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Sorc/Sage 1.2 Discussion --> Nerf


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Cept sorcs/sages have never been OP since launch. People are just to stupid to effectively counter them.




People only ever notice the "good" sorcerers and they dont notice that there are a lot of mediocre ones.



A sorcerer can turret all match and make HUGE numbers, the same is true of every ranged class.

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I think force speed needs a buff: you can't be death gripped while using it. Seriously, a BH will stand there like an idiot and wait for someone to use it before death gripping.


OR they can take back wrath proc and everything is all right.

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Would pyrotechs be like 'ya we'll adapt' if rail shot was made AP only?


They murdered Powertech's best hybrid spec just as badly as hybrid Sorcs'. Just like they did to Assassins previously.


You might notice a trend.

Edited by Varicite
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They murdered Powertech's best hybrid spec just as badly as hybrid Sorcs'. Just like they did to Assassins previously.


You might notice a trend.


There may bee some truth that the most-valuable benefits from most classes trees is situated in the lower-tiers of the skill-trees. For Sorc/sage/shadow/assasin the hybrid spec destroyed a big part of the class as well when nerfed.

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1.2 is your opportunity to show you can still succeed without spamming force lighting... you scrubs.


Ouch, troll much? Spamming lighting was our weakness. We are kiters, not standing still BHs/Troops.

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I have over 550 expertise, the sweet spot currently. I got hit for 4.5k by a warriors saber throw, note that TB which is our 31 talent in lightning will NEVER hit for that much. I also got hit for over 5k by a warriors smash that same match, that is with doing the usual attempts at breaking cc, purging, stunning, anything to avoid the hit. Warriors are getting a buff. I marvel when I hit for 3.8k, on low expertise targets in crappy gear because it never happens otherwise including vs well geared light armored targets.


We are getting hit with the nerf bat and warriors are getting a buff because they are SO terrible now. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder if I should just stick with sp games from bioware because the team on this one has no clue obviously. We are actually expected to use lightning in pvp??? LOL, what a joke. At best you will see everyone roll madness for pvp. I am actually considering rerolling a jugg so I can wear better armor and actually have some burst damage. Our burst tree is the biggest joke considering the squishyness and how fast people can close to melee distance. I won't even bother mentioning the range classes who also have better armor and defensive mitigation cds than us.


That is an execute you are talking about - and it's getting buffed in that in 1.2 it can be used at 30% instead of 20% of a targets remaining health. :D


But then again, since it IS an execute that can only be used when the target is 20% or below, much of that damage was overkill... now wasn't it?

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They murdered Powertech's best hybrid spec just as badly as hybrid Sorcs'. Just like they did to Assassins previously.


You might notice a trend.


Yet an assassin killed me in one stun the other day while I was wearing full BM gear and had a bubble up prior to him jumping me. A very good operatives can do the same thing. I've NEVER seen a sorc kill a geared player from full to 0 in 4 seconds flat. It's impossible. They've completely ruined our only burst, where as for other classes they just slightly reduced it or they had another option. Our options are a 18 second long dot that does 2-3k damage on a 9 second cooldown or a 2 second long cast that does 2-3k damage. Meanwhile the other nerfed classes can still hit for over 5k a pop.



Seeing as a lot of folks are saying to go 31 point madness in pvp, I'd like to point out that their dots can be purged off with a click of a button. I laugh every time I see a full madness sorc in wzs because I know there is absolutely no chance of them killing me. They just lose.

What we need to make madness viable in pvp is some sort of purge protection and a harder hitting 31 point dot talent.

Edited by Akumati
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Actually... this won't change that by much- you can only get that damage by not killing enemies and stacking up dots. Without CL, it's actually harder to kill enemies, so they'll survive for the full duration of your dots more often- and with only crushing usable, you'll actually dot more.


I know it's hard for you to understand what that means since you think overall damage is all that matters in pvp, and you're likely far more proud when you manage to spend five minutes hitting a tank getting healed and pull out 100k on him than you are when you kill two people, dealing 30k damage, in 20 seconds.


Who's the better player? I know your answer to that one. I can also tell you why every single 'look I did 1 million damage!' picture also has DEFEAT above it.


nope i dont care about damage. I'm more of a killing blows and wins kind of guy, but thanks.

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After reading much of the test server feedback, and of course being upset that the only viable pvp dps spec (imho) has been ruined, I decided to change my rotation slightly.


Of course being a hybrid dps sage, I would consider skipping tidal force, opting to put points elsewhere.


However, I respec'd to 7/18/16 to allow tidal force, and for the sake of emulating a post 1.2 situation, did not use TK wave when POM would proc, but would use disturbance instead.


As disturbance in turn can proc @ 30% a free TK wave, I was able to use instant TK wave very sparingly, however do keep in mind tidal force can proc at the same time as POM so in essence it is not wasted. (Ie you can shoot off an instant disturbance and instant TK wave if timed correctly).


Of course I was about 100k short of damage in wz, as I cannot spam TK wave as much as before, however, hybrid mobility and performance was still there.


STILL, I would prefer pom to proc tk wave, but my point is here that we can still work as hybrids.



Use disturbance/tidal force for the proc of instant TK wave is viable replacement, however the 10 second cooldown/ 30% proc rate still results in lower damage totals.

Edited by notjustforshow
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Any mobile DPS can simple run around a pillar in fx. voidstar or the civil war, literally avoiding ALL damage the sorc can do. Yes, the sorc can use a stun, but it cannot root since there is no longer value levelling madness up.


Typos are free.


welcome to the life of a whatyamacallit Caster?

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Makes no difference. The players that couldnt counter sorcerers still wont be able to. They will cry "what nerf"? Because there is no change the devs can make that will stop crap people from being crap.


They will have even bigger problems because lot of them will respec to full balance and be better 1vs1.


Though their only (and very shaky) group value - semi spamable aoe with lowish damage - will make you want to /kick that sorc from the group because - lets face it - anything but an operative would be better for group.

Edited by GrandMike
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This nerf really screws us in PVE too.. I get groups cause I'm solid dps, but with these nerfs, it's going to be hard to maintain solid dps on a long fight.


AND the only thing you were actually good for - AoE - is gone.


But....changes are great! (do i get BM commendation now?) :rolleyes:

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I assume you clicked this post because it had something to do with sorcs, then read the first 5 lines and then decided to write a comment.


Put on your pink glasses please.


Instead of nerfing a non-OP AOE spec into NOTHING_BUT_****_SPEC, they could actually boost single-target / single-tree specs for sorcs instead.


Get a clue pls.


Most players of similar classes should be playing the same spec for wz's and a different one for raiding. There is always going to be one better spec. Unfortunately for pvp sages/sorcs don't have many good options. Since launch we have been nerfed every week it feels like. If they take our AoE's and we have no good single target damage. Doesn't matter I am still going to roll all you haters!

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AND the only thing you were actually good for - AoE - is gone.


But....changes are great! (do i get BM commendation now?) :rolleyes:


Personally, I'm a madness tree sorc so my AOE wasn't huge anyway. In PVE, lightning storm is great for CC of large groups of weak mobs, but it's not much for damage. The changes I'm talking about are to our sustained dps. Nerfs to Disintigration and Calcify are going to basically lower our sustained dps on boss fights by a fair amount.

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This nerf really screws us in PVE too.. I get groups cause I'm solid dps, but with these nerfs, it's going to be hard to maintain solid dps on a long fight.


How do you mean (in reference to long fights)? The only thing you lose with the hybrid spec is chain lightning, and if you use that too much you'll go OOM. For PVE, I rarely ues chain lightning on single target encounters just because if I do I'll be OOM before the fight is over. Even without using chain lightning, this spec is still better than the full madness spec because of lightning barrage (double speed force lightning/force pebbles). Getting one of those procs gives you two double speed force lightnings which is an extra 3k damage every 10 seconds. instead of a dot that would MAYBE do 3k damage over 18 seconds.


You can still use your madness procs on lightning strike which hit a single target for about 74% of the damage your chain lightning would do for half the mana. It's obviously a nerf to single target pve damage, but it isnt as bad as you'd think. Ya just can't aoe as quickly

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