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Game Update 1.2: Legacy is on the Public Test Sever!


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The video update looks pretty cool. Something I really feel they should add with the Legacy update is removing weapon restrictions on abilities and allow similar classes to use the Legacy system to get access to weapon skills. For example, if you have a Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight the Legacy system will allow them to access all lightsaber skills (so a Consular can duel wield or a Knight can use a double-bladed saber).


Obviously not allow Troopers to gain access to things like lightsabers but allow similar classes to cross train. And also keep unique weapons restricted to that advanced class. Just make it so if two base classes share the same base weapon skill (lightsaber training for example) then allow the advanced forms (duel wielding and double blade) to be used by both classes through Legacy. This could be balanced by making things like Consular duel wielding through Legacy just be a cosmetic option (add a third "Legacy cosmetic weapon slot"). It would also work with the smuggler class where maybe you like the cosmetic look of the gunslinger duel wielding but prefer the other advanced class play style.

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So...I want to know more about the racial unlocks. Specifically, when they say "for any class in your legacy."


Well, what does that mean? Does that mean I need a Trooper in order to make a new Trooper with a unique race? I hope not.


Also, are the racial unlocks just races you've already played? Again, I hope not.


I want a Rattataki Trooper...

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Awsome update. Looking forward to exploring and seeing all the Legacy features and guild banks etc. Thanks for keeping us updated Bioware, LucasArts and EA and as Darth Vader would say, "Impressive, most impressive". :) Edited by funnel
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Game Update 1.2 for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ will be released for public download soon! Entitled Legacy, this latest update to the game will allow players to experience brand new in-game content, including a new Flashpoint, a new PvP Warzone and a new Operation. All of this new content is now live on the Public Test Server so if you’re currently a player, we encourage you to check it out and give us your feedback! Be sure to visit the Star Wars: The Old Republic Test Center to learn more, and you can also take a look at many of the new features coming in Game Update 1.2 in our New Features video.


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I tryed it it is boring and now more classes are OP and healers are more junk lol mist of panaira and diablo 3 or gulid wars 2 will save me from this game it is not fun and yes i will go back to WoW and play 16 hours a day and read all the LORE

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when I saw this Public Test for the update to come I was happy, I click on the Testing and downloaded it.


I know I would have to unlock Legacy on the test but I didn't feel that bad about that.


I was happy to try it, YET! there was a downer when I saw about the Race's I can not play them Unless I get a char of that Race to level 50...


unlike others I try to have fun I can not level up fast to level 50 cause I have other things to do, yet I try to make alot of time to play the Star wars the old republic game.


the race are close unless you got level 50 char of them THAT really made me mad, I spent over 3 hours waiting for the download and installing, THEN I find out I can't have a Twi'lek Sith warrior to start with. or a jedi Sith race as a start I have to get a char to level 50 to unlock them.


WHAT the POINT? to make get a char to there only to delete them just so I can make the race on the char I want, I know other games did the level 50 thing but Star wars the Old Republic is more than a game its like making a Life a story of your own in Star wars.


SO WHY the LOCKS, a choice of a char race and choice of light and dark I see that is what the game is aim for, as well a choice of the Design and colors of your outfit and weapons as well.


I was happy when I haired of the update I was more happy seeing I was right about the powers you can learn with Legacy's family tree from the clip they shown.


BUT if I can not start at the beginning with the race of who I want for a story, then I feel the game fails to be full to what it meant to be, as they said its about choice your own Story to full out your own as a Star wars char to be in the story.


I been trying to figure out the rolls I like and want.


so far I got some set, yet there 2 races I want for 2 chars story's so I can feel it better.


I know alot of people love the game so I do, yet I have to say this unless on the big day I can choice the races at the start and do not need level 50 chars, I do not want to delete the chars I want to keep I do not want to Delete the chars I work so hard to get to that level. yet if I have to get a char to level 50 to unlock that race, then I feel I can not play the game anymore.


I enjoy playing it working on the right things for me to say my choices having fun making my char as he should be how I see him in look actions and all, so this is my thoughts so far.


I hope alot of you out there understand what I getting at, what the point if you can't enjoy the char's you want, why work so hard on a char story you don't want just to unlock the race for the story you do want.

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So...I want to know more about the racial unlocks. Specifically, when they say "for any class in your legacy."


Well, what does that mean? Does that mean I need a Trooper in order to make a new Trooper with a unique race? I hope not.


Also, are the racial unlocks just races you've already played? Again, I hope not.


I want a Rattataki Trooper...


What they mean is that when you hit 50, or you buy the race, you unlock the race for every class if you make a new toon in that legacy. Meaning on that server.

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What they mean is that when you hit 50, or you buy the race, you unlock the race for every class if you make a new toon in that legacy. Meaning on that server.


I know what they mean I just want to start a char story at the beginning as they should be and not delete a char I do not want just to unlock that race for the story I want for a char I want to make.

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While this is not yet the type of content that will keep me with the game for a long time it does look like a move in the right direction. It all depends on how it is implemented.


I regret though that unlike other games where I have been an active tester without instant max level, premade characters or character copies from live, I will not be testing this.


While the developers have stated that they will not be wipeing the server regularly, I do not feel that the game will keep my interest long enough for me to level a character that will go away.


If they offer premade characters or character copy I would spend time testing important content like this and providing feedback.


On a side note: When I was consulting for the gameing companies in Austin in the 1980's, one of the biggest mistakes that I kept seeing was their testing with selected invitational playtesters. Very often this lead to the games being tested by people that played the game the way the developer expected it to be played. When the game was released problems were found. Steve Jackson did not listen to me when GEV was being tested for Metagaming and when he lost a game after release at Warcon at Texas A&M he leaned that changes were needed to the game when people played according to the rules but not according to his intentions.

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I know what they mean I just want to start a char story at the beginning as they should be and not delete a char I do not want just to unlock that race for the story I want for a char I want to make.


You don't have to delete the character.


So you want a Twi'lek sith, make a Twi'lek trooper (for example) and keep it.


NOBODY has said that you HAVE to delete it.

Edited by Sir_Toothless
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You don't have to delete the character.


So you want a Twi'lek sith, make a Twi'lek trooper (for example) and keep it.


NOBODY has said that you HAVE to delete it.


I want a Twi'lek Sith Warrior with Red Skin color ^^;

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So... they want us to test out the new patch, most of which is for level 30+, but want us to start at level one on the test server?


Is there a character copy option anywhere that I'm missing because this just seems dumb. I doubt I could get a character to the level required to test 1.2 stuff before it actually goes live, is what I mean. :eek:


EDIT: NVM, seems it's only an option for Guilds. Oh well.

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I tryed it it is boring and now more classes are OP and healers are more junk lol mist of panaira and diablo 3 or gulid wars 2 will save me from this game it is not fun and yes i will go back to WoW and play 16 hours a day and read all the LORE


....WoW has lore? pretty sure they ****ed up their lore a long time ago...

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