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So what makes Marauders so "Hard to play"?


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Those are some bad numbers for a marauder. My worst day(of a full match) has been 240k damage 75k healing as annihilation. That was with being the ball carrier for my team 90% of the time.


Had a 500k voidstar yesterday, fun times. I don't know why your server marauders are pulling such low numbers. Are they all carnage or something?


Pushing past 300k+ as a melee is easy especially if you're doing objectives. Of course if you're like, guarding the left turret and no one ever comes over there... yeah,you won't pull those numbers. But center turret / action on left turret in civil war, huttball and voidstar, while dedicated to the objective, you should be able to pull at least 250k+. And that's bottom line you had a ****** game with no healer and you died all the time match.


Really don't know what to say. Everyone in almost every WZ is at least champion/mostly BM so rarely are there any lower geared people to boost any numbers. Also, against the republic there are a lot of full BM premades. Since its objective based games, that doesnt mean they always win though. Sometimes they are too involved with killing they end up losing. So it's not like we never win, either. With ANY class I really don't see 400k that often. A general peak every match is low-mid 300k.

Edited by SillyTurtle
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Ok, i am only level 16 Marauder, and i have played mmos since star wars galaxies, then wow, now this game. What i was amazed with that every class or profession i played, there were at least 5-10 abilities that i would just never ever use, regardless of a situation. That always made me feel like those abilities were put in to make up empty space.

This is the first class ever, and i mean ever that at this low level i have to use pretty much every ability that i have in order to succeed. What is so wrong with that i simply dont understand all this moaning on the forums, how we have to do more than other classes. I tell you all now that this is the only class in history of mmos that is complete, even though marauders can only dps, and i just wish they made all classes like this, more complicated than whiners like it to be. I mean whats the point of a talent or ability if ur never going to use it? Just my 3 cents :)

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So what make Marauder so hard to play?


honestly ... nothing


there is nothing special about a marauder that makes it hard to play


people say its "harder" than most, but i feel thats a misnomer, i would say its "slightly less easy" because it really is easy


because really people, its an MMO, its not hard to push button on a keyboard


the need for teamwork, strategy, and coordination are what make MMOs challenging, not the part where you push a button once every 1.5 seconds, that part is simple

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After having played a Juggernaut i decided to try some marauder. I don't see what's so hard about them. They are pretty much as straight forward as a juggernaut in either rage or vengeance. Hell, they even have an ability that gives them instant 5 rage on a short cooldown, so rage management can't be it.


I suspect people find it "difficult" to manage the focus/centering stuff but that's not something i really find hard to pay attention to personally. It pretty much fills up automatically or use CD to get instant full stack.


So what make Marauder so hard to play?




{bad players}


ps. Truth is its a class with a lot of helpful reactive abilities, and if your not good at keybinding, or figuring out what moves are more important for what spec....you can get overwhelmed. I think most just dont want to take the "time" it requires (minimal) to learn it. Its not as easy as a merc (4 button rotation) but way more rewarding.

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the need for teamwork, strategy, and coordination are what make MMOs challenging, not the part where you push a button once every 1.5 seconds, that part is simple


Teamwork, strategy, and coordination are slightly more difficult for a melee class with low/conditional CC.

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Ok, i am only level 16 Marauder, and i have played mmos since star wars galaxies, then wow, now this game. What i was amazed with that every class or profession i played, there were at least 5-10 abilities that i would just never ever use, regardless of a situation. That always made me feel like those abilities were put in to make up empty space.

This is the first class ever, and i mean ever that at this low level i have to use pretty much every ability that i have in order to succeed. What is so wrong with that i simply dont understand all this moaning on the forums, how we have to do more than other classes. I tell you all now that this is the only class in history of mmos that is complete, even though marauders can only dps, and i just wish they made all classes like this, more complicated than whiners like it to be. I mean whats the point of a talent or ability if ur never going to use it? Just my 3 cents :)


Well mate, its just because when u reach 50 u dont have enough bars to put ur spells... which make'sit harder. tbh i think what makes the PVP So frustrating for marauders, is the Arena it self... hutt ball is ridiculously insane for marauders and meles in general.. All other races have some pushback crappy spell that throw us away while marauders got fears and slows not PUSHBACKS! Which is really anoying, when ur trying to escape. Also theres soooo much Snare in this game, that , when it comes to a team fight, when ever i jump into the healers i get CCed for around 15 sec without doing nothing and eventually my team dies and i cant do anything.. just chain CC all the time.. a debuff preventing me to be cced is a must or else what fun is there to play a marauder? just defend ur healers? pff



About PVE i really think anni is good, marauder might not be top(really depends on ur keybinds and ur reaction to get ur rotation right) , but it can be a really good suporter to the hole team. i just reach 50 3 days ago, but in all the fp i have done, im always teh life saver for healers and other peeps with agro. Obfuscate really helps in some harsh times, and so on. Thing is, we can either be a straight foward DPS or more a support melle.

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I'm bad, I'll admit it.


I can honestly say at 50 with battlemaster gear I have a hard time clearing 200k damage. Yes that's right 200k damage. I was playing annihilation for a while and noticed I stayed alive a lot longer than I did playing rage. I got bored and switched over to rage yesterday and am still doing around the same damage.


I think most of it comes from never using keybinds. A lot of erroneous clicking on the screen, I decided tonight I'm going to try to set up some keybinds to stop the erroneous clicking. Other than that I don't know why I am just plain bad at the class.


Main - BM

off - BM

head - champ

body - BM

hands - champ

legs - BM

feet - champ

ear/implants - BM

Green matrix cube

champ relic


I queue mostly solo,. Games where I can get a healer to follow me around I can clear 300-350k. Prolonged warzones like voidstar I can hit a good 200-250, but I've never even come close to sniffing a 400 or even 500k game. A fellow marauder in my guild has been taking mods out of champ armor and putting it in BM armor until she got duplicates of BM stuff so she could take mods out of BM armor and replace them accordingly.


Any help or thoughts on how I could maximize my dps would be much appreciated.

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Clicking abilities is bad in general, but especially bad for the Marauder class, since this class requires you to use several different abilities very quickly.


I think Taugrim had some sort of "STOP CLICKING" guide that many people have used to go effect. Search for his blog or find his sig on the Powertech/Vanguard forums.

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Clicking abilities is bad in general, but especially bad for the Marauder class, since this class requires you to use several different abilities very quickly.


I think Taugrim had some sort of "STOP CLICKING" guide that many people have used to go effect. Search for his blog or find his sig on the Powertech/Vanguard forums.


Thank you, I'm going to look for that today.



As far as gear dependencies, I would think someone in mostly BM should be able to put up better numbers than I do. I also was wondering what the most popular stim/adrenal combo is for someone who isn't biochem main.

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Rarely do marauders/sentinels get above 250K on my server with full champion or even BM gear. Only those with BM have ever hit 300k but it's reeeally not that often. I have full champ and my highest was 238k. Honestly Im usually one of if not the top warriors in damage every WZ and still 150k-215k is only where I'm at. The numbers on my server are always so much different that what others always state on the forums for some reason.


BH, IA or even SI always top the charts upwards of 300-400k (plus).


*shrugs* Maybe it's because it's not about damage and a lot of us are too busy with objective rather then constantly dealing DPS to everything that moves and gets close to you. Maybe we just take the games more seriously. Who knows.


I REALLY hope your joking...:confused:

I generally drop between 300-400k+ and im not even full champ...






Im currently valor rank 61 and missing 3 pc's (Boots/Relic/MH) Champ gear..

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*holds bridge of nose*


When people say this class is hard, they're talking about single player PVE 99.9% of the time. And they're also generally 'carnage' tree (a term I don't think BW understands because if they did, the carnage tree would be hacking off limbs and decapitating enemies).

Within the confines of Class PVE, the marauder gets the unpleasant task of being a tank without the heavy armor and two long CD skills for mitigating the damage. If a battle exceeds 30 seconds, life is ugly.


The choke point for marauders are golds/bosses and, at rare times, two silvers. Why? Because we can't burn them fast enough before our buffs run out.


I never had a resource problem with the marauder. I had a too many short buff/debuffs one.


As for grouping and PVP, marauder is a very balanced class. It may even be getting overbalanced in PVP with 1.2.

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"'Let me give you some advice, Captain,' he said, 'It may help you to make sense of the world. I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.'" -Lord Vetinari


This quote is inspiring.

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Those are some bad numbers for a marauder. My worst day(of a full match) has been 240k damage 75k healing as annihilation. That was with being the ball carrier for my team 90% of the time.


Had a 500k voidstar yesterday, fun times. I don't know why your server marauders are pulling such low numbers. Are they all carnage or something?


Pushing past 300k+ as a melee is easy especially if you're doing objectives. Of course if you're like, guarding the left turret and no one ever comes over there... yeah,you won't pull those numbers. But center turret / action on left turret in civil war, huttball and voidstar, while dedicated to the objective, you should be able to pull at least 250k+. And that's bottom line you had a ****** game with no healer and you died all the time match.


I don't believe you.


I just don't.


I have both Rakata weapons, over 500 expertise, 300+ crit, 77% surge and my really good games I might pull over 300k DPS but it's dependent on too many factors:

  • How many softies (light armor wearers) are there in the game?
  • Any fresh level 50s I can crit over 4k? I'm actively pursuing those.
  • Doing the objectives, I found out, usually means you will be pulling less DPS since you might be on defense duty and you might have to be a diversion by using your CC, Force Camouflage and other abilities to really become a pain.
  • Can I help focus-tagetting my teamates? If I see a BH already attacking someone, I'll try to get on that target to burn it down fast. Since I'm sharing DPS with someone, it's not 100% DPS added to your count at the end of the WZ.
  • How geared are my enemies? If I pop my Trinket + Expertise Adrenal + Berserk then Rupture -> Annihilate which crits for ~3.2k on average, I'll be having trouble pulling great DPS.
  • Most players who get 500k+ damage done (Snipers, Sorcerers, Bounty Hunters/Troopers) have multiple AoE abilities which really pad that damage done. If you see a ranged class with over 400k damage done, you better be sure that they were spamming their AoE abilities whenever they were up.


I consider myself one of the better Marauders on my server (Wound in the Force - PvP West) and I've only seen one Marauder do over 400k damage that was once, weeks ago.


We don't have any AoE. None. Zero. Zilch. We have one that we spam to generate Fury and if you're actively spamming Smash with an Annihilation build to do damage, I don't know what to say. It's impossible to consistently pull off 500k damage every game with a Marauder. You're either lying or you're not painting a very realistic picture.


If you pull over 300k damage as a Marauder, that's extremely good. Why? Because 99% of that damage will be done to single targets. We're also one of the only classes in the game who can't just walk up to someone and press 1 button and do over 4k damage because we have to set-up our damage burst. All other classes are not dependent on the generation of resources to unload their abilities; they have to manage their resource which depletes or completes a meter.

Edited by lollermittens
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Rarely do marauders/sentinels get above 250K on my server with full champion or even BM gear. Only those with BM have ever hit 300k but it's reeeally not that often. I have full champ and my highest was 238k. Honestly Im usually one of if not the top warriors in damage every WZ and still 150k-215k is only where I'm at. The numbers on my server are always so much different that what others always state on the forums for some reason.


BH, IA or even SI always top the charts upwards of 300-400k (plus).


*shrugs* Maybe it's because it's not about damage and a lot of us are too busy with objective rather then constantly dealing DPS to everything that moves and gets close to you. Maybe we just take the games more seriously. Who knows.

This could also be due to who you play with or how you play. Saying you take the games more seriously because you "are too busy with objectives" to DPS is pretty silly. Not everyone plays the same.

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After having played a Juggernaut i decided to try some marauder. I don't see what's so hard about them. They are pretty much as straight forward as a juggernaut in either rage or vengeance. Hell, they even have an ability that gives them instant 5 rage on a short cooldown, so rage management can't be it.


I suspect people find it "difficult" to manage the focus/centering stuff but that's not something i really find hard to pay attention to personally. It pretty much fills up automatically or use CD to get instant full stack.


So what make Marauder so hard to play?


Go play a merc and youll see.

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Compared to other classes that are not Juggernaut, Marauders:


3. Have cooldowns on all the relevant primary damage abilities. Note: about half the classes share this feature, so it is not unique to Marauders. However, the prevalence of two mainstays of "LOL I PRESS TEH BUTTON" (TRACERLOL and FORCELIGHTNINGLOL) makes the comparison relevant for this game.


Easymode's post almost always make me smile at some point.


To add, comparing playing to a Marauder to the other classes that I have played (PT/Sorc/Op) the Marauder has a much longer learning curve. It's not so much that it's steeper, it's longer. Getting the most out of the class requires more knowledge of other classes, more situational awareness.


Another point to make is that the good players start to commit a large segment of the marauder play-style to the back burner. They put in a lot of hours with the class and start to simply have a very good feel of both resource pools and their main CDs without having to stare at the toolbar and actively think about them. When this happens it can start to feel like a dance of sorts and you can devote your active thought process to anticipating what your target is going to do next, what options you have, ect.

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I wish I could just go out and dump dmg on everyone and get nice scores, but I'm always that one guy that is guarding snow side in alderaan or hiding behind a pillar guarding the left door in voidstar. As for huttball, I have no time for dmg unless its on a ball carrier, and I'm not using berserk, I'm using predation. On my sniper I can go out every game pulling 300-400k no sweat but my sniper has way less to do. I think maras, at least in huttball, have a lot of responsibilities and pulling low numbers doesn't matter if you are scoring 3-4 goals per game because of predation building and good pounces.
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Ok, i am only level 16 Marauder, and i have played mmos since star wars galaxies, then wow, now this game. What i was amazed with that every class or profession i played, there were at least 5-10 abilities that i would just never ever use, regardless of a situation. That always made me feel like those abilities were put in to make up empty space.

This is the first class ever, and i mean ever that at this low level i have to use pretty much every ability that i have in order to succeed. What is so wrong with that i simply dont understand all this moaning on the forums, how we have to do more than other classes. I tell you all now that this is the only class in history of mmos that is complete, even though marauders can only dps, and i just wish they made all classes like this, more complicated than whiners like it to be. I mean whats the point of a talent or ability if ur never going to use it? Just my 3 cents :)


Bioware's done a great job of that. I've leveled two characters now and Marauder is my third. It's crazy how I have definitely 20-24 skills I use with some consistency!

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Thank you, I'm going to look for that today.



As far as gear dependencies, I would think someone in mostly BM should be able to put up better numbers than I do. I also was wondering what the most popular stim/adrenal combo is for someone who isn't biochem main.


It's really true. I forced myself to learn to stop keyboard turning for this game. Start with a lowbie alt. Start from the beginning, develop a guide as you go. Then in a week or so, you'll be able to implement that on your 50.


use the shift key for doubling up on some of your keybinds. It's very easy to reach with your pinky.


The last step for me as far as 'doing it right' is not using the W key for running forward. I've trained myself to stop using it in PvE, but I can't help using it sometimes in PvP. I think it just needs more practice - you have to be way faster in PvP to survive.


I'll get there. :)

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