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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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From what I saw on test you needed thousands (typically 1200 per piece, but thats from my spotty memory) of the rated warzone commendations to purchase a full War Hero set. Battlemaster peices are available on the vendor for regular warzone commendations. You still cant wear battlemaster until valor 60.


I wont be queuing rated solo unless Im in full battlemaster tbh, because it just makes sense (plus Im valor 55 atm)

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However it's going to work, PTS, or live, it's going to be easy mode.


Im pretty sure you haven't checked it out. BTW your sig is wrong. No fresh 50's will have War Hero gear because to obtain it you will need to have queued for (not won mind you) 100's of ranked warzones. To get the cool special cosmetic war hero gear you have to be in the top rankings.

Edited by Averran
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And what will happen to Battlemaster Commendations after the patch, i have battlemaster commendations and im not full battlesmaster so im still in the process of gaining merc comms and warzone comm and opening battlemaster boxes to get battlemaster comms, after the 1.2 what will happen to battlemaster comms ? Since the battlemaster gear will start to be acquired with regular warzone comms ?
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However it's going to work, PTS, or live, it's going to be easy mode.


It currently *is* easymode. Just takes a bit of time and\or luck with BM bags. Stop pretending gear acquisition in SWToR is a challenge.

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And what will happen to Battlemaster Commendations after the patch, i have battlemaster commendations and im not full battlesmaster so im still in the process of gaining merc comms and warzone comm and opening battlemaster boxes to get battlemaster comms, after the 1.2 what will happen to battlemaster comms ? Since the battlemaster gear will start to be acquired with regular warzone comms ?


Oh didn't you hear?


any fresh 50 will be skipping cent/champ gear going strait for BM gear in 1.2


only costs wz coms

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Oh didn't you hear?


any fresh 50 will be skipping cent/champ gear going strait for BM gear in 1.2


only costs wz coms


Pretty sure costs will be appropriate not to let people instantly get full BM, even if they saved up during levelling. Blue Centurion, bought with credits, will be our entry-level set.

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This game will never be an eSport, way too many variables and too many gear dependencies.


Guild Wars 1 was an eSport game because it was all about skill, i played GW1 for 3y and tbh there was no competitive game like that. A game to be competitive need to be skill based and not gear dependent, gear has no place in real PvP, ppl has to be all at the same gear level and only differed by their skill, so... this game is not an eSport and will never be, unless many stuff changes.


Imo and since the game is in this actual state, gear should be rank dependent you cant equip a War Hero piece if you are not a War Hero, it doesn't make sense try to make this game competitive when this game has nothing to do with competition it wasn't designed for that, for that to work out there are way other concerns, like class balance and game mechanics that just don't fit the competitive world. How you want to be competitive when healers can spam, there are 1000 stuns in game, all classes do exactly the same.. and so on... the game is badly designed for PvP and completely a joke in Competitive PvP.


Because we all have access to the same classes and healers, thus the amount of heals and stuns on both sides are even.


RL sports are competitive, even though the players themselves have slightly different stats. They still all wear "gear" that fits the regulations for their sport.


This isn't any different.


Even though we'll have the same basic stats, they will still be tweaked through mods and datacrons, etc. The important part is that we all have access to the same level of EXPERTISE in PvP, and that the playing field is even enough for most players to have fun and not constantly call out gear as the reason for losing.

Edited by Varicite
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Bet you two months after 1.2, EVERYONE has the TOUGHEST color gear to get. Game is easy-mode like that. It will be cumbersome, not a reward.


Ppl will get bored of the one new warzone and will be done.


Vanity rewards simply aren't enough for a lot of players for a paid subscription based game,(console games without sub however are) sorry that is such a shocker...


And all arguments aside, most PVPers, laugh at this games PVP, or lack there of, so who cares in the end?


Totally agree +11111111111111111111111

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Lol I've been playing TF2 since when it was released years ago, and I certainly don't play it to get metal to craft the new hats XD


You don't have any reason to stay, leave. It's not like we'll even notice while we kill each other in warzones for fun.

Edited by Vetril
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PvP games should be about fun.



High rank should equal cosmetic bonus only. Having people in a tiny percent of player base totally crush all other players because they have insane gear is not fun for MOST of the population.



If your going to quit because you are not happy unless you have insane gear to face roll other players.........Maybe the game is better off without you.

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If people want to cancel their sub, let them cancel their sub, only 1/3 of those who keep whining about canceling their sub do so anyway, the other 2/3 will just keep playing anyway.



I recommend we all vote yes for those who want to cancel their sub, all of them just leave.



Star Wars the Old republic will still continue to grow and expand, and new players will still play.


Peace will be restored in the galaxy.

Edited by Sagiboi
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Lol I've been playing TF2 since when it was released years ago, and I certainly don't play it to get metal to craft the new hats XD


You don't have any reason to stay, leave. It's not like we'll even notice while we kill each other in warzones for fun.



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I don't really get it: Do you only play PvP for better gear? Then why are so many ppl playing games like CS or SC2? If you ask me, I think it would be even better to give out perfect PvP-gear for free, just so it depends on skill and not on Gear.


Besides that, there are several cosmetic benefits of heaving a higher rank, like new colors for the equip etc. and of course there will also be a Ladder where you can read your name. ^^'

Edited by kickinhead
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Haha, if you hate this, you'll REALLY hate Guild wars 2.


In Guild wars 2 you can create a pvp character that has complete gear, max level and skills in just 5 seconds and jump into the FPS style game selector.


Welcome to MMOs actually trying to be competitive respectable pvp rather than grindfests JUST to be competitive. Sorry you're not agreeing with this evolution.

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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.


There are three important points to consider when moaning about gear:

1. We don't care

2. They don't care

3. And most importantly, I DON'T CARE

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PvP guild are quitting because you can't roflstomp everyone who decided to play a warzone all the damn time? That is the funniest thing I heard.


I remember when being a SKILLED PvP'r mattered more than some stupid gear progression. Good riddance to all those carebear PvP guilds then. I guess your Empire bandwagon train is going to get more empty now.


Well said. I also remember tears pre 1.1 patch about people quitting because of no rated warzones to record how well we do or don't do. Now we getting a fair system where skill over gear counts more. Tears flow again.

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I'm still of the mind that if you want to pvp where the playing field is equal don't go to an mmorpg. The mmorpgs should be for character advancement where effort over time gets rewards. Someone should have to work to get more levels, items, gear, to do bigger and better things.


Generally that only becomes issues for new players after the game has been out for a few years or a few expansions where new players would need to grind way too much to catch up. A lot of people want some sort of reward for their time investment, though.


Another large mmorpg gets past it by giving all sorts of ways to boost your xp gain so you can catch up. I still think there should be plenty of things for the guy who's put in a lot of effort.


Anyways, I think the gear is part of mmorpg advancement whether pvp or pve. You work well to get gear faster to do bigger things. It would be a problem if when some people got the higher gear in pvp that nobody could get rating or tokens to get the best gear but that doesn't happen. It just could take longer to gear up against people who are already geared (and in this case it was slow before the patch and will be faster to gear after).


The models are a nice bonus but there should be some little bit more like some other mmorpgs give highest tier weapons to the high rating guys. Something like that wouldn't make much of a difference unless the people were of equal skill. A good player will beat a bad player with a top tier weapon. Average vs average the weapon helps.

Edited by Nishifumi
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People aren't quitting.....Imperials are quitting. They are just upset the gravy train of pwn'ing lowbies is gone. Finally, SKILL will be the stat of choice. Good luck imps...that stat seems to run on short supply for you guys
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