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Sooo, did anybody NOT come from WoW?


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FFXI -> GW -> Wow -> LOTRO -> Rift -> FFXIV -> Eve -> SWTOR


Tbh, all had their ups and downs. Some more down than up, others, the other way. Tbh, with Wow in mind, the last straw for me was the gear score and ground finder. Altho in my opinion, the game was starting to suffer before that.


As an RP'er tho, Wow did have some nice little hotspots (NOT Goldshire lol)


Chime xXx

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I find it amusing how so many people played every MMO but WoW... and quite hard to believe. I think it's just the in thing to claim you never played it personally. Me, I played it, I played the heck out of it... it is now boring and can't hold my interest, but it was fun from vanilla till TBC ...LK and cata sucked all of the remaining life out of it...


Seriously guys, it's ok to admit you played WoW...

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I find it amusing how so many people played every MMO but WoW... and quite hard to believe. I think it's just the in thing to claim you never played it personally. Me, I played it, I played the heck out of it... it is now boring and can't hold my interest, but it was fun from vanilla till TBC ...LK and cata sucked all of the remaining life out of it...


Seriously guys, it's ok to admit you played WoW...


Seriously mate, for some of us WoW simply doesn't have any appeal. Actually, neither does SW:TOR (too little real PVP, too little sandbox), I'm just parking here till GW2 comes around. And since it's SF and not fantasy, at least it's something different.

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I find it amusing how so many people played every MMO but WoW... and quite hard to believe. I think it's just the in thing to claim you never played it personally. Me, I played it, I played the heck out of it... it is now boring and can't hold my interest, but it was fun from vanilla till TBC ...LK and cata sucked all of the remaining life out of it...


Seriously guys, it's ok to admit you played WoW...


It makes people seem hip and edgy to say that wow is terrible or whatever. Sort of like the way people are fans of indie bands until they sign with a label. The music might not change, but it's no longer cool to like them. I'm sure the wow devs are crying all the way to the bank.

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I find it amusing how so many people played every MMO but WoW... and quite hard to believe. I think it's just the in thing to claim you never played it personally. Me, I played it, I played the heck out of it... it is now boring and can't hold my interest, but it was fun from vanilla till TBC ...LK and cata sucked all of the remaining life out of it...


Seriously guys, it's ok to admit you played WoW...


Played SWG from launch until the NGE hit. Everyone I knew started playing WoW, I was over at a friends house and he was playing it. It looked so dumb and never got near it. I played Battlefield in its place than came here at early access.

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Ultima online >SWG(pre everything) >EvE online> WoW> Eve online >RF online>LoTR >Warhammer >AoC > Aion>WoW >Eve online >ToR :D


think thats how it went.....and i keep eyeing up Eve again....dunno why bloody Goons:p

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From first to now:

The Realm (several years); SWG PRE-CU until CU; FFXI (about a year); EQII (just under a year I'd say); [Thanks to the SOE All Access Pass I was playing SWG-CU (last month before NGE); Vanguard (not long); The Matrix (miss the clothes and fighting animations)]; SWG-NGE for about another year (friends kept pulling me back); AoC (not long); WAR (not much longer than AoC); Mortal Online (maybe 5 months - miss you guys in Forsaken) until I started; SWTOR.


I played SWG the most, and never touched WoW, mostly because it came out around the same time as the CU, and most of my friends in SWG either went to EQII or WoW, and I chose to "start fresh" with a new game. But now I play with my close personal friends, and the occasional server swap to be with a couple of old SWG buddies.


There was also a few months of CoH in there. It kept making me think, "so many superheroes, yet, so much crime!" Played it just because friends did and roped me in.

Edited by Diopter
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Asheron's call (Wish they still made pvp like this)


Dark Age of Camelot

Anarchy Online


Age of Conan







Is it just me?.....Looking back at my list MMO's seem to progressively get worse.

Edited by JaboTOR
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DAOC/Planetside/CoH/WAR (briefly). Also console gaming, Battlefield 3 and COD, where I was in the top 0.5% of the leaderboards for a while. Basically games which aren't gear-centric. I'd much rather be skill based than gear based.
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