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Dear Troopers/Mercs & Sages/Sorcs


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I don't want you guys nerfed to where you are lolfaceroll. You should be able to do just as much damage as I can, if spec'd properly for it.


What I do want, is that you have to do more than stand in one spot @ 30m, hit 3 buttons and do 300k+ damage.


Please don't try to tell me it takes more than a few buttons either to put out DPS. I attack you guys constantly and see what abilities are being used.


You should have to actually do some work for it. You know...move around, combine abilities, monitor cool downs, monitor resource usage, etc. Right now, you absolutely do not have to do any of this to put out decent DPS.



Signed, Marauder.



P.S. Marauder did not really get "buffed" in 1.2, just more viable specs than Annihilation. 90-95% of marauders who kill you are Annihilation.


P.P.S Also not talking about 1 on 1...marauders pretty much own that as a class. It's about group/warzones.

Edited by VandredTOR
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I just take it as my personal job to jack up any Grav Rounder I see in a warzone. I know they can't hurt me even if they want to, and it doesn't take terribly long to take care of them. Just get bold and don't be afraid to rush the back line of the other team. Typically the other casters won't care as long as you're not attacking them.


Your healers tend to appreciate it when you stop people from free casting as well, makes their job a lot easier. So you'll get some heals while you're back there hopefully.

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All Marauder got was buffed, actually. Also, don't lump all the AC's together - they are very different from one-another.


You two are basically saying the same thing. OP said that the Carnage and Rage spec are more viable, basically meaning they got buffed. Annihilation, however, did not receive any real buffs, nor any nerfs.


They did the right thing with Marauders concerning skill trees, but they should have done it with some other classes as well. Making more than 1 tree a viable option helps the flavor of PvP a lot.

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Please don't try to tell me it takes more than a few buttons either to put out DPS. I attack you guys constantly and see what abilities are being used.




Sorc here and this is gold right there, "See what abilites are used." I pretty much insta proc everything 'cause I do realize that my survival is highly depended on kiting.


So what ya see? My weakness? My channeled skill that is the corner stone of everything? Maybe my non-failed CCs? Or the couple of DoTs that ya have to keep real close attention to notice? Or my single prot skill every 17 sec (gear depended) ?

Edited by Scav
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