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will this game survive before 1.2?


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You're not even taking advantage of the full scope of end game so how can you say you are bored. This game was never meant to be a focused PvP game like Warhammer Online or Darkness Falls.


Get a guild (or pug) and do some Operations. I can almost guarantee you 1.2 won't be out before April 6th (PAX East). They will use PAX East to help promote 1.2 and then release it the week after is my best guess.


i have done everything pve and pvp wise in this game. finished all hm fps. done hm and nightmare ev/kp. im in a guild right now.

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nope its gonna die out when peoples subs run out. i for 1 with i didnt spend £130 on the game but noone knew how crap it was gonna be....


i guess we should have gused it was gonna fail after EA was involved



WTS my account only £140 >.<

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No,it will horribly die, millions will stop playing within the next 4 weeks, which is about the time of the patch release.

Swtor will cease to exist.

Everyone will evolve backwards and go back to lulli games such as WoW,Aion and Rift.

Poor Bioware developers will que up infront of the jobcentres, begging for hot meals and hard labour work.




And as for your Diablo 3 remark; you would leave swtor for a game which needed a decade of development to still look like Diablo 2 with cash shop?




Ya like diablo 3 looks anything like diablo 2, what a stupid comment. They choose that style because it will run on more computers and will age better then being a texture heavy game.


If you knew anything about business, which you obviously don't, designing a game so that it can be played on about 4 times as many pcs will get you more money then designing it for only the highest spec machines.

Edited by Caelc
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Seriously this Diablo 3 wow annual pass thing, it seems to me blizzard. Has low faith in diablo 3 or they wouldn't be giving you it free if you sink a buttload into their old and tired mmo. Be honest as has been said all games die eventually, nothing lasts forever but yet everyone looks to the future, never their mind on what is now. Enjoy what's here and if you don't then just leave its really that simple



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And as for your Diablo 3 remark; you would leave swtor for a game which needed a decade of development to still look like Diablo 2 with cash shop?


why not? im a gamer since d1 came out. played lots d2 with my friends, shared great memories with it like cutting classes just to play together. point is, it's kinda have been part of my childhood.


don't get me wrong, i love star wars. it's part of my childhood too. maybe if i have extra budget like you guys, i would definitely sub and buy d3.


if only 1.2 comes out earlier, the end game content for me now is beginning to be more chores than fun. lot's of negative factors is swaying me away from playing swtor in the future.


to put salt into wound, if you're like me who is unlucky with rng in bm tokens you'll just be more fed up. i am valor rank 69 with 3/5 bm.

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Diablows 3 is launching with no PvP and even though its not an MMORPG you have to be online even for single player. its a solid title for sure but it will have its flaws.You wont find hordes of SWtOR fans on the diablo forums causing hate and discontent most of us just simply wont play and leave you zombiez to your Hell.


My sons friends have been trying the free SWtOR thing and they mostly all love it. I have a feeling this summer we will find our game filling with youngsters. PvP will become very competetive, though they don't have the attention span for the story line, generally speaking.


Yes, This game will survive.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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I'm playing this game since early january, just made it to lvl 50 a week ago. I have loads of stuff to do, and just to little time to do it in.


Friends have asked me if this game is any good, and i'd say i love it. Always followed by the next sentance: Make up your own mind about the game, just stay away from the forums...


Ontopic: Im sure this game will be around for some time to come, for howlong, you ask? no idea, i'll see that when that time comes.

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i would go with d3 i know i am ... its sad to say but d3 looks a ton more promising than this and with the introduction to the real money ah basically u can play that and wow for free. My plans are to drop this for d3 and ride that out until mop and gw2 and whatev next big thing is that does'nt totally fail. I will probably come back to this after like a year (if it survives) and give it another 30 days to see if they are at all listening to there players at all. Hopefully by them it feels like its actually completed.
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My simple answer to this question is yes it will survive to 1.2.


I think that the paid subs are increasing and will continue to do so for a few months. People are indeed leaving and play time is down (post launch / post holiday) but BW is starting to market aggressively and the new subs in will exceed those leaving.


Long term, I do see a decline in player / sub numbers. I think that my wife and I have about six months left in us and then we will likely move on. It is intersting to me to play with my wife for many reasons, but not the least of which is because she is a brand new player who has just discovered gaming and mmo's and is having a ball. She really likes swtor, but is starting to talk about trying WOW in a few months. I don't know if our feelings are unique or if others feel the same, but the reasons for our dissatisfation do not involve content or some of the issues being discussed. They are centered about what I consider the basic quality of game play.


We are finding:


1 - Bugs, bugs, and more bugs. None of these are game breaking but the number of bugs and problems experience in a few hours of play do add up to being annoying. I have played other mmo's (one at launch) and have never seen so many bugs in so many places.


2 - Combat is not great, it is passable. We still see ability delay issues. We still see hits not registering or registering seconds after they occur. We see casts start a noticable fraction of a second after they are thrown. We still see mobs with zero health points continue to fight for a time after the system shows them at zero. We still see bad clipping of annimations. BW paid some lip service to combat problems and fixed / improved some of the issues, but on the whole combat is still flawed. An mmo is about combat and if that fundamental is bad the entire game experience suffers. My own experience is that I played WOW for months after I lost interest in the game, just because the combat was so smooth, felt so good, and was just enjoyable.


3 - Linearity, linearity, linearity - The questing in swtor is much to linear. The worlds are restricted and are tunnels with little oppertunity to explore. My wife describes Nar Shaddaa (sorry if misspelled) as the biggest underground parking garage that she has ever seen. There is just no illusion of openness and choice. There are walls and mountain ranges that seem to run the length the planet everywhere.


4 - Game performance - We are fortunate and swtor runs pretty well on both of our rigs. We have some problems but mostly minor. Yet we have read that many people have issues with mid to high end computers. The BW response is that it is the players fault.


5 - Other things - I will stop my list here, but will mention that the auction system is terrible and although I was very active in WOW and enjoyed that part of the game, after a few tries in swtor I gave up. The crafting turned out to be a big dissapointment to me as well.


So in the end, I think that swtor will slowly fade after a while because it is flawed and missing in the most basic areas.

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I'm playing this game since early january, just made it to lvl 50 a week ago. I have loads of stuff to do, and just to little time to do it in.


Friends have asked me if this game is any good, and i'd say i love it. Always followed by the next sentance: Make up your own mind about the game, just stay away from the forums...


Ontopic: Im sure this game will be around for some time to come, for howlong, you ask? no idea, i'll see that when that time comes.


You are the target audience of SW, imo. I am glad you are enjoying it.

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diablo 3 just released it's launch date to may 15. im not seeing any exact date for 1.2 patch.

my sub is ending this april 2. so right now what i do is, dailies, belsavis, ilum, pvp. tbh, i have done everything pve and pvp wise in this game. finished all hm fps. done hm and nightmare ev/kp. im in a guild right now. 4/5 rakata gear, 3/5 bm (unlucky with rng)

rolled a new merc toon to level 30. turning to be quite boring for me.


im in swiftsure server and i can definitely see population drop after the asia pac servers released. before fleet don't go below 150 people, now the lowest i've seen is 80. in ilum 15, in belsavis 20.


i know there's lots of factors why people are leaving.


not enough end game content.

new games are coming out, (mass effect 3)

full of bugs specially in raiding

fps drops still not fixed until now.

maybe i should add, diablo 3 is dated.



with bioware not releasing a date for 1.2 is saying something. up to now they're not sure if 1.2 is ready to be released. specially they have a growing reputation of breaking the game every patch. so now they need to be sure before giving out date for 1.2, it's a 99% smooth.


so now because of all this, im not sure if im continuing to sub for 1.2. i have a tight budget, it's either 1.2 get's my money, or both 1.2 and diablo 3 gets it.


And those who are leaving now..would within a month or two after the release of 1.2. Those who are staying..are the ones who like enough about the game, 1.2 will not be the factor which keeps them. That is my prediction anyway.

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And those who are leaving now..would within a month or two after the release of 1.2. Those who are staying..are the ones who like enough about the game, 1.2 will not be the factor which keeps them. That is my prediction anyway.


I agree. If you love the game and are enjoying it, 1.2 is just another step in the growth process and isn't a deciding factor.


Those who don't like the game or are bored, aren't staying anyway and 1.2 is just too little too late.

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I'm playing this game since early january, just made it to lvl 50 a week ago. I have loads of stuff to do, and just to little time to do it in.


Friends have asked me if this game is any good, and i'd say i love it. Always followed by the next sentance: Make up your own mind about the game, just stay away from the forums...


Ontopic: Im sure this game will be around for some time to come, for howlong, you ask? no idea, i'll see that when that time comes.


Same here. Been playing sence the second wave of early invites back in Dec. While the game does need some improvements, I still have enjoyed it a lot. Only have one level 50 and now am leveling 5 other classes. I donot rush for one thing, so it is hard for me to get burned out. Some are like the old saying..." Burning both ends of the candle, will make the light go out a lot sooner ". :cool:

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Seriously this Diablo 3 wow annual pass thing, it seems to me blizzard. Has low faith in diablo 3 or they wouldn't be giving you it free if you sink a buttload into their old and tired mmo. Be honest as has been said all games die eventually, nothing lasts forever but yet everyone looks to the future, never their mind on what is now. Enjoy what's here and if you don't then just leave its really that simple




That is not what I see, it has nothing to do with lack of faith in diablo, it has to do with the fact they know diablo 3 will be huge so they are trying to lock in subs of WoW. Diablo 3 will hurt Wow, the people that think it won't hurt some mmos are kidding themselves.

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They need to add more end game content. One thing I miss doing at level 50, is running a bunch of side quests for the EXP. They should have done what WOW did and make the maximum level ABOVE 50. The rumor is that 1.2 will be out in april. Bioware is a smart company, they will find a way to get us out of this. I am sure of it.
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That is not what I see, it has nothing to do with lack of faith in diablo, it has to do with the fact they know diablo 3 will be huge so they are trying to lock in subs of WoW. Diablo 3 will hurt Wow, the people that think it won't hurt some mmos are kidding themselves.


I agree with this. D3 will be a lot of fun to play and it will cost nothing other than the price of the game to play online. Hard to beat that. But is not the type of game TOR is, or near as good for my interest in playing online. Will I play it?...of course. But TOR is the type of game which can hold my interest for years to come....if the developers make the right changes and improvements.

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Ya like diablo 3 looks anything like diablo 2


Err..yes,it does...


... They choose that style because it will run on more computers and will age better then being a texture heavy game.


So your also the kind of person always complaining about "game too slow, lag ,minimum requirements",yes ?


If you knew anything about business, which you obviously don't, designing a game so that it can be played one about 4 times as many pcs will get your more money then designing it for only the highest spec machines.


Let's ride that train for a moment...

If you would understand anything about marketing, which clearly you don't, then you would know, that the majority of your customers class themselves as "gamers".

"Gamers" usually have a pc, which easily can handle games like, say Swtor.

It is indeed bad marketing to develop a game with obsolete design, since you customer base is used to better things.

Yes, you may have a few more sales at the start, because the small percentage which clings to their Pentium 2 with 4 gig memory can play the single player too.

But its not good on the long run, since the majority will move on quickly to something more decent.


Besides, i wasn't even aiming at that to start with.

Needing 10+ years to develop a game which looks like its predecessor has hardly anything to do with marketing.

It merely makes you question what exactly took them so long

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Its all gone horribly. horribly wrong.


I was translating an ancient summerian cruciform text, when I came acrossed a passage that speaks of the one game that will rule them all. Using delicate translation tools, and mah cat, Buffy I was able to determine that this game will release on December 21, 2012.


Coincidence. I think not.


Now pardon me, I must go add tinfoil to my hat.


Funny.But the Sumerians wrote in cunieform, which roughly translates into wedge-shaped. Cruciform is something that has the shape a cross or crucifix,so yeah,fail.

Edited by Temeluchus
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"Err..yes,it does..."


Not even close.




"So your also the kind of person always complaining about "game too slow, lag ,minimum requirements",yes ?"


Nope, this is the only game I play on pc, until D3 comes out. I play everything on consoles.




Did it take 10 years to make? I don't recall seeing anything that said they started D3 after D2, I thought they started working on other projects. Fyi, you still know nothing.

Edited by Caelc
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well from what i have seen, the low pop servers are struggling. the first thing they should have implemented was a transfer option along with a cross server lfg to do hm's as part of the original game, but putting in new color crystals was more important. the credit pricing in ah and vendors are stupid high, making it hard for part time players who work to keep up. if someone has a few hours to play they shouldnt have to spend that doing dailies to stay alive becouse of rediculous pricing on repairs and vendor/ah pricing. as for EA they have always been crapy about updates on any platform of game they touch. atleast blizzard and the creators of rift have there heads straight. face it EA has short dick man syndrone and always will be a fail. stick to sports games EA thats all your good at, no updates required for those games.
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well from what i have seen, the low pop servers are struggling. the first thing they should have implemented was a transfer option along with a cross server lfg to do hm's as part of the original game, but putting in new color crystals was more important. the credit pricing in ah and vendors are stupid high, making it hard for part time players who work to keep up. if someone has a few hours to play they shouldnt have to spend that doing dailies to stay alive becouse of rediculous pricing on repairs and vendor/ah pricing. as for EA they have always been crapy about updates on any platform of game they touch. atleast blizzard and the creators of rift have there heads straight. face it EA has short dick man syndrone and always will be a fail. stick to sports games EA thats all your good at, no updates required for those games.




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No game will ever make it on the market anymore seeing most people pound out a game in a week and complain there is nothing to do. I mean how is a game company suppose to create a game when alot of your players play over 8 hours a day 7 days a week.


Ok..so we make the game harder. Then we will get people whining that the game is too hard. A good example is Everquest when it first came out. Carebearland games came out and a HUGE majority left within months.


Put down the controller or back away from the keyboard once in awhile.You don't have to spend every waking moment playing a game.

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