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1.2 PTS Test Notes (Shadow)


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Mass Mind Control: Updated this tooltip to correctly state that the ability does not break Stealth. The ability's functionality has not changed.


Kinetic Combat

Kinetic Ward's appearance now refreshes properly when reapplied.


Balance (Shadow)

Force Synergy's activation effects are now more visible.

The Force in Balance no longer heals the caster if no targets are hit.



Edited by Xinika
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At least KC and Balance didn't get hit with the nerf bat, obviously infiltration needs work, but it can do okay in the pug enviroment. You'll just switch to KC or Balance for rated.


Thank sweet heaven I found out about Balance...

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Any reason as to why balance is performing so well? I'm curious! I was disapointed by the lack of look over for the shadow am i missing somthing?


Watch Xinika's latest video, has a lot of clips of which he is full balance. It's an incredibly fun spec because it's very kite-y, doesn't have super omg crits(other than the standard upheaval projects that all specs get), but has more potential for 1vX than infiltration.

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surprised at the overall lack of changes to the shadow tbh.


infil needs a major look imo. the whole stealther/backstabber/caster doesnt mesh well outside balances dot form.


KC is roughly balanced imo so no surprises there. thought they might do a more major revamp of the class though seeing as most of our tools do not match up well with the competing classes

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In Classes and Combat - General section there's this line :


''An issue that could prevent dual wield visual effects from playing correctly has been fixed.''


So.. Spinning Strike/Assassinate and Shadow Strike/Maul animations looping has been fixed ?


Discuss !

Edited by Panzerfire
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KC is roughly balanced imo so no surprises there. thought they might do a more major revamp of the class though seeing as most of our tools do not match up well with the competing classes


I would have to look for link but I think devs have said they are addressing issue of animations, if referring to shock v project.

Edited by CplQ
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I guess I am glad they didn't nerf Infil or I feel it would have been unplayable.


I still feel there are plenty of lack lust talent points that could use reworking. Hi to you Security Breach 3 sec and nothing ells? It needs more it is a filler that could be so much more.

Vigor is pretty lack lust and I find my points can better be used ells where which is odd considering energy is a big deal it could have used work.

I still feel Exit Strat should build a bit faster.

I am an Infil so I only bothered to point out a few in that tree.


I will and do admit I often argued with my guild and others pre patch notes that I felt Shadow was fine where it was and didn't need any big changes. I guess Bio agreed.


I do still feel Shadow tank is broken and the most OP tree you can play in pvp.


Over all I guess it is a win no nerf, but pretty sad they couldn't give us anything.

Not even an animation change to project or a fix to our shadow strike still doing its jerk instead of going off when behind the target. O and our Force Push still being such a slow animation just about any other class with a push back can use it's push back after we start ours and before it goes off yay jumping in the air. But hey at least Bounty Hunter got it's Tracer Missile animation changed by popular demand.


O well not what I had in my mind never expected to see a big fat nothing but I can't really be mad either just disappointed.


I am just going to throw this out there. Am I the only person who feels the animations at the very least should have been fixed? Not everybody agrees with Project though having a person being able to vanish it off is messed up. Force Push? Shadow Strike's jerking?

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I am bummed that infiltration got no love. I thought for sure we were going to see an adjustment in some of our less desirable ( aka useless) talents. Then again I always fealt we were pretty balanced for the most part. I honestly think a little creativity with gear and some defensive talents could greatly help infiltration squishyness. Hopefully project is instant damage now. Oh well Kinetic hybrid for now. and here is to the optimist that think the notes may have more in store for us.
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I am just going to throw this out there. Am I the only person who feels the animations at the very least should have been fixed? Not everybody agrees with Project though having a person being able to vanish it off is messed up. Force Push? Shadow Strike's jerking?


I agree. It is just stupid to watch me lift a giant boulder out of the ground, watch the enemy dissapear, and then facepalm as said boulder floats for the next minute, doing nothing.

Our knockback is pretty annoying too, if only because it doesn't actually go off half the time. I'll use the knockback, causing me to jump in the air, then the opponent/s will use one of their immidiate knockbacks, throwing me aside, and mine does nothing. Needs to be fixed, IMO.

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I rerolled a Sentinel instead because of how much stronger defensively they are compared to a DPS specced shadow.


I has some small hope that 1.2 would bring my Shadow back to somewhat playable state they were in before the whole "force every shadow/assassin to spec tank"-patch was released.


Instead they chose to buff the already insane sentinels/marauders.


I don't even know what to think about this patch. Even Powertechs's PPA was nerfed, Shadows got nothing...


And in rated, where AoE disorients will probably see more use, I doubt anybody would appreciate Balance AoE and DoTs breaking everything, filling ppls resolve bars all over the place.


And compared to Sages using the Balance tree, who have more snares, shield and apply their DoTs from range. Mind Crush procs from range. I'm nore really sure what a Balance Shadow brings anymore. At least Infiltration can burst somebody down every 2 min.

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Both of our DPS trees need help and they choose to do nothing. I really did not see a nerf coming to KC because it's still the worst tank. I'm disappointed. They're forcing us to go KC or scrape by with Balance. Both of which, are easily replaced.
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Both of our DPS trees need help and they choose to do nothing. I really did not see a nerf coming to KC because it's still the worst tank. I'm disappointed. They're forcing us to go KC or scrape by with Balance. Both of which, are easily replaced.


I am not an expert on other classes, but it seems that instead of buffing shadows they have hit the rest of the classes with the nerfbat. A roundabout way of buffing us no? :D

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Both of our DPS trees need help and they choose to do nothing. I really did not see a nerf coming to KC because it's still the worst tank. I'm disappointed. They're forcing us to go KC or scrape by with Balance. Both of which, are easily replaced.


No offense but i think both our dps specs are in a decent place atm, not saying that they couldn't use some tweaks here and there, but they both definately have a place in all kinds of setups for upcoming rated wzs.

Infiltration has arguably the best burst potential in the game(the most dependable for sure) and balance has insane utility, flexibility and still great overall damage.

In general shadows are sucessfull in pvp all over the place, you steamroll players of all sorts of classes and skilllevels in pvp in your videos in a couple of seconds as Infiltration spec, and so do dozens of other players that post vids here or stream the game, and hundreds of other shadows every day in warzones, so while there is room for minor improvement(just like with any other class/spec) noone should act as if our situation was dire.

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The only real issue I have with Infil the more I think about it, is the playstyle you are forced to stick with and adaptation is very limited. In my opinion the burst from an Infil Shadow is one of, if not THE best in the game, it can very quickly be done over and over. IF your team tactics involve using fast burst you would have to factor in the negatives.


I personally plan to rock all builds in rated WZs based on my own guilds 8player setup that will vary on times/days.

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Apparently there are no place for pure Kinetic tree in PvP..

It`s relatively useless now.


Being a tank in PvP you can`t do an acceptable level of damage and you are suffer from «missile spammers» that are easily bringing down your health bar despite all shields and defense abils.. All you can do is running around and annoy enemies, while correspondingly geared healers and heavy armored classes can just ignore you.. It`s just silly when you run around them swinging lightsaber no more than to entertain them..


To be usefull in PvP shadow tanks should make a hybrid like 23/0/18 and dress up in Stalker gear..


Pure Kinetic is useless in PvP.. :(


Shadow shields should at least have to be able to deflect force/powertech attacks..

Edited by Missandei
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This is ridiculous. When are they gonna fix passive 25% more dmg for project? (Shadow's Training).



Pretty much no changes.


I wasn't aware this was broken?


Also, in terms of PvP and KC being the worst tank, well I gotta disagree. Considering there are two popular vanguard specs one called Ironfist and the other I forget, not to mention their Assault spec DPS ownage, we seem to be the ones who do better as more survivable.


We have the better situational cooldowns as well as the most utility and self healing. I have a 20 seconds Force Kick.


In Rated all that matters is that you have a solid class composition and a role for the group and each class within it. If everyone performs their role then the group will have great success. Even Infiltration Shadows have their place. They are going to make Melee FF groups deadly with their timed burst.

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Pure Kinetic is useless in PvP.. :(



Wrong. If you pay attention you can interrupt them or use Resilience to resist all 2-3 for 5 seconds.


You are useless if you are a PUG. But in a group the KC Shadow Tank shines quite nicely IMO. It has great mobility/utility and CC and self-heals.

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Apparently there are no place for pure Kinetic tree in PvP..

It`s relatively useless now.


Being a tank in PvP you can`t do an acceptable level of damage and you are suffer from «missile spammers» that are easily bringing down your health bar despite all shields and defense abils.. All you can do is running around and annoy enemies, while correspondingly geared healers and heavy armored classes can just ignore you.. It`s just silly when you run around them swinging lightsaber no more than to entertain them..


To be usefull in PvP shadow tanks should make a hybrid like 23/0/18 and dress up in Stalker gear..


Pure Kinetic is useless in PvP.. :(


Shadow shields should at least have to be able to deflect force/powertech attacks..


As a tank you're not supposed to be focusing on damage... Pure KC is more viable than any hybrid or dps spec at the current moment. So, yeah, you need to forcibly be a tank.

Edited by Xinika
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