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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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I normally try all new MMO's that come out, but only keep subs rolling for those I have friends interested in playing as well.


SWtoR is one of those, WoW was another. Currently I'm playing the TERA CBT's and the combat in that game is a lot of fun and different enough from anything else I've played to keep me interested.


GW2 is starting to look like a bad bet due to the awful character animations (your avatar looks to be skating around on the surface instead of making solid contact with the ground) but then it's only a one of purchase with no sub after that.. so no real loss in playing it.

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I normally try all new MMO's that come out, but only keep subs rolling for those I have friends interested in playing as well.


SWtoR is one of those, WoW was another. Currently I'm playing the TERA CBT's and the combat in that game is a lot of fun and different enough from anything else I've played to keep me interested.


GW2 is starting to look like a bad bet due to the awful character animations (your avatar looks to be skating around on the surface instead of making solid contact with the ground) but then it's only a one of purchase with no sub after that.. so no real loss in playing it.


Tera is a grind fest... It is the next Aion... Everyone ranted about how awesome it will be... and then fled form it faster than they rushed to it.


GW2 from the videos looks pretty. A personally witnessed a real life friend of mine take part in testing with IGN. He is no SWTOR fan but even his thoughts were that this game has more going for it. People have a HUGE misconception about GW2 being the greatest MMO to come out.


The Secret World is getting VERY good reviews currently. Looks awesome and gives players freedom of no classes. But other than that I know no one who has taken part in ay of its beta testing.

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Tera is a grind fest... It is the next Aion... Everyone ranted about how awesome it will be... and then fled form it faster than they rushed to it.


GW2 from the videos looks pretty. A personally witnessed a real life friend of mine take part in testing with IGN. He is no SWTOR fan but even his thoughts were that this game has more going for it. People have a HUGE misconception about GW2 being the greatest MMO to come out.


The Secret World is getting VERY good reviews currently. Looks awesome and gives players freedom of no classes. But other than that I know no one who has taken part in ay of its beta testing.


I've beta tested Secret World and it's still under NDA but I can say it has a LOT of work left to do on it. Certainly has promise but I do think it's only going to have a niche market due to it's unconventional design. Sort of like Age Of Conan was really.


TERA did not seem like a grind fest at all to me and I've played AION, which cetainly was. It's the least grind orientated Korean MMO I've played actually. I think it's merely the perception of such Korean games that all now get labelled as being 'grindy'.

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I'm actually seeing some reasonable responses here, go figure.


Honestly i think this game is going to take the majority of the PvE mmo marketplace for some years to come. Warcraft is/will be bottoming out with D3 coming out and the next xpac turning off a lot of their already dwindling playerbase.


That being said I think GW2 has some potential for takeing a large portion of the Swtor PvP playerbase. Most can agree there are some substantial concerns about SW pvp, this coming from a BM with a 2nd toon just passing Valor 50.


BUT I know many players like me, who for the first time who may be apt to play both because of the no-subscription of GW2. I can forsee myself playing Swtor for my Flashpoint/raid PvE fix and also going to GW2 for some WvWvW.


It's all still up in the air but after some initial skeptiscism I am convinced the PvE aspect of Swtor will be the best in the market for some time. It's really just that good, and also as some have said its Star Wars.:D

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I'm actually seeing some reasonable responses here, go figure.


Honestly i think this game is going to take the majority of the PvE mmo marketplace for some years to come. Warcraft is/will be bottoming out with D3 coming out and the next xpac turning off a lot of their already dwindling playerbase.


That being said I think GW2 has some potential for takeing a large portion of the Swtor PvP playerbase. Most can agree there are some substantial concerns about SW pvp, this coming from a BM with a 2nd toon just passing Valor 50.


BUT I know many players like me, who for the first time who may be apt to play both because of the no-subscription of GW2. I can forsee myself playing Swtor for my Flashpoint/raid PvE fix and also going to GW2 for some WvWvW.


It's all still up in the air but after some initial skeptiscism I am convinced the PvE aspect of Swtor will be the best in the market for some time. It's really just that good, and also as some have said its Star Wars.:D




I am very interested in the WvWvW but there will be no PVP servers or OWPVP of any kind. Anet hates raiders with a passion so their endgame will be extremely limited to only repeated quests. Then they went and changed how their cash shop will work which opens up the chance of P2W.


Then I see this and it makes me wonder how they think they will be able to do 1000+ people in one area.

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same i played GW 1 on my cousing labtop for about 3 weeks i didnt enjoy the game one bit .... i was sub to WoW/ FF11 atthe time though doing hard core raiding in both. GW2 from what i see will be great for a non sub game but it wont hold my attention for long


Tera on the other hand witht hte live action battle system looks cool. i figure their PvP system wil prob be one of the best out there due to skill base cause if you want to dodge move!!.


Mop welll i will not even play wow with that expansion going on maybe the one after it i will go back.


Titan not nough info out there but new company are springing up and 2012 looks like the year of mmorpg's so i hope a new no name company can deliver us something that will break alot of molds

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I'm seeing more prejudice for TERA on TOR then TOR on TERA. Didn't think I would.


Honestly, those MMO's are too different to compare from one another. At TERA being a grindfest? lol.. if you call WoW a grindfest. Or any other MMO before TOR.


lol At people that expect TOR quests from other MMO's.. or none at all because a game was made on a certain rock..


GW2 is a hype train heading towards a brick wall. And when it hits that brick wall, it's gonna derail. Hard.


TOR is going to last, but it'll require a lot of effort from Bioware. Because Bioware done goofed a few times, and they need to keep the content updates from delaying.

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see..see... this is what I don't get with people..


If you enjoyed lotr more than Star Wars..what makes you feel the need to say it on a STAR WARS FORUM other than the need to WANT to upset people...


Why would people be upset about someone else's preference? I don't get that. I totally understand that here there is far likely to be more folk who think SW is the epitome of fiction and that doesn't bother me at all. I prefer LoTR but someone else preferring SW is no skin off my nose.


Maybe people should not get so upset about others' preferences?

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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Are you guys all f***ing idiots do some research and you will see Tera isn't a grindfest.... Just admit SWTOR is bad, and move on.


Your reply shows that you are financially supporting the game. Thank you, I know I will be enjoying the product or your contributions. I also know Tera bad is a poor game that will not last a year. I have forseen it.

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I dont know how many people are like me (a lot or a few), but i cant get into an MMO if it isnt based off of a movie or in WoW's case earlier games.


WoW - Warcraft Orcs vs Humans original, then part 2, then all the other RTS games

SWTOR, Star Trek Online, SWG, Lord of the Rings - movies


I bought Guild Wars and Oblivion, but i just couldnt get into either of those games. Same reason i didnt buy Aion when it first came out even though a few of my then WoW guildies left to play it.


Hmm...i used to play Dune and Dune 2 back in the day...WTB MMO based off of one of those hehe.

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In my opinion, no it won't. While I wasn't much for Tera I can see it going well in the states if people get over the whole, "I don't wanna have to work mentality." I think the reason it did poorly in Korea was probably based off this assumption. Reason why I think this, the warrior was constantly being downgraded more and more to a dps class when it was supposed to be a tank class. Why? I believe it's because people are spoiled by the old target and press ability system that MMO's have, and the idea that they don't get to stand still and just wail on something, but will actually have to move around scares them.


That being said, I won't get Tera, and if I do it will only be to have it as an option. The combat was fun, best I've had in an MMO, but as an Altoholic having only one starting zone is a no no for me. I'd take multiple path choices to the top over new and improved combat and in regards to this SWTOR, over a mediocre story with VA's. Though I will admit that having only gotten out of the starting zone and started running around the second part, if it branches off after that, it may have a chance with me, will have to see.


From what I've seen of Guild Wars 2, it will be the MMO for me. But we'll have to see how it feels when I play before I make a final decision. But my GamerDNA results show me as a Socializer/Explorer, which I would agree with, and as such, something along the lines of what Guild Wars 2 claims it will have and be seems right up my alley. SWTOR and me are a lost cause, and WoW may have a hard time keeping me if Guild Wars 2 is really good. Here's hoping for WoW's sake that the monk class is as fun as I have always hoped it would be when they would finally add it.

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Hmm...i used to play Dune and Dune 2 back in the day...WTB MMO based off of one of those hehe.


If they could even make a film that does justice for the original (1st) novel I'd be more than pleased already; but I really feel the potential for a Dune MMO (RPG/RTS/RPG-RTS Hybrid) is so immense that if a (proper) Dune MMO were ever made I dare say it would even surpass SWTOR.


How someone would be able to translate the nuances of the author's prose faithfully so that the you actually felt like you were reliving the Dune universe (or the novel) would be a real challenge though.

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"I am very interested in the WvWvW but there will be no PVP servers or OWPVP of any kind. Anet hates raiders with a passion so their endgame will be extremely limited to only repeated quests. Then they went and changed how their cash shop will work which opens up the chance of P2W.


Then I see this and it makes me wonder how they think they will be able to do 1000+ people in one area."


Good points Reico I have some of the same concerns.


PvP stability will be a major factor in the GW2 success. Why one company cannot put 200 people ina zone to pvp without major lagging/crashing is beyond me. DAOC did it better 12 years ago then anyone is doing it now.


Yea the no "pvp" servers is different, but there is only one faction so yea, you need to instance/go to the mists for what would be considered GW world pvp. But really is that any different that going to Ilum or flying to Stormwind,wow 85 pvp zone. I don't know.


My biggest gripe about GW2, and I have the same issues with Swtor, right now is that as some have said there is pretty much no pvp while leveling unless you do it all in the Mists/warzones which i guess is viable but slow.

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You lost all credibility when you quoted and endorsed one of our current top ten game flamers in the forum who spews whatever and whenever over and over again.


Quote credible sources next time. ;)


And i give a **** what you think? lol ****a you

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


The 1st and most important rule in MMO industry.

Once your game gets a bad name for whatever reasons it is really hard to turn the situation around.


I thought that after the Warhammer fiasco EA would know better and allow a few more months of development before releasing.


I don't see TERA being as much of a threat as GW2.

Polished or not TERA will most likely end up to be a grind fest galore.

As for GW2...If it is nicely polished without bugs etc from launch

I can see it going over 3 million players before it's 1st 6 months.

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SWTOR is finished more or less. GW2 will be the next big thing because it's very polished and free. Free is the game changer.


GW1 wasn't a traditional MMO but GW2 is more like a traditional MMO.


TERA will have a niche audience like Aion did. The grind will bother people + the Asian aesthetic.


SWTOR is finished because of horrible PVP, server imbalance (which will always plague faction v. faction MMOs that are poorly optimized, see: Aion) and lack of FUN content end-game.


It's a shame. I really wanted to like this game but I guess its just a filler before GW2 or TERA come out.

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SWTOR is finished more or less. GW2 will be the next big thing because it's very polished and free. Free is the game changer.


GW1 wasn't a traditional MMO but GW2 is more like a traditional MMO.


TERA will have a niche audience like Aion did. The grind will bother people + the Asian aesthetic.


SWTOR is finished because of horrible PVP, server imbalance (which will always plague faction v. faction MMOs that are poorly optimized, see: Aion) and lack of FUN content end-game.


It's a shame. I really wanted to like this game but I guess its just a filler before GW2 or TERA come out.


yep people thought rift was going away also. yet there it stands at 15/month

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