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Sooo, did anybody NOT come from WoW?


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Not trying the bash WoW, it was/is obviously very successful. I was just wondering if anybody came from a different MMO background. I came from Aion myself, till those jerks wouldn't let me renew my sub because I submitted my credit card from a different country :/
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I quit WoW six months after release. I came here from DDO.


EQ, DAoC, Lineage II, Horizons, WoW, FFXI, LoTRO, Conan, EVE, SWG, EQ2, GW, Tabula Rasa, CoH, Rift, DDO... and I'm sure I missed a few.

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SWG for 6.5372 years


EQ2, tried Wow until level 35 .. didnt like it. and then STO, LOTR, Then CoH


Then this.


Not in any particular order. but SWG was my first MMo 2003 opening day

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Came from xbox xD I did play MMO's for a while...


Here is an extensive list of all my MMOs played:

Guild Wars

City of Heroes/Villains


WoW (a month)



APB (if you call that an MMO)

Toontown (when I was younger)



I can't really say the order since I went back and forth for a long time :p


I don't remember anymore at this moment.

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Eq2 launch-Dec 2011 full time play. (25+ hours per week)


Most hardcore Eq2 players always compared WoW to checkers. (Whereas we played Chess)





It's interesting to see how players from other games react to things. (Raids, PVP, etc)


He he you are sooo right,one glaring example from what i have noticed is that WoW players rush in alot faster in zones,they also feel as though they are more entitled to beat the whole zone first try,,EQ2 vets take a bit slower approach and do not expect to beat the zone on the first try and are content with half even.


Even though i never played WoW i get a sense that death was not as much as a risk as in EQ2,maybe im wrong,again i never played WoW.

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Not trying the bash WoW, it was/is obviously very successful. I was just wondering if anybody came from a different MMO background. I came from Aion myself, till those jerks wouldn't let me renew my sub because I submitted my credit card from a different country :/


I came from Aion too, which is why all QQ on these forums never ceases to amaze me. ;)

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Not trying the bash WoW, it was/is obviously very successful. I was just wondering if anybody came from a different MMO background. I came from Aion myself, till those jerks wouldn't let me renew my sub because I submitted my credit card from a different country :/


I would say I came from WoW but I have played it under much duress and continual hatred ( wanting to stick with the same friends and players) but it was short lived


I came from SWG PRe cu/CU/NGE>AOC>WAR>wow>fallen earth>CO>rift trial


at which point I gave up on MMO's and waited for this one


after Swtor I doubt I will play another MMO GW2 and tera look like fails to me at least and no company wants to break the WoW model without throwing in some awful concept like darkfail FPS aspect


problem with MMO's is they take so long to be made the hype will never match the game


do I like Swtor yeah I do is it as good as I hoped it would be NO no where close but if I had to choose I would not of gone with the combat system class system BW did


where I would rate all these games I do not know but I know WoW would come a close second to last behind rift which is the worse WoW clone I have seen

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