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Saberstaff Incoming for all Force User Classes?


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I noticed some slight changes to certain NPCs on Talis lately. There is an NPC who is dressed up like a Juggernaut, who used to have a single bladed lightsaber. Now, ever since one of the last two patches, he now carries a Saberstaff.


Is it possible they are trying to tell us something? You decide.

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What is a saberstaff? Like a vibrosword or something? Do you have pic I can see?


A double bladed saber. Why would it be a vibroblade? It's the weapon Assassins/Shadows use.

Edited by Tommot
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Duh. Its clear double sided in the game so i got confused. I chose a consular just to have one. It would open the market up for others to use them. I see no harm.


Won't happen. Abilities are designed with specific animations, they aren't going to design animations for more than one weapon type anytime soon they confirmed this at the Guild Summit.

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I noticed some slight changes to certain NPCs on Talis lately. There is an NPC who is dressed up like a Juggernaut, who used to have a single bladed lightsaber. Now, ever since one of the last two patches, he now carries a Saberstaff.


Is it possible they are trying to tell us something? You decide.


Hate to be negative Nancy here, but I doubt it. I personally don't see it as "fair" (I use that term lightly since it's an instant flame war on these forums) due to multiple now rolling on gear that used to be only used by one class and certain companions. The other thing to always remember is that NPCs usually don't reflect player changes.

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Won't happen. Abilities are designed with specific animations, they aren't going to design animations for more than one weapon type anytime soon they confirmed this at the Guild Summit.


I really wish they'd reconsider that stance, the extremely limited weapon choices are one of my major annoyances in the game.

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NPCs get to break the rules. Kira, the Jedi Knight companion, uses all kinds of gear like a Jedi Shadow, but she fights like a Sith Warrior.




Hero Class NPCs can do whatever they want, but we have rules. I've seen Mandos with rifles, but good luck trying to get one as a Merc or Powertech.

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