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New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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can't believe that people are whining about this, I mean it's a new game after all, and what I think of when they shut down the server is that they want to IMPROVE your game play so you can enjoy the game, and yes some people get mad when the shut down is, ofc and I understand, but in the mean while it is down, go take a shower or take a walk, just take a few moments from the computer and just do something else instead of complaining about it..


Can't believe your lack of information. And probably lack of intelligence.


Bioware shafted it's paying customers to earn more money.


That's what they did here..

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Patch times are always going to be the same across the board on swtor.


Here's why:


Plans for future stuff include things that allow inter-server interaction. Like cross-server pvp warzones, as an example. This means every server needs to have the same client, at the same time.

Unless EU players would prefer not to participate in shared content like that, or shared gtn etc?


Patch times will always (unless a terribly important emergency) be scheduled like this at off peak times for the -entire playerbase-. If you want to be higher on the priority list for that... meaning they would make north american prime time a lower priority than eu prime time... then there needs to be more players from the eu. It's a matter of offending/inconveniencing the least number of players. Simple math.


It is not a "screw UE plot".... it's a "lets annoy the fewest people possible.


For the record, as a chronic insomniac, my playtimes are always the ones interrupted, by every patch, heh. but that puts me in the minority, and I just have to deal.


From what Bioware did and communicated, all the server and customer service for Europe is in Ireland. Why? To have as little latence as possible for european players. I do not think they will want to implement cross server queues between different server farms ("What?!

I am in the top ranked pvp games, US against Europe but the game was on an Us server they totally won thanks to the latency we got")


It would be really bad policy to have such cross server queues (especially with the number of server both in Europe and US, it is not like they need cross server for 1,7 million, having one for 1 million and one for 700k should be sufficient for the player base).

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As some have said, if you planning on taking the server down as BW kinda implied as its for the weekend pass players then just do US paying customers the courtesy of letting us know before hand, like say 10hours or so and not 30min before the down time, as some have said OPS are planned and events that people have to put aside time for or even plan there week around just went up in flames due to poor communication.


It does not good for BW at all to "favour" the weekend pass players in this way, paying players deserve a decent heads up at least.


I wont complain about game downtime as it is needed for the patches and routine maintenance which is not as bad as many mmo's were in the past, also I am grateful for the dedication and work to maintain the game but as I said here above, just consider the players actually paying first before catering for the masses that "may" not even buy the game...

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Yes they can cater to diffrant timezones, prime example, EQ2, EU servers were patched at 5 AM GMT whereas US server were patched at 3 PM gmt previous day, worked out pretty well tbh cept for when they release broken patches on US and still pushed them live on Euro servers next morning!


I see you QQing about the QQ, so yeah, I do


Aye it's been done before many times.


It's easier for them this way, but that doesn't mean it is the only way.

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People saying bioware should be paying more attention to those already paying and neglecting future trial.


Why is it that all World of Warcraft players move to other games and then act like they are doing people a favour. They come here and make demands as if they are god of bioware.

Had to deal with this same crap in Age of Conan.


Bioware doesn't care about your worthless opinions and neither do I.


Please Unsubscribe... that is all.

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So what your saying is this

" We knowlingly and willingly decided to screw over our paying customers in favor of a FREE WEEKEND"


ARE YOU *********** KIDDING ME!?

My game time will end in 3 days, like everyone who started playing in Early Access and who uses gamecards to purchase extra time, gues what i will be doing day 4..... NOT PLAYING SWTOR! you guys realy have your head way up your own asses if you think taking down servers during prime time is acceptable behaviour, Especialy when you know your playerbase is getting less active all the time, its like you WANT us to quit. I'll gladly oblige.




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Should people be upset about this maintenance? Sure, more notice would have nice, and a more upfront explanation as well.


I've seen several times on this thread where people have said "Shouldn't this have been implemented in Tues Maintenance?" How do you know it wasn't? Maybe they did set it up and just found out that some of the code did not copy correctly, or had become corrupt.


Stop jumping to conclusions that you know everything about why they chose now for the maintenance.


With what we have been told so far I do believe there may have been a better time for this, such as not mid day, But without more information its impossible to say why exactly they chose now.


At this point its almost over, so relax. If everything goes according to plan you can play again in about 30minutes.

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honestly - as a european player I have to admit: I started playing this game at the end of jannuary. I play almost every evening starting around 8 pm (GMT) - and it's the first time I've had this problem...


so it can't be THAT bad, as some people here claim it to be...

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I think this thread should just be closed and stay closed if all we can do with our lives is taunt the other country.

We play a game set in the future and from the way we are going right now I doubt we will ever see it.


Sorry, I couldn't resist commenting on this one, I'm a snippy European without anything else to do whilst waiting for our servers to come up.


The game is actually set a "Long, Long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away....." It says so on the title credits :)


So your post is actually incorrect.



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whats really going to blow everyones ******es apart, is when saturday rolls around and its back to the good ole days of hour long qeue's to get in game.

And the reason, oh some **** playing for free and his 10 little buddies that wont ever bother to buy the game decided to play for FREE while im paying to sit in qeue......


Gotta say this is a bad move

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Wait wait wait wait.


"Corrected an issue allowing incorrect access to weekend pass players"




You let us in the game 7 days early if we played the beta, and now you're taking down the servers cause two extra days of access to those weekend players would end the freakin world?


LOL exactly what I thought, fixing a possible exploit NOT bad gameplay experience. Why does it matter so much anyway I dont know but meh.

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I really didn't want to add into this trolling nonsense, but for everyone who is complaining about it being on European time, currently in AMERICA its 3:13pm. My prime time to play is exactly now, I have to leave to go to work right when the servers come back up.




You know what i'm going to do? I'm going to play TOMORROW because I can't play today and that's OKAY because its a VIDEO GAME.


I am so sorry bioware, don't let these whiners get to you, your doing a great job! Things like this happen and normal people like me, who don't get to play today are okay with it. Keep up the good work!


You understand that ppl have jobs, families or other hobbies and they like to raid?


Its not about being able to play any other day, this is our guilds raid time, we have the same raid times every week and its more or less impossible to reschedule.


While not the end of the world of course, dose anyone really think this is good business practice?

Edited by Englisheart
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LOL the irony is so strong on this one.


RAWR I want to play now...how DARE you bring down my server!


But for doing that I am never going to play again!




Sure. One might also mention the irony in promising a great MMO game, yet failing to deliver on so many points.


The fact of the matter remains, that by patching at this hour, Bioware are:


A) Putting trialists above paying customers




B) Yet again shafting Europeans in favour of the U.S.


Well customers can do only one thing, and that is speak with our wallet. And that is exactly what this customer intends to do.


Bye SWtOR. You were a good game at times. The people running you aren't :/

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Nice Strawman you're making there. It's got the hat, the gloves, and everything.

It's just a shame it bears little resemblance to the real thing.


I dont think you know what a straw man argument is. LOL. Go to bed, you've got school in the morning.

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So what your saying is this

" We knowlingly and willingly decided to screw over our paying customers in favor of a FREE WEEKEND"


ARE YOU *********** KIDDING ME!?

My game time will end in 3 days, like everyone who started playing in Early Access and who uses gamecards to purchase extra time, gues what i will be doing day 4..... NOT PLAYING SWTOR! you guys realy have your head way up your own asses if you think taking down servers during prime time is acceptable behaviour, Especialy when you know your playerbase is getting less active all the time, its like you WANT us to quit. I'll gladly oblige.


i love reading stuff like this ..

when did rage quit first occur ?


edit for :D

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No it dosent matter if it is very critical! This isnt critical at all, this is just stupid and not showing respect to paying EU customers. They bring all servers down during primetime just to make trials to be able to play, yes Trials, very very critical right ? They couldnt do this during night or early morning ?



Lets see... a company has stated they are going to let new people try something. they made promises to people, in advertising and whatnot.


Then they find a problem with what they planned, just over 48 hours before it is scheduled to go live.


so, they need to fix it, because they made commitments. Simply saying "well, screw this, it's broke" Isn't rrally an option, especially cause it's a quick fix. (and yes, a 2 hr downtime is a quick fix. If you don't think that... wow, what games have you played?)


They schedule the maintenance/[atch for the first available low player population time... which was right then. The EU players are not taken seperately... they are considered part of the same playerbase. All the servers need the same client/software version... so it's NOT about "consider the EU players!" ...the whole population is taken as a whole.


Better this, than a huge shutdown when the trial players try to log in and the system crashes, hmm? (an example of what can happen when fixes in login stuff go wrong, used only for illustration)



On a side note... damn, this sounds JUST like the whole "Yes we're Canadian, but Quebecois need to be treated as distinct and seperate" crap we hear here every 5 years or so. EU players are not being singled out, any more than asian players are when the regular weekly maint goes through. It's simply a matter of overall population diring certain times of the day. Period. There are fewer EU players. There are fewer asian players. This, thats when patches happen. Because if you think THIS is a lot of whining... imagine if 5 times the players got inconvenienced? It's about numbers, not where you live.

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