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will this game survive before 1.2?


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lol Mass Effect 3. Do you realize it's 1 weekend game and not mmo?


Of course it will survive to 1.2, do you think 90% of population will just quit one day without a reason? Everyone I spoke to, is very excited about 1.2 and when that hit in few weeks time we will how tons of new stuff to do (not like there's nothing to do now, I enjoy pvp and raiding even when I have full rakata and battlemaster set, because I don't play for gear)

Edited by rkopczak
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Diablo 3 will not kill this game as it's a totaly different type of game.

GW2 might hurt ... if it's posible to hurt it further from outside then BW does it from inside.


To many mistaks and errors are made allready which hurt MUCH more then GW2 can.


- badly designed group-finder which feels much more like last-minute "oh **** we don't have"


- slow handling of real problems just to make 1.2 look better. Most of the stuff should have been hotfixed as soon as it was ready!!!


- still a realy bad comunication. People want to get news from the game website and don't want to google for some statement anywhere else. Hell, they are to lazy to provide links and paying useres have to do the job!

It's cool if you are fanboys of Twitter, Facebook and all this stuff ... but THIS is your website where you MUST comunicate. Not some random 3. party platform!


- it's a slap in the face to release bugged and unfinished stuff at all. If I would live in the US I'd consider to sue BW to get my money back (box+fee) for selling broken stuff.



I know CCP made mistaks too ... but they learned fast and corrected the mistakes in no time (hell, they throw away all the stuff their custumers don't want and fixed most problems within 3 month with patches every second day needing 30-60 MINUTES ... not 8 hours!!!).

@BW if you like to learn how to comunicate and to handle patches -> ask CCP!

Edited by Jahor
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I doubt it. It wont survive as "big mmorpg" at least. It will share fate of warhammer online. My sub ends today, and im not paying for more waiting. And im not going back untill they fix the targeting system. They had a lot fo time since they have seen that code in warhammer online (its exact same flawed targeting system as in that game) and there is a good chance they will never fix that as they never fixed it in WAR.


Im fed up with paying for hopes and waiting. I will pay when i see quality product. So far its full of slips and fails. I have already paid big money for upgrading my PC so this mediocre-looking game will play on reasonable FPS and im not satisfied.


I was about to write about diablo 3 coming up, but since you already wrote that in OP then no need :)

Edited by MuNieK
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Of course it will survive after 1.2. It may survive for a very long time. But just like SWG it will only be a shell of what it once was, or could have been. This flop will be a hard hit to all the other games EA comes out with. Believe it or not.


People don't forget or forgive that easily anymore. Tons of ppl are still pissed at SOE for something that happened almost a decade ago. You think they will forgive BW and EA for this flop?


And yes it's a flop. multi-millions in development. 6 years to make. And this is what we get? They can't even provide us with DECENT customer service. I played all the old MMO's too. Rift was in better condition when it came out compared to this. From launch we were able to Raid 20 man parties during invasions on all maps without any problems at all. You can't even get into an 8 man wz without lagging or having FPS issues so don't say it's not broke.... :D


People that aren't having problems should be thankful because most are. ;)


This game was not complete. It should have had better management and better direction. Using a bad engine, and people who didn't have the experience but moreso had too give of an EGO to say hey we need help because this game is not ready.

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diablo 3 just released it's launch date to may 15. im not seeing any exact date for 1.2 patch.

my sub is ending this april 2. so right now what i do is, dailies, belsavis, ilum, pvp. tbh, turning to be quite boring for me.


im in swiftsure server and i can definitely see population drop after the asia pac servers released. before fleet don't go below 150 people, now the lowest i've seen is 80. in ilum 15, in belsavis 20.


i know there's lots of factors why people are leaving.


not enough end game content.

new games are coming out, (mass effect 3)

full of bugs specially in raiding

fps drops still not fixed until now.

maybe i should add, diablo 3 is dated.



with bioware not releasing a date for 1.2 is saying something. up to now they're not sure if 1.2 is ready to be released. specially they have a growing reputation of breaking the game every patch. so now they need to be sure before giving out date for 1.2, it's a 99% smooth.


so now because of all this, im not sure if im continuing to sub for 1.2. i have a tight budget, it's either 1.2 get's my money, or both 1.2 and diablo 3 gets it.


They did give a release date. April.



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Whether d3 is good or not, swtor is bound to lose subs to it.

And lets face, servers are dropping in population, if you think they arent....

Set your alarm

I have some roses out front in my garden

Time to wake up and smell them princesses.........:eek:

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Then again the mmo-that-shall-not-be-named tend to not release patches that got more bugs than working content. ;)


Which MMO did this? Are you saying that patches to this game have had more bugs than working content because that would be hyperbolic and quite silly.

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I think this game will "survive" for a long time. But that doesn't mean success. On my server, Legions of lettow (eu) , me and my friends costantly see the population dropping.

To be honest, I start thinking that BW wasn't expecting much more from this game. I bet this summer on SWTOR will happen the same thing of DC universe two years ago: Dead zone.

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Why does everyone complain thread asume that lots of people are leaving? I know it seems that way from the forums but there really isnt any proof for it. And dont give me that server status **** because there is just as many people claiming that the numbers are stable.


Of course it will survive what kind of silly question is that? You really think that hundreds of thousands of players are going to leave within the next month? Stop believing everything you read on the forums.

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all games are dying







panda pokemon expansion

eh , any other game you can think of....



All these games when they launch will destroy all existing games because apparently no game can surive the launch of any new game.Even though history shows that no new game appearing in the market has destroyed some other game.


But never mind that.



When these games I mentioned launch they will not only destroy all existing games but will also destroy themselves.


Because no game can survive the release of any game.


These games can't even survive their own release.




Ya missed "TSW", but your right, it seems that every game will slay the next, and none ever do. Rift & SWTOR was meant to "take down" WoW, but in the end they nibbled it's toes. GW2 may do the biggest bend with no subs, but kill anything? Nah, mortally wound maybe, but the games will live. (Though it may be a F2P life).

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Why does everyone complain thread asume that lots of people are leaving? I know it seems that way from the forums but there really isnt any proof for it. And dont give me that server status **** because there is just as many people claiming that the numbers are stable.


Of course it will survive what kind of silly question is that? You really think that hundreds of thousands of players are going to leave within the next month? Stop believing everything you read on the forums.


Why can't you understand that the situation on YOUR server may be different from other ones' situation?

Why can't you accept that , due to an excessive number of servers, many ppl are stucked on dead zones with 10 players on peak time?

SURELY many ppl sometimes make the problem bigger than it is..but THERE IS this problem of population.

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Why can't you understand that the situation on YOUR server may be different from other ones' situation?

Why can't you accept that , due to an excessive number of servers, many ppl are stucked on dead zones with 10 players on peak time?

SURELY many ppl sometimes make the problem bigger than it is..but THERE IS this problem of population.


Thats exactly my point. You cant talk about a general loss of players when it is different for every server. Yet all these threads start of saying that lots of people are leaving this game.

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Yet all these threads start of saying that lots of people are leaving this game.


Agree. But at the same time I see many ppl on this forum saying "The problem doesn't exist" , and it's the other wrong excess. ;)

Sure there are some problems, if we (community) will be able to discuss in a mature way MAYBE we can change something.

If we continue a fight between fanboys and haters..really..it's a bit boring.

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