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It's East/West. . .NOT Left/Right. . .NOT Grass/Snow


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I get so tired of having to 'guess' at what teammates are trying to communicate in a warzone.


Half the time people mean the 'left side' of the map when they say 'left' and half the time they mean 'left out of the gate'. It really is becoming to be an issue.


When protecting middle, I shouldn't have to memorize which side is snow and which side is grass, and I shouldn't have to walk from one side to another(front/back) to check while I'm guarding mid.


Come on people, East and West(map directions) is not that hard to learn, it's like your left and right hand, just make a correlation.





Not that hard...

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Grass/snow doesnt work for new players, or people who just dont pay attention to the ground when PvPing.


East/West is ok, and works fine. But most people dont use cardinal directions in real life, so there is the second of thinking before you react.


Everyone knows what left/right is. It is the easiest system to use. Everyone knows what your talking about. If you are one of those people that say left/right changes depending on what direction you are facing....dont be an idiot, we are talking about coming out of spawn.

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And also because you can't tell while you're in the middle.




Wrong, the map looks the same to both sides.


Still, no one should be confused by left/right.


This has been confusing me. Imps keep saying their maps are "flipped," but all the gameplay I've seen from the Imp side has their minimap oriented with North on top, just like for Republic.

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Grass/snow doesnt work for new players, or people who just dont pay attention to the ground when PvPing.


East/West is ok, and works fine. But most people dont use cardinal directions in real life, so there is the second of thinking before you react.


Everyone knows what left/right is. It is the easiest system to use. Everyone knows what your talking about. If you are one of those people that say left/right changes depending on what direction you are facing....dont be an idiot, we are talking about coming out of spawn.


Well then you need to start notifying all the idiots, they arent getting the memo.

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This has been confusing me. Imps keep saying their maps are "flipped," but all the gameplay I've seen from the Imp side has their minimap oriented with North on top, just like for Republic.


Their map is flipped in that their spawn room faces south, so left is east and right is west.


Again, it takes about 3 seconds to notice this and adjust but it's apparently beyond most people.

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Yeah and half the time that reaction is people running the wrong way.


Maybe in your case. It works fine for my server. All you have to do is look at the purty picture that says which guns you have. It's easy enough to figure out.

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This has been confusing me. Imps keep saying their maps are "flipped," but all the gameplay I've seen from the Imp side has their minimap oriented with North on top, just like for Republic.


This is exactly why I opt away from east/west in all games, the maps are never consistent from one to another.


So while it works just like the others its not as intuitive, the others only take common sense. Which granted, is lacking in many people as well.

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Their map is flipped in that their spawn room faces south, so left is east and right is west.


Again, it takes about 3 seconds to notice this and adjust but it's apparently beyond most people.


So their map isn't flipped at all then... they're just facing south. Their map is still oriented the same.

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A few facts (for Civil War):


* Grass/Snow doesn't work since you can't see either side from the spawn room, so you don't know which speeder to take.

* East/West doesn't work well, since it is a different direction for Imperial vs. Republic.


* The best terms are "left" and "right" because when you are standing up in the spawn room, the speeder bikes have a front (nose) and back (jets), and the front of the bikes face the window. Therefore, the bikes give directionality. If I say "help left", you take the LEFT BIKE. If i say "help right", you take the RIGHT BIKE. The other two bikes are the mid bikes, everyone knows this.




You can easily see the terrain from the spawn ship. Half the map is green the other half is white.

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That is correct.


Then I honestly don't understand the confusion with East/West, no matter what faction you are. I mean, if you know you're facing south then you should know that East/West are Left/Right instead of Right/Left. ("You" general, not specific. You, I am sure, have no such problems. :))


Maybe some people just need to retake elementary geography.

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Then I honestly don't understand the confusion with East/West, no matter what faction you are. I mean, if you know you're facing south then you should know that East/West are Left/Right instead of Right/Left. ("You" general, not specific. You, I am sure, have no such problems. :))


Maybe some people just need to retake elementary geography.


You are correct, but then reading your post, how is left/right or grass/snow any more difficult?


They ALL work.

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You are correct, but then reading your post, how is left/right or grass/snow any more difficult?


They ALL work.


They all work, and I do usually use left/right (based on spawn) because that's the convention for Republic on my server.


However, the issue with Grass/Snow is that if you're at mid and don't remember which is which you have to check visually, which could easily take 2-3 seconds since mid is so enclosed.

Edited by Empire_of_Dirt
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They all work, and I do usually use left/right (based on spawn) because that's the convention for Republic on my server.


However, the issue with Grass/Snow is that if you're at mid and don't remember which is which you have to check visually, which could easily take 2-3 seconds since mid is so enclosed.


But if you know left/right or east/west well enough to not check you map, then you should be more then experienced enough to remember which side grass/snow are.

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But if you know left/right or east/west well enough to not check you map, then you should be more then experienced enough to remember which side grass/snow are.


You don't need to know the map at all to know East/West.


Your minimap is always oriented with North at top so you should be able to know which way to go without having to move to check first. Yes, from mid it's only 2-3 seconds to get somewhere where you can see one side or the other, but it's only maybe .5 seconds to look at your minimap because you can do it from where you are.


Also, I didn't even know "Grass/Snow" until after I hit 50 because nobody uses it on my server. People concentrating on a task tend to automatically filter out extraneous details such as the scenery if it isn't relative to the task at hand. See, for example,

famous selective intelligence test.
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You don't need to know the map at all to know East/West.


Your minimap is always oriented with North at top so you should be able to know which way to go without having to move to check first. Yes, from mid it's only 2-3 seconds to get somewhere where you can see one side or the other, but it's only maybe .5 seconds to look at your minimap because you can do it from where you are.


Also, I didn't even know "Grass/Snow" until after I hit 50 because nobody uses it on my server. People concentrating on a task tend to automatically filter out extraneous details such as the scenery if it isn't relative to the task at hand. See, for example,

famous selective intelligence test.


And how many people intuitively know the minimap is accurate in that fashion, that it doesn't rotate, etc.


Because all games are different how they do the minimap and the main map its impossible for it to be intuitive so there is a learning curve, a minor one but still.


Look last thing I'm going to say because everyone in these threads is dense as hell.


Ask real combat vets how it works, they use all techniques left/right, compass, and landmark. It all depends on the situation, for instance landmark is always best to give detailed location with minimal input.


So learn to accept and understand them all, if you can't/won't then you're a badies I never want on my team.

Edited by MartyrLXXVII
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