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1.2 New armor models!


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After finally seeing the armor on a Male character I'am pretty disappointed.



1. The Sorcerer/Assassin PVE/PVP armor both have "Skirts" and show off alot of leg which look ridiculous, second the PVE armor has one too many blades on it.


2. The PVP Sage/Shadow Male armor have skirts also showing off alot of leg. PVE set has skirts too and shows off their shoulders obviously ment for the Female version only, but the Males have it.


3. With our current armor sets in game for PVE/PVP, there are subtle differences in the Armors to reflect the advanced class you are, as it wasnt bad enough that it wasn't completely different as I was hoping, now with 1.2 there is not a SINGLE difference at all besides color.


Please this is just lazy...

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How drunk did the art team get before working on these, and why hasn't the blood of their sacking been proudly displayed by the remaining dev members? This way they could be showing us they will never let their standards get this low, ever again.
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This armor is simply a failure of artists and the general opinion of all who write in this thread .... Question to the developers GAME - WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH IT?? :wea_12:


i think, nothing :( a new concept, and so on...


I think, that no one will change.

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Yep. But why not go the full distance and completely divorce progession and appearance? Just give Armouring / Mods / Enhancments as rewards for endgame raids and missions. This would save everyone the not inconsiderable expense of stripping the mods out of armour they don't like the appearance of (which in 1.2 is going to be most of us it seems).


Everyone has different tastes and different ideas of what looks good. So why not make appearance independant of progression? Give mods as progression rewards and let players obtain their desired appearance via crafting, commendations and missions.


This. That is exactly what I have wished for in this game. Why they didn't go this route is beyond me.

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Since most of the replies are "LOL ugly" I'll try to make my post as detailed and constructive as I can. If I don't have a "Likes" or "Dislike" section that just means that nothing stood out enough to make me like/dislike it. Also, I'm not going to list the reasons for my choices because opinions differ. I'm simply trying to help Bioware improve.




The hanging cloth pieces


The metal things on the shoulder/hands/lower leg



The hanging cloth pieces


The entire spiky head piece



The cape


The horns



The helmet

The cape


The shoulder spikes



The shoulders



The jetpack

The helmet



The helmet



The helmet



The belt


The entire chest piece



Everything but the pants (I can't see them very well)



Everything but the shoulders



The chest piece

The helmet






Everything but the helmet



Everthing but the pants



The helmet

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This is what whining does...


"Whaa, we all look alike"


...They try too hard to fix that and voila we now have armors that doesnt look like anything from the SW universe we all know and love.





Same with classes...


"Why cant I do this or that, that guy can?"


..Ultimately that will lead to no diversity between classes and stale gameplay. Heroic moment is just the beginning.





Keep star wars the way it is. Jedi wear simple armor. Sith doesnt look like clowns and classes should be what they are. Vader with tracer missiles or Bobba Fett with force lightning is stupid!


You are deluded if you think they listen to the customers, if they did these armours would never see the light of day and certainly wouldnt reach live.

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really dude? come on.

All dev's from all games listen to their customer base,just because they don't always cater to every single whim the customer wants, doesn't mean they don't listen.


You don't understand... It's not some backwater "dev", it's BIOWARE!!! They have A VISION and don't need simpleton customer opinions.

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You don't understand... It's not some backwater "dev", it's BIOWARE!!! They have A VISION and don't need simpleton customer opinions.



I understand, Bioware has a stellar reputation and it's rapidly going downhill, but you're not describing Bioware, you're describing Activision and the VISION of Bobby Kotick... seriously... go read some stuff about that turd and be thankful Activision isn't the dev of this game.

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OK... I'm the biggest of all fanboi, nerd, brown nosing, BW lovers out there. But c'mon guys. The armor in this game looks like crap. It doesn't look very Star Warsy or Sci Fi. What's going on here?


I am curious. What exactly is "Star Warsy"? The white bathrobes and civil war era outfits the original cast wore in the movies that are set a couple thousand years in the future? The Robocop outfits from KOTOR, which is set 300 years in the past? Provide some examples of canon armor designs for the old republic era, please.

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Mr Zoeller,


look me in the face and say:


i envision, in my dream a JEDI KNIGHT look like this:



The best part of being a JK War Hero now, is that this armor looks like it grants the ability to fight underwater, without worrying about those darn pesky mouth-rebreather things. Awesomesauce!!!

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yes, the new knight armour models are just as bad if not worse than before. Seriously, make some nice robes with a few bits of armour on them. I don't need Saturn for a helmet. I guess ill just have to keep hide helmet on.
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No need to says that as a sorcerceress I won't wear this ugly wowish armor.

At least I will be able to remove the thingy inside and put them in my current pvp stuff.

Will have to wait 12345...89months before I may be able to get the augmentation slot on them but I would rather lose some critics or power than wear thos thingy.


The team who designed that are just people who don't know anything about star wars world.

They should watch some movie or anims on sw than try it again.

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Well Ms Moderator.. if you think so:



Mr Zoeller,


From all your vids, i always see your vision, of a Star Wars MMO, that "lasts for years", the biggest coolest Star Wars Game ever. Your vision + the fact i love iconic Star Wars brought me to buy this game.



Please, have a look at this and tell me. do you envision, in your dream a JEDI KNIGHT, even in a debatable-canon, alternate universe look like this:




For comparison:




Seeing those designs i rather feel remembered to:





Really. Other classes are debatably worse, and i dont even play a knight. I think a lot of people here would really like to see a step back, and if you have to, delay the Patch 1.2... but bring us Armours that look like Star Wars.


Or at least: Make prying out mods free.

Edited by Kheldras
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Well Ms Moderator.. if you think so:



Mr Zoeller,


From all your vids, i always see your vision, of a Star Wars MMO, that "lasts for years", the biggest coolest Star Wars Game ever. Your vision + the fact i love iconic Star Wars brought me to buy this game.



Please, have a look at this and tell me. do you envision, in your dream a JEDI KNIGHT, even in a debatable-canon, alternate universe look like this:




For comparison:




Seeing those designs i rather feel remembered to:




I have no idea what you're trying to say, and worse your links are all broken (truncated in the middle with ellipses).


Or at least: Make prying out mods free.


I understood this and completely agree.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Here are the Links:





Please, have a look at this and tell me. do you envision, in your dream a JEDI KNIGHT, even in a debatable-canon, alternate universe look like this:




For comparison:




Seeing those designs i rather feel remembered to:





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Just throwing my 2 cents in that these are absolutely terrible-looking armors. There are a few that are bearable but for most they completely fail to capture the archetype of the class they represent and don't even look like they belong in the universe.
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OK... I'm the biggest of all fanboi, nerd, brown nosing, BW lovers out there. But c'mon guys. The armor in this game looks like crap. It doesn't look very Star Warsy or Sci Fi. What's going on here?


Same here... I dont know what the hell is ging on... Look at Dragon Age, Mass Effect... Awesome work! And SWTOR? What happened??? :confused: Im sad...

Huge BW fan... But this...

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