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Snipers need a serious buff.


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Oh little nineteen,

You have much growing to do,

Enjoy it all now.


Wasn't judging the class. I have no clue how it's gonna be at 50. Just stating how fun it is.


lol I JUST did 9k burst in the span of 2 seconds. Ambush>Explosive Probe>Takedown.

Edited by Swarna
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Level 45 and loving my Sniper - much more than my sorry champ-geared Jugg, I can tell you. Sure, you get hit by 2-3 players you gotta hope your mezz isn't on cd but that's true of most classes.


Voidstar or Alderann WZ are a hoot. Knocking down the enemy as they whack it out with the melee guys around a turret has got to leave them wondering that the class they're fighting is really tough - they may not realise the guy stealing great chunks of their hitpoints is 30m away!


Not convinced we need a buff, but still to get into a lvl 50 wz, where i know expertise and gear plays more of a part. My Jugg was pwned until I got some reasonable gear and I don't expect my sniper to be any different.


Be careful what you wish for - if they buff snipers too much rest assured the nerf bat will hit even harder

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Well, most Snipers tend to be poo. What most people don't know is that if a Sniper and Marauder are equal skill, the Sniper should win every time. So keep your Sniper rolling, it will wreck all the FOTM classes when Maras see Carnage and Rage buffed next patch ;)
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I cant really see the big problem with snipers. At valor level 59, I have played a few WZs, and I never feel Im inadequate. Damage is just insane (ask the people that get crit by ambush, followthrough, and snipe within 2 sec) and if you use your rotation correctly you will be able to keep DPS up for quite some time. As to survivability: stick and move, stick and move. It is true you wont survive long if you get attacked by 2-3 melee players, but then youre doing it wrong. Keep out of range, pick your targets and you will be giggling like mad when your crits take down some poor fool that though he could take the squishy sniper on his own.

But sure, Ill take a buff: wont ever complain if I suddenly become a one man army :-)


Our dps output is not insane. Not even close.


We have pretty good burst. Don't get low on health. I will finish you.


However, we lack the dps output other classes can do in my experience. I know there is some people stating leathity has some high dps outputs but I have yet to see on my server anyone play that build on either side and do the output I have seen guardian and sages throw up in dps raw wz numbers.


A combat log will help and look forward to being able to assess the classes without interpretation. I know 1 thing. i've never hit for 5k. Seen guardians do it. Seen Sin's come close.


But the 2 raw dps classes muarders and gunslingers? Never once. I know a few good maurders. I fancy my self pretty descent. I find it disturbing that the 2 dps classes are not the top dps outputs in the game. Speaks to the inability of the developers to see and fix class issues as they designed the game.


I think you would admit there are issues given the massive utility other classes enjoy compared to our class,


The patch still gives us a mechanism that I have yet to see actually is a benefit to my character. Standing in AOE with a 60% dmg mitigation is likely not a good plan. I see no dmg output enhancement. Just a big middle finger to healers.


We still have to be in cover to use specials. meaning there are still maps and spots cover cannot be dropped. I can still not use the mechanism to lets say roll out of the way when rooted or stunned. Oh but you can stealth when I am about to kill ya.


Cause my rolling in stuns/roots/snares bad.


You steathing it being a life saver. me watch you come back after I blew my long cooldowns getting killed 15 seconds later. that is a good mechanism that is fair.


This game sucks for my class.

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If you are having trouble as a sniper in PvP check out the engineering/lethality hybrid-


so lethality

is fun but please remember

you can't switch targets


SS probably

puts up smaller numbers but

it has better burst


engineering is

kind of a joke tree really

lets hope the buffs help

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its probably because they are half a mile away shooting you in the back nobody even knows whos hitting them


Yep Im pretty sure I got BH's nerfed....that wasn't TM killing you guys but all you seen was some rocket in the air /wink wink.

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Well, most Snipers tend to be poo. What most people don't know is that if a Sniper and Marauder are equal skill, the Sniper should win every time. So keep your Sniper rolling, it will wreck all the FOTM classes when Maras see Carnage and Rage buffed next patch ;)
Shhhh... don't tell anyone.


As long as tanksassins don't become FOTM, it's all good.

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Snipers are fine... I would complain about there damage being too high but I know the cover mechanic is just a pain.


As a Sage Seer snipers are number 1 on my los list. I'll gladly take a jugg or mara to the face just to avoid a sniper. People don't complain about snipers because of population. If you get owned by ever single sniper that you see, you still die more to any other class and/or spec. You realize operatives are a pain but never even see the sniper.


I don't care to hear anyone say "Snipers don't do enough damage". I can out heal most of my servers crappy dps, but snipers get me. I've tried everything I can but, given an equally geared and equally skilled player, the only thing I do to snipers is line of sight.

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Snipers are fine... I would complain about there damage being too high but I know the cover mechanic is just a pain.


As a Sage Seer snipers are number 1 on my los list. I'll gladly take a jugg or mara to the face just to avoid a sniper. People don't complain about snipers because of population. If you get owned by ever single sniper that you see, you still die more to any other class and/or spec. You realize operatives are a pain but never even see the sniper.


I don't care to hear anyone say "Snipers don't do enough damage". I can out heal most of my servers crappy dps, but snipers get me. I've tried everything I can but, given an equally geared and equally skilled player, the only thing I do to snipers is line of sight.


This ^


I've been tearing ppl apart in warzones on my gunslinger, and contrary to what everyone seems to think, snipers/slingers can be highly mobile. Cover mechanic can be a pain, which is why most slingers/snipers use crouch... and roll to cover only when it makes sense to.


I think most ppl are just fixated on the immobile sniper behind cover stereotype. Its a fallacy, if you chose to you can be as mobile as any other class, and still put out crazy burst. Are there times where you are stationary railing ppl with speed shot/aimed shot/charged bolts, absolutely. But there are plenty of tools to use when this sort of static gameplay doesnt suit the situation (attacking/defending the ball carrier, assaulting an objective etc)

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People need to stop comparing 10-49 and 50 brackets. 10-49 GS/Snipers are amazing dps.


50 lol is another story. Against people that have good gear and the amount of defensive CDs. Most of your attacks are absorbed, deflected, and etc. If you can get passed all the bubbles and bs you can do some decent damage.

Edited by HeavensTerror
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I think they should be able to move while in cover.


Not quickly mind you, but maybe 1/3 speed. Also they should be hiding behind a green bush that moves with them like in a bugs bunny cartoon.


I'd roll a sniper then.


Snipers are kinda fun for owning bads or sitting in the back kill stealing... feels a bit like snipers in battlefield.


Really though, it's a terrible class- dps AC that doesn't have much survivability, utility, isn't even top dps- loses all its dps when it has to move, has awful mobility, and is one of two ACs that can't do anything else BUT unlike marauders is terrible instead of amazing.


I still enjoy them in pug pre 50- cuz they do some pretty nice crit chains on unsuspecting people. Once anyone knows you're there its a broken class.



- the root which is vital for surviving melee gets deflected all the time by most melee classes

- when rooted, can't drop into cover, thus, is a beacon for being leaped/pulled, at which point it's GG


They need a lot of things- more mobility, roots don't prevent cover, CC can't be so easily deflected by the classes they need the CC against- more range should be there, they're a sniper yet they're pretty much at the same range as everyone else. Cover needs to be fixed in everything from responsiveness to facing to mobility getting out of it to defensiveness while in it to being able to use it everywhere and not get errors whenever you're not on perfectly even ground.

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Here's the thing, I have a 50 sniper and I have to try and explain to guildies all the time why I don't want to play him in WZ.


Is it because he can't kill people? Not at all, the sniper can dish out some serious damage, if played well can kill most targets 1v1. What the sniper lacks is true diversity as a class. It is, obviously imo, boring in WZ. WZ are objective based games after all, kills are nice, but they don't necessarily win games (in fact rarely do they)


For example, in a Voidstar a day or two ago, my team had about 12 kills and the other team about 45. We won the game handily. Same goes for Huttball a lot of the times. I watch teams killing people away from the carrier, while we score 6 to 0. Do they win out in kills? Sure, but they lose the game.


I rolled a sorcerer, I know FOTM, but it's the gameplay style I was interested in from a "fun" stand point. It's 50 right now with meh gear, and I have an absolute blast in WZ. I can throw out some heals, do some dips, force sprint, CC (whirlwind is win), overload, bubble myself and others. That is versatility. I wouldn't say I'm a god at any one thing, but I can do what the team needs at a moments notice.


To boot, the sniper has to be in COVER to do most of his strong abilities.


Dunno, I just think there's a lot more to PvP games than sitting like a turret getting kills. Let's not even mention when good players notice you and come and find/ slaughter you over and over again.

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