for 400 def, ~140 absorb, ~60 shield to start.


After 400 defense, shield rating becomes nearly as valuable as defense, so you would want to improve them at nearly a 1:1 ratio (maybe a little bit more on the def side due to that self buff guardians get from parrying).


Yes, 500 def is the optimal def level for JK/SW, but from your phrasing it sounded like you should shoot for that first without regard to either of the other mitigation stats. Rather, you should first get your absorb and shield up to 140 and 60, respectively, and THEN start stacking the hell out of defense until you get to 400. At that point you should then start focusing on shield/absorb (at roughly a 1.5 abs: 1 shield ratio) equally as much as defense.


500 is the cap. Once you go over that, you should probably reallocate a few def points into the other stats...thus increasing your item budget while staying at max def.


Sorry in advance if I misunderstood what you or your links were saying.


You are absolutely correct. If you don't get at least a little absorb/shield your survivability takes a huge hit. I don't know how you could get all the way to 500 Defense without also picking up a little shield and absorb too though. I was trying to keep it simple...perhaps I was oversimplifying by not mentioning how important those 200 points being spent in absorb/shield are. I was talking to individuals who were advocating ignoring defense entirely though.


In reality, so much of the Guardian gear is stacked with Defense Rating that you will rarely find yourself having to worry about DR. As I said in my first post...you can easily get over 500 DR just with mods from dailies. Honestly, I have the biggest problem trying to keep absorb as a priority over shield. It seems any piece with both stats has more shield than absorb and the priority goes the other way.

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RDeanOU, the 9 points is to get the first 1%. I get that it isn't static. If you went to the link I gave you and read through it, you would see that not only are the formulas listed but towards the bottom of the orginal post, there is an explanation of how the formulas are derived and what the values mean. I am not making up my own calculations. Instead this is all based off of calculations done by people spending hours and hours of time verifying these values.


Right, but you said that you get higher overall mitigation focusing on shield and absorb and that is simply not what the theorycrafting models tell us. As Ibiza-Vin rightly points out. You want your first 600 points divided 400 DR/140 absorb/60 shield. After that, if I am reading the theorycrafting correctly, you want a point of DR for every point spent on shield/absorb combined until you hit 500 DR after which you focus on improving absorb over shield at a 2:1 ratio.


That doesn't seem to support the notion that you get higher overall mitigation from focusing on shield/absorb. You get optimal mitigation from prioritizing DR until it gets smacked heavily by diminishing returns.

Edited by RDeanOU
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RDean, the increase for each of the stats isn't linear, noone was suggesting they were. You are trying to strawman us.


The point of Bully's statement is that if you looked at the 3 stats in a graph model, you'd have 3 different inverse functions, each with a different rate of increase as x approaches y.


Defense has the lowest return because if it takes 27.5 points JUST to increase the first point, it suffers the most from reaching the theoretical "cap" first because in a hypothetical situation in which you put 200 points into each stat; you would have higher absorb/shield then defense; all things being equal.


Let me be very clear right now. I don't give a rat's *** about theorycrafting models. I see why they are useful, but they are only theory. Go talk to any physics major and talk to them about applied physics versus theoretical physics. Both are useful, but theoretical physics is only useful to a certain extent, while application value is the end goal.


In the end, theorycrafting does jack squat, and should be used in conjunction with common sense on how you plan to build your character. In this particular instance, all things considered, it doesn't take a rocket scientists to determine that absorb/shield (REGARDLESS OF BUILD/ADVANCED CLASS) are superior to defense because of the diminishing returns.


Please stop being so pretentious; just because someone doesn't care to provide links to other people's theory work doesn't mean they are incorrect. My goal wasn't to try and be a resource for anyone else; I was merely stating that in my own experience and discussions I've found my own way of tanking that works well.

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RDean, the increase for each of the stats isn't linear, noone was suggesting they were. You are trying to strawman us.


The point of Bully's statement is that if you looked at the 3 stats in a graph model, you'd have 3 different inverse functions, each with a different rate of increase as x approaches y.


Defense has the lowest return because if it takes 27.5 points JUST to increase the first point, it suffers the most from reaching the theoretical "cap" first because in a hypothetical situation in which you put 200 points into each stat; you would have higher absorb/shield then defense; all things being equal.


Let me be very clear right now. I don't give a rat's *** about theorycrafting models. I see why they are useful, but they are only theory. Go talk to any physics major and talk to them about applied physics versus theoretical physics. Both are useful, but theoretical physics is only useful to a certain extent, while application value is the end goal.


In the end, theorycrafting does jack squat, and should be used in conjunction with common sense on how you plan to build your character. In this particular instance, all things considered, it doesn't take a rocket scientists to determine that absorb/shield (REGARDLESS OF BUILD/ADVANCED CLASS) are superior to defense because of the diminishing returns.


Please stop being so pretentious; just because someone doesn't care to provide links to other people's theory work doesn't mean they are incorrect. My goal wasn't to try and be a resource for anyone else; I was merely stating that in my own experience and discussions I've found my own way of tanking that works well.


Let me be very clear. I don't care about scoring points or convincing you or anyone else that I am brilliant. You are advocating your position independent of what the math says is true. Your last post makes that very clear. I am advocating for the facts because, as opposed to what you just said, I DO think these threads ought to be a resource for people.


You may think that your experience trumps the math, but it doesn't work that way. Certainly, your way may get the job done, but it IS NOT optimal. The theorycrafting that you don't care about tells us what is actually happening. Your anecdotal experience tells us only what your biased perception thinks is happening.


The numbers say that you get more out of balancing the stats toward DR up until the 400-500 range (keeping in mind that you want 140 absorb/60 shield by the time you have 400 DR) after this point DR is no longer a good investment. Yes, it takes more points to get 1% defense than 1% shield or absorb. That is because defending an attack is better by several factors than shielding an attack.


I don't see the point in arguing numbers since you have very clearly stated that you rely on your intuition and experience over what the numbers say.


I will let people decide if they want to prioritize stats based solely on what you claim works for you or based on what the numbers say is optimal. I just want them to be educated about the fact that what you are saying isn't consistent with the numbers.


I think most people are bright enough to understand that facts trump your intuition. I don't think anyone should rely on my experience or your experience. I think they should read what the theorycrafting says for themselves.

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So many posts and nobody still noticed that there is no such thing as "marauder tank".


Marauder is dps only advanced class.


Ya, sorry. I play Republic and made the typo.


I've edited the OP to correct the statement to reflect Warriors as a whole. Obviously the question applies only to Guardians and Juggernauts.

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very interesting read....when looking at the columi set for tanks, i noticed it is quite heavily on defense rating and very little absorption rating.


is this a mistake of bioware?

am i better off trading some of the 56 mods with defense with lower level mods that have more absorption?

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very interesting read....when looking at the columi set for tanks, i noticed it is quite heavily on defense rating and very little absorption rating.


is this a mistake of bioware?

am i better off trading some of the 56 mods with defense with lower level mods that have more absorption?


There have been many complaints/moans about the set gear for both PVE and PVP having an incorrect stat focus for many (if not every) classes.

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very interesting read....when looking at the columi set for tanks, i noticed it is quite heavily on defense rating and very little absorption rating.


is this a mistake of bioware?

am i better off trading some of the 56 mods with defense with lower level mods that have more absorption?


Yeah it is way too defense heavy. After just a couple pieces of Columni gear you will find yourself well over 500 DR regardless of the choices you have made in choosing mods. You are left with the option of dumping higher quality mods that aren't itemized the way you would like for lower quality ones that are. It's pretty weak.

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Keep in mind that if you do change out your mods, make sure you save the originals. They are re-itemizing the end game gear, but only gear with the original mods implanted will be altered when 1.2 goes live.


So make sure to put all the originals back in before the patch.

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