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Guardian 1.2 Notes


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The notes are different from what's currently on the ptr.


Commanding awe still gives the 4% damage reduction, but gives an additional dr increase when force defense (or whatever that thing is) is activated. Protector seems to be gone completely.


Blade barrier's low enough in the def tree to snag it along with the cd reduction on Blade Storm and the crit increase after overhead slash. The trade-off is now shield spec vs. a 9s blade storm + all the rest of the vig jazz, which might make the hybrid spec even stronger against the def one.


If this is the case full Immortal spec just became completely obsolete.

On the Tank side:

Why was protector even ever in the dps tree? See on the DPS side below. When I read the Commanding Awe change I pronounced the 14/27 hybrid spec (The San Diego Jumping Dolphin as I call it) dead. But if it still adds the straight damage reduction there is life left in it! Immortal's viability depends on how important 4% shielding is on the new diminishing returns table (It would have to be VERY important for full 31/10 Immortal to be worth it yet it CAN'T because vanguard tanks become op fast if that small percentage of shielding is weighted so hard). In short blade barrier instead of protector is a moderate hp nerf to someone reasonably well geared since I could outscale the benefit of barrier vs straight hp gain from protector (not to mention the 100% uptime of protector).


On the DPS Side:

I thought one of the design goals of this patch was increase guardian dps survival, but they take out the only straight hp increase talent guardians have (Protector) and replace it with the possibility of blade barrier forcing DPS guardians to spec moderately into defense to get a bonus that is, depending on gear, worse? Odd.

Edited by DiomedSolo
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I'm more or less convinced the focus CDs will be adressed somehow. No way devs would comparetively gimp the shared spec for one AC like that, making the other a vastly supperior fit to it, that wouldn't make any sense.


Sentinels never used Focus before. It was the reverse of what you're talking about.


That said, my guardian is primarily high Vigilance, and I think that spec got more or less of a buff. 5/31/5 is probably going to be optimal for PVE DPS Vig now.

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Sentinels never used Focus before. It was the reverse of what you're talking about.


A lot more guardians played focus because the alternate vigilance was lackluster... whereas watchman spec for sentinels was superior to it.

Edited by aeterno
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AND "Momentum is now a 2-point skill that provides the same overall effect". Seriously, work it out, it's a buff. The useful skill now costs less and the less useful skill has the added point added to it, they have to keep the points amount the same, that's how they did it.


A redesign thats not terrible would be buff. You have to be drinking some serious cool aid to enjoy a meh ability going to 3 points.


Only a bioware employee or a shutin troll would sit and debate that. which are you?

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I'm more or less convinced the focus CDs will be adressed somehow. No way devs would comparetively gimp the shared spec for one AC like that, making the other a vastly supperior fit to it, that wouldn't make any sense.


Guardians had the upperhand in Focus DPS before (but Focus sentinels probably had more surviability).


They've increased Guardian surviablity a bit (maybe), but nerfed Guardian DPS and increased Sentinel Focus DPS. Focus-wise Sentinel is just completely out ahead now.

Edited by Goretzu
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A redesign thats not terrible would be buff. You have to be drinking some serious cool aid to enjoy a meh ability going to 3 points.


Only a bioware employee or a shutin troll would sit and debate that. which are you?


How the hell is me only needing to spend two points in a ability that I used in almost every build I run, instead of 3 (and still having the same effect) in PVP, not a buff?


SOO because I can count and spending 2 points is better than 3 points for the same ability then I'm a Bioware Employee or a Troll? You knee jerk, bad playing, join in with the rest whining "buff us buff us so we can play better", group are freaking great and I just can't get enough of the whine on these forums now.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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Master strike being uninterruptible is lols. Only baddy guardians sit through the whole 3 seconds of it. The good ones self interrupt it after the first two hits. It doing more damage is also not that great since it's essentially a self-root and that is bad for a melee class. The damage increase will also probably be small.


Our damage is completely fine, what we really needed was more survivability. Focused defense is underwhelming. The tiny baby heal isn't going to help our survivability, and it's not going to be spammable. What we need was a cd reduction on warding call and saber ward to 2 mins.


Also, the 2 sec stun on force leap is TERRIBLE. It will fill target's resolve bar half way, and it's only for 2 sec.


Zephyr also got hella nerfed. Slash is *********** terrible and I almost never use it. The 3 sec reduction to force abilities is FAR FAR better.


Talk when you know what you're talking about. I said master strike after a leap stun, meaning 2 seconds of sitting in it makes sure the last hit hits unless u get stunned, IT CANT BE INTERUPTED. I use it all the time and ruin ppls days when it crts, you just need to learn to play your class and QQ less. Typical baddies, you are my cannon fodder little peon.

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The notes are different from what's currently on the ptr.


Commanding awe still gives the 4% damage reduction, but gives an additional dr increase when force defense (or whatever that thing is) is activated. Protector seems to be gone completely.


Blade barrier's low enough in the def tree to snag it along with the cd reduction on Blade Storm and the crit increase after overhead slash. The trade-off is now shield spec vs. a 9s blade storm + all the rest of the vig jazz, which might make the hybrid spec even stronger against the def one.


You can pick up Blade Barrier, yes, but you have to cut 3 points in Vigilance or Focus to do so, because full Blade Barrier requires 17 in Defense. So either you have to cut Dispatch, Swelling Winds if you took it in Focus (though you get some of the damage back through Pacification), or Commanding Awe, ironically. So the tradeoff is losing AoE damage, crit damage, and/or Vigilance's own defensive buff to take the Blade Barrier Defense buff.

Edited by dizzyMongoose
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PvP Focus Guardians just became obsolete if these notes are to be applied.


Yay a 10% nerf to our highest dam, sweep & +3sec CD


Yay a +3sec CD to our 2nd highest dam, Blade Storm


Yay a +13sec CD to our Stasis or Push (cant remember)


Yay a buff to useless skills, Cyclone Slash, MS, and Slash. CS will do Slash damage (LOL), and the only use in PVP is for the detect which is only 4m (LOL) so you miss 95% of the time anyways. With the Master Strike buff i will still only use it 10% of the time as a gap filler between my FS/BS CD anyways. The fact that it essentially roots you in place for 3+ seconds is undesirable. So we got our 2-3 main skills nerfed, and 2 skills that are never used buffed (and will still never be used) along with a 10% used skill that was buffed.


Yay for a survivability skill that eats your focus when managing focus as our spec is extremely important. We dont build massive amounts of focus like other classes.


Yay for FL/ZL building resolve meter when our leaps are essential for us. (hoping this isnt applied to PVP).



Few things im grateful for: No cost interrupt/cc & instant stack of singularity w/ Combat Focus.


Overall id rather they left us unchanged. Didnt know we needed a nerf w/ 1 cc-breaker, low survivability, and a next-to-useless shield in mass PvP fights.



Edited by fuzzDONTEVENTRIP
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PvP Focus Guardians just became obsolete if these notes are to be applied.


Yay a 10% nerf to our highest dam, sweep & +3sec CD


Yay a +3sec CD to our 2nd highest dam, Blade Storm


Yay a +13sec CD to our Stasis or Push (cant remember)


Yay a buff to useless skills, Cyclone Slash, MS, and Slash. CS will do Slash damage (LOL), and the only use in PVP is for the detect which is only 4m (LOL) so you miss 95% of the time anyways. With the Master Strike buff i will still only use it 10% of the time as a gap filler between my FS/BS CD anyways. The fact that it essentially roots you in place for 3+ seconds is undesirable. So we got our 2-3 main skills nerfed, and 2 skills that are never used buffed (and will still never be used) along with a 10% used skill that was buffed.


Yay for a survivability skill that eats your focus when managing focus as our spec is extremely important. We dont build massive amounts of focus like other classes.


Yay for FL/ZL building resolve meter when our leaps are essential for us. (hoping this isnt applied to PVP).



Few things im grateful for: No cost interrupt/cc & instant stack of singularity w/ Combat Focus.


Overall id rather they left us unchanged. Didnt know we needed a nerf w/ 1 cc-breaker, low survivability, and a next-to-useless shield in mass PvP fights.




wow i was going to renew my subscription in 1.2 since i heard there was a guardian BUFF coming along the way but this...

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Talk when you know what you're talking about. I said master strike after a leap stun, meaning 2 seconds of sitting in it makes sure the last hit hits unless u get stunned, IT CANT BE INTERUPTED. I use it all the time and ruin ppls days when it crts, you just need to learn to play your class and QQ less. Typical baddies, you are my cannon fodder little peon.


Leap stun = 2 sec. GCD = 1.5


So your target only has to sit there for .5 sec before it runs away and laughs at you while you sit there MSing air.


The fact that you sit there for 3 whole sec waiting on the last hit on MS shows you're a baddy. MS's damage over 3 sec's is just average, but MS's dam after two hits (which takes about 1.5 sec is great). You get more mileage interrupting MS after the first two hits, and using some other skill.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've read the notes, and I don't see a whole lot of logic behind what's being done to the class.


AoE taunt already sucked - now it will suck more.


As a tank, the last thing I want to do is reduce my threat - so focused defense is a complete and utter piece of trash in my opinion --- AND --- it adds yet another ability to keybind somewhere. If you look at it - Focused Defense is a small heal, that will heal us, WHEN WE TAKE DAMAGE, if we expend both focus AND threat. Warding Call and Saber Ward both already lower our damage taken by 40 or 50% for a few seconds - without losing threat or focus. Seems to me that damage prevented is just as good as healing it up after the fact. I guess we could in theory use focused defense along with one of the wards, but it still costs threat - and as a tank, that is already at a premium.


Maybe the new threat bonus on guardian slash will help offset that? Who knows.


As it stands now, on paper - it REALLY makes me question the development team, and makes me even more disheartened and disenfranchised with the game. Your mileage may vary, but that's how I feel about seeing the changes they have in store to "buff" - Jedi Guardians.


As best I can figure, we've spent the last 3 months, as a group, re-iterating over and over that our single target threat was ok, but we were desperately lacking in AoE threat. So what do they do? Toss us a "small" bone for single-target threat and nerf the hell out of our AoE threat/taunt generation by around 20-25%.


Couldnt have said it better. I was expecting 1.2 to revive the game to me, but honestly, as I sit here now looking at these changes, im about to unsub. I sick and tired of playing a gimped out junk class. What the heck were they thinking?

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Dispatch at 30%


No Force cost for Kick/Awe


+23 % damage for an uninterruptible Master Strike


Single Saber Mastery works in every stance now.


I am pretty excited about theses changes.


I am not happy with Focused Defense but i have to test it first.

Edited by Sabredance
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Leap stun = 2 sec. GCD = 1.5


So your target only has to sit there for .5 sec before it runs away and laughs at you while you sit there MSing air.


The fact that you sit there for 3 whole sec waiting on the last hit on MS shows you're a baddy. MS's damage over 3 sec's is just average, but MS's dam after two hits (which takes about 1.5 sec is great). You get more mileage interrupting MS after the first two hits, and using some other skill.


Except how long does it take them to actually run out of it? Maybe a second or so. That gives the 1.5 seconds necessary for the first two hits which you are correct about doing great damage. The third hit should be skipped anyway.

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How the hell is me only needing to spend two points in a ability that I used in almost every build I run, instead of 3 (and still having the same effect) in PVP, not a buff?


SOO because I can count and spending 2 points is better than 3 points for the same ability then I'm a Bioware Employee or a Troll? You knee jerk, bad playing, join in with the rest whining "buff us buff us so we can play better", group are freaking great and I just can't get enough of the whine on these forums now.


im with cap on this one - for someone was previously had 3 points in a talent, to now only need 2 points for same result is 100% of the time a positive change! the issue is if you are in the reverse and previously didnt spec into this talent, and the talent you DID spec into changed from 2 to 3, then you find your nerf.


overall, as far as i have seen, BW switched 2s and 3s, and personally, as a tank that has played Def and hybrid, i'm not phased - in fact, i will still try both specs again with the changes before i make my opinion - as opposed to arguing over balance changes of skill tree points.

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