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will this game survive before 1.2?


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I'm going to go ahead and let you know that most people don't give 2 ***** about world pvp. They are content to queue up into a Warzone and get their PvP on there.


Sorry, that's just the way it is.


I find it funny that you would say something like this after you just said


You do not speak for some vast majority, even though I know you think it is cool that you do.
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But this doesn't account for going from 5,000 during peak to 100 during peak.


That's 2% not the 5%.


So as I said a drop of around 60%...


Your maths are backing up what I said, not what you're saying...


Again you don’t comprehend what I am saying, not talking about hours in a day, talking about players logged in at a given time weeks, and months after a launch.


People used to play it every day, 8 hours a day or more, now they play maybe 8 hours or less in a week.


I have explained this several times now... if you are not going to understand it, you aren’t


This isn’t opinion, I am trying to explain something to you that is VERY well known across the MMO community that you don’t understand.

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Look up "sandbox mmo" and "theme park mmo"


Tera is more of a sandbox than a theme park, but the real difference is in games like SWG or EVE. That is the difference the person you quoted was referring to.


I don't know about that, I have seen the trailers. Looks like WoW/Rift/SWTOR (every MMORPG I have ever seen) to me...


But thanks for the info, I shall certainly Google it further.


It's got to be a better use of my time the sitting on the SWTOR forums (which incidentally is more fun than actually playing the game), listening to people trying to convince me that SWTOR isn't dead. Log in, I can assure you it is ;)

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this game is already pretty dead, look at the servers, this game did really bad, owell leave and forget. time to play some real mmo when they are reales Gw/terra online will kill this game and when D3 hit the market it will rekille this game agian. and the 1k fanboys left on this game will be like ***** man this game is great and damn the server is full agian!!
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I have to laugh at people that think diablo 3 won't be successful. stop the drugs.


It will sell 1.5 million in the first month and probably end up around 2-2.5 in sales. It will be the biggest pc game this year unless starcraft expansion comes out.

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What's missing from the equation is, of the 95% of people not logged in at any given time, how many bought 3 to 6 month subs that have no intention of renewing and don't log on because they don't play anymore? Or any length where they have canceled and still have time remaining on their sub. Those attrition numbers play a factor that can't be quantified by us.


Factor that in, and over time, you may have a degradation of subs that won't show up immediately.


Based the factors of my server, and on my guild, which is shutting down, I would say a large number of people have stopped logging in and are coasting till their sub closes.


I have lost faith that this game is going to have any longevity to be honest. I don't really have the will to essentially start from scratch at this point, which is pretty much my only option. Reroll on another server with no friends and begin again as if the last three months have meant nothing at all. This seems to be Bioware's idea of a solution as well, since they can't give any answer if or when there will even be server transfers.


On top of this, I don't see anything in 1.2 that is going to be meaningful enough to keep people coming back for more than a few weeks.


This game has failed badly in the most crucial aspect of an MMO, developing a community. It's shattered into a million pieces by what will likely be a historical blunder for times to come, which people will point to and say "don't do that" in them refusing to do anything about the mounds and mounds of dead servers.


I know they are pinning their hopes that everyone is going to come rushing back in with 1.2 but it's not going to happen. Any small surge there will be with 1.2 will fade after three weeks max.

Edited by savagepotato
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Ya missed "TSW", but your right, it seems that every game will slay the next, and none ever do. Rift & SWTOR was meant to "take down" WoW, but in the end they nibbled it's toes. GW2 may do the biggest bend with no subs, but kill anything? Nah, mortally wound maybe, but the games will live. (Though it may be a F2P life).


Secret World is going to be garbage, it will be released to early (due to government fundings running dry) just like every other Funcom game ever made. Anarchy Online barely even functioned for the first six months, Age of Conan only had the first 20 levels or so complete, Dreamfall just *********** ends abruptly with Zoe in a coma ***.

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diablo 3 just released it's launch date to may 15. im not seeing any exact date for 1.2 patch.

my sub is ending this april 2. so right now what i do is, dailies, belsavis, ilum, pvp. tbh, turning to be quite boring for me.


You're not even taking advantage of the full scope of end game so how can you say you are bored. This game was never meant to be a focused PvP game like Warhammer Online or Darkness Falls.


Get a guild (or pug) and do some Operations. I can almost guarantee you 1.2 won't be out before April 6th (PAX East). They will use PAX East to help promote 1.2 and then release it the week after is my best guess.

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this game is already pretty dead, look at the servers, this game did really bad, owell leave and forget. time to play some real mmo when they are reales Gw/terra online will kill this game and when D3 hit the market it will rekille this game agian. and the 1k fanboys left on this game will be like ***** man this game is great and damn the server is full agian!!


It's amusing when you can actually tell who is a whiny teenager just by their grammar and the "I'm right" mentality.


But don't worry D3 will REKILLE this game...

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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Look up "sandbox mmo" and "theme park mmo"


Tera is more of a sandbox than a theme park, but the real difference is in games like SWG or EVE. That is the difference the person you quoted was referring to.


have you played tera? its themepark. I played it, and it sucks.

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It's amusing when you can actually tell who is a whiny teenage just by their grammar and the "I'm right" mentality.


But don't worry D3 will REKILLE this game...


ja som du förstår så är det hundra gånger lättare för mig att uttrycka mig på Svenska engelska är mitt tredje språk


el problema es que castellano es mi primer idioma, y el Ingles viene en el tercer lugar


as you see i spell better in 2 othere languges english is my third language, sorry but i still think i get my point out there, and no I'm a 30 year old man.

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Again you don’t comprehend what I am saying, not talking about hours in a day, talking about players logged in at a given time weeks, and months after a launch.


People used to play it every day, 8 hours a day or more, now they play maybe 8 hours or less in a week.


I have explained this several times now... if you are not going to understand it, you aren’t


This isn’t opinion, I am trying to explain something to you that is VERY well known across the MMO community that you don’t understand.


LMAO, I am talking about "logging in during peak times", not hours in a day...


We are talking about the same thing, go redo your maths...


According to your figures if my server had 5,000 during peak times (50% of the player base) at the start it should have around 500 people now (5% of the player base).


It peaks on about 100 to 200 after weekly reset.


I'm sure you're already aware (and you're just talking round it and trying to make out I don't understand), if it's 200 when it should be 500... That's 60% lower than it should.

So using your own maths that works out to a 60% drop on what it should be.


Like I said, you've proved my point for me. Thanks.

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I know CCP made mistaks too ... but they learned fast and corrected the mistakes in no time (hell, they throw away all the stuff their custumers don't want and fixed most problems within 3 month with patches every second day needing 30-60 MINUTES ... not 8 hours!!!).

@BW if you like to learn how to comunicate and to handle patches -> ask CCP!


CCP learned - after a months long campaign by the player base, an open letter from the elected player reps, hundreds upon hundreds of "I'm quitting" threads where the people never actually left.


And eventually CCP's CEO came to the forums to make a public apology for 2+ years of ignoring the players priorities and goign with his gut on where he thought the game should go.


CCP is hardly a model of getting it right.


Eve online is an awesome game though, but it survived the last 2 years despite, not because of CCP.

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I understand that you are not going to comprehend it, and do not understand that subscriptions are actually increasing, not decreasing.


Everything said on the assumption that subscriptions are decreasing is nothing but laughing stock,, and is of course used as a wedge to try and force Bioware to “fix” whatever pet peeve someone happens to have.


I probably erred in trying to explain it, you aren’t going to get it

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That Blizzard paycheck arrived yet? Because you have to be getting paid spreading propaganda around like this.


MMOs will barely flinch at the release of D3. You do not speak for some vast majority, even though I know you think it is cool that you do.


Im not a blizzard fan at all ... Hate WoW more then anything. I do however love Diablo and the whole story behind it. I never said MMo's would flinch at the release of D3 but thanks for adding those words into my mouth. What I did state is that already there are at least 40 peeps that I work with who have nixed subs just because D3 is coming out. People have been waiting a long time for it to be released, we all know that.


I also stated that D3 will be epic .. thats my opinion .. it has big shoes to fill in the wake of how successful D2 was online and all ..


What I do find cool is the fact you troll posts and find some lackluster way to manipulate them .. gratz to you .. /insert sarcasm here

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The fact is (and no amount of us arguing is going to change that), my server is dead, MMORPG are not fun when the "MM" part is missing.


BIOWARE dropped the ball, they caved in at launch when there were 2 hour queue times and bought more servers in, we're now all paying the price (dead servers).


There's no merge in sight, yes patch 1.2 will be good, but my server will still be dead.


My guild has 2 16 man ops running, so compared to most I have it good (I will at least get to see 1.2 if I'm still here).


But there's little point in you pretending that all is SWTOR is rosey, the fact is it isn't server are dead, BIOWARE could do a couple of quick fixes like "recommending" a couple of servers then at least all the die hard fans would know where to group up. But they don't.


Will patch 1.2 save SWTOR, I doubt it.

It's not the bugs that are killing it, it's the dev's attitude, poor CS, flakey servers, poor coding, lack of player base (concentration of players on a single server) and other annoyances like to continuation of switching the servers off at will during peak times.


It's a shame as I really could have seen myself playing through the bugs and playing SWTOR for a while, but dead servers is simply not fun.

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there is A TON more to do in rift at max lvl than this game. rift even has open world pvp....can you believe that? and not a big instance like ilum, i mean real open world pvp with purpose.


this game is just wz dailies and...........well thats all.


my guild came from swg, so that tells you the style of pvp we like, havent seen many of them logging in anymore sadly....im not far behind.


sure the story leveling up was new and fun but once its over it took me a couple weeks to get BM gear. the progression is waaaay to fast thus leading to tons of people leaving with lack of anything to do.


swg just went on forever. you could hang in ur house, craft (with a real economy behind it)


do space missions, go overt at anytime and pvp publicly while noobs watched and thought "hey that looks like fun", thus adding new pvpers.


this game is a poorly designed themepark ala COD generation. phewy on it


if i didnt have fun curbstomping imps on tatt every once in awhile, id have 0 to do after my dailies, which are becoming pointless as well....lol


Whats funny is for the first 6 months Rift was Warzones and Dailies, thats when i left. Unless your going to talk about Rift Raiding which you didnt seem to mention Swtor Raiding.

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will this game survive before 1.2?

No,it will horribly die, millions will stop playing within the next 4 weeks, which is about the time of the patch release.

Swtor will cease to exist.

Everyone will evolve backwards and go back to lulli games such as WoW,Aion and Rift.

Poor Bioware developers will que up infront of the jobcentres, begging for hot meals and hard labour work.




And as for your Diablo 3 remark; you would leave swtor for a game which needed a decade of development to still look like Diablo 2 with cash shop?


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I never said rosy, it is mearly one of the top 2 sucuessfull MMO's in the US


I said, that subscriptions are continuing to increase ( true )


They had WAY too many servers initially ( they had no choice ) as the number of players logging in at a given period of time what dramatically inflated. To counter this, a lot of people have moved to other servers leaving some rather empty as the launch mania died down.


The game is healthy, could use some improvements and changes and they are coming along as fast as or faster than other MMO's that have launched.

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Obviously, I cannot speak for other players, but I myself am having fun.


Leveling my 3rd character (1st one on the Republic side) and I really love that the quests and areas are completely different than the Imperial ones.


I really like PvP and raiding. More PvP war-zones would be nice though. What seems rather unfortunate in my eyes is the fact that full Rakata gear so is easy to get. Otherwise, I the game fulfilled my high expectations, if I do not count some minor downfalls (space combat etc.)


I will continue subscribing and see how the game develops.

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