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Official Questions Thread for March 23rd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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The Guardians on Jung Ma are a large Guild and have recently capped our 500 character capacity limit. We have restricted it to only having 1 main and 2 alts in the Main Guardian Guild and have created an overflow guild to take care of alts. That is a band aid for now, but we are still close to capacity because we have a large guild. Are there any current plans to allow Guild size to be larger then 500?


Even with the Chat channel we are finding it hard to communicate and when Guild Banks are created in the future harder to get items spread out. Is there a reason for the 500 cap? Any plans to expand it? Not to mention we all wear "The Guardian" guild tag proudly and with honor and would like to keep our main Guild name and not an Alt Guild title even it is is still cool.

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Can we please get an in-depth explanation of how 1.2 gearing is going to work? I understand that you can RE the gear and possibly learn the schematic but is that for everyone or just the people with the appropriate crew skills? Will this apply to the tier sets as well? If only people with certain crew skills can do this I'm afraid either prices are going to be unbelievably high or it's going to be unbelievably hard to find someone with the schematics you're looking for. Please break the entire system down for us.
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Since Armormech and Synthweaving will make augments out of materials gathered through slicing, how are you proposing these skills aquire the parts, since both already have two gathering skills already associated with them? Is it intended that the solution to slicing complaints is to have armormechs and synthweavers carry the burden of supporting slicers' personal expectations?
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A lot of people are complaining about lack of end game content. I myself haven't reached anywhere near end game yet, and anticipate, not doing so for awhile, I simply do not fancy myself a hard core MMO gamer (Keep in mind I played Everquest for a very long time, and played Galaxies in the last year of it's run.) I don't do a lot of raiding, and frankly don't plan too. However, ALL MMOs...ALL of them...do require more content in terms of quests, and storylines to remain relevant and active.


That being said..I ask: What are your plans for adding more content and possibly turning the game sandbox? I.E: More quests, more worlds...there's Byss, there's Vjun..Murkhana, Dantooine, Dathomir, a TON of worlds you could add, and eventually turn it into a story driven sandbox (which I DO realize would be a monumental task considering you'd need to render more of the worlds, add the art, and make the communities come alive, which by the way is awe inspiring. Sometimes I love to just walk by and listen to the chatter from random people, it makes the world seem alive in more ways than just one), I'm excited for the game and the possibility of the future.

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I have a lv 50 but have not done any crafting with it. Please specify more about what crafting skills' products will be new, like mods etc, in 1.2, and any other crew skills and crafting changes coming in 1.2


I have looked for a more thorough official guide on crafting details (and there is a lot of content out there) that is up to date and accurate, outside of forums and outside websites but cant find it. Please publish a separate sticky or forum area for crafting & crew-skills official updates.


I agree with the many requests to merge low population servers. It is NOT admitting to swtor failing, which is what the tech/developer professionals would say if you did it. On the contrary, it would simply be a response to customer request, just like it was customer request when you made a heap of extra servers when you first released the game. It's time to consolidate low population servers so its a true mmo / community experience.


Other than the above, this is an awesome game and you all are doing a fantastic job.



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When can we expect to see more alien species to be available at character creation? The current species are all relatively humanoid, I can understand the reason behind doing this at launch: you needed every species to speak 'basic' to permits the massive voice over in the game. We've seen and love it but for those of us who want to play ithorian or applied or any of the very alien species throughout the galaxy even if we have subtitles when will this be possible.
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Will the general bugs (tatooine balloon) and body type bugs that prevent players to get certain datacrons (ie Corelia Presence +4 for body type 3 and 4) be fixed in the upcoming patch? Edited by Wrzaskun
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With 1.2, players receive mechanical benefits for fully completing storylines for their characters companions. Given that Vette's storyline is currently short-circuited if the player does not wish to free her, with many of us believing it's out of character for our Sith, will Sith Warriors have another option to "complete" her story, or is the lack of a full storyline for Vette to be compounded with a mechanical penalty?
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When will same sex romance be finally ready? Can we flirt with same sex npcs?


Any plans for same sex relationship chart in Legacy system?


Is there going to be more customization ( face /hair ) for new alts? There are way too little good looking male and female Asian faces and half of the male faces looks like apes and female Asian characters i create end up looking like Meko.


Any plans to add new playable races that are non humanoids like ortolans and jawas?


These are going to be important as i am considering whether to resubscribe or not.

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Are you planning small changes into scout type trooper heavy armour so that it would not have those ugly wings and cloth at the back? Its a cosmetic change especialy those wings on shoulders, and it just look very silly... Once patch 1.2 will be up, i would get back to wearing those types of armours, BUT those wings are killing me.
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Will we see more Flashpoints like Black Talon where our dialogue choices determine what boss we fight and the path we take to get to them? If yes, will we ever see Flashpoints where our choices could make the Flashpoint completely different compared to our first playthrough of it?
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Why you nerf scrappers for pvp? the tree was already nerf, and another more? what is the point of this?.... we need a clarify about this changes, i know that this are no the finals notes but.. a clarify would be nice.
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