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Leave the healers alone, they need encouragement.


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You nerf my healing and people who didnt die before start dying. That makes healers sad. Sad healers stop playing, or reroll DPS (many dont enjoy DPS though and only heal). Without healers you don't raid. Without raids, DPS switch guilds or leave the game...eventually guild/game dies.


The "mentality" things aside...I agree with this.


I recently got a sage healer up to 50 and just started doing some operations. When these changes go through I doubt I will really want to heal anything. I'd much rather play my dps commando or tank/dps shadow than heal with what is expected with the change.

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I have a 50 merc healer as my main.

Ive done all nmm.


I was already almmost 100% heat an entire fight now its going to be more brutal. I don't care about PVP, but even when I do I have 5 people on me at all times and Im walways the only healer. I was nowhere near OP even if it did take a maurader and good stuns/ints to kil me.


These updates make Merc healers useless. Thanks for ruining this class.


NOTE: This could all change, but going by the notes we are broken.

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Healers don't reroll. They are so crushed, so passionate, when they get hit - or in this case, gutted, that all their enthusiasm, passion for the game suffers in the tremendous investment they have put into their class.


I did try to reroll. Not to DPS (I don't like DPS and I'm terrible at it anyway), but to other healing classes. I started as a Sawbones, then moved to Sage to better support my team ('cause that's what we do, support our team regardless of personal sacrifice), then I started building up a Commando Medic while I wasn't raiding, 'cause I liked the Medic's dynamic far more than I liked the Sage's.


I have to say...these patch notes have been extremely disheartening. I really just don't have the drive anymore. I had big hopes. At one point, I wanted to level all of the healers up to 50 so that I could use whichever was more useful at the time. I kind of figured there would be a see-saw of balance in between them, but I thought I could deal with it. I never thought that they'd just crush healing in general. That's what disappoints me.


The other thing that upsets me is the callous attitude with which our concerns are met. Healers in general tend to want to be helpful and supportive, to build the community up rather than shoot them down. I agree with RuQu, we're much more likely to be team-driven rather than competitive. We want everyone to succeed and we do our best in and out of game to ensure that. So having our concerns brushed aside so casually is more than a little cold. Having pages upon pages of helpful suggestions and feedback blatantly ignored doesn't instill much faith at all.


I also unsubscribed today. Not out of hate, or rage, but out of sheer disappointment. If BW wants to ignore me, my voice, my feedback, then I'll have to speak to them in a language they understand. Hopefully I'll be able to muster up the will to return and see if anything got through, but I'm not sure I'll be able to. There's too much to look forward to on the horizon that'll keep me from looking back at what could've been.

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You know who typically says thank you after a raid for a good healing job, another healer. Even in my own guild, the most feedback I ever get as a healer is when something goes wrong, and the feedback isn't a pat on the back.


I have DPS members who think they are tanks, members who don't know how to avoid a BOSS attack, members who won't come to the AOE, and while the tank/DPS might be smashing buttons to burn down a mob or boss, it's the healers who are sweating bullets because they know they are falling behind.


I already fall behind on some stuff and get killed myself because of healing others. And let's be honest, the loss of a single member of an 8 man will usually tip the scales and cause the team to fail to burn down a boss before the rage timer trips.


To Daize, why don't you just be quiet unless you have something positive to contribute.


BTW... since unsubscribing last night, I have received no contact from BioWare or no retention effort. This probably explains why there have been so many lost players. BioWare support is just as dysfunctional at trying to retain members as they are at other aspects of servicing the game.


I also sent an email to customer support and have only received the auto bot response.


I'm liking these posts. Keep them coming. Way back when the game first came out (it has been 3 (4?) long months), I was asked by my guild to heal an 8 man. At the very first run, the group was hesitant to take take me because I had just hit 50 and was under-geared. In the end they decided yes. I healed them all the way through EV HM up to SOA. We ended that night at SOA because it nearly 5 a.m. and people were too burnt to continue. Did a few more runs with them, but one raid night I was asked to leave for my 'lacking of healing', and apparently I was taking too much damage O_o. The funny part of this whole story? The DPS could not down SOA before he enraged, and even the guild/raider leader was constantly nagging the DPS'ers over Vent to up the damage, blow CD's, etc. There was only one person who said they felt bad and it was one of the DPS'ers. Oh! And I forgot to mention that under-geared EV run? That was my first time doing EV HM and I took them all the way to SOA.


So yes, it is a thankless job.

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One other thing you might notice, when playing Nascar on Ilum now at Central, next time you see someone following others around while they collect armaments and protecting their SIX, check the class, I give odds it was a healer who already finished their daily but stays to help out. I know that's what I do, even if a good part of the reason is just a chance to actually whack a Rebel. :)


BTW... for all of it's flaws, is anyone else gonna miss Ilum? I know I am. I have had some EPIC fun winning and losing on that map.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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I am a healer and I support this thread 100%.


Thank you OP for representing the healing community and expressing our sentiments so accurately.


I won't be rerolling, I will either keep playing or quit depending on whether the nerfs make it to the live game and how much they end up hurting us.

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I'm liking these posts. Keep them coming. Way back when the game first came out (it has been 3 (4?) long months), I was asked by my guild to heal an 8 man. At the very first run, the group was hesitant to take take me because I had just hit 50 and was under-geared. In the end they decided yes. I healed them all the way through EV HM up to SOA. We ended that night at SOA because it nearly 5 a.m. and people were too burnt to continue. Did a few more runs with them, but one raid night I was asked to leave for my 'lacking of healing', and apparently I was taking too much damage O_o. The funny part of this whole story? The DPS could not down SOA before he enraged, and even the guild/raider leader was constantly nagging the DPS'ers over Vent to up the damage, blow CD's, etc. There was only one person who said they felt bad and it was one of the DPS'ers. Oh! And I forgot to mention that under-geared EV run? That was my first time doing EV HM and I took them all the way to SOA.


So yes, it is a thankless job.


It's thankless and its not, and it normally requires you to pull a miracle out of thin air to get that recognition. Your DPS pulled another mob that was CC'd or wasn't the target? Your tank bit off way more than he could chew? A player taking an insane amount of damage but is only alive because your name appeared on their screen in big green letters? Your tank forgot to be in tank stance?


Pretty much, no one appreciates their healer until they just saved their life. Then, in my experience they take notice. I do feel like most people who actually thank the healer have one of their own (I know that when I tank, my healer will always get a thank you because my main is a healer).


In fact, healers are always carrying the most weight in a fight. All the extra strain in a fight always finds its way back to us. We work hard to heal the team through a battle, but we also must react on the fly to mistakes and miscalculations. 9 times out of 10, if someone messes up, the healer is the only one that knows because the good healers can offset that mistake. Think of it as doctor-patient confidentiality.


At the end of the day, though, I still love healing. I don't need recognition to do my job - and I'm not looking for it. I'm spending the next hour of this raid doing nothing but watching your healthbar and my surroundings to make sure every one is alive and well. Healers only care about one number: zero, the number of deaths we allow. And keeping deaths allowed = 0 is a collaboration between your healers, no matter what curveballs the other 6 or 14 players through your way.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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I also unsubscribed today. Not out of hate, or rage, but out of sheer disappointment. If BW wants to ignore me, my voice, my feedback, then I'll have to speak to them in a language they understand. Hopefully I'll be able to muster up the will to return and see if anything got through, but I'm not sure I'll be able to. There's too much to look forward to on the horizon that'll keep me from looking back at what could've been.


Its not your hate or rage they need to fear, its your apathy. Hate shows you care -- apathy shows you don't.


Angry people rage-quit and come back, apathetic people just leave.

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Coming from a PvE / raiding perspective, I'm just rolling in laughter at all the complaints right now. At the moment, healing is just too easy. RuQu made a comment about healers needing coordination. WHAT COORDINATION!? Healing is so laughable that no coordination is required right now. Having raided with both an Operative and a Mercenary, the Operative is the only healer that currently requires any thought at the moment. If the 1.2 changes mean that Mercenaries and Sorcerers have to actually think as well now, then I fully endorse the 1.2 changes.


We had a guild meeting about the healer changes. The conclusion of the meeting was: "guess we'll have to stop needlessly overhealing", which is fine by me!



I fully support challenging gameplay over trivial gameplay any day.

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I don't get it. People say the game is too easy but then when they nerf healers which should make content abit more challenging the same people complain, again. And yes I play a healer. Edited by Xrayll
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nerfing healers doesnt make gameplay harder, it doesn't make the raids harder. It makes the healers job harder.


Making a raid harder shouldn't come down to healers. Mechanics are needed, not nerfs to healing.


And yes, you do need healer coordination especially in nmm because even the sorc is running our of force when huge raid damage occurs and a merc will go 100% healing 3 people not to mention the tank damage.


-- I'm only talking about a couple bosses. Most are so easy these changes won't really matter. But if 1 class cant heal all of the bosses they can't go.

Edited by napeh
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nerfing healers doesnt make gameplay harder, it doesn't make the raids harder. It makes the healers job harder.


Yes, healer gameplay will become more difficult. Healer gameplay is too simple right now. This is a good change.


And yes, you do need healer coordination especially in nmm because even the sorc is running our of force when huge raid damage occurs and a merc will go 100% healing 3 people not to mention the tank damage.


No, not really. I would expect nightmare to be a nightmare. It isn't right now. Right now, nightmare mode is about where hard mode should be at, perhaps a little less difficult for a few of the fights.

Edited by Azkit
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Yes, healer gameplay will become more difficult. Healer gameplay is too simple right now. This is a good change.





No it doesn't, at least not for an operative. The mechanics and class design is too simplistic. Raising the damage done or lowering healing output does not make healing harder. You are still doing the same simplistic healing. Healing mechanics need a bit more complexity to make healing harder.

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No it doesn't, at least not for an operative. The mechanics and class design is too simplistic. Raising the damage done or lowering healing output does not make healing harder. You are still doing the same simplistic healing. Healing mechanics need a bit more complexity to make healing harder.


Operatives are not getting nerfed, it should have been implied that I wasn't talking about Operatives. Lowering healing output of course makes it more challenging. Are you trying to say that you can heal a group just as easy when you're naked compared to when you're in full Rakata? No, it's more challenging to keep a group alive when your healing numbers are lower.


In either case, look at the Sorc/Sage and Merc/Commando changes again. It's not simple -healing output changes. Sorcs/Sages are damaging themselves to regain force. Mercs/Commandos will have to pay attention to their heat/ammo bars more closely.

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Healer Protest - Hit Twitter with your thoughts.






I have posted my thoughts.


"Proposed changes to healers, merc/commando specifically are unacceptable. I have unsubscribed and won't renew if in the final 1.2."

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Lowering healing output of course makes it more challenging. Are you trying to say that you can heal a group just as easy when you're naked compared to when you're in full Rakata? No, it's more challenging to keep a group alive when your healing numbers are lower.



I am saying that with simple mechanics its the same. It just appears to be more challenging, but your still using the same abilities in exactly the same way.

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nerfing healers doesnt make gameplay harder, it doesn't make the raids harder. It makes the healers job harder.


Making a raid harder shouldn't come down to healers. Mechanics are needed, not nerfs to healing.


And yes, you do need healer coordination especially in nmm because even the sorc is running our of force when huge raid damage occurs and a merc will go 100% healing 3 people not to mention the tank damage.


-- I'm only talking about a couple bosses. Most are so easy these changes won't really matter. But if 1 class cant heal all of the bosses they can't go.


Well if the healers job is harder the content is more challenging as there is less room for error for everyone, it is pretty simple when you think about it.

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I am saying that with simple mechanics its the same. It just appears to be more challenging, but your still using the same abilities in exactly the same way.


It doesn't just appear to be more challenging, it is more challenging. Since gear only affects the amount healed per heal, go raid naked and then tell us that the encounters weren't any more challenging to keep people alive again.


If you want to discuss the complexity of rotations / mechanics, that is a different topic for a different thread.

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It doesn't just appear to be more challenging, it is more challenging. Go raid naked if you don't agree, since it's just as challenging regardless of gear.


If you want to discuss the complexity of rotations / mechanics, that is a different topic for a different thread.


If i raided naked as u described NOTHING would change for a healer. How you heal would NOT change. If you mean players having to avoid avoidable damage better or meeting the minimum gear requirement, then yes, but actual HEALING would be the same.

Edited by Menisong
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If i raided naked as u described NOTHING would change for a healer. How you heal would NOT change. If you mean players having to avoid avoidable damage better, then yes, but actually HEALING would be the same.


While complexity increases the challenge, you cannot interchange the words "complex" and "challenge". Use words how they are supposed to be used. You are talking about the complexity of rotations / mechanics, which is not what this thread is about.

Edited by Azkit
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While complexity increases the challenge, you cannot interchange the words "complex" and "challenge". Use words how they are supposed to be used. You are talking about the complexity of rotations / mechanics, which is not what this thread is about.


I am talking about complexity of healing game play making healing more challenging. Lowering healing output by playing naked does not make healing more challenging as u implied.

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I am talking about complexity of healing game play making healing more challenging. Lowering healing output by playing naked does not make healing more challenging as u implied.


Do you not have less available resources to play with while naked? Are your heals not lower while naked? Wouldn't it be more challenging to keep players alive while you are out of resources then while you still would have them? Ofcourse if your goal is to get the kill.


Ok if you mean I still have my same spells their names are the same and the icons haven't changed, they are still in my bar... Well if that is all the case then healing is the same I agree, if you press a button a heal pops up... Is this what you are trying to say? That when you click on a healing spell a heal pops up regardless of if you are naked or not?

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