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Overpowered - Watchman and Their Mirror


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As a guardian, I find it pretty messed up you guys do so much freaking damage and still have the survivability you have. I'm rerolling.


As a Sentinel, I find it pretty messed up you guys do so much freaking damage and still have the survivability you have. I'm rerolling.

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In what context do you think our survivability is so great? In PvP, we're probably the best 1v1 class/spec around. But get us 1v2 or 1v3 or 1v8 as it often is for me in Voidstar, and our survivability/DPS doesn't mean jack. Or get us running the ball in Huttball with 5 guys on top of us. We can be completely invulnerable for about 5 seconds when we're ganged up on, but no way can we soak up as much damage as a guard/jugg. And yes, our DPS is awesome, but that's what we were designed to do. So yeah, reroll a sent if you want to do a ton of DPS, but don't expect to rival a tank's survivability.
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You people make me laugh. You seriously think you aren't a bit overpowered right now at level 50? Don't bother commenting if you aren't 50. You are just cheese right now. Your class IS too strong and its getting stronger next patch. Even the troopers are talking about rerolling. Thats plain sad.



Edited by ColdSunHoth
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You are just bad.Rage Juggernauts/Focus Guardians often outdps me with smash specc and they have tons of survivability.1V1 against a skilled one it's is a very close fight.If you are tank specc however and want to do 500k dps then you might want to l2p instead of bashing marauders/sent.
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We get Saber Ward/Whatever the imp mirror is, which you also get. We get a 4 second combat "stealth," a 6 second 20% mitigation shield that goes away if you don't hit us and a shield that requires half of our health to last 5 seconds longer. If there's an argument to be made about the survivability of a class, look to Assassin/Shadow.
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You people make me laugh. You seriously think you aren't a bit overpowered right now at level 50? Don't bother commenting if you aren't 50. You are just cheese right now. Your class IS too strong and its getting stronger next patch. Even the troopers are talking about rerolling. Thats plain sad.










I'm very excited on all the 'huff' talk of the Troopers.



When these Grav-Round heroes realize that it takes more than one button to play a Sentinel, they scurry back in silence to play their Commando, and blame everyone else for their inability to play any other class.


There shall be good forum reading in the future.

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There shall be good forum reading in the future.


No there wont, sometimes I wonder why I am reading the forums here at all. So much whine when people dont get exactly what they expected its insane.


As for sentinel or guardian being op they both got some nice pros and cons, using your survivability cds on the right time against each other is the key. Dps wise they are very close if they are on the dps tree, but then guardian loses much survivability as compared to tanking spec.


The only time guardians might be a fair bit stronger is when they are playing with a pocket healer compared to sentinels with one. That doesnt happen often though. Also once you have one tank/healer team the obvious addition to such a team is one dps.

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No there wont, sometimes I wonder why I am reading the forums here at all. So much whine when people dont get exactly what they expected its insane.


As for sentinel or guardian being op they both got some nice pros and cons, using your survivability cds on the right time against each other is the key. Dps wise they are very close if they are on the dps tree, but then guardian loses much survivability as compared to tanking spec.


The only time guardians might be a fair bit stronger is when they are playing with a pocket healer compared to sentinels with one. That doesnt happen often though. Also once you have one tank/healer team the obvious addition to such a team is one dps.




You are fooling no one.



I have a grav round hero, and a Sentinel.



On my Grav-Rounder, I don't have to really spec Gunnery. ATM I can just spec enough to max out Grav Round, and then spec into lots of other stuff, like free instant heals, extra Crowd Control, and the most amazing of all, the super bubble of you-can't-stop-my-Gravround.


Anyone jumps on me, I have my choice of two knockbacks or a stun, use one, fall back a bit. If they are foolish enough to follow, they die. I just bubble/free instant heals/can't be interrupted/spam grav round and they die.


I'm extra insulting about it too. I make sure that I don't move, and I try to only use Grav Round when I kill them.

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The difference is that Sentinel cant "tank", they can survive in bursts.


A Sentinel can only survive in a few clutch windows, but a Guardian has the ability to actually take damage over a sustained ammount of time. a Sentinel can wiggle out of a tight spot, but a Guardian can shrug off damage longer before they are ever in a tight spot. Guardians also get the ability to taunt and guard as well as agro managment, which goes a long way to fitting that role better.


So while a Sentinel can get keep himself from loseing that last 1-10% health for a bit and forestall death, they cant simply stand and tank like a Guardian can over the long run.

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My damage is negotiable as a tank. Sorry, this doesn't work in reverse. Look, you can lie to yourself is you want, but you know its messed up.


yeah as a tank is should be negotiable. You're a tank not a damage dealer. Your role is to take damage. Go the smash spec and you can do damage too and lol5k crits.

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Everyone acts as if you need a PhD in astrophysics to play a Sent....


Yea you need a bit of reflexes, and I'm certainly not the best Sent, but come on lol. It's not really hard or anything.


As for the OP, if you're a Guard/Jugger and complain about survivability...k lol.

Edited by Dizzident
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Easy excuse. I don't care about the damage. I care about the survivability you have. Your damage is too high for it. Sorry if you don't like it but eventually they will catch on. You aren't a tank - you are DPS.


Exactly. We are DPS. It's why I rolled Sentinel and not Guardian, I find Tanks too frustrating to play. Our survivability is Medium, our DPS is high. Your Survivability is high, your DPS is medium. Just because we're DPS doesn't mean we have to die in one shot.

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As a guardian, I find it pretty messed up you guys do so much freaking damage and still have the survivability you have. I'm rerolling.

Tanks have the ability to last a long *** time when ganged up on and have alot of CC.

In Pve all that matters is Threat control and tankability so im assuming your refering to pvp.


In pvp yeah Sents are best 1v1 class and I dont agree with the "buff" were getting in 1.2... BUT as a tank in pvp your job is to harass other players, to use your CC to "control" the battefield. Taunts and guard work wonders and Since all Warzones are objective bases one could argue having a tank to keep healers alive and stop "Caps" would be preferd over dps, but thats a different argument. IF you want to be best 1v1 class then reroll but this is an MMO every class will get nerfed and buffed and rinse and repeat.


Find something you like and make it work.

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As a guardian, I find it pretty messed up you guys do so much freaking damage and still have the survivability you have. I'm rerolling.


you have no idea what your talking about do you ?


survivability you say ? we have what ? GBF an SW ?


One of them takes half are health away, and last 5-6 seconds


The other is 50% DR for 5-6 seconds


An what do you have ? i don't even know, but I have fought plenty of Juggs an if you new how to play you wouldn't be posting this.. so 1 or 2 things is wrong... 1 you have no idea how to play your class or 2 you have @#$! for gear... or both..... i'm guessing both


these forms are a joke to nub cakes B@#$!.... your all wee girls crying!


plz come an try to play sent! i dare you! i bet you'll rage quit after your first 50 wz


BC you have no idea what it take to play so **** c#@!

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You people make me laugh. You seriously think you aren't a bit overpowered right now at level 50? Don't bother commenting if you aren't 50. You are just cheese right now. Your class IS too strong and its getting stronger next patch. Even the troopers are talking about rerolling. Thats plain sad.




We are not remotely OP if facing equally geared and equally competent players. The fact that we are a solid DPS class lets us destroy those with lesser gear or who aren't paying attention...and yes we ARE very good in 1vs1 regardless...but as someone else said, all you need is 2 people with brains on us and we go down pretty quick.


We have a few tricks to increase survivability but our base survivability is rather poor. So it all depends on CD use, and when those CDs are unavailable guess what? We go down like...er you get the picture. :p


This thread makes me wonder...does this game have premade 50s on its test servers or is it a copy character setup? Because it would be great if players could educate themselves a little about how a class works before running to the forums and crying nerf. I guarantee if you gave a 50 Watchman a whirl, you'd see that we have to work for our kills like any other class, and the grass over here isn't quite as green as you think. :)

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You people make me laugh. You seriously think you aren't a bit overpowered right now at level 50? Don't bother commenting if you aren't 50. You are just cheese right now. Your class IS too strong and its getting stronger next patch. Even the troopers are talking about rerolling. Thats plain sad.




Being honest here.




1.You are a TANK. You take damage, you do poo damage, simple as that.

2. Sentinel/Marauder are epic if played well enough.

3. You're complaining about something that makes sense.

4. Complaining and telling us this just brings the trolls along.

5. Trollololol.

6. I like Dr. Pepper.

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This thread makes me laugh. I hope the OP fails when he rerolls (or just gives up halfway through) as a Sentinel.


Or, maybe he should get to 50, see how awesome our "survivability" is and quit the game?


Those Sentinels you see doing awesome DPS and surviving?


They're either really good (The exception of the Sentinel class) or have a healer.



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