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Tank vs tank


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So I am playing on Empire side. I would like to try out tanking int his game.


I see that there are three differnt tanks, the Juggernaught, Assassin, and Bounty hunter.


Basically what I am looking for is some knowledge about them. I come from WoW and played a warrior tank and a DK tank. I am super bored with wow and would like to get into to swtor.


What are the general opinions of the tanks?


Which of them is the single target, AOE and Hybrid tanks?

(For example, prot warrior was more single, Prot pally was more aoe, and DK/druid was more hybrid.)


What are people tending to see more of in end game?

(this is not to jump on the band wagon but to see if i want to play a less played class)


And lastly if any one has any advice on leveling one up or where to start, because I am kind of floundering on what class to play. I have the great and mighty disease known as Altitis. it is crippling.


As a note, I am leaning towards warrior, I really like the Juggernaut class but any tips or info would be helpful.

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I am republic but basically they are mirriors so it's all relevant.


Juggernaut - Good Damage Reduction, some Cooldowns, Heavy Armor, Not so great AoE threat (Usually hybrid DPS/Defense is the most viable)


Assassin - Best Single Target tank. It operates the most closely to the Death Knight. It has an ability that buffs armor from Light to Heavy. Has some good debuffs, the best cooldowns in the game but the least in terms of passive mitigation.


Powertech - Best overall Damage Reduction/mitigation - Ranged to a degree/ Good cooldowns and best overall tank really for AoE and Single target.



All tanks are viable at any role it really falls on to the player and the tanks healers of course.



My recommendation is Powertech but if the Lightsaber is your thing its up to you. Sith Warrior is a good choice but they have deficiencies that others might be able to relate better as I am a Shadow (assassin equivalent).


There are no real MT/OT best setups either. The only tank that really stands out on certain fights is the Shadow/Assassin because of their 5 second 100% Force/Tech Mitigation which owns on many boss fights.

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Juggernaught currently has some DPS* issues in pure tank, but then, there's a lot of rebalancing going on. Basically, go with what appeals to you. On my server at least, I've yet to see a group get picky about tanks. A bit picky on wanting "ranged dps" for PvE, but that's about it.



*A lot of tanking in this game is done through damage. Taunting alone won't cut it.

Edited by KorinHyvek
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I personally don't like Jugg tanks as much as Sins (as a healer). It just seems like whenever I've got three or four things beating on me, it's because our Jugg tank doesn't have nearly the AOE threat generation that Sins and PTs do.
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As an Assassin tank the AoE threat is totally there. 2 abilites on 10 and 15 second CD's that give a very good amount of threat. Might not be the best but it is not very hard to hold multiple enemies. A good example of that would be the first boss in BT light side. Only 1 that I have to worry about taunting is that sniper that doesn't seem to pay attention to threat anyways.
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The other thing I am noticing is that tanking is different here. We as tanks are not meant to hold everything. we are to hold the strong and elites, but the others the dps should take care of. If they aren't it is not the tanks issue, they need do their job. this game is not a rush like wow it is do it right tactically and smart!
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I personally don't like Jugg tanks as much as Sins (as a healer). It just seems like whenever I've got three or four things beating on me, it's because our Jugg tank doesn't have nearly the AOE threat generation that Sins and PTs do.


Tell your Jugs to use Intercede on you. That's the main problem I see with Jug tanks forgetting that they have the ability to drop you from all of the mobs threat table and buff your resistance at the same time.

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"The other thing I am noticing is that tanking is different here. We as tanks are not meant to hold everything. we are to hold the strong and elites, but the others the dps should take care of. If they aren't it is not the tanks issue, they need do their job. this game is not a rush like wow it is do it right tactically and smart!"

- Tanks are meant to hold everything. You WANT to minimize splash damage.


"Tell your Jugs to use Intercede on you. That's the main problem I see with Jug tanks forgetting that they have the ability to drop you from all of the mobs threat table and buff your resistance at the same time."

- So, while the Jug tank is jumping around all over the place minimizing threat - where are the mobs going? Oh and where did the healer drop that AOE heal? What about the DPS'ers where did they drop their AOEs? NOT where ever the mobs are because their tank can't keep area threat and has to jump around all over the place.


"Juggernaut - Good Damage Reduction, some Cooldowns, Heavy Armor, Not so great AoE threat (Usually hybrid DPS/Defense is the most viable)


Assassin - Best Single Target tank. It operates the most closely to the Death Knight. It has an ability that buffs armor from Light to Heavy. Has some good debuffs, the best cooldowns in the game but the least in terms of passive mitigation.


Powertech - Best overall Damage Reduction/mitigation - Ranged to a degree/ Good cooldowns and best overall tank really for AoE and Single target. "

- I kind of agree.


The Powertech is best AOE tank and has best shield/mitigation.


The Jug needs work. I believe they intended for the Jug to be the best single target tank with best defense (dodge attacks). But right now the other 2 accomplish these tasks just as well leaving the Jug with no upside - just comparable single target/def/mitigation and inferior AoE threat generation.


The Assassin - I would say this is the best overall tank. Definitively a 'hybrid' between the Jug and PT. It is really balanced and the 'deficiencies' due to the hybrid nature are barely noticed.


If you were to imagine a NFL Madden score card for tanks with stats in: Threat Generation, DPS, and Survivability with (Jugg/Assassin/PT)....

- Single Target: 90/85/88

- AoE Target: 70/85/90

- DPS: 60/80/75

- Defense: 80/70/75

- Shield: 75/60/80

- Mitigation: 75/60/80

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"The other thing I am noticing is that tanking is different here. We as tanks are not meant to hold everything. we are to hold the strong and elites, but the others the dps should take care of. If they aren't it is not the tanks issue, they need do their job. this game is not a rush like wow it is do it right tactically and smart!"

- Tanks are meant to hold everything. You WANT to minimize splash damage.

Tanks shouldn't have to worry about normal mobs. The DPS will burst them down first and each takes like 2 seconds to kill. Tanks only need to worry about the mobs who hit hard (which are the strong, elite, and champion mobs).


If you were to imagine a NFL Madden score card for tanks with stats in: Threat Generation, DPS, and Survivability with (Jugg/Assassin/PT)....

- Single Target: 90/85/88

- AoE Target: 70/85/90

- DPS: 60/80/75

- Defense: 80/70/75

- Shield: 75/60/80

- Mitigation: 75/60/80


Couple of questions about this.

1. Why do you say Sins have the lowest ST threat when we do the most DPS?

2. Why do you say Sins have the lowest shield? Are you not including DW/KW?

3. How many powertechs do you know have a higher defense chance than sin tanks?


Not trying to flame, just curious about your reasoning.

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Just gone over this thread, did not realise we had a separate tanking forum. As noted in my own thread, just why would you play a Jug? They dont have range, stealth anything that the other two do. They are not the best single target or multiple target tank.


I do think I have wasted my time playing a Jug, I never played it to look like Darth Vader or anything like that, just be the best tank.

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Am I the only PT that is tired of hearing the same ole "PT's are best AoE tanks, blah blah blah" ?


I played a Juggernaut tank up to HM's and had no issue with AoE tanking. As a matter of fact I sometimes had an easier time with it due to using (never ending)rage instead of quickly overheating. Now, for one pull, yes. PT's can use their cool downs and keep AoE aggro. But the AoE pull right after is not the same story. You need to remember that the DPS classes scale faster than us with damage/gear and are also using their AoE skills. These sort of things should not be deciding factors.


All of the tank's are completely viable and anyone trying to move the balance in one way or another are just playing number games. Play the tank you have the most fun with and you will do just fine in end game. People that say otherwise are being ignorant or have no real experience in end game. They just spew out what they have been reading on here and Sitwarrior.com.

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Just gone over this thread, did not realise we had a separate tanking forum. As noted in my own thread, just why would you play a Jug? They dont have range, stealth anything that the other two do. They are not the best single target or multiple target tank.


I do think I have wasted my time playing a Jug, I never played it to look like Darth Vader or anything like that, just be the best tank.


Actually they have very good single target and multiple target threat when playing Ops. You sound like someone that is not very well educated on the matter.


Juggernauts have awesome cooldowns, and procs that prevent damage while doing your rotation. Sonic Barrier that you get every time you use Scream and Retaliate are awesome for preventing and lowering damage taken.


All of the tanks are different and all of them are good. The differences that people keep talking about "single target, aoe, active, passive" are all so minimal it should not play a role in deciding on your tank. Just play the one that you enjoy and learn how to play it good.

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I am a PT in sheild spec and enjoy playing the game weather i keepall on me or not but witht the group i run with we do just fine as someone said in an early post tanks in this game go after bosses and elites or the strong if that the only one other than that its all on your gear and what you mode it with.
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All of the tanks are different and all of them are good. The differences that people keep talking about "single target, aoe, active, passive" are all so minimal it should not play a role in deciding on your tank. Just play the one that you enjoy and learn how to play it well.



Edited by Ibiza-Vin
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"Tell your Jugs to use Intercede on you. That's the main problem I see with Jug tanks forgetting that they have the ability to drop you from all of the mobs threat table and buff your resistance at the same time."

- So, while the Jug tank is jumping around all over the place minimizing threat - where are the mobs going? Oh and where did the healer drop that AOE heal? What about the DPS'ers where did they drop their AOEs? NOT where ever the mobs are because their tank can't keep area threat and has to jump around all over the place.



Sorry I didn't notice this when you posted it, but you're presenting a false case here. I can Intercede and Force Charge back long before the mobs can move out out position in almost all cases. In a 14/27 build that combination is vital to the build's damage and durability (because of Huddle). Now, the effect of Intercede is that for almost all fights it takes the person you used on completely out of danger of being the focus because it resets that person to 0 threat for all mobs in combat. Think about that, if you Intercede on a raid member ONCE the chances are that they will never be targeted again for that fight no matter how much threat they generate they won't be able to catch up to you.

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