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leveling an alt, is boring?


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Are you only leveling alts on the same faction?


because if you switch factions you'll get different sinde quests and world quests as well...


While this is true (I did this very thing), I found that they were so similar that it too becomes a bit boring once you get in to chapter 2 of the story.

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I love alts, you just might have to play them differently. My first Alt, I switched from Republic to the Empire, which made it a lot more fun because I was experiencing new stuff. Now, I'm leveling a Operative, and I'll just play more PVP with him, instead of doing all the quests since I've done them all before. So I get bored on a planet, just stop doing those quests.


I guess it depends on what you're looking for. I find it fun to learn new classes. That and I can understand them more when fighting them in PVP on my main.

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While this is true (I did this very thing), I found that they were so similar that it too becomes a bit boring once you get in to chapter 2 of the story.


Found this to be the case as well. I was a bit shocked to find how similar everything was.

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I agree with you guys. I have a level 50 Bounty Hunter that I've been PvPing with as well as a level 20 Sith Inquisitor I've been neglecting and a level 9 Imperial Agent unjust made today. I'm just going to skip the quests I don't like ( the Tatooine and Taris planet quests for example) and then PvP or run lowboe Flashpoints with my guild if I find myself underlevelled. I must say I like leveling alts better than the endgame content. Jeesh.
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Am i the only one who would like to level an alt, but gets bored with it, because you are always the same places, doing the same Q's. I guess I could skip them/some of them and just focus on class Q's. I just fear I will end up with lacking with gear/credits etc


I like playing alts a lot.


I trade it up. I played a Republic main first, then an Imperial, now I'm on a Republic character. I had never done Ord Mantell before so that was all new, I had not played a healer before so that's made for a different experience. I can barely remember Taris which is where I am now, so it feels more fresh.

Edited by Master-Nala
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I love making and playing my alts, ive got 7 so far only 2 of which are the same class, the storys are great even taking the difference to dark and light is very visable, the companion quests are good, being able to alternate in pvp with different class's is also great. whats not to love and the advances we are getting with legacy just makes it better.


I mean how many people have even fully geared and fully ranked all there companions and done all there quests.

Edited by Shingara
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Yes. And it could have been avoided, very easily.


Each Class (Not Advanced Class) gets their own set of Sub-Quests.


I can't believe they didn't do this, since a big part of this game is Alts.


But hey.. incompetence and all that.


yes, cause every other MMO allows you a totally different set of quests for each class...




could they have... sure. We also could have all been born with 3 heads and 15 feet.

anything's possible.

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Levelling my first toon is SW TOR was like levelling an alt, from; WoW, EQ, EQ2, LOTRO, Rift .....


It is a new world for sure, but what else is new....? The class roles... hmm not really, quests, kill this, kill that, collect the other.... yup been there before.... dark and light....= factions, nope done that.


We play because this is what there is, MMOs are just the same. Level one toon in an MMO, after that, regardless of the world, I figure it is just an alt....


Look do I still have fun doing it? Yup. Am I grateful that there are different MMOs? Sure. Is it a new concept or idea ........absolutely not. Just something addictive about that >Level up< I guess.

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I just don't see how leveling an Inquisitor alt is being exactly the same as playing a bounty hunter.


to me, it's totally different.


I never said it was the same. I've only been neglecting him because I've been doing endgame content on my main. I was gonna head back to him but the pull of the Agent became too strong.

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