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New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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2 hours might as well be 24 hours if that 2 hour window comprises the bulk of your free time to play for the day. If you have 5 or 6 hours free to play then yeah maybe it's no biggie, but if you only manage 2 or 3 hours a day and they happen to shut the server down right in your play window, kinda kills it for you for the whole day. So, blowing off a little nerd-rage on the forum isn't too much IMO.


But you have to learn to be a reasonable person, this "nerd rage" and complaining about something that is necessary is not going to get you anywhere in life. You have to learn to deal with things.

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Thats my biggest concern with Bioware myself.


If Bioware was running an restaurant they would be constantly pushing half their customers out of the door during lunch time, and not telling whats going on...


No restaurant no matter how new and innovative it is will run profitable for a long time.


The cheff is a wookie and we are giving him some new sunglasses and some cooking skills. Please come back in 3 hours!

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Well like I said, to be fair to our EU brethren, this is an absolutely RIDICULOUS reason to have maintenance during peak times. The whole reason for the patch is to help their recruiting efforts this upcoming weekend -- that's a big pile of junk IMO. I totally understand where their rage is coming from at least.


Thank you!

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People often leave MMO's for a collection of personal reasons. Some can be associated with the characters, some associated with content (or lack thereof), some could be associated with the community.


Bioware, you really are just handing people reasons to give serious consideration to cancelling their sub.

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I'm a Euro based player, and sure - I'm alittle annoyed, not because the servers are down (maintenance happens) but because there did'nt seem to be any advanced warning, and our guild had scheduled an event.


Alittle warning would be fantastic, it shows respect for your customers.. I think if I randomly closed my practice without warning, I'd lose a fair amount of patients.


So, in summing up; people would be less annoyed and frustrated if you could get a launcher warning 24hrs beforehand for any maintenance, if it's emergency maintenance, please inform us via the launcher.



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Dear European players, I'd like to point out that the patching hours are less a timezone issue and more a work and sleep schedule issue. I'm American and my free time takes place during your prime time. Incidentally there are players who live in your same general areas who work the various other shifts and are either sleeping or working during downtime. If you're going to be whiny about this, at least do it correctly and cover all the angles rather than just your own.


Or perhaps stop whining, it's not exactly a dignified response to issues. Write Bioware a email, continue going over the issue in a mature manner in the suggestions forum, if they actually get enough people approaching them through the appropriate channels on this that could, maybe, just maybe affect a change. This, what we're doing right now on the forums, less likely to work. Which is hilarious because the email thing isn't exactly 100% guaranteed either now is it?

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A company that wanted to treat the customers evenly.


We're paying [minus currency fluctuations] exactly what the US players are paying. But we're not treated the same.


Well individually you are correct each customer pays the same amount.


However based on sales numbers:


North America: 1.17m 53.3%

+ Europe: 0.74m 33.9%

+ Rest of the World: 0.28m 12.8%


A company will always cater to the larger portion of their customers. Though I am surprised EU is not on par with US sales numbers!


Not the end of the world! Pretty sure the game will be here tomorrow!

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While they might be patching for the free weekend, I am more inclined to believe they ford something gamebreaking that they are taking care of.



OK... fine, but patching 4 hours later would have been better and wouldn't kill anyone for sure.


They are showing to be unprofessional and not taking care of EU customers, won't last forever.

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True. Blizzard has always taken customer service seriously.

I got emailed a scroll of resurection today I am seriously thinking about taking it


Lol you're so wrong. Blizzard MANY times brought servers down for hotfixes at odd times. Stop kidding yourself. You're just going through nerd rage right now. We both know you're not cancelling or taking the wow trial.

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I absolutely cannot believe that this is about the free weekend thing. That was a mistake to say any way you look at it. It comes off sounding like, 1: The engine couldn't handle a few extra bodies; 2: Their (in my opinion) ill conceived promotion (there is already a 7 day version in place and they neglected to make it easy/obvious that you can pre d/l the client) is more important than their paying customers.


If it turns out that there was some sort of security issue related to what they're fixing, then fine. For me, there are only 2 reasons to ever pull all the servers down suddenly -- MAJOR security issue and/or cascade failure.


Any way it's sliced, I hope this doesn't happen again for a long, long time.


I wonder if they've ever heard of "rolling downtime". Yes, that is meant to be snippy.

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It's funny how people take a forced break from playing the game as an opportunity to complain about the game that they put above everything else in their life.




PS: Missing two hours of playing this game is ruining my life!

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can't believe that people are whining about this, I mean it's a new game after all, and what I think of when they shut down the server is that they want to IMPROVE your game play so you can enjoy the game, and yes some people get mad when the shut down is, ofc and I understand, but in the mean while it is down, go take a shower or take a walk, just take a few moments from the computer and just do something else instead of complaining about it..
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