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All good Pvp'ers are ###ed.


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So much bad here. You shouldnt need gear advantage to make you want to pvp. When your running rateds before the first season do you really want people to be saying your group only won because you had better gear? Maybe you only care they said you won, but some of us would like the pvp to be skill based.
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The company wasted these peoples' time, it isn't whining, it's the reality of the situation.


This is a game. Wasting time is one MMO strategy, usually when there's no endgame, and keeping it from totally failing is the true test.


The real reality is they are working full time on ways to waste even more of people's time.

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Seems like a good change.


This will probably mean that a person who levels mostly through WZs will have a full set at 50.


And no, dont argue and say they cant buy it pre-50. There is no restriction on BM gear. The only restriction is that it requires level 50 to use (just like all other lower level pvp sets 20/40) but you can buy all those before hitting the right level. Same will go for BM gear since it wont require BM comms, the only thing that had a valor requirement. Even the valor requirement on implants and ears are removed in the patch. So likely, many people will have a good pvp entry set once reaching 50.


BW is doing this spot on, PvP is about man vs man, skill vs skill, not gear vs gear.


Cudos to BW!


And to those saying its to cheap and people will get it too quick and get bored... the BM set is the entry set for PvP next patch, not the top tier one. There will also be a lower one thats sold for credits if I read the patch notes right. So its just the first "real" set, then there is atleast one more gained from doing rated WZs.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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Just because a person had time to burn and has a high valor rank means nothing. If you depend on "gear" instead of skill then you are pissed because your crutch is taken away.


alot of people like to work for there gear and not have it handed to them. why have gear we should just pvp naked

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alot of people like to work for there gear and not have it handed to them. why have gear we should just pvp naked


okay, work for it, then. I, on the other hand, prefer the "Grind" not as getting on an even playing field, but getting good at the game (The kids call it practice, these days).

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What if tomorrow they put in patch notes that all new characters will start at lvl 50, you're telling me you wouldn't be a little peeved that you had to do the grind, give me a break.


What does it matter, the levelling process is intended to be fun. If it's more of a grind than fun, then why do it?


Same goes for PvP. If people find PvP a grind, then why are they doing it? If it isn't fun, stop. Simple really.


All MMOs are a time sink. So if you're having fun in whatever time sink youre involved in (PvP or PVE) that's great. If you're not, then you need to stop. Doing either PVE or PvP purely for the gear is a sure way to set yourself for a fall, because the goalposts always move in a MMO. Always.


So the question is, did you have fun getting your gear? If yes, then why should you care how anyone else gets theirs? And if you didn't, more fool you for grinding.

Edited by Cernow
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alot of people like to work for there gear and not have it handed to them. why have gear we should just pvp naked


That is not what I am saying, those who depend on gear to get them through are not good pvpers and only win due to being able to beat under geared players. If that is the type of PvP you enjoy then that says something. It is Player vs Player not Player vs Gear. Nothing wrong with earning gear but having such a large gear gap is wrong.

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What if tomorrow they put in patch notes that all new characters will start at lvl 50, you're telling me you wouldn't be a little peeved that you had to do the grind, give me a break.


1. Nope, I'm enjoying the leveling process right now

2. I won't care a bit. I have a reason to be forced to enjoy my sniper's awesome story, instead of going directly to endgame

3. If the "Grind" isn't fun, why are you PvPing?

4. Obviously to get the reward from the grind

5. Grinds aren't fun (That's the whole definition), so you aren't playing to have fun, you're playing for gear

6. Gear enables you to have fun because... you win... because... you're bad?


So you say everyone has gear: Okay, it cancels out. Why not make it so nobody has any gear? It's still the same, but there's no grind.

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Yeah im glad they got rid of that bullsh*t rank requirement so the TRUE good pvper Will mop the floor with the little kids who thought they were better because they grinded Some gear.


"True" skilled hehehehe?


mate the day i lose a casual will be indeed a bad day.


Give them the gear, but ya know ... BW cant give ya much more than that :rolleyes:


I can only laugh at people that think they can learn how to play in a instant and own.


No mate in the end, ya will need a high valor rank to be of any use.


This change is actually good for alts , so it is nice.

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware


that's absolutely nothing compared to grinding your toon to 2 top elite brackets, then get force sensitive, then grind 19 weeks in 4 alternating phases to just get Padawan, then grind to full jedi of your choice which totally makes you feel like a jedi.......




SOE totally wipes what you did away and says here is a toon we created for YOU to play now called the NGE.

Edited by The-Jedi
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that's absolutely nothing compared to grinding your toon to 2 top elite brackets, then get force sensitive, then grind 19 weeks in 4 alternating phases to just get Padawan, then grind to full jedi of your choice which totally makes you feel like a jedi.......




SOE totally wipes what you did away and says here is a toon we created for YOU to play now called the NGE.


hehehehe , that must have been the change that made most % of players of any MMO in history to quit.

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hehehehe , that must have been the change that made most % of players of any MMO in history to quit.


It was the saddest day in MMO history, I am still searching for a MMO that gave me such an adrenal rush when PVPing, FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN ( you had no clue what the oppenents spec was, FEAR OF THE LIGHTSABER (oppentents didn't just attack you wham, wham, they hesitated or if you were a good BH you could give them a challenge if you knew what you were doing).


There was strategy in PVP, this is what SWTOR needs, the player based skills need enhancing to make a strategic game. Note: not the character skills.

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Lol@ all these baddies saying that gear is the only reason they lose in PvP.. Keep telling yourselves that.


Lol@ the few carebears who depend on their gear as a crutch. All these "baddies" aren't saying that is the only reason they lose. They are saying that's only way you can win, if you actually do. So thank god for your gear gap, ehh?

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Lol@ the few carebears who depend on their gear as a crutch. All these "baddies" aren't saying that is the only reason they lose. They are saying that's only way you can win, if you actually do. So thank god for your gear gap, ehh?


lol its the carebears that want free gear

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Just because you have full BM doens't mean you're a good PvP'er. Just means you had a lot of time to grind.


Obtaining BM gear at this point, requires 2 daily quests which literally take an hour or less to complete, and that is grinding? LOL what have mmo's become.


And yes, Scarlet, I approve of this change!

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Yeah im glad they got rid of that bullsh*t rank requirement so the TRUE good pvper Will mop the floor with the little kids who thought they were better because they grinded Some gear.


Yay! Because we all know all good PvP players should just get things given to them for free without doing anything at all. Because getting to 60 valor is just an INSANE grind! lol

It is not that you will get your gear now based on skills as opposed to the kids you make fun of. lol


oh and BTW if you were a good pvp player, you would have been in BM gear already. Because if you liked PvP and just played WZs as you leveled up, it wouldnt seem like a grind. Now you are just showing us all that you were a lazy player and dont really care much about pvp anyways, just gear.

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware




Wait !!! this means good pvpers will have more competition thus more epic pvp on equal grounds?!!!




How the hell is this a bad thing? Welcome the competition and shut up.

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Lol@ the few carebears who depend on their gear as a crutch. All these "baddies" aren't saying that is the only reason they lose. They are saying that's only way you can win, if you actually do. So thank god for your gear gap, ehh?


:D the dream of the weak.


Mate all that will change is that these people that cry about gear will cry about OP classes when 1.2 hit.


Player that think they can own in 5 secs because they are simple AWESOME.Why the hell do they need to play many times to learn lol?


Nops , they are gonna learn quite soon, the gear sure helped some players , but many will still wipe the floor with you and laugh hard.


Experience goes high when the match is not simple brainless. These are no arenas , just being able to kill wont save you lol.

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On the PTS , you can buy any BM item for 1000 warzone commendations without any valor rank , basicly new lvl 50s will have full BM set in 1st day, cause they can buy it in easy 10-49 bracket




I feel myself used, because i have 2 toons wich are lvls 67-68 valor and i diD A LOT , and spend a lot of time to do it, and in 1.2 you will be able to be full BM in 1 day



GG bioware


lol @ topic title.


Did you think that BM gear was going to be hard to get for the entire life of the game?

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