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Bioware, great job on ruining Commandos


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Now, this cannot be about damage, because I see Sorcs/Sages and Sentinels/Marauders out damage Commandos all the time in WZ's. All the time. I'm talking about over 500k damage, that's alot of damage. Yet, Marauders were buffed? They have a ton of survivability and do great damage, now more buffs and we get the shaft.


I have a level 50, 68 valor battlemaster commando and rolled a dual spec sage. I leveled him to 44 in 2 weeks. I must say there is no reason anyone going to pvp in wz should have a dps commando, when you can roll a sage and dps like hell, bubble everyone and sprint away. You nerf the team and bioware knows this. I will not go into all the benefits a dps sage has over commando, roll one yourself and you will get so angry you put any time (hours wasted) leveling him.

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if you look at the marauder so called buff you would see that its not that much of a buff really..its fixes to the 2 tree's thats are rarely used, and a nerf to the tree thats most used.


ive seen ALOT of troopers/BHs cap the top dps in lvl 50 wz..lately sorces have been at the mid ranges.

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I for one do not rely on Grav Round (GR) for my only source of DPS, but as Gunnery, it's pretty much a staple of the build. In PvP, which is my main source of pleasure in this game thus far, any Commando that sits around and just spams GR is either not being focused or just doesnt know better. Grav Round and Tracer Missile were not game breaking, and I would not even care about these obviously terribly implemented nerfs if I did not see other nerfs to our our survivability, i.e.,


-Healing weakened...I'll allow the other thread to handle this one.


-Concussion Charge cooldown increased by 5 seconds by way of nerf to Tenacious Defense (stupid idea, guess the devs at Bioware while facerolling their Marauders couldn't get their e-z mode kill on a Commando one day so they just had to nerf one of our few forms of (not CC) but ways to escape.


-Charged Barrier now provides 1% damage reduction per stack, down from 2%...yes, because Commandos just live forever. So, you nerf the speed at which we can apply this buff, then you nerf the buff, really awesome.


These are obvious nerfs to our survivability but our survivability is also affected when you lower our damage output. And this is not about "oh all you want to do is spam GR/TM" because that is not the issue. If that was the issue, then I'd wager Sorcerers would have to be tarred and feathered for all the ridiculously childish lightning spam. Oh but hey, they got the sound fixed on that, but no nerf...but i digress.


Now, this cannot be about damage, because I see Sorcs/Sages and Sentinels/Marauders out damage Commandos all the time in WZ's. All the time. I'm talking about over 500k damage, that's alot of damage. Yet, Marauders were buffed? They have a ton of survivability and do great damage, now more buffs and we get the shaft.


Now some of you "optimists" might say "hey gloomy Gus, you got a 10% buff to Demo Round!!!!" And I'd say "is it still on a 15 second cooldown????" And, yay, Curtain of Fire might proc more, but, um, don't I have to stand still to use Full Auto....? So now, rather than having us think were "more dynamic" cuz were screwed out of the GR we now know, they're feeding us yet another "turret" option.


Oh, and I love this little nugget: Mortar Volley fixed, yay!!!! We're supposed to be happy about that and forget the nerfs to survivability and main attack damage.


What many of us wanted was some form of CC, an interrupt, fixed animations, etc. And we get this...oh, and I'm sure I am being a bit emotional here, I have played a few other characters in the game and settled on Commando, got to rank 63 and now I feel as though I'm going to be forced into quitting this game or playing a Sentinel/Marauder. If I have have misinterpreted these patchnotes, please feel free to tell me, it is late and I'm tired.


TLDR: this is BS.


Well said. The nerf to Charged Barrier and Tenacious defense are really going to hurt survivability. Those two are staples to my build and play, and really surprised me. I am kissing my hybrid dps/heal spec good bye. Probably kissing Dorne good bye too.

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This is no troll, if someone is trolling here it would be you. This game is not just about the End game you know. Somebody is actually doing PVP before that. So it is highly viable to Commando is easier than playing a Mara. My Mara is not level 50 either. And force leap is just to close the gap between ranged and melee. We can use that once, commando can KITE forever. So still no cc and no knocback on Mara.


Sorry, this game is about endgame; when is the last time you saw a "Level 49 only guild"? Please, stop trying to convince how hard the poor Sentinels/Marauders have it, thanks.

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My guildmate has been complaining about sentinels for so long, he actually rolled a commando to DPS in operations.


It's the infinite wheel of "my class is worse than the others"



Your friend needs a reality check.


As it has emerged from 1.2 ptr combat logging, sentinels do over 50% more damage compared to any other class, while also having ridiculous survivability tools and more or less 100% uptime on their targets (there simply is no way to get them off you for more than a couple seconds unless you're in huttball).


Marauders/sentinels with at least 1 working finger per hand will easily do over 500k SINGLE TARGET damage per warzone, and if their iq surpasses the one of a lobotomized goat they'll actually have no problems reaching 7-800k.


The vast majority of the sentinel/marauder community being in denial doesn't change the facts.

Edited by AzKnc
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I don't get why Com/bh guys are getting nerfed there probably the easiest class to lock down in the game atm well if there not them flame spewin kitin type. if anything they need an interupt. iam not sure but i think there the only class without an interupt which makes em extremley vulnrable.not a very needed nerf in my opinion.
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Lol, no one likes to get nerfed, I play a sorcerer as my main. Yes, I don't want nerfs to my class, but I realize they are needed. Apparently you have never gone against a commando in pvp. Commandos are hard to kill solo, especially if they are a healer. And I have seen commandos spamming grav round and getting 500K+ damage in a wz, that isn't right at all. Nerfs needed to happen, basic end of story. Something is wrong when all you have to do is spam grav round and get huge dps numbers in a wz.
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My guildmate has been complaining about sentinels for so long, he actually rolled a commando to DPS in operations.


It's the infinite wheel of "my class is worse than the others"


I say wait for 1.2 and play a Healer commando in hard modes, see what gives then. I do understand our grav round damage is nerfed by 10% but Demo Round is buffed by 10% and we get to use Full Auto more often with Curtain of Fire proc rate being boosted to a much higher percentage.


The big change now is that people thinking they can just sit and spam Grav Round will have to use Demo Round and Full Auto when available or fail miserably in PVP/PVE damage output.


No. The big change is 33 percent less ammo efficency for combat medics with two classes now having an uncleansable healing debuff. A persistent 50 percent healing reduction is a sure fire way of eliminating healers from pvp.

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Lol, no one likes to get nerfed, I play a sorcerer as my main. Yes, I don't want nerfs to my class, but I realize they are needed. Apparently you have never gone against a commando in pvp. Commandos are hard to kill solo, especially if they are a healer. And I have seen commandos spamming grav round and getting 500K+ damage in a wz, that isn't right at all. Nerfs needed to happen, basic end of story. Something is wrong when all you have to do is spam grav round and get huge dps numbers in a wz.


They're not just spamming grav round if they're doing that much damage.


Also that means no melee ever bothered them, if I'm left alone during a match I can punch out those numbers if it lasts the full time period. If anyone decides to bother the gunnery commando then that commando isn't going to do that damage.


The same could be said of your sorc though, I see them doing massive amounts of damage with 2 abilities spammed throughout a match.


It doesn't matter to me though, I've got a bit longer left on my subscription and I'm out. I have no desire to play a game that favors the lightsaber users over other classes.

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They're not just spamming grav round if they're doing that much damage.


Also that means no melee ever bothered them, if I'm left alone during a match I can punch out those numbers if it lasts the full time period. If anyone decides to bother the gunnery commando then that commando isn't going to do that damage.


The same could be said of your sorc though, I see them doing massive amounts of damage with 2 abilities spammed throughout a match.


It doesn't matter to me though, I've got a bit longer left on my subscription and I'm out. I have no desire to play a game that favors the lightsaber users over other classes.


well its them the game is based around or the lore/story of it all :) they should be superior to the rest...commando and BH are mere puppets used as tools.

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Ya if you think Bioware has any concept of class balancing your dead wrong. While sorc seemed to be the most OP in reality it was marauders. they can as of know mitigate all the damage you can put out on them while they hack and slash you to death.


Sorcs are easy especially the ones who think they can stand infront of a commando and heal through it. Sorc has the most utility.


But back to the simple fact that commandos are not "Special Forces" Bioware lied to you just like the commercials on TV show you how bad a** the military is and wants you to join. Then you find yourself cleaning toilets, moping and being yelled at after you sign that dotted line.


Sounds familiar...


Well when people think of a commando they think of a elite soldier capable of tactically handling any situation, given the best training and provided all the "Tools and the Skills"(bioware gave those to Sorcs and Maruders). Supposed to be able to basically win a war with a handful of them. You actually do in the story line...... But you wont in PVP because your a turret who is pigeon holed into spamming the same rotation from a distance, have no tools/ skills at your disposal to survive anything. Yo cant do anything but spam and die like cannon fodder. I think they should rename the class infantry and call it a day. because when 1.2 hits and you roll into a WZ u'll run out of ammo fast, be more squishy, damage output will be less, and yes you still have no utility to survive.... they gave u a gun told you to **** till your killed rinse and repeat, O and "DON'T MOVE". dont stop the enemy from doing anything (interrupt). just stand there shot and die.

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well its them the game is based around or the lore/story of it all :) they should be superior to the rest...commando and BH are mere puppets used as tools.


Not sure if srs


Even in the lore/story troopers could take down sith. But you and all your lightsaber buddies can sit there and highfive each other after everyone else stops playing.

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No. The big change is 33 percent less ammo efficency for combat medics with two classes now having an uncleansable healing debuff. A persistent 50 percent healing reduction is a sure fire way of eliminating healers from pvp.


Wow, I hope you're just exaggerating massively.


33% percent less ammo efficiency on one ability, only the first time after using the 9/7.5 cooldown ability, is notthe same as 33% less total ammo efficiency. and pretending like you can treat that and a 20% debuffonly certain classes have which may not even be up against you in most cases as additive with that situational ammo cost is silly.




I too am a combat medic, lvl 50 and nearly all champ gear. The ammo cost is the only significant negative change I see. 1 less ammo refunded on scc? I don't pop it for that. Sae with the 10% healing increase and the koltobomb DR. Those are pleasant bonuses, but the SCC is used so I can pump out AMP/MP rapidly. The kolto healing received buff going down to 3% makes sense sinnce it now affects 4 targets.


As it stands now, I have to almost try to run out of ammo, even in intense healing situations by intentionally doing full price MPs back to back without any ammo cooldowns to recover with. Ammo will actually become a factor when I quickly decide who can be saved.

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Lol, no one likes to get nerfed, I play a sorcerer as my main. Yes, I don't want nerfs to my class, but I realize they are needed. Apparently you have never gone against a commando in pvp. Commandos are hard to kill solo, especially if they are a healer. And I have seen commandos spamming grav round and getting 500K+ damage in a wz, that isn't right at all. Nerfs needed to happen, basic end of story. Something is wrong when all you have to do is spam grav round and get huge dps numbers in a wz.


That's rich, a Sorcerer casting aspersions on Commandos for "spamming" Grav Round...lightning much?? Pot.Kettle.Black.

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story driven MMO:rolleyes: (shame BW are bending over to pvp bads)


ya those pvp bads are more than half the subs for the game. try getting new content with no money :)

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The developers will not listen. No matter how many constructive posts we write to make our class balanced and giving it equal chances to face each and every other class just forget it.

Leave with it or even better stop playing the game. The same team in warhammer made the same inbalances. It is getting irritating though :(.

Even if i went assault to be more mobile still i cant be cced 3 or four times in a row. And i have one ccc breaker on a long cooldown.

The only thing we could do is to show our disapproval on the next patch. And since petitions will be closed immediately to express our disappoitment lets finish our subs for a while.

Before someone start saying about qqing i really like trooper and i would like to continue playing the game. But their decisions on nerfing the class on all trees without even taking into consideration some really contstructive posts our fellow troopers wrote it is just .....

Anyway fellow troopers i hope they dont nerf our class.

Let them fix the exploits that the other classes have and then talk with the our community about remaking the tree classes.

Thank you and good evening.

Edited by Keinhoran
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Yeah, in fact... you will make more damage if you use more Full Auto!


You will get faster full auto, they dont say anything about the damage of this attack... Who do more damage then Grav Round!!!!



So in fact if you change your way of fighting, get more ACCURACY because it's a white attack...



You will make more damage then befor...


Get 5 stack of Grav Round... Use your Full Auto, your Demo round, your Hight Impact round... And Not only Grav round!!!


People that think it's a nerf are those that only use Grav Round!

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Amount of whining is crazy. Learn to use all your abilities, your defensive cooldowns, relics, etc...


I'm a sawbones scoundrel widely regarded as the 'weakest' healing class currenly and I get along just fine. If you know what you're doing the current round of tweaks shouldn't bother anyone. Might just take a couple days to get used to it.

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the class isnt being nerfed...its being fixed...and buffed...people need to chill...:cool: all classes have some class they cant take down easily.


you're right!



we can kill snipers/gunslingers!








well, ya got me there.....


But Yeah..... We ARE getting nerfed.... read the patch notes, and tell me straight to my face that Mercs/commandos are not getting nerfed!

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