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will this game survive before 1.2?


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diablo 3 just released it's launch date to may 15. im not seeing any exact date for 1.2 patch.

my sub is ending this april 2. so right now what i do is, dailies, belsavis, ilum, pvp. tbh, i have done everything pve and pvp wise in this game. finished all hm fps. done hm and nightmare ev/kp. im in a guild right now. 4/5 rakata gear, 3/5 bm (unlucky with rng)

rolled a new merc toon to level 30. turning to be quite boring for me.


im in swiftsure server and i can definitely see population drop after the asia pac servers released. before fleet don't go below 150 people, now the lowest i've seen is 80. in ilum 15, in belsavis 20.


i know there's lots of factors why people are leaving.


not enough end game content.

new games are coming out, (mass effect 3)

full of bugs specially in raiding

fps drops still not fixed until now.

maybe i should add, diablo 3 is dated.



with bioware not releasing a date for 1.2 is saying something. up to now they're not sure if 1.2 is ready to be released. specially they have a growing reputation of breaking the game every patch. so now they need to be sure before giving out date for 1.2, it's a 99% smooth.


so now because of all this, im not sure if im continuing to sub for 1.2. i have a tight budget, it's either 1.2 get's my money, or both 1.2 and diablo 3 gets it.

Edited by redluna
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1.2 was stated at the guild summit to be release early April. Additionally it was said that they expect to release patches this size on a fairly common schedule. They want the time period between 1.2 and 1.3 to be shorter than it was with 1.1 and 1.2.
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1.2 was stated at the guild summit to be release early April. Additionally it was said that they expect to release patches this size on a fairly common schedule. They want the time period between 1.2 and 1.3 to be shorter than it was with 1.1 and 1.2.


That other popular mmo has been saying that they want quicker patches/expansions since it came out 8 years ago and it hasn't happened yet.

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That other popular mmo has been saying that they want quicker patches/expansions since it came out 8 years ago and it hasn't happened yet.


Then again the mmo-that-shall-not-be-named tend to not release patches that got more bugs than working content. ;)

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If people are leaving because of whats here then they have rather immature and unrealistic expectations. For a game thats 3 months old it is doing FAR better than any I've seen so far.


Yes there are a few irritating bugs waiting to be fixed, some that quite vex me, however they are rightly focusing on game-breaking things rather than just irritating things. The amount of shutdowns are surprisingly few for this stage. More things get fixed in a reasonable time than most games.


Overall I'm happy to stick with it and I believe it will prove worth sticking with long term.

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That other popular mmo has been saying that they want quicker patches/expansions since it came out 8 years ago and it hasn't happened yet.


Yeah, this game has been out for 3 months and we still haven't seen a content patch yet, that is unless we count 1.1 which is literally stuff that should of been in at launch that didn't make it. One of the selling points was quick content cycles :( Anyone recall that as well?

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Id say its doing a lot better then some of the other MMOs that have been out "Somewhat" recently, lets say Final Fantasy 14, Rift, Aion and going back a little further Warhammer online, atleast 2 of those didnt really get much past their first month due to bugs, competition and lack of balancing (I'll throw in stupidly long winded control scheme aswell but that only applies to one of them).


If you think that its chances are theyll have 2 content patches out befor 4 months has been up, they are doing pretty good at keeping the game moving.

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Yeah, this game has been out for 3 months and we still haven't seen a content patch yet, that is unless we count 1.1


So, there's been no content updates so long as we discount the content update


Good logic.


Post 1.2 there still won't have been a content update if you discount 1.1 and 1.2 - which of course I'm sure *YOU* can do

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This thread implies D3 will actually be successful, which we all know, will not.


why not? i wasn't in beta. but still im gonna buy it because it's part of my childhood, playing d1 and d2 with my friends.

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How can the OP ask such an obviously ridiculous question?! It reminds me of a five year old who has no perspective in life regarding the real world, nor any perspective regarding the flow of time. It is beyond naive.
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new games are coming out, (mass effect 3)


I dunno if anyone has sugested this yet but, people, an I also assume the OP, are going from a Bioware/EA game to a Bioware/EA game, oh noes! Surely that just suggests good business sense on the part of EA rather than anything, keeping the patch back to make everyone buy mass effect 3 as well seems like a genius move to me.


This game has more regular content updates than, to my knowledge every other game, with possible exceptions out there, if you want to go spend 40-45 quid on mass effect, only to come back to swtor after 30-40 hours and finishing mass effect, go for it, everyones gonna be waiting for you.

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Don't get your hopes up about Mass Effect 3, I was doing dailies on 2 characters and completed ME3 in one weekend.


Seriously EA/Bioware that storyline was too short, nothing by comparison to ME 1 and 2, side quests were like land shoot a few things and leave and I found the end result lacking in both substance and reason and full of unanswered questions, all which oculd have been answered with a few more quests and maybe 2-3 hours more playtime.


IMO save your cash for something else guys.

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there is A TON more to do in rift at max lvl than this game. rift even has open world pvp....can you believe that? and not a big instance like ilum, i mean real open world pvp with purpose.


this game is just wz dailies and...........well thats all.


my guild came from swg, so that tells you the style of pvp we like, havent seen many of them logging in anymore sadly....im not far behind.


sure the story leveling up was new and fun but once its over it took me a couple weeks to get BM gear. the progression is waaaay to fast thus leading to tons of people leaving with lack of anything to do.


swg just went on forever. you could hang in ur house, craft (with a real economy behind it)


do space missions, go overt at anytime and pvp publicly while noobs watched and thought "hey that looks like fun", thus adding new pvpers.


this game is a poorly designed themepark ala COD generation. phewy on it


if i didnt have fun curbstomping imps on tatt every once in awhile, id have 0 to do after my dailies, which are becoming pointless as well....lol

Edited by vrgadin
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I can't believe you can really compare Diablo 3 to SWTOR so it's release will have no impact on this game. In fact, if Blizz thought Diablo 3 would have an impact on an MMO it would be indefinitely in development like Titan. :)


titan is still perfectly on track for a blizzard game, its been what 3 years since they mentioned it was an idea, so about 7 more and we get teaser trailers and 1-2 years after that a release.

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The game is doing very good for 3 months old.


Agreed. Every game has teething pains, and the team are doing excellent work to address those really, really quickly, which is also a big positive.


Yes, certain content isn't coming out as soon as we'd hope, and some groups feel somewhat less catered for (PvPers come to mind, and I do sympathize), but these things take time.


I think 1.2 gives a little bit of everything to everyone, and once the patch actually comes out - and we stop speculating on everything and actually get to play around with the new additions - the doomsaying should quieten down a bit.


There's some additions I disagree with in 1.2 (or at least have my doubts) and I think everyone's in the same boat at the moment, but overall the outline of the new content sounds really good, and I'm really looking forward to it.

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