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Gabe Amatangelo confirms RvR


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I just read this and was really excited about! :)


We tried to get the message out of “IT’S NOT RvR!” and that it was just open world PvP but still, through second hand information, many people expected big scale RvR. Galactic warfare is something we very much want to do, it’s just not what Ilum is. And we’ll be addressing a bunch of issues there alone.


He's also talking about that they already working on it! :)



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I just read this and was really excited about! :)




He's also talking about that they already working on it! :)




And Bioware/Mythic was going to save warhammer with the skaven patch. And we all know how that ended up.


Prohint: the future aka Maybe for christmas.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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And Bioware/Mythic was going to save warhammer with the skaven patch. And we all know how that ended up.


Prohint: the future aka Maybe for christmas.


I couldn't agree more. Sadly I left that steaming pile of crap for this one. Same difference, just replaced the arrows and swords, with blasters and lightsabers.

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It will never be "RvR" without multiple factions. Sorry, it's just going to be pvp.


Yep, two faction open world pvp is fail, every time it fails as the side with the biggest population always wins. There is no way it can work and the second they start limiting the size of the number who can participate or instancing it it ceases to be open world pvp.


3 faction works, 2 faction doesn't.

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Yep, two faction open world pvp is fail, every time it fails as the side with the biggest population always wins. There is no way it can work and the second they start limiting the size of the number who can participate or instancing it it ceases to be open world pvp.


3 faction works, 2 faction doesn't.


Probably way too late for BioWare to even include a third faction in an expansion. Too much work and they seem to be on a steady track record of doing everything wrong.


The funny thing out of all of those is that while we're scoffing at everything they've done wrong, they're doing the exact same thing about us in their office too.


Ah the hate-hate relationship of a MMO.

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Yep, two faction open world pvp is fail, every time it fails as the side with the biggest population always wins. There is no way it can work and the second they start limiting the size of the number who can participate or instancing it it ceases to be open world pvp.


3 faction works, 2 faction doesn't.


Planetside and DAOC exemplify this adeptly.


Can't wait for Planetside 2

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Smuggler and Bounty Hunters do make more sense working for Hutt Cartel, additionally, across the 4 ACs you have there, you have tanks, DPS and healers.


There is your 3rd faction.


Not going to happen though, it is a pipe dream.

Edited by Jack_Deth
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Three sides in DAoC didn't really work either. I played on Guinevere from release up until the completely silly minotaur expansion (oye, that was a stinker) and, at least, on my realm, it was always HIB vs ALB. MID was there as the minute little joker that you would only see roaming in an OP group of 8 or coming with two groups to momentarily give us a chuckle as HIB vs ALB went at it.


The concept of three realms only appeased peoples' worries of population discrepancies because it shifted their attention from one side versus the other to, "Hey, if you add our small group with the really really small group, we're even with the big boys." But that didnt' guarantee that the two smaller sides would group up as they should have. It just meant that you had one losing side with the smallest of all three doing what they wanted when they wanted for their own personal pleasure.

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Not going to happen. This is just propaganda in an attempt to keep subs.


How do you create RVR when the core game is not build around that concept. The worlds are built so there is very little chance you actually could run into the other side while leveling.


His comments are purely damage control. Too little too late.


4 years of game design brought us Ilum and 3 simple warzones. They did not hire 1000 programmers to revamp the pvp and rvr aspects of the game.


What do you expect a small team of devs to accomplish in a month or two..............


They will have to somehow balance the factions to even have a shot at this otherwise it will just turn into another episode of Ilum ie Zergwar. Getting more people to play the poorly implemented pub side would take a rework of the entire pub content.


Adding a 3rd faction this far into the game is just pie in the sky.

Edited by Talizzar
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And Bioware/Mythic was going to save warhammer with the skaven patch. And we all know how that ended up.


Prohint: the future aka Maybe for christmas.


I used to wreck people on my stealthy skaven! I got more kills with that toon than I did on my RR9x WL!

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I just read this and was really excited about! :)




He's also talking about that they already working on it! :)




Yeah, as great as that sounds, Ilum was supposed to "blow our minds" or some stupid thing like that.


I have NO confidence in Gabe's abilities. Until he can prove he's NOT a failure at PvP design, he is one, because Ilum was done THAT poorly!


And how about a time table?! This isn't a minor thing - this is the entirety of "end game play" for a crap ton of people, not some back burner 1.3 issue. Hell, it SHOULD be fixed and redesigned BEFORE 1.2 IMO.

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Any misconceptions is due their own intentional vague descriptions.



When you say...we have open world PVP....


Most PVP people will thing.....

That means PVP anywhere at anytime.


Not.....we have one zone that is open to PVP everywhere on it. Ilum is a Zone.


Bioware was either...completely ignorant or willfully misleading with their statement.


I am truly undecided on which one TBH. The way this game is, I am more inclined to think completely ignorant.

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Hey gabe remember this video?

what load of crap that interview was.


Does anyone else notice what a control friek gabe is? ffs i never seen a dev worry so much about ridiculous meaningless issues.


Ilum wasnt even open world pvp it was instanced to hell and a side area at best.


Hey gabe world pvp is 20vs20 or even 100vs100 as you advertised. As for those turrets you cant even control them there a pos in themselves seriously all we can do is aim the turrets we cant control them shooting or anything?


You better get your bleep together gabe and get true open world pvp going before gw2


Wow that interview almost made me hit the unsub button just stupid idiotic crap....

Edited by hargrave
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