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Overpowered - Watchman and Their Mirror


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It's hilarious, really. A pure DPS class that already destroys in PvP AND has better defensive cooldown than their freaking TANK base class gets massive, uneeded buffs.


And Sents still complain. You're OP. Just admit it.

Edited by TheLakers
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It's hilarious, really. A pure DPS class that already destroys in PvP AND has better defensive cooldown than their freaking TANK base class gets massive, uneeded buffs.


And Sents still complain. You're OP. Just admit it.


Been saying it for months. Ever since the December build that gave us Centering/Rebuke/Guarded by the Force. Some people will never see the light. The bad part is, playing Sentinel for this long makes all other classes seem slow. Like make-a-sandwich-between-GCDs slow.

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this kid has no idea *** he's talking about


to play sent well you must know what your doing.. no face roll here


nubcakes /shrug


Overpowered and face roll are not synonyms btw. They're often linked, but they do not mean the same thing. If replicating the Mona Lisa with 99% accuracy gave you the ability to one-shot anyone, it'd still be overpowered despite only one in a million having the ability to do so.


Sentinels are a excessively demanding class to play. That does not preclude them from being overpowered.

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We're a pure dps melee spec that can be very squishy if focused, you're a tank with a dps spec, if you wanted amazing dps you should have went Sent.


Also, if you're having trouble "surviving", that just means you're probably one of those guardians that goes full DPS gear and specs tank or hybrid, so don't sit there and complain.

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Overpowered and face roll are not synonyms btw. They're often linked, but they do not mean the same thing. If replicating the Mona Lisa with 99% accuracy gave you the ability to one-shot anyone, it'd still be overpowered despite only one in a million having the ability to do so.


Sentinels are a excessively demanding class to play. That does not preclude them from being overpowered.


one shot ???


you must be playing another game ?


My hardest hit to another BM is a bit over 3k.. is that one shot ? no it's not, get better gear :D


FML... ppl need to stop crying FFS

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one shot ???


you must be playing another game ?


My hardest hit to another BM is a bit over 3k.. is that one shot ? no it's not, get better gear :D


FML... ppl need to stop crying FFS


Did you read anything other than those two words in my post? Something does not need to be easy to be overpowered. A well-played Watchman Sent/Mara is one of the three most powerful classes in game, alongside Pyro PTs/Vanguards and Darkness Assassins/Shadows. Pyro got the nerf that was coming to them, Darkness Assassins were relatively untouched unless the stat changes negatively impact them, and Watchman Sentinels? Well, we got a buff. Post 1.2, we're going to be a step ahead of the other classes, it's not godmode, but all in all it's overpowered.

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As a guardian, I find it pretty messed up you guys do so much freaking damage and still have the survivability you have. I'm rerolling.


You may want to wait till 1.2 and see how the guardian classes shape up with the upcoming changes.


Also don't forget any utility as far as switching roles from tank to dps etc is lost once you go sentinel you have one role and that's it.


Also people need to stop calling guardians/juggs tanks.


They have one tank tree and two dps trees, if they spec damage they should be able to do decent damage, heck my pyrotech PT does awesome damage now and will still do great damage after 1.2.

Edited by Dharagada
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In this thread: Tank player upset that he doesn't do the damage of a DPS class, so he's rerolling.

He never said he was a tank. Guardians have 2 DPS specs.


In what context do you think our survivability is so great? In PvP, we're probably the best 1v1 class/spec around. But get us 1v2 or 1v3 or 1v8 as it often is for me in Voidstar, and our survivability/DPS doesn't mean jack. Or get us running the ball in Huttball with 5 guys on top of us. We can be completely invulnerable for about 5 seconds when we're ganged up on, but no way can we soak up as much damage as a guard/jugg.

How does any of that have anything to do with balance? Any class will die when ganged up on.


You people make me laugh. You seriously think you aren't a bit overpowered right now at level 50?

Considering 95% of the people on the sentinal forum are watchmen I doubt anyone seriously believes they aren't OP. It's more likely they just think if they pretend not to be aware of it they somehow won't get nerfed.


one shot ???


you must be playing another game ?


My hardest hit to another BM is a bit over 3k.. is that one shot ? no it's not, get better gear :D

It's a hypothetical example. It's not literal. God there's so much epic fail logic in this thread.

Edited by Game-Hermit
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You are fooling no one.



I have a grav round hero, and a Sentinel.



On my Grav-Rounder, I don't have to really spec Gunnery. ATM I can just spec enough to max out Grav Round, and then spec into lots of other stuff, like free instant heals, extra Crowd Control, and the most amazing of all, the super bubble of you-can't-stop-my-Gravround.


Anyone jumps on me, I have my choice of two knockbacks or a stun, use one, fall back a bit. If they are foolish enough to follow, they die. I just bubble/free instant heals/can't be interrupted/spam grav round and they die.


I'm extra insulting about it too. I make sure that I don't move, and I try to only use Grav Round when I kill them.


so in other words, you're just an awful player beating up on players that are even more awful than yourself. Kudos.

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You are fooling no one.



I have a grav round hero, and a Sentinel.



On my Grav-Rounder, I don't have to really spec Gunnery. ATM I can just spec enough to max out Grav Round, and then spec into lots of other stuff, like free instant heals, extra Crowd Control, and the most amazing of all, the super bubble of you-can't-stop-my-Gravround.


Anyone jumps on me, I have my choice of two knockbacks or a stun, use one, fall back a bit. If they are foolish enough to follow, they die. I just bubble/free instant heals/can't be interrupted/spam grav round and they die.


I'm extra insulting about it too. I make sure that I don't move, and I try to only use Grav Round when I kill them.


so in other words, you're just an awful player beating up on players that are even more awful than yourself. Kudos.

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As a guardian, I find it pretty messed up you guys do so much freaking damage and still have the survivability you have. I'm rerolling.


That's not the way they designed the classes.


Sentinels: DPS + personal survivability

Guardians: DPS + group utility / survivability (for DPS specs)



So, it's balanced in the overarching system, but Guardians get shafted in 1v1 combat compared to Sents.

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I see threads like this hitting the forums more and more.


There are some serious problems with this idea, and suddenly people are seeing the sent incarnations shine. Mainly the watchman spec.


First thing you need understand is Sents have one of the biggest learning/difficulty curves in the game. Notice how you are seeing less "Nerf commando/Sorc" threads and more "Nerf Sent" threads? It has little to do with game balance and more to do with information becoming available, people putting the time in to learn classes and counters, and somewhat to do with the upcoming patch changes (Which have not even hit live yet so it's fairly fruitless crying for a handful of reasons beyond the scope of this post)


Second off you need to understand how playing a Sent works. You do not have inherent survivability like several other classes do in forms such as heavy armor and shield generators with dodge and deflection or the ability to do significant damage from ranged, or high forms of control such as stun locking. The entire survivability scheme for Sentinels is based off of keeping up a series of cool downs, while maintaining melee on your target, while dodging their stuns, disabiling and high damaging effects, and trying to kill them before your tricks run out.


Frankly, roll a sentinel and play it in the lower end of the level span where you lack both your dps potential, and the majority of your cool down pool and you will see what will happen if you just start stripping away all of the powers a Sentinel has. The class becomes severely lacking in the ability to do it's job.


The largest problem and the most relavent to this particular OP's post has to do with the design of the game. You have base classes (Which cannot be changed without a reroll) which get a very weak set of abilities. Then you build upon that with an advanced class (Which cannot be changed without a reroll) that has a slightly better set of skills but still seriously lacking. On top of that you get talent tree's some of which are good, and some are not and apply the defining characteristics to your class. The main problem this creates is classes that can perform more than one role and but are not as good at some roles as others. Or are so good at both they are just really strong in both roles and hard to counter.


Yes guardians and Juggs have two DPS tree's but they are both fairly weak as the advanced class lacks the ability to support them. Most of your survival tricks are in the tank tree. So this gives you a choice of trying to DPS without the right tools in either capacity, or to play a tank.


Sent's right now still rely heavily on a series of short duration and short CD survivability tricks, AND talent tree's keeping their potency in order to make them competitive. Any changes that would have impact would likely have too much impact. Such is the nature of how one of the two pure classes is built in the game right now.

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This kid is just a pure scrub 24% damage reduction fully geared and we have to much survivability? **** your just trash at swtor, we are squishy and the spec revolves around dots and 25 skills, you got outplayed and your crying, baddie. Move along
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Easy excuse. I don't care about the damage. I care about the survivability you have. Your damage is too high for it. Sorry if you don't like it but eventually they will catch on. You aren't a tank - you are DPS.



You are a tank with Focus Spec. if you aren't out dpsing watchmen and setnials in VS (easy aoe) you are doing something wrong, you have more survivability then us. any tank running in dps spec with little in tank trees are a pain to kill, Yes i will still kill him because thats what suppose to happen but its close, why you are saying, because they have more moves to survive. Then you basically get a free pocket healer cause u should always guard one, and any half wit healer knows to heal the person guarding them if they want to survive.


Re-rolling will not solve your problem, cause this is a case of L2P. Also you are getting nice buffs in 1.2.

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First thing you need understand is Sents have one of the biggest learning/difficulty curves in the game. Notice how you are seeing less "Nerf commando/Sorc" threads and more "Nerf Sent" threads? It has little to do with game balance and more to do with information becoming available, people putting the time in to learn classes and counters, and somewhat to do with the upcoming patch changes (Which have not even hit live yet so it's fairly fruitless crying for a handful of reasons beyond the scope of this post)


You are a fotm class thats why everyone is saying nerf senitnels. It's because other classes are getting nerfed while you get buffed, don't kid yourself.


Second off you need to understand how playing a Sent works. You do not have inherent survivability like several other classes do in forms such as heavy armor and shield generators with dodge and deflection or the ability to do significant damage from ranged, or high forms of control such as stun locking. The entire survivability scheme for Sentinels is based off of keeping up a series of cool downs, while maintaining melee on your target, while dodging their stuns, disabiling and high damaging effects, and trying to kill them before your tricks run out.


Congratulations you just described how to play this game, regardless of class. "keeping up a series of cool downs, while maintaining melee on your target, while dodging their stuns, disabiling and high damaging effects, and trying to kill them before your tricks run out". come on. don't kid yourself.


Frankly, roll a sentinel and play it in the lower end of the level span where you lack both your dps potential, and the majority of your cool down pool and you will see what will happen if you just start stripping away all of the powers a Sentinel has. The class becomes severely lacking in the ability to do it's job.


Seriously? No class can do it's job without the necessary skills. The sentinel is not special in that regard

Edited by Zayse
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You are a tank with Focus Spec. if you aren't out dpsing watchmen and setnials in VS (easy aoe) you are doing something wrong, you have more survivability then us. any tank running in dps spec with little in tank trees are a pain to kill, Yes i will still kill him because thats what suppose to happen but its close, why you are saying, because they have more moves to survive. Then you basically get a free pocket healer cause u should always guard one, and any half wit healer knows to heal the person guarding them if they want to survive.


Re-rolling will not solve your problem, cause this is a case of L2P. Also you are getting nice buffs in 1.2.


So you're saying you have the survivability to take his hits with the dps to overwhelm his increased survivability. but its "close" so it doesnt matter




Im not saying the OP is right necessarily, but I will say that all of you are seriously deluding yourselves if you can't see that what was previously considered a fairly balanced class is getting buffed while everyone else is getting nerfed. Everyone gets their turn as the fotm class. Recognize when it happens to you, enjoy it while it lasts, and accept the nerfs later.


Just my two cents-


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