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I love my juggernaut, but her dps is not viable, and the tanking is a pain...


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As a tank I have serious rage issues, even with spamming enrage every time I can. I feel like I'm just playing whack-a-mole, spamming assault till something comes up. I really hated that in wow, and was hoping swtor would not copy it.


I love the vengeance spec gameplay, but the dps is so minimal that there is still no room for me in hardmodes if I'm not tanking.


PVP is fun in either spec, but I'd like to be able to pve without needing to play my alt...


What can I do now? I have a lot of characters in the 40-50 range, and neither of them seem to be this lacking in their dps forms. Am I just missing something? :/


Any help would be appreciated >_>

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You know what half these people are going to say "You are a tank.." it seems like the majority, the simple minded people who don't understand we should be ON PAR with other classes REGARDLESS of being a "Tank" we do less dps so we should be hard to take down simple as that even in Dps spec. But this mentality that we are locked to one game play type seems to be infesting the game.
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If you try to dps, do you use dps gear, power generator and shien-form? Because, if you do and still don't do alot of damage, you should take a look at your rotation. Also, how do you spec? It is more than possible to compete as jugger-dps.
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I was full Veng spec for a long while (until our MT quit and I took over duties.) Our DPS is more than viable, and as a matter of fact is probably better than good.


We might be highly dependant on gear (I was in full Rakata), but my DPS was a huge boost to the raid - and I can say this because once I stopped DPSing and switched to MTing we started hitting enrage timers in HM KP which we had NEVER hit before. I went back to DPS for one boss after wiping to enrage 3 times in a row, and we destroyed him.


People who cry about Jugg DPS either don't know how to play the class or seem to think we should be TOP DPS. Quit QQing. We are totally viable.


If you are losing threat as Immortal that means you aren't using your taunts correctly. You should be using your taunts on CD for the first minute+ of the fight, and you will NEVER lose aggro, period - thanks to how the taunt mechanic works in this game.


Now if you were having issues with AoE threat, I could concede the point. Everything else is fine. Im not saying once we get damage meters we won't show to be lacking in DPS or Threat department, but saying it's not viable is a farce. I, and others who do HM+ ops, are proof of that.

Edited by Rookss
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I don't have issues with threat, I just hate how the tanking plays out.



And maybe I do just need gear... I currently wear an orange set with the lvl 49 purple cybertech stuff put in. Though it doesn't change the fact that I can run in half naked on any other characters and do better dps still... I guess i'll just have to shelf my main and see how 1.2 treats her :/

Edited by Mekare
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Pvp-wise, I go with a tank spec, but rather go with full-dps gear and a shield. Damage isn't quite where I want it yet, but I'm only geared with Centurion/orange gear at the moment, in Soresu stance nonetheless. I suggest checking out your spec and your rotation, really helps to get their armor as low as possible before dishing out any dps, and you want to take advantage of people who are vulnerable to death. That's at least my perspective from Pvp, Pve-wise I'm not as qualified to speak.
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I don't have issues with threat, I just hate how the tanking plays out.



And maybe I do just need gear... I currently wear an orange set with the lvl 49 purple cybertech stuff put in. Though it doesn't change the fact that I can run in half naked on any other characters and do better dps still... I guess i'll just have to shelf my main and see how 1.2 treats her :/


Isn't cybertech the Non-Force users version of Artifice? cause juggernauts use strength and endurance, which cybertech doesn't bring.......does it? maybe armoring, but the rest is all for aim and cunning based classes.


Please, correct me if i am wrong.

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People who cry about Jugg DPS either don't know how to play the class


Or, they also have leveled a Marauder :) I thought Jugg dps was fine too, until I leveled my marauder. Then I found myself thinking "w t f is this? better dps, better survivability, better utility?"

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Isn't cybertech the Non-Force users version of Artifice? cause juggernauts use strength and endurance, which cybertech doesn't bring.......does it? maybe armoring, but the rest is all for aim and cunning based classes.


Please, correct me if i am wrong.


Best summary I can make, Cybertech makes DPS and Healing mods and armoring. It can make Might and Resolve type gear as well as Skill and Reflex. As well as earpieces, ship components, grenades, speeders, and droid parts. It's basically for every class.

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I was full Veng spec for a long while (until our MT quit and I took over duties.) Our DPS is more than viable, and as a matter of fact is probably better than good.


We might be highly dependant on gear (I was in full Rakata), but my DPS was a huge boost to the raid - and I can say this because once I stopped DPSing and switched to MTing we started hitting enrage timers in HM KP which we had NEVER hit before. I went back to DPS for one boss after wiping to enrage 3 times in a row, and we destroyed him.


People who cry about Jugg DPS either don't know how to play the class or seem to think we should be TOP DPS. Quit QQing. We are totally viable.


If you are losing threat as Immortal that means you aren't using your taunts correctly. You should be using your taunts on CD for the first minute+ of the fight, and you will NEVER lose aggro, period - thanks to how the taunt mechanic works in this game.


Now if you were having issues with AoE threat, I could concede the point. Everything else is fine. Im not saying once we get damage meters we won't show to be lacking in DPS or Threat department, but saying it's not viable is a farce. I, and others who do HM+ ops, are proof of that.


Right so the Mara has more survivability and Dps it's fair right not like we have heavy armor or anything? So how do you get at all we are viable? We have NO survivability and are damage is literally funny compared. I have both a Rage Mara and a Rage Jugg I do amazing with the Mara the Jugg is like a old tool and is useless. That's why every group will count OUT a Dps Jugg and use Mara.

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Or, they also have leveled a Marauder :) I thought Jugg dps was fine too, until I leveled my marauder. Then I found myself thinking "w t f is this? better dps, better survivability, better utility?"


I did this as well as I was the 2nd tank in my guild, and as most of us know you dont need 2 tanks for most of the stuff out there, so I rolled a marauder to fill in rather than respec dps/tank all the time.


Marauder puts out more than a noticeable boost from the Jug in dps. Even with the same gear. Juggs need some love..

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I was full Veng spec for a long while (until our MT quit and I took over duties.) Our DPS is more than viable, and as a matter of fact is probably better than good.


We might be highly dependant on gear (I was in full Rakata), but my DPS was a huge boost to the raid - and I can say this because once I stopped DPSing and switched to MTing we started hitting enrage timers in HM KP which we had NEVER hit before. I went back to DPS for one boss after wiping to enrage 3 times in a row, and we destroyed him.


People who cry about Jugg DPS either don't know how to play the class or seem to think we should be TOP DPS. Quit QQing. We are totally viable.


If you are losing threat as Immortal that means you aren't using your taunts correctly. You should be using your taunts on CD for the first minute+ of the fight, and you will NEVER lose aggro, period - thanks to how the taunt mechanic works in this game.


Now if you were having issues with AoE threat, I could concede the point. Everything else is fine. Im not saying once we get damage meters we won't show to be lacking in DPS or Threat department, but saying it's not viable is a farce. I, and others who do HM+ ops, are proof of that.


Maybe you should make an alt sorc, marauder, merc, powertech, sniper or assassin to see what real damage means...

And that if u dont count the +damage boost spells that mara brings to raid...

Edited by unicornfive
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Glad to see I'm not alone in this then... >_>

I can do dailies to get some decent pve gear, but I mean anyone else can be viable in hardmodes the second they hit 50 without extra farming.


My rotation varies sometimes based on the fight, (for instance i dont use dots on standard mobs), but for bosses generally i open with throwing my saber, charge, sunder, force scream, ravage, shatter, impale, and ravage/retaliation whenever they proc.. then after the initial it just becomes a whatever cooldown is ready i hit. I also smash in ther esomewhere for the accuracy debuff.


Is there a magical spell I dont have on my bars? xD

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I was full Veng spec for a long while (until our MT quit and I took over duties.) Our DPS is more than viable, and as a matter of fact is probably better than good.


We might be highly dependant on gear (I was in full Rakata), but my DPS was a huge boost to the raid - and I can say this because once I stopped DPSing and switched to MTing we started hitting enrage timers in HM KP which we had NEVER hit before. I went back to DPS for one boss after wiping to enrage 3 times in a row, and we destroyed him.


This. I have NEVER hit enrage timers while I'm on DPS, and when I switch to tank to run hardmodes with my guildies, and no matter what, we hit enrage timers, and some of them are Sorcs or Marauders with better gear than me.


Anyone who thinks Vengeance isn't great for DPS doesn't know what they're talking about or is trying to run with a shield generator. I finish top or nearly top DPS every warzone, even above Rage Juggs. My DPS is so good even in daily purples and pieces of cent and tionese that I've brought HK to 45% before his first panel phase, bugging him and causing enrage. I, on my own with no other DPS, can get Yadira Ban to 20% before she enrages. The two Marauders in my guild combined can't finish her off before she enrages.

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Glad to see I'm not alone in this then... >_>

I can do dailies to get some decent pve gear, but I mean anyone else can be viable in hardmodes the second they hit 50 without extra farming.


My rotation varies sometimes based on the fight, (for instance i dont use dots on standard mobs), but for bosses generally i open with throwing my saber, charge, sunder, force scream, ravage, shatter, impale, and ravage/retaliation whenever they proc.. then after the initial it just becomes a whatever cooldown is ready i hit. I also smash in ther esomewhere for the accuracy debuff.


Is there a magical spell I dont have on my bars? xD


This is why your DPS sucks, your rotation is terrible! WHY are you using Force Scream before Impale? Savagery proc! Automatic Force Scream crit! ALWAYS use Impale or Shatter BEFORE a Force Scream, NEVER after.


Don't be fooled by the high tooltip damage, Ravage requires 2 global cooldowns to do its damage, so divide that damage by 2 for its real damage. You'll notice it is a DPS loss and is in fact garbage. Don't use it unless you're waiting for everything else to come off cooldown, and if Impale or Smash come off cooldown while it's channeling, use those instead of letting it finish. Per GCD, even Smash is better because it generates 1 rage and still does more damage than the final hit.




I have to ask, if you're not using dots on standard mobs, does that mean you're not using Impale, Force Scream, and Shatter at all? Bad bad bad bad bad. Shatter I can kind of understand if what you're fighting is a weak/standard mob, but Impale is insanely powerful and makes your next Force Scream crit. Impale -> Force Scream is your bread and butter combo, you should be using it to murder trash. If the mob is a weak or standard, Force Scream even opens up a Pommel Strike finisher. If you aren't using pommel strike and savage kick, you're wasting rage. Savage Kick is usable directly after a force charge, even without the Stagger talent. Free damage, don't ignore it.


Post your build. Now I'm curious.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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This is why your DPS sucks, your rotation is terrible! WHY are you using Force Scream before Impale? Savagery proc! Automatic Force Scream crit! ALWAYS use Impale or Shatter BEFORE a Force Scream, NEVER after.


Don't be fooled by the high tooltip damage, Ravage requires 2 global cooldowns to do its damage, so divide that damage by 2 for its real damage. You'll notice it is a DPS loss and is in fact garbage. Don't use it unless you're waiting for everything else to come off cooldown, and if Impale or Smash come off cooldown while it's channeling, use those instead of letting it finish. Per GCD, even Smash is better because it generates 1 rage and still does more damage than the final hit.




I have to ask, if you're not using dots on standard mobs, does that mean you're not using Impale, Force Scream, and Shatter at all? Bad bad bad bad bad. Shatter I can kind of understand if what you're fighting is a weak/standard mob, but Impale is insanely powerful and makes your next Force Scream crit. Impale -> Force Scream is your bread and butter combo, you should be using it to murder trash. If the mob is a weak or standard, Force Scream even opens up a Pommel Strike finisher. If you aren't using pommel strike and savage kick, you're wasting rage. Savage Kick is usable directly after a force charge, even without the Stagger talent. Free damage, don't ignore it.


Post your build. Now I'm curious.


Wow, thanks a ton.. didn't realize i was missing so much. I got in the habit of force screaming early because the talent made it free, and generally on standard mobs (in a group), they are dead after a smash and a sundering assault.

Solo I use just about anything that lights up, but ive never had issues soloing.

I also did not realize the savage kick.. i took that off my bars while lvling because it was never available, and completely forgot about it. *hides*

Also with all the ravage talents they gave us, i figured ravage was useful and they wanted us using it... >_>;

I will try replacing ravage hotkey with savage kick <3


I'm 5/31/5, but I guess I'll be respeccing to take off all the ravage stuff.


Thanks :3 I feel sheepish now.

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Wow, thanks a ton.. didn't realize i was missing so much. I got in the habit of force screaming early because the talent made it free, and generally on standard mobs (in a group), they are dead after a smash and a sundering assault.

Solo I use just about anything that lights up, but ive never had issues soloing.

I also did not realize the savage kick.. i took that off my bars while lvling because it was never available, and completely forgot about it. *hides*

Also with all the ravage talents they gave us, i figured ravage was useful and they wanted us using it... >_>;

I will try replacing ravage hotkey with savage kick <3


I'm 5/31/5, but I guess I'll be respeccing to take off all the ravage stuff.


Thanks :3 I feel sheepish now.


Sorry to spoil it for you weak vengeance funs....

No matter how bad gameplay Rage spec has, no matter how good game play vengeance has.. Rage has Extremely higher dmg than kitty vengeance dmg and Damage meters in 1.2 will prove it to ppl that find it hard (for some reason) to understand it...

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Sorry to spoil it for you weak vengeance funs....

No matter how bad gameplay Rage spec has, no matter how good game play vengeance has.. Rage has Extremely higher dmg than kitty vengeance dmg and Damage meters in 1.2 will prove it to ppl that find it hard (for some reason) to understand it...


Sorry to spoil it for you Ragers, but Vengeance always has and always will have higher sustained than Rage because we have several brutal attacks and the Rage to use them. Aside from Smash, what else does Rage have? And even that's getting nerfed because Decimate is now a 2-pointer. The loss of 10% Smash damage on Decimate might be disappointing to us Vengers, who used it as a free point of rage during our rotation, but to you guys? Ouch.


With Force Alacrity disappearing in 1.2, you guys are taking a hit to sustained DPS. Since Ravager only buffs Ravage by 8% in 1.2, Vengeance is gaining Sundering Throw, and Decimate is being nerfed by 10%, your sustained damage is probably going to be slightly reduced, not buffed. Rage Marauders are being buffed, because they didn't even have Decimate, and they can still get a 9 second Smash through other talents, but Juggernauts? The only buff you guys are getting is an easier time getting Shockwave with Enrage... once a minute.


Things Vengeance has:


1) A flat +3% to all damage over Rage in Shien form.

2) Near-infinite Rage for a relentless offensive, rarely needs to use Assault at all.

3) 3s less cooldown on Force Scream, which crits nearly every time with Savagery.

4) A BRUTAL, fast-recharging signature attack in Impale, whose recharge lines up perfectly with Force Scream.

5) An ultimate ability that actually does damage.

6) Immunity to knockbacks and CC when charging in.


Without Force Alacrity, you guys will be stuck using Smash once every 12 seconds, while our flagship attacks are still on 9 second cooldowns. Woe to you guys once the boss gets under 30%, because our Vicious Throw crits every time. Even if you were ahead at that point, you won't be anymore once we start spamming that.

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Wow, thanks a ton.. didn't realize i was missing so much. I got in the habit of force screaming early because the talent made it free, and generally on standard mobs (in a group), they are dead after a smash and a sundering assault.

Solo I use just about anything that lights up, but ive never had issues soloing.

I also did not realize the savage kick.. i took that off my bars while lvling because it was never available, and completely forgot about it. *hides*

Also with all the ravage talents they gave us, i figured ravage was useful and they wanted us using it... >_>;

I will try replacing ravage hotkey with savage kick <3


I'm 5/31/5, but I guess I'll be respeccing to take off all the ravage stuff.


Thanks :3 I feel sheepish now.


Don't get rid of Ravage, you still need to use it to fill gaps in your rotation, but it's situational. Savage Kick is useless in boss fights, but Ravage will get used more often after about your second or third rotation and you realize you have 5 sunders up, rage is good, but everything is on cooldown and you need something to tide you over until they're not on cooldown anymore.


I used to have Rampage too until I realized I never used Ravage anyway. Sadly, even when used to fill gaps in your rotation, it's better to cancel ravage after the first two hits instead of letting it finish, even in 1.2, because it just doesn't hit as hard as our main abilities.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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Don't get rid of Ravage, you still need to use it to fill gaps in your rotation, but it's situational. Savage Kick is useless in boss fights, but Ravage will get used more often after about your second or third rotation and you realize you have 5 sunders up, rage is good, but everything is on cooldown and you need something to tide you over until they're not on cooldown anymore.


I used to have Rampage too until I realized I never used Ravage anyway. Sadly, even when used to fill gaps in your rotation, it's better to cancel ravage after the first two hits instead of letting it finish, even in 1.2, because it just doesn't hit as hard as our main abilities.


You dont HAVE to use it, you can always throw in something else (assault for rage, or vicious strike to dump rage) instead of Ravage. I don't use it at all, and move those talents to something else.


As for people saying "QQ All the other classes do more damage".. You people are out of your minds. First, without damage meters, you can't know that for sure. And lets compare apples to apples. I'll concede that many classes out DPS us with AoE damage - we have smash and sweeping slash or whatever it's called... so yea, our AoE sucks... Who cares? I think we are near the top on single target DPS over the course of a fight, if you are using a proper rotation.


To the OP: Your gear is terrible. If you havn't started running HM FPs yet for Columni and Tionese, you need to get it. Level 49 Oranges don't compare. (At least, not till patch.) Make sure you are using a Power Generator and not a shield, also.


Jugg DPS on single targets it excellent. People saying Rage is better either mean in PvP (which they would be right), or are failing on end-game ops. Veng is the DPS spec for PvE because it's sustained DPS - there are only 1 or 2fights where burst MIGHT out perform due to the mechanics, and those fights aren't DPS races.


Gear your toon properly before you give up on her, and learn the proper rotation over at sithwarrior.com - you are losing a ton of DPS by not having a proper veng rotation.


EDIT: And once again, im not the only DPS Veng in the entire game that is able to run HM/NiM Ops. If I can do it, so can you. They are viable. We'll see how viable when the target dummies are out and a parser for the combat log is made, but all of saying we are bad will be surprised.

Edited by Rookss
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Sorry to spoil it for you Ragers, but Vengeance always has and always will have higher sustained than Rage because we have several brutal attacks and the Rage to use them. Aside from Smash, what else does Rage have? And even that's getting nerfed because Decimate is now a 2-pointer. The loss of 10% Smash damage on Decimate might be disappointing to us Vengers, who used it as a free point of rage during our rotation, but to you guys? Ouch.


With Force Alacrity disappearing in 1.2, you guys are taking a hit to sustained DPS. Since Ravager only buffs Ravage by 8% in 1.2, Vengeance is gaining Sundering Throw, and Decimate is being nerfed by 10%, your sustained damage is probably going to be slightly reduced, not buffed. Rage Marauders are being buffed, because they didn't even have Decimate, and they can still get a 9 second Smash through other talents, but Juggernauts? The only buff you guys are getting is an easier time getting Shockwave with Enrage... once a minute.


Things Vengeance has:


1) A flat +3% to all damage over Rage in Shien form.

a flat 20% armor penetration and -3 sec cd on all force abilities in shii-cho

2) Near-infinite Rage for a relentless offensive, rarely needs to use Assault at all.

Oh weird...i dont use assault to...but i use sundering assault..which i bet u do too....

3) 3s less cooldown on Force Scream, which crits nearly every time with Savagery.

3 less cd cooldown on ALL force spells, INCLUDING force scream...+ smash crit everytime i use obliterate..

4) A BRUTAL, fast-recharging signature attack in Impale, whose recharge lines up perfectly with Force Scream.

A BRUTAL force scream that crits higher than urs cause of +30% crit dmg talent...whos recharge lines up perfectly with smash, cost no rage with immortal talent, and follows my 100% crit smash....

5) An ultimate ability that actually does damage.

An ultimate attack force crush, that does MORE dmg than yours and Extremely effective slow...

6) Immunity to knockbacks and CC when charging in.

The perfect way to prevent pooled hatred buff on you...the same buff than benefits u, canceled by another.....rly smart to put both in same tree...


Without Force Alacrity, you guys will be stuck using Smash once every 12 seconds, while our flagship attacks are still on 9 second cooldowns. Woe to you guys once the boss gets under 30%, because our Vicious Throw crits every time. Even if you were ahead at that point, you won't be anymore once we start spamming that.


Also some funny things about your lol spec...

1) You call it "dot" spec but ur dots does less dmg than force crush dot...and they dont even compared with mara 700 + crit dots....

2) U call it sustained dps....i see the sustained...i dont see the dps though....make some alts and compare dmg and hf...

3) Force scream gets so many talents in vengeance but still cant even reach the dmg that force scream does in rage spec with +30% crit dmg.

4) You have talent that gives u +10% dmg per slow applied on u but u have another talent on same tier that makes u immune to slows after charge...ROFL (which btw after 2 sec stun charge in 1.2 the 2 out of 4 sec immunity in that talent would be wasted, lol)

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Also some funny things about your lol spec...

1) You call it "dot" spec but ur dots does less dmg than force crush dot...and they dont even compared with mara 700 + crit dots....

2) U call it sustained dps....i see the sustained...i dont see the dps though....make some alts and compare dmg and hf...

3) Force scream gets so many talents in vengeance but still cant even reach the dmg that force scream does in rage spec with +30% crit dmg.

4) You have talent that gives u +10% dmg per slow applied on u but u have another talent on same tier that makes u immune to slows after charge...ROFL (which btw after 2 sec stun charge in 1.2 the 2 out of 4 sec immunity in that talent would be wasted, lol)


Just because you don't LIKE the spec doesn't mean it's not good. All you're trying to do is make people angry right now.


You're probably pretty skilled with Rage, but can't quite get the hang of Vengeance. I'm pretty skilled with Vengeance, but can't quite get the hang of Rage. It's preference, and both are viable.


OP: your problem does sound like it's rotation-related. Both specs can do enough damage to contribute to a team, as well as enough to kill people in PvP.

Edited by Anatlos
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Just because you don't LIKE the spec doesn't mean it's not good. All you're trying to do is make people angry right now.


You're probably pretty skilled with Rage, but can't quite get the hang of Vengeance. I'm pretty skilled with Vengeance, but can't quite get the hang of Rage. It's preference, and both are viable.


OP: your problem does sound like it's rotation-related. Both specs can do enough damage to contribute to a team, as well as enough to kill people in PvP.


You dont get it....

I DONT like rage spec...

Its a stupid spec that almost never uses lightsaber...and u are melee class....

I like Vengeance gameplay but its extremely weak spec....

I whined over and over on forums about the buffs it needs to be efficient and im getting "blocked" by ppl like u that probably played 1 class with 1 spec in their swtor life, and claim it to be fine.....jeez....

Also how u expect me to play Vengeance, after i played on a mara and seen dots crit for x8 times the dmg than vengeance spec do??

Try play a mara, or some other dps class...and then try play vengeance again.... IF u can..

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You dont get it....

I DONT like rage spec...

Its a stupid spec that almost never uses lightsaber...and u are melee class....

I like Vengeance gameplay but its extremely weak spec....

I whined over and over on forums about the buffs it needs to be efficient and im getting "blocked" by ppl like u that probably played 1 class with 1 spec in their swtor life, and claim it to be fine.....jeez....

Also how u expect me to play Vengeance, after i played on a mara and seen dots crit for x8 times the dmg than vengeance spec do??

Try play a mara, or some other dps class...and then try play vengeance again.... IF u can..


Wow you say Vengeance weak? LOL I hate say this to people but hooenstly L2P. As Vengeance I have better than average DPS in a raid setting in PvP I consistently hit for 3k and over 300k in WZs total being able to use the +6% while soresu form with get me to 400k if not 500k in the next set of armor. The only classes that give me any trouble are true tanks and really only Assassins at that. I have dueled a lot of Marauders and I post a 70% + win ratio with them.


Vengeance is fine and will get a huge buff with all the changes in 1.2


PS I played a Marauder to 50 in beta before the nerf.

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You dont get it....

I DONT like rage spec...

Its a stupid spec that almost never uses lightsaber...and u are melee class....

I like Vengeance gameplay but its extremely weak spec....

I whined over and over on forums about the buffs it needs to be efficient and im getting "blocked" by ppl like u that probably played 1 class with 1 spec in their swtor life, and claim it to be fine.....jeez....

Also how u expect me to play Vengeance, after i played on a mara and seen dots crit for x8 times the dmg than vengeance spec do??

Try play a mara, or some other dps class...and then try play vengeance again.... IF u can..


Actually, I'm playing a 45 DPS merc (switching between arsenal for 5% of the time, and pyro the other 95%), but I still enjoy the hell out of my vengeance jugg. I like him better than my assassin as well.


Vengeance, weak? Then would you care to explain why my damage usually helps my team out? Wanna tell me why people die when they try to 1v1 with me? They're swallowing cyanide pills, aren't they? I knew it :mad:


You're a weak player, that's all it is. Only person still sticking to his rusty old guns about how "Vengeance is weak b/c all teh dooz on teh forumz sed so 2 me n I bleivd it". The fact that you've said that you whined about the buffs it needs and then over-sold every other class just goes to show that Juggernaut is not the class for you. Move on with your life and leave the real Juggs to help people out.

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