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will this game survive before 1.2?


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SWTOR will be here for 1.2 but Idk about after this year. It's headed down hill fast, today was my last day of sub, I have uninstalled along with most of my guild and I know of other similar stories. Simply put: WoW has set standards that will have to be met if you want to charge $15 subs.


Don't hate on me for telling you the truth. If BW can hold on to 1 million long term subscribers then they should count this game as a success.


Yeah WoW's had 8 years, it had a lot of bugs in vanilla and was no where near what it was today. This game's been out for 3 months, and only 1 month in Oceania. You seriously have no patience and your expecatations are unrealistically high. People need to give this game time to grow and advance, why do people expect a new game to be fast tracked and on par with a game that's had 8 years to change?


Because of the new gen of gamer's, the attitude of a gamer in general has changed. People will rage and quit over the tiniest reasons. It's a matter of self-entitlement. Years ago with a game people would say "oh here's a few bugs I've found, no worry, they'll release a patch." Now it's "OMG A BUG DATS IT I QUIT". It's not "I enjoy this game, I will give it time to grow." it's "I WANT DIS NOW NOW NOW!!!!". And that my friends, is why games that are enjoyable die.

Edited by AshpoolPhoenix
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what are unrealistic expectations?

That most of the critical bugs get fixed in a respetable timeframe? SOA keeps bugging, Pylons keep bugging, I can't run (as many others) D7 without bugging one of the bosses, many DS BH can't finish they story due to a bug....


Stop comparing WoW with this game...when WoW was release, MMO were just starting, broadband was in its infancy, distributed computing was like rocket science.... technology has improved a lot in 7 years...so, STOP saying (yeah, but WoW had as many bugs when released)


Would you be happy with an Iphone/Android phone release today with all the bugs that the original iphone/android had? No, so why is this different.


And my last point. WoW had a great support team, if something bugged out, you will get an answer in-game after a few minutes.... I have tickets in my support screens for WEEKS now. (funny enough, one of the tickets is about a bug in the ticket tool)

Edited by Saint-Exupery
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A paragraph (from the Greek paragraphos, "to write beside" or "written beside") is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. A paragraph consists of one or more sentences. The start of a paragraph is indicated by beginning on a new line. Sometimes the first line is indented.


Grammarian failure. His writing stays on topic, no need for a new paragraph.

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Yeah WoW's had 8 years, it had a lot of bugs in vanilla and was no where near what it was today. This game's been out for 3 months, and only 1 month in Oceania. You seriously have no patience and your expecatations are unrealistically high. People need to give this game time to grow and advance, why do people expect a new game to be fast tracked and on par with a game that's had 8 years to change?


Because of the new gen of gamer's, the attitude of a gamer in general has changed. People will rage and quit over the tiniest reasons. It's a matter of self-entitlement. Years ago with a game people would say "oh here's a few bugs I've found, no worry, they'll release a patch." Now it's "OMG A BUG DATS IT I QUIT". It's not "I enjoy this game, I will give it time to grow." it's "I WANT DIS NOW NOW NOW!!!!". And that my friends, is why games that are enjoyable die.


Would you buy a new car without cruise control, side curtain airbags, air con, traction control, Bluetooth, power steering etc etc ?


Consumer expectation is set by the industry standard.

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