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Matches System Forces Solo Players To Lose


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A good pre made will win a good 70% or more, solo players that win say a few games are forced by the system into intentionally gimped teams.


I have no doubt now that BW matching system plays god with solo players. I have tested this for hours leaving and queuing, I will always get a gimped team BUT the second I lose a game it resets and I start winning again...The cycle starts over.

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A good pre made will win a good 70% or more, solo players that win say a few games are forced by the system into intentionally gimped teams.


I have no doubt now that BW matching system plays god with solo players. I have tested this for hours leaving and queuing, I will always get a gimped team BUT the second I lose a game it resets and I start winning again...The cycle starts over.


strange, i queue solo 90% of the time. of those games i win about 7of10

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strange, i queue solo 90% of the time. of those games i win about 7of10


Are you imp by a chance?


We've got a crapload of clueless peeps on rep...


But sometimes a random dream team appears and mows whatever imps throw at us. Too rare thou.

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I feel the same way but isn't BW addressing this with ranked WZs coming up in the next patch?


As long as group quere is removed from solo. If not then soloers will still proably run into that team of d-bags that will do nothing but farm and draw out the match longer than what it should be.

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As long as group quere is removed from solo. If not then soloers will still proably run into that team of d-bags that will do nothing but farm and draw out the match longer than what it should be.


From what I understand solo will queue with solo and groups against groups since you can group with 8 and queue.

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The OP is correct.

And the way thatBioware is addressing it is instead of being able to queue up in a group of 4 you can queue in a group of 8. Basically making pvp an absolute atrocity


They say the ranking are going to work out to favor non premades but dont hold your breath. The highest ranked people will be the people with 7 guildies playing together.


4 was fine, not too bad but 8 is just dumb

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A good pre made will win a good 70% or more, solo players that win say a few games are forced by the system into intentionally gimped teams.


I have no doubt now that BW matching system plays god with solo players. I have tested this for hours leaving and queuing, I will always get a gimped team BUT the second I lose a game it resets and I start winning again...The cycle starts over.


1) Make friends with people good at PvP


2) Queue up!


3) ???????



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A good pre made will win a good 70% or more, solo players that win say a few games are forced by the system into intentionally gimped teams.


I have no doubt now that BW matching system plays god with solo players. I have tested this for hours leaving and queuing, I will always get a gimped team BUT the second I lose a game it resets and I start winning again...The cycle starts over.


classic case of confirmation bias

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1) Make friends with people good at PvP


2) Queue up!


3) ???????




Pretty much this , you cant get mad that people playing with friends are more organized than you if you chosoe not to make any friends and play with random people who dont communicate their efforts. Well I suppose technically you can get mad, but it'd be silly. CURSE THOSE PEOPLE FOR PLAYING AN MMO WITH FRIENDS

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Are you imp by a chance?


We've got a crapload of clueless peeps on rep...


But sometimes a random dream team appears and mows whatever imps throw at us. Too rare thou.


i do play imp side, but most of my losses are against pub teams. there are so few pubs on our server they've figure out they can pretty much create 8 man premades

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A good pre made will win a good 70% or more, solo players that win say a few games are forced by the system into intentionally gimped teams.


I have no doubt now that BW matching system plays god with solo players. I have tested this for hours leaving and queuing, I will always get a gimped team BUT the second I lose a game it resets and I start winning again...The cycle starts over.


Stop solo queueing



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ofc you lose, a 4m premade will always win vs 8m randoms esp on huttball

bioware isnt capable of making warzones with lets say 16m on a single team capacity, because they know performance will be terible and ppl will get frustrated fast, see ilum pvp gameplay with 5-10 fps

my advice to you.. if youre team is bad just leave from start and re q, but since most servers are light pop ull end up in same warzone or with same ppl in next warzone

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Losing games helps me get closer to the ilum quest win. if I play 3 and win 3, I'll have 9 of 30, and I might not finish it. if I lose 6 and win 3, I'll have 18 of 30, and then I'll either go to Ilum or do 4 more WZ's.


Also, you get valor, win or lose, so..I queue solo all the time. Losing isn't so bad, long as you get yer 4 medals.

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Game doesn't seem to balance the teams at all. That said, I still don't hate being forced to play against premades. I don't think they should try to force premades to face premades. There are a lot less premades than there are solo's, so queue times would be so much slower for premades if they did.


The only time I've had serious trouble with premades was yesterday (one of which im not even sure was a premade).


The first group was full of healers. I mean 5-6 at least, on that WZ with the doors. We had no chance and being a Tank class all I could do was harass them while they ran around healing each other.


The second group, same WZ, was full of ranged classes (Sorcs, Bounty Hunters, etc) while my team had mostly melee classes (Guardians, Sent's, Shadows) and almost NO healers. We were getting chewed up because we couldn't get to the enemy and when we did there were always multiple CC's. We could only win by 2v1 the enemy which is hard to do in PUGs because people refust to work together.

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