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Am I missing something? (leveling)


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I kept reading all about how Annihilation is the way to go.. i'm level 22 now and I just don't get it.


Against elites and champs it's great, the dots are awesome heals and damage. Against the other 99% of the content (3-5 mob packs of weak mobs with maybe 1 strong thrown in).. it's basically Charge, Smash.. then spam Battering Assault and Vicious Slash with Rampage thrown in.


Just about every single thing i'm getting for being annihilation is a complete waste in the majority of my missions.


Does this change at some point, or am I going to get an aoe-rupture or.. something?

Edited by nfefx
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Just keep up deadly saber, the ticks will help regardless. Remember to use pummel strike when it's off CD after each smash. Spam sweeping strike/slash/whateverthe**** if the mobs are low HP.


Yes, 3-5 crowds can be annoying but you get used to the process and it becomes more and more streamlined as you level.


And I know other people have said this, but anni is worth it just for the single target dps, even in pve. Using Quinn, I've yet to run in to a single mob (outside FPs obviously) that I can't take solo. Champions included. This means that class quests will NEVER be an issue for you. I don't even use cloak of pain consistently, probably 1/10 of the time.

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I kept reading all about how Annihilation is the way to go.. i'm level 22 now and I just don't get it.


Against elites and champs it's great, the dots are awesome heals and damage. Against the other 99% of the content (3-5 mob packs of weak mobs with maybe 1 strong thrown in).. it's basically Charge, Smash.. then spam Battering Assault and Vicious Slash with Rampage thrown in.


Just about every single thing i'm getting for being annihilation is a complete waste in the majority of my missions.


Does this change at some point, or am I going to get an aoe-rupture or.. something?


Stopped reading at "i'm level 22"


gain more levels, read the talents in the tree and figure out a good talent spec.


its not rocket surgery.

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it's basically Charge, Smash.. then spam Battering Assault and Vicious Slash with Rampage thrown in.


Does this change at some point, or am I going to get an aoe-rupture or.. something?


Yes it changes, your'e only lvl 22 dude.

It's not hard to level a Marauder, we are beasts.

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ITT: People who lack reading comprehension.


I never said it was hard. I just said I could spec out of Annil and not notice any difference on the vast majority of the stuff I kill for missions because Deadly Saber, Rupture, Berserk etc are all a waste to use on anything below elite/champ.

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ITT: People who lack reading comprehension.


I never said it was hard. I just said I could spec out of Annil and not notice any difference on the vast majority of the stuff I kill for missions because Deadly Saber, Rupture, Berserk etc are all a waste to use on anything below elite/champ.


Yes, but how upset will you be when you get rocked by elites as carnage and then you get to die 3 times, shuttle pass to fleet to respec, and fly all the way back out again.


Get comfortable with anni. It's amazing. And takes a while to get used to. Trust me though, it's worth it.

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Yes, but how upset will you be when you get rocked by elites as carnage and then you get to die 3 times, shuttle pass to fleet to respec, and fly all the way back out again.


Get comfortable with anni. It's amazing. And takes a while to get used to. Trust me though, it's worth it.



Ok. :)

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when you get more level you will get more mechanics to kill fast..




3 mobs group

charge + savage kick

smash + that hilt attack (i forgot the name >.<)

finish last mob with a few hits


it's pretty fast and enjoyable when you learn how to do

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Just about every single thing i'm getting for being annihilation is a complete waste in the majority of my missions.


Does this change at some point, or am I going to get an aoe-rupture or.. something?


Every single thing you get in most specs is a complete waste for the first 40 levels for killing trash mobs.


Except Quick Recovery and Enraged Slash.


And which spec are those talents in?



Since dots aren't worth using for weak mobs (most of leveling mobs), wouldn't Rage or Carnage be better?


What does Carnage give you for the first 35 levels?


What does Rage give you for the first 25 levels?



Deadly Saber, Rupture, Berserk etc are all a waste to use on anything below elite/champ.


Also, you're doing it wrong. Use DS while charging, BA, Smash, then strike the first mob (who will die from the DD already + the DS ticks), then switch to mob #2, Rupture + VS it, then switch to mob #3.


Basically you have not optimized your gameplay to make use of the 6second DOTs, and you are suffering from some sort of misunderstanding where you think that Carn and/or Rage actually do anything for the first 30 levels.

Edited by EasymodeX
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ITT: People who lack reading comprehension.


I never said it was hard. I just said I could spec out of Annil and not notice any difference on the vast majority of the stuff I kill for missions because Deadly Saber, Rupture, Berserk etc are all a waste to use on anything below elite/champ.


So what you're saying is that for small mobs spec doesn't matter, and that for anything decently strong you want to be Anni? Gee, I guess you didn't need to put this entire useless thread up as you know the answer already.

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Rage & Carnage are better for extremely low levels, but switching specs while leveling is stupid, plus Anni has better survivability, and you should be learning it ASAP. Stick with Anni, you'll be happy you did. I switched and didn't learn Annihilation properly, so now I suffer in PvP with Carnage and my 350k dmg and 10 deaths... lol. If it were Annihilation, it would probably be 400k dmg and 0 deaths, but I'm a derp and didn't learn how to play it properly.
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I see where the OP is coming from.


Anni spec doesn't do squat for damage before level 20 when you can get Deadly Saber. Carn on the other hand, gives you Decimate (for now at least) as well as Dual Wield Mastery in the first tier which are both a big plus to damage.


You could go from Anni from 10+ and work your way to level 20 or you can go Carn until level 20, then respec to Anni once you can get Deadly Saber. Either way is viable but if you learn to work Anni right from the start you will be comfortable with it as it fills out.


Some advice here: Most posts about specs and strategy's in MMO's are catered to those at the cap and not to someone leveling. Read any guide or suggestion knowing this in advance. Even the sticky up top shows a priority rotation using skills you won't get until level 40 or so. There is a lot of game between 1 and 40. Someone leveling needs to take this into account, look at what you get while leveling, and make due with what you have.


One thing that "got" me was the idea that bleeds don't matter unless a MOB lives long enough for them to work. This is only true when you are in FP and trying to max your DPS. and up-time on a Boss ... remember the advice about posts dealing with high level content I told you from above? Its applies here.


Against solo content, six seconds will hurt silver/gold mob's and will hurt them quickly. Even a rupture on a normal MOB will allow you to attack a different one knowing that the first one will die from the DoT's. Its a timing thing you will get used to.



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Carn on the other hand, gives you Decimate (for now at least) as well as Dual Wield Mastery in the first tier which are both a big plus to damage.


1. Decimate, no.


2. DWM is a very marginal damage increase, especially if your offhand weapon is weaker than your mainhand, which is a comment event while leveling. Enraged Slash is significantly better. Enraged Slash and Quick Recovery are why you invest into Annihilation before level 20.

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When I was leveling anni (switched from carnage in mid 20s) I just did this:


Charge => Deadly saber (or Deadly saber => Charge depending on rage), smash, switch target, auto attack, switch target rupture etc. I kept 1 stack of bleeds on all mobs around me so I could just sustain myself and spammed my aoe to kill them. If there was a strong+ mob thrown in, I stacked dots on him and aoe'd the rest of the mobs while killing him. For leveling I suggest taking all the cloak upgrades that you can (you don't need to go down the raiding spec for leveling) and just decimate everything while healing with dots.



...Of course if you just want to aoe everything to death Rage can do just fine. I wouldn't switch to it until you can get force crush though.

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