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New patch and server maintenance at peak time?


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Damn, sir you need to relax and use your tv. That or get some water :D I'm addicted to the game but still make room to understand that servers are down to improve the game, not because its to take your prime time. Who needs prime time when theres day time, dont flip out over a game other wise you'll scare the monitor


ahh it's just inconsiderate. I think that's basically what he's saying. And it's true, they aren't respecting us. it's going to bite them in the *** when people get sick of paying money towards something that could get dropped offline for any reason they feel is sufficient.


The effective way to do this stuff is to make either a forum post, or even better, a server wide emote stating that, in 12 hours, or whatever (at least 6 + hours so people have some chance to get ready for the downtime.) the server will be going down for whatever reason, and add the reason. Let us know why. Don't just say emergency shutdown, that's bullcrap. We need to know why.


At the moment though, i'm of the opinion that they really could give 2 craps about us. As the way they make money, they really should pay more attention to what we're saying.


Even if all of what i'm saying isn't really true, that they do care, and they do want to make things right that we feel are wrong, they don't say anything about it. Leading people like me to feel that the company I thought was going to make a new brand of MMO (not talking graphical at all), Bioware, was going to make something that gave it's paying subscribers a feeling that what they wanted was important, isn't living up to that potential at all.


It's S.O.S, every other MMO, so far, as i've seen. All about the bottom line, nothing about the actual players experience. Ya, the game summit was great. But a six hour panel discussion attended by 30 or so of our constituents, just isn't enough.

Edited by Macabakur
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Is BW too lazy to split their server downtimes between US and Europe? Other companies (cough... cough...) do so...


Why so they do - I wonder who though. My lawyers wouldn't allow me to post their name but I think of them as my Number one foe after the empire

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Probably updating Bowdaar so he can smoke :cool:


It'd be worth it if that were the case!


As it is saying they don't take it lightly having to patch like this and then seeing why they're patching ... that's more than a bit lame, it's downright rude.

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OR just maybe you cannot think inside of the box.


Friends sent out free invites to other friends to see if they like the game.


I am sure if you wrack your brain you can figure out what servers these people want to test the game on.



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so will BW keep doing patchs/fixs in EU prime time and keep shafting EU players ? and have rage threads all the time it happens ?


Yes! They will keep ignoring European players untill we decide to leave. We all live in america.. we all live in america... sing it!!

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you think your solo sub can keep this mmo rolling on? they need as many subs as possible. if they wanna make this game last more than a yr

No, but from a business standpoint, neither is pissing off a good majority of your fanbase (US and EU-alike) JUST to try and gear up for their FREE WEEKEND and again... during Peak Time out there...

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The first time I got annoyed at BW was when they removed the hoods for twileks between the last beta weekend and release.



the second time was tonight when I thought the servers were down for an emergency fix, only to discover that they were down to prepare for a free pass weekend.




I have absolutely no problem with server downtime in the evenings if there is some major bug or exploit that they have to fix right away, I have even stopped getting annoyed loosing an entire day of gaming every week (yes I live in Europe and play during the day, I work night-shift every other week).


But to get pissed on by BW/EA because of a free trial weekend? If it werent for the fact that I still love the game I would cancel in protest! But of course I wont, if its something we are good at over here its getting pissed on and asking for more, because we are second rate people/customers after all.




And I vote yes to the "take the servers down during the Americans prime time" just to see the reaction that might provoke.



Horrible horrible way to treat your PAYING customers.


Good ting they come up in an hour so I can play for another hour before I go to work....


One thing is certain, I wont sub for 6 months anymore, I will go back to the one month subscription option I have used on every other MMO I have played.

Edited by Tigalo
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We pay a whole 2 cents per hour to play this game...I am sure you can get over it.


I aint playing this evening, again. And thats quite common for eu. So its more like 2 cents for nothing every hour.

Great business modell - bioware gets money for nothing in return.


Its an awesome game, but the company, the customer care and the technical issues are just a pain in the ***!

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Canadians have better benefits than us here in the USA. They can live comfortably instead of worrying if the terrorist Police are gona bust in your door with out a warrent. for no reason and assault your family . KLike they have done to several families here.


Dude. Are you seriously worried someone is going to bust down your door for NO reason? And I thought the Europeans were paranoid. :p

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all these people wanting free time, days and even a week.. grow up.. you pay cents an hour to play, you dont deserve a week for losing a few hours.


i would say if anything, give us something in-game.. like boosting every ones rested time.. something like that

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The games majority staff is located in NA. They work by the common business hours of the geographic location where they are located. What company in their right mind would pay people overtime to install a patch in the middle of the night?


Further, patches are likely not staggered because if it is an exploit then it will be posted with the patch notes when the patch is applied allowing the users who have not patched to exploit!!!!


To the Euro player base, I am shocked at the behavior. How can you insist "Americans" are "insert derogatory inflamatory words here", when you are posting such garbage and whining like children! Im sure the majority of the Euros claiming negativity about "Americans" have never visited the North American continent. You are acting with narrow minded bigotry and are a disgrace to your respective country of origin.

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Awesome mods Bioware!!!

Awesome customer support!!!

L2Respect your subs.



Hello crimsonki,


Your thread named "Mod abuse!" was recently removed because we do not allow discussion of moderator actions on the forums as indicated in our Rules of Conduct.


We do value any and all feedback that is offered by the community and encourage you to send it to us using the e-mail address communitysupport@swtor.com. Consolidating all feedback, both good and bad, in this manner ensures that we can serve the community to the best of our ability.


Original Post --------------------------------------



Originally Posted by crimsonki

This is undermining YOUR community and YOUR SUBS Bioware. Straighten the **** up now. If you can't let the community tell you what's wrong with YOUR game and your policies then this game will suck even more.

For your sake and for my sub 1.2 better be the "end-all" patch and gets us out of beta.

But seriously closing threads won't help you BW/EA.

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Why should we take any heat? We are not sitting here moaning and complaining about the downtime. We never started the US/EU flamefest.


Yeah but you have the most logical short stop on the way from the US to Europe and back. I'm pretty certain that if airplanes have to use Gander as an out, the internetz does too. And thus some how you must be to blame! ;)

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Not sure the big deal of the downtime. Ticked me off to be sure, but lets be honest here. I went from Taris, to Quesh, to Hoth. And I did not find a single planet with double digit numbers.


IMO, they picked a decent time to do it.


Suffer the downtime like adults, then destroy the republic with me when they come back online!!!!!!

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ahh it's just inconsiderate. I think that's basically what he's saying. And it's true, they aren't respecting us. it's going to bite them in the *** when people get sick of paying money towards something that could get dropped offline for any reason they feel is sufficient.


The effective way to do this stuff is to make either a forum post, or even better, a server wide emote stating that, in 12 hours, or whatever (at least 6 + hours so people have some chance to get ready for the downtime.) the server will be going down for whatever reason, and add the reason. Let us know why. Don't just say emergency shutdown, that's bullcrap. We need to know why.


The fact that you' want the servers to come up so badly means you're going to keep paying for this game no matter what lol. Just admit you're pissed the servers are down. You have to understand that sometimes it's necessary for servers to be taken down spontaneously for emergency reasons. **** happens. In an hour you'll be able to play to your hearts content and will forget this ever happened.

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