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1.2 New armor models!


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Also, in case it hasn't been said a thousand times already, it's super lame how Medium/Heavy armor is the exact same texture, just with different colors, for classes that have armor class differences between their advanced class (ie: Jugg/Mara).


No one likes penny pinchers Bioware. Tell your art team to stop being so damn lazy. There should be a real visual difference between someone who wears Medium armor from someone who wears Heavy. Color shouldn't be it.

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the warrior helm that looks like a future predator is epic - aka the helm right now.. even the warrior armor looks awesome in pve - make that a pvp set lookin type armor


make it beefier dont take it away! add some spikes to it or something



now in 1.2 im going to look like a funny colored jar jar binks with his ears up



only benefit is i look nice but i hit mean

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Anyway someone can post a picture of pvp WAR HERO DPS JUGGERNAUT MALE, BODYTYPE 3 gear ?


Would appreciate it ... i`m DLing access to PTR righ now but thats 11,6 gb ..



Also , anyone knows how much ranked commendations you get per match ? average count.. is it same as warzone commendations or more / less ?

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No...No... Power Ranger's..... We hear it all day from the droids. i for onr dont like PR of any era. I wanted to play SWTOR.... not.... Power Ranger of the old republic. the gear looks like a bad comic con costume. I for one am going to strip the armor for mods and burn the rest. For sham BW.... you make us hate you!
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Im not sure what SW universe you saw in the movies, and I understand that this is earlier than those, but seriously...***




ps maras are not juggs...medium armor should not look like HEAVY ARMOR


Juggs should not have ROBES..



did you people think this through?


game was released WAY to early

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Not one of those looks that cool, imo. The Sorcerer....w..t..f???


I know, disappointed yet again by BioWare's "creativity" when it comes to gear appearances.


Seiously, Bounty Hunters are the easiest class to design styles for because they're pretty much any combination of gadgets and armor types, yet once again we get slapped on with slight variations of the same crap we've gotten all this time.


Look closer at the BH gears and you can see where they ripped the pieces off of other gears ingame already and then paste it on another ingame base and "repaint" it to make it "new". The only thing "new" about the BH gears is the PvE headgear, that one looks slightly more different than the other rust buckets ingame but that's about it.


As for the sorcs...c'mon, where's the use of crystals to amplify force powers? How hard would it be to create some more sleek smooth armor for them with force crystals imbedded/encased on them and have a force lightning effect generating from them, not hard!


BioWare, enough with these crappy designs based on ingame meshes, make more, not slightly different.

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I suppose i can throw in some constructive ideas. Make the armor simple. You can have great armor that isnt gaudy looking. im one of the people that doesnt want a frilly feathery headpiece with giant shoulderpads or random scimitar looking additions to my armor. I want multiple discreet, yet differing art styles. as for the customizations..ive posted a thread twice that talked about how armor crafters could RE any green, blue, or orange armor to get an orange schematic with a visual upgrade slot. this slot would have a custom mod made by a crafter put into it. they could craft shoulder or elbow spikes into it by making the mod using the grey drop "sharp claws" along with other materials, and theyd have nice looking armor and not blend in to the endgame armor assimilation. although you could simplifiy this further and just give us inn-game armor customizing areas. Itd be like a barber in other games, but youd pay to change the visual armor additions.


i aslo hinted at a similar weapon crafting that would allow weapon customizations. for instance you could craft a heat pack for a blaster out of a grey drop ( i think it was called heat pack) along with crafting mats thatd allow blasters to have a chance to catch the enemy on fire. this, with other customization variants would make our looks and battles less copy+pasted.


share your thoughts please.

below is a link to my other rantings of game additions



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I work as designer that doesn't meanthat what i am going to say have to be right or any better then the many comments we have had till now... because when we talk about art there is really not right or wrong


there maybe someone that will talk about "armony" etcetc but nowday concept of beauty can come form dis-armony as well (originality someone will call it)... there was a music moviment that proud themselves of the weirdest dis-armony as form of beauty


But we have to face the fact that this game is for the mass and, no matter what, the mass doesn't have the necessary culture to understand artworks that are not "comun"


In the specific i am architect i can make very weird building and only other architect will like them but if i do a house for a client i have to adapt myself and tone down the project to a "comun ground level"


That's what i think about this art they are very... actually too much artistic too original for the mass they are not bad "per se" they are bad for the pubblic u are targetting.


Down to technical complain about ME3 beeing way better it's all about reflective surface

if you make these armor as shiny and detailed as ME3 you will see they are not that different (a bit different but they will still kind of look cool)


If i would be in BW graphic desiner i would try to simplify the line and texture them with a more fake reflective/shine would make them look more "modern" the graphic tend to be very dull with all those opaque brown surface especially thinknig about "futuristic set up"


Black color/grey color are easier to work with reflection as much as white and red specially when lower resolution because the fake reflection is easier to spot on the Red for istance (u can fake reflectivity going down the orange/yellow/white path.... and look rich/real! On the brown won't look the same)


think about metallic paint car color how does RED stand out compared to BROWN...

Edited by Pekish
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I'll have to level an armormech now... And a synthweaver.... Crappitycrap.... They better introduce server transfers fast...


I just logged in to get armormech too. I can't deal with crappity looking armor's anymore & after reading Georg's blog on crew skills in 1.2, I'm reverse engineering every piece of orange gear I got & remaking all of that into better gear. I'm a lvl 50 & really do not want to go back through all the boring planets again just to scavenge materials & lvl up armor mech, but I'd rather grind crew skills that waste one minute doing War Hero PvP or these new Op & Flashpoint modes to get the new 1.2 PvE/P gear. I really DO NOT WANT those items.

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No...No... Power Ranger's..... We hear it all day from the droids. i for onr dont like PR of any era. I wanted to play SWTOR.... not.... Power Ranger of the old republic. the gear looks like a bad comic con costume. I for one am going to strip the armor for mods and burn the rest. For sham BW.... you make us hate you!


OH MY GOD THANK YOU! All my friends said I was crazy! They never hear it! I'm not crazy I said... I'm not... I hear the power rangers.... I hear it... they'll hear it too... it's there.... I'm not crazy they're crazy.... not crazy....

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This is supposed to be Star Wars, NOT the Fifth Element.



These designs are terrible. Really really bad.


It's not even 5th element. 5th element's designs were simpler if you ask me... I'd be Just find with Gary Oldman's costume in that movie for smugglers (sans plastic cover hair)

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I'm sorry... Who is designing this stuff?


I mean, seriously, you would think that no books existed on the art of Star Wars that the designers could then draw some inspiration from. this stuff is some of the most hideous excuse for armor design I have set eyes on. Not much of it even bring Star Wars to mind.


I printed and showed these "concepts" to an entire QA staff of 70 gamers, and only 2 of them thought Star Wars when they saw it (and that's because they had already seen these on the forums). Most thought it was some f2p game of very low quality...


If I hadn't already cancelled my sub near a month ago, I definitely would be now. Everything about this game screams "this is not the BioWare I grew up with... "

Even in professional circles, the same is being said of BioWare... soon to be just another lost label among the many that EA has corrupted over the years.


It was a good run while it lasted BioWare...

Edited by Mourngrim
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Hey don't be dissing The Fifth Element, the art direction for that movie was great. But it is nothing like Star Wars.


Nothing wrong with the Fifth element at all. But it has no place in Star Wars.

Edited by damolawler
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OH MY GOD THANK YOU! All my friends said I was crazy! They never hear it! I'm not crazy I said... I'm not... I hear the power rangers.... I hear it... they'll hear it too... it's there.... I'm not crazy they're crazy.... not crazy....


I hear it all the time.

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Thank goodness for being able to pull mods out of these hideous looking gears. Too bad most will be irrelevant though since they don't have augment slots, and the ones that can be crafted looks almost as hideous.


Thank you very much for the sneak peek though, sir!


Ditto that. Ill never understand why its so expensive to remove the mods. They should cut the prices down drasitcally is not make it free. Paying over 100k so your toon wont look so horrible isnt cool BW.


At least make a costume slot like LotRO! They had HORRIBLE looking gear but it didnt matter much because we could just look however we wanted.

Edited by MasterKayote
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Ditto that. Ill never understand why its so expensive to remove the mods. They should cut the prices down drasitcally is not make it free. Paying over 100k so your toon wont look so horrible isnt cool BW.


At least make a costume slot like LotRO! They had HORRIBLE looking gear but it didnt matter much because we could just look however we wanted.


DCUO's Style system = best yet. If there was only one thing to copy out of that game (aside from the combat) it's the style system.

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I work as designer that doesn't mean what i say have to be right because when we talk about art there is really not right and wrong


there maybe someone that will talk about armony etcetc but nowday concept of beauty can come form disarmony... there was a music moviment that proud themselves of the weirdest dis-armony as form of beauty


But we have to face the fact that this game is for the mass and no matter what the mass doesn't have the necessary culture to understand artworks that are not "comun"


In the specific i am architect i can make very weird building and only other architect will like if i do a house for a client i have to adapt myself and tone down the project to a "comun ground" level


That's what i think about this art they are very... too much artistic for the mass they are not bad "per se" they are bad for the pubblic u are targetting.


Down to technical complain about ME3 beeing way better it's all about reflective surface

if you make these armor as shiny and detailed as ME3 you will see they are not that different the only problem if the "not shinines" and lower detail.


If i would be in BW graphic desiner i would try to simplify the line and texture them with a more fake shinines would make them look more "modern" the graphic tend to be very dull with all those opaque surface especially thinknig about "futuristic set up"


I think the problem with these designs is that they look amateur and uninspired (no offense to anyone honestly), on top of that they don't look functional at all. If you're a professional artist and don't know how to make something functional then god help us all. Function > All. Especially in armor design.


Let's take the Knights, for instance. I cannot point out a single piece in that armor set that looks battle ready. Unless your definition of battle ready is crusading never never land with the lost boys. Now look at Adi Granov's Iron Man designs. That is functional, has style and is ready to perform in battle.


This is functional: http://images.darkhorse.com/covers/400/s/swdl6.jpg


This: http://images.darkhorse.com/covers/400/s/swdl2.jpg


This: http://images.darkhorse.com/covers/400/s/swdl5.jpg


This: http://images.darkhorse.com/covers/400/s/swtjii1.jpg


Hell even take some queues from the Mass Effect design team, they know how to design armor.

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