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will this game survive before 1.2?


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I had problems to take you serious before, but that just nailed it :D


How, because i play games on a console, on my comfortable couch and a big screen tv?


You really are not helping yourself.


You wouldn't happen to be one of those pc elitists would you?

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How, because i play games on a console, on my comfortable couch and a big screen tv?


You really are not helping yourself.


You wouldn't happen to be one of those pc elitists would you?


You do know it's possible to play games on your PC while sitting on a comfortable couch and using a big screen TV as well,right?

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1.2 doesn't even do much.

Most of the legacy stuff is role play oriented.

No cross server LFG.

No server transfers.

Nothing to address the boring end game.


They are punting on everythingthat might help until 1.3 now.


Tera comes out May 1.

Diablo 3 comes out May 15.

GW2 comes out in June.


It's not goingto be pretty...

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Yeah, this game has been out for 3 months and we still haven't seen a content patch yet, that is unless we count 1.1 which is literally stuff that should of been in at launch that didn't make it. One of the selling points was quick content cycles :( Anyone recall that as well?


Quick selling cycles is just a sales lie. They maybe even intend to have a quick content cycles (hell i doubt they would ever say we will have slow content cycles) but every game i have seen say this is consistently 1-3 months later than they tell you.


Luckily for Bioware they will be able to stick all the trial accounts into their subscriber numbers next 1/4 to pad it out.

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If people are leaving because of whats here then they have rather immature and unrealistic expectations. For a game thats 3 months old it is doing FAR better than any I've seen so far.


Yes there are a few irritating bugs waiting to be fixed, some that quite vex me, however they are rightly focusing on game-breaking things rather than just irritating things. The amount of shutdowns are surprisingly few for this stage. More things get fixed in a reasonable time than most games.


Overall I'm happy to stick with it and I believe it will prove worth sticking with long term.




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You do know it's possible to play games on your PC while sitting on a comfortable couch and using a big screen TV as well,right?


yes, and why should I when I have a console? And why would I move my computer over to my tv?


I run the finance department for a national company and spend 40-50 hours a week sitting at a computer working with spreadsheets. I don't want to come home and spend too much time on a computer, whether sitting in a chair or sitting on my couch with a keyboard in my lap and my mouse on my coffee table, it is still not as comfortable as my couch with a gamepad in my hand, relaxing.


Is that ok with you? Do I have your permission to be relaxed and play the way I want to?


Nice try making a point. So by that I can tell you are a pc elitist.

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Quick selling cycles is just a sales lie. They maybe even intend to have a quick content cycles (hell i doubt they would ever say we will have slow content cycles) but every game i have seen say this is consistently 1-3 months later than they tell you.


Luckily for Bioware they will be able to stick all the trial accounts into their subscriber numbers next 1/4 to pad it out.


Yep, the whole reason for the free trial 2 months into the game.

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This game won't fail unless there is another Star Wars MMO. Diablo 3 and ME3 are irrelevant. There are enough people who will play it just because there are no other Star Wars MMO options to keep it alive. SWG is a perfect example although I find myself missing it a lot after playing this.
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Of course the game will survive and thrive. The little kids will go to what is popular, which for them trumps quality.


I can't wait until all the D3 bashing begins....


Oh, and by little kids I don't necessarily mean age in years.


I remember oh so long ago about ME3 destroying this MMO as everyone will leave for that.... so long ago……. now it is D3 ( chuckle )

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yes, and why should I when I have a console? And why would I move my computer over to my tv?


I run the finance department for a national company and spend 40-50 hours a week sitting at a computer working with spreadsheets. I don't want to come home and spend too much time on a computer, whether sitting in a chair or sitting on my couch with a keyboard in my lap and my mouse on my coffee table, it is still not as comfortable as my couch with a gamepad in my hand, relaxing.


Is that ok with you? Do I have your permission to be relaxed and play the way I want to?


Nice try making a point. So by that I can tell you are a pc elitist.


Wrong, I enjoy playing games on my PC,360, and PS3. The Wii sits there collecting dust.


My point was you are able to sit on a couch and play on a bigscreen with your PC which was a counterpoint to your reasoning for preferring consoles. I never even remotely came close to saying anything like "if you don't use a PC,you are fail" or "L2not console nub" nor did I offer an opinion on which was better than the other.


For an adult who runs the finance department for a national company you sure are quick to perceive insults,quick to anger and quick to retaliate against the perceived insults.


Relax,man. Life is too short to get that worked up over a perceived insult which was actually just pointing out that you can relax and play PC/console games in the exact fashion you enjoy.

Edited by Temeluchus
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yes, and why should I when I have a console? And why would I move my computer over to my tv?


I run the finance department for a national company and spend 40-50 hours a week sitting at a computer working with spreadsheets. I don't want to come home and spend too much time on a computer, whether sitting in a chair or sitting on my couch with a keyboard in my lap and my mouse on my coffee table, it is still not as comfortable as my couch with a gamepad in my hand, relaxing.


Is that ok with you? Do I have your permission to be relaxed and play the way I want to?


Nice try making a point. So by that I can tell you are a pc elitist.


yeh like any guy with a real job sits on videogame forums.

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yeh like any guy with a real job sits on videogame forums.


Actually I sat on the video game forums quite a bit while working my six figure job which I hated and eventually left. It helped me keep my sanity at times!! ;)


And no I wasn't fired either so no snarky comments, hehe.

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Yup after finding out MoP will deliver more content alone than everything in swtor currently, and after 1.2 combined its gg peace folks. In addition they are adding an additional arena map, and two new warzones one of which is a hutball deathmatch, or murderball so to speak. A couple of nights ago I logged on my repub toons server there were 25 on the fleet, and 11 in illum. Then on my imp toon where there were 42 on the fleet, while 17 on illum. BOTH of these servers were high pop with high ques to log in during the first month. Not a doomsday prophecy but this game is not fun in my experience, and unless 1.2 turns it around I can picture a FTP move before August.

Hopefully gw2 can promise what this game claimed to deliver, until then I'll hang with the pandas.

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Well, I bought D3, I bought Kingdoms of Amalur, Skyrim, but those are just nice diversions from a MMO, they won't replace them. And I would be so very much surprised if BW would decide tostop with this game in a month, so yes this game will survive till 1.2.
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SWTOR will be here for 1.2 but Idk about after this year. It's headed down hill fast, today was my last day of sub, I have uninstalled along with most of my guild and I know of other similar stories. Simply put: WoW has set standards that will have to be met if you want to charge $15 subs.


Don't hate on me for telling you the truth. If BW can hold on to 1 million long term subscribers then they should count this game as a success.

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That is laughable as it is inaccurate. WoW ALWAYS oversells and under delivers.



Wheres my aerial dog-fighting? Where is my dance studio? Where is my Path of Titans?



Cmon man, WoW is a pretty good game but don't fall into their hype machine. In the entire time Cata was out we got what, 1 new daily hub, 2 raid instances (with 15 bosses TOTAL) and 5 dungeons? Oh, and two of those dungeons were remakes of existing areas? Pfff. Blizzard is doing alot of things correctly, but releasing new content is NOT one of them.


Why don't you read the notes from closed testing on mmo champs it's a pretty ambitious patch from the looks of things.

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When they announced the changes in 1.2 they basically told everyone to hold off on doing anything significant until the patch releases.


Don't bother PvPing, all tiers of current pvp gear will either be replaced or EXTREMELY easy to acquire when 1.2 hits.


Don't bother leveling alts unless you're really desperate for a free species unlock, you'll be able to simply purchase the unlocks and level a character of a race that you actually WANT after the patch releases.


Don't bother finishing any ops, you're going to have a new tier of gear, which in line with BW catering to the casuals, will likely be easier to acquire than the gear you are currently working to gain.


And the legacy system? Don't. ***********. Bother. Thank you rampant idiotic Star Wars RPers for convincing BW to waste countless hours of development time so that you can tell your friends how your *********** lame family tree looks so they can address you properly.


Will it last until 1.2? Sure. Will it ever be much more than a single player leveling game? No.

Edited by Celebrus
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And the legacy system? Don't. ***********. Bother. Thank you rampant idiotic Star Wars RPers for convincing BW to waste countless hours of development time so that you can tell your friends how your *********** lame family tree looks so they can address you properly.


Will it last until 1.2? Sure. Will it ever be much more than a single player leveling game? No.


Ah the legacy system, where a man can marry a man


If people are complaining of lack of stuff to do now, what makes you think 1 operation and 1 new flashpoint will be enough to keep them till 1.3, cause I know it won't keep my guild.

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Hi there!


We recently had to remove some posts in this thread as we have noticed that this thread has begun to stray off it's original topic, which is the survivability of the game before Game Update 1.2.


Please remember that when replying to threads, your posts should be on-topic, constructive and respectful to one another. Thanks for your understanding, and please enjoy your friendly debate!

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About Diablo 3;

D3 will succeed but the community loyal to this game should not change with it. Most of my friends are just going to throw their money at their screens blindly thinking that:




About SWTOR;

This game seem's to be doing pretty well considering its only 3 months old. It got a spike of new players, bored players left the game and the player base who are loyal to the game is creating a community, keeping the game alive. Now with the weekend passes ( i also think its a bad sign for our game ) BioWare wants to collect the scrappers as WoW is losing subscribers.


However, there are some servers that are really low population wise and a merge might be necessary to keep them alive.

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. Now with the weekend passes ( i also think its a bad sign for our game )


However, there are some servers that are really low population wise and a merge might be necessary to keep them alive.


Why exactly are weekend passses bad for the game, especially as in the next paragraph you complain about low population? Merges and transfers are one way to address low population issues....but so is attracting new players.


Even if only a small portion of the weekend passers sign up for the game, it's still an increase in the number of players, which is nothing but good for the game.


All MMOs at some point in time start giving out free trials.


Honestly, I don't get this community. "People are leaving! My server is dying! Oh no! They're recruiting new players!"

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