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Sorc/Sage 1.2 Discussion --> Nerf


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All I see is the easy mode/ no skill options being made less effective.....


  • Use more than 5 keys
  • Go back and upgrade more then 5 skills from your trainer
  • Expand your toolbar to a second row
  • oh and...L2FP your toon


The crying here is unreal.


What BW is doing is unreal, not crying.

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The simple truth is that in most cases a nerf will not balance the field. Sorc/Sages problems are in the numbers of players choosing those classes, The number of those classes available for groups and PvP. Sorcs are only a problem when there are 4-5 of them on a team. At which point every nub in town is going to alt-tab over to the forums to whine.


Think of it this way, We've already canned the Nerf on GS/OPS. We are now working on Sage/Sorc at the same time there are major tunings of TR/BH coming down the pike. What happens when every class is "balanced"? Well then they will be whining about their ineffectiveness in PVE.


This is a big reason why SWTOR is not a revolutionary new MMO, they are still working the balance angle from the wrong end of the stick. Want to improve class numbers? Bump them up, find their weakness's and address them. Do not knock everyone else on the field down.

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Think of it this way, We've already canned the Nerf on GS/OPS. We are now working on Sage/Sorc at the same time there are major tunings of TR/BH coming down the pike. What happens when every class is "balanced"? Well then they will be whining about their ineffectiveness in PVE.





PvE is pretty lulzy here, that's got to be countless nerfs down the road.

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All I see is the easy mode/ no skill options being made less effective.....


  • Use more than 5 keys
  • Go back and upgrade more then 5 skills from your trainer
  • Expand your toolbar to a second row
  • oh and...L2FP your toon


The crying here is unreal.


Disappear or something, pls.

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Be prepared to be useless and a waste of a slot in any premade that would be better filled by another class with more utility.


Good thing votekick is coming up so you can kick useless class out of /random WZ to up the odds of winning :D

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Good thing votekick is coming up so you can kick useless class out of /random WZ to up the odds of winning :D




I love healer ops/scoundrels. I do. I have one (had I should say, he's collecting dust atm). However they contribute nothing productive to an organized team that isn't better served with another AC. It's actually selfish of them currently to waste that slot on their team. Every time I see one I want to tell them to reroll or go to the enemy team so we can get an AC worth the position.


Same goes with HM's and Ops. No, you don't get to go, you're not worth the position. We'll take you if you reroll sniper as then we can still get the buff and you actually serve a decent purpose with your ranged dps.

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I really don't understand why people are saying operatives are underpowered for healers now. I've seen an operative do 750k healing in a voidstar (granted i've done more on my sorc), but they are by far not worthless. If they spec right they can become beastly in pvp... An operative friend of mine has walked the ball to the goal line in huttball with over half the team beating on him without a problem...



I heal PVE content with an operative healer too, and I have to say while the sorc AOE heals are far superior to operatives, they pull their weight just fine as a healer and complement a sorc very well.



as far as operatives as dps... in pvp there are some operatives that are absolutely overpowered, but i've yet to see a good pve dps operative.

Edited by Akumati
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Simply put, hybrid AoE spec is history.

Deep Lightning/Telekinesis, or deep balance/madness will be the spec to go if you want to DPS in PvP.


Nobody knows how these two specs fare, since few people play them after the hybrid became popular.

However, the QQing about sorcs being OP come way before the hybrid spec became popular. So...I imagine these two specs could still be strong.

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Simply put, hybrid AoE spec is history.

Deep Lightning/Telekinesis, or deep balance/madness will be the spec to go if you want to DPS in PvP.


Nobody knows how these two specs fare, since few people play them after the hybrid became popular.

However, the QQing about sorcs being OP come way before the hybrid spec became popular. So...I imagine these two specs could still be strong.


I've played both specs consistently with high-tier gear.


What I can tell you is that they BOTH SUCKS, compared to the pre-1.2 merc and gunslinger specs, not to mention sorc hybrid.


Imo madness is "OK", but still it needs a few things to live up to compete with other clases.


Lightning spec is better than madness as dps, actually it can deliver same dps as hybrid specs, but it requires INSANE maintained skill and movement and specific opponents.

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i have a sorc, so i know this OP is just whining about easy mode. ive got other classes too, and the simplicity of current sorcs is in stark contrast to most other classes. (apart from commando/merc


I think I can deliever AT LEAST twice the damage as you in ALL WARZONE if we had same gear.

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I really don't understand why people are saying operatives are underpowered for healers now. I've seen an operative do 750k healing in a voidstar (granted i've done more on my sorc), but they are by far not worthless. If they spec right they can become beastly in pvp... An operative friend of mine has walked the ball to the goal line in huttball with over half the team beating on him without a problem...



I heal PVE content with an operative healer too, and I have to say while the sorc AOE heals are far superior to operatives, they pull their weight just fine as a healer and complement a sorc very well.



as far as operatives as dps... in pvp there are some operatives that are absolutely overpowered, but i've yet to see a good pve dps operative.


Min/Max man. Ops can do "ok". Other classes do better in every way. Better heals, better dps (except snipers, they're still good to bring), and the biggest one of all: More utility.


Ops have no knockback, no leap/sprint/gap closer, no pull, no bubble, etc. They bring no utility to the group. Other classes do. In fact EVERY other class does. CAN an op heal? Sure. But can he heal AND bubble AND sprint+leap+pull to the goal? No. Can he knock 4 players off a platform and **** up their positioning? No. Can he do anything but turret heal? No.


I think I can deliever AT LEAST twice the damage as you in ALL WARZONE if we had same gear.


Epeen slighted. Ego post fired off. lol

Edited by Vaipyr
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Well by reading here it's like I'm the only Healing Sage...

I'll start off by saying I like the changes to Seer. It will make me less OP.(I'm that sage running around in PvE gear with 0-3 deaths a game.)


-Conveyance no longer unintentionally allows its buff to be applied to more than one healing ability. Its effects have been slightly redesigned. It now increases the critical chance of Benevolence by 60% and reduces the Force cost of Deliverance by 30%.


This, makes it so no cost is reduced and Deliverance may cost less BUT still keeps it's 2.5 sec cast instead of 1.5 now. Means unless you're a braindead non-ccing dps I'll be getting those off no problem.


-Resplendence no longer removes the health cost from Noble Sacrifice.


Now, this is a BIG game changer. The way it is now makes me so over powered I never go under 50%-70% force overall unless you lock out Healing Trance each time. With this change I'm STILL taking 8%-ish hp away from myself for force, this gives an advantage to the dps beating on me if they play it smart.


Overall, Healing has been doing fine. I'm also fine with these changes and maybe I'll die more often in PvP since it'll require me to actually wear PvP gear.

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Almost every class is getting a firm slap on the wrist...your nothing special.


In comparison to a lot of the other classes your really not that bad off.


You obviously are not a sorc healer. This patch completely ruins sorc healers for healing output. We're going to be half ***** healers with good utility in 1.2 and any melee will rip us apart.


Really am tired of non-sorcs posting here saying we're QQing so much.


People make note of the names/classes of folks who completely destroy them a lot more then the people/classes they destroy. I know the names of about 5-6 people on my server that I know I cannot kill 1v1, but I only remember the name of two guys that I know are laughably bad.


The same percentage of sorcs are amazing players as any other class, but because there are more sorcs than any other class we get noticed a lot more.

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Well by reading here it's like I'm the only Healing Sage...

I'll start off by saying I like the changes to Seer. It will make me less OP.(I'm that sage running around in PvE gear with 0-3 deaths a game.)


-Conveyance no longer unintentionally allows its buff to be applied to more than one healing ability. Its effects have been slightly redesigned. It now increases the critical chance of Benevolence by 60% and reduces the Force cost of Deliverance by 30%.


This, makes it so no cost is reduced and Deliverance may cost less BUT still keeps it's 2.5 sec cast instead of 1.5 now. Means unless you're a braindead non-ccing dps I'll be getting those off no problem.


How can you be fine with this? With rated WZs coming up, once you get to high rating (assuming you're good enough to get to the top of it), every single dps that can interrupt will be using it on CD. Even a brain dead DPS will be able to realize you are casting a heal and interrupt it in the time it takes for this heal to go off.


I can careless about the mana savings. I don't have mana issues very often. What I absolutely need is the burst healing this talent provided.

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Min/Max man. Ops can do "ok". Other classes do better in every way. Better heals, better dps (except snipers, they're still good to bring), and the biggest one of all: More utility.


Ops have no knockback, no leap/sprint/gap closer, no pull, no bubble, etc. They bring no utility to the group. Other classes do. In fact EVERY other class does. CAN an op heal? Sure. But can he heal AND bubble AND sprint+leap+pull to the goal? No. Can he knock 4 players off a platform and **** up their positioning? No. Can he do anything but turret heal? No.



This is a good point. I agree they have a lot fewer skills that would be considered utility, but operatives do have stealth and vanish. That's amazing utility for a healer to have. They can stealth to the goal line and have someone toss them the ball. That and they do seem to hit a lot harder than sorcs.

Edited by Akumati
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This is a good point. Then again operatives can stealth and vanish. That's got to be amazing utility for a healer to have. They can stealth to the goal line and have someone toss them the ball...


Have you ever noticed that stealth is useless? I have stealthscan on my trooper. I have it talented even so that it stuns when it finds a stealther. I never use it because as long as I'm within 30m of a stealther I can see their outline, click on them (can't trust tab for this part sadly) and use my basic attack to knock them out of stealth. Stealth is barely stealth in this game. It's more of "PLEASE DON'T NOTICE ME, PLEASE!" praying.

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I was called out in a numerous post about Sorceress/Sages classes being OP & I also kind of slipped up by saying that big Sage/Sorcerer changes were coming. My GF is from Edmonton & attends MacEwan University & she has some " friends " out their. I'll leave it at that. So I knew changes were coming. I took a lot of flak about going into detail on how Sorc/Sages were OP prior to having knowledge of the then planned changes. Now that the changes are public knowledge, I can just kick my feet up & Say " I told ya so " :p.




dont worry we are canceling our subs



game already has a trial, wont be long untill free to play

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Have you ever noticed that stealth is useless? I have stealthscan on my trooper. I have it talented even so that it stuns when it finds a stealther. I never use it because as long as I'm within 30m of a stealther I can see their outline, click on them (can't trust tab for this part sadly) and use my basic attack to knock them out of stealth. Stealth is barely stealth in this game. It's more of "PLEASE DON'T NOTICE ME, PLEASE!" praying.


Fair enough. I do love the utility sorcs healers bring to the group (it's why i love playing mine so much), but with these sorc healing changes we'll be spending more time dead than alive (where's the utility in being dead?). If as an operative I live twice as long, I'm perfectly fine with sacrificing my utility if I can keep the ball carrier up while he caps it. Juggs can still jump to me to get over 1 fire and jump to an enemy to get over the second. Life-grip is great, but it isn't required if you queue with a good ball carrier.

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Fair enough. I do love the utility sorcs healers bring to the group (it's why i love playing mine so much), but with these sorc healing changes we'll be spending more time dead than alive (where's the utility in being dead?). If as an operative I live twice as long, I'm perfectly fine with sacrificing my utility if I can keep the ball carrier up while he caps it. Juggs can still jump to me to get over 1 fire and jump to an enemy to get over the second. Life-grip is great, but it isn't required if you queue with a good ball carrier.


True. However ops really don't live that long. Easiest healer to burn down 1v1. Interrupt their kolto injection and they are completely fubared as they don't have another worthwhile heal as backup. Only time their healing gets good in fact is when they're under 30% and can spam surgical probe.

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