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I'm too old for this game.


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Some of you know me as IagIag or Tubomixer from sunrunner from SWG and I DO NOT WANT TO start another debate about that..


The gaming world is headed to absolute consulitis (yea like tonsiliutus) or just follow this this pretty script and you'll be at level 50 ! and then you can hang out in the republican fleet hanger and show off some uber speeder...


I like sandboxes.. alot.. BUT as an EVE player for 7 years that environment doesn't work either - EVE is a guild controlled world. I have 10 and 10's of billions of dollars of ships and stuff there but I never meet anyone I trust enough to game with (and thats after many bad friend ships (pun intended) and I love the idea of eve.. but I can't spend two months on a ship to have it destroyed in 2 minutes.


So back to this game and SWG.


I'm a middle aged adult and I grew up as a person who not only had to make his/or her way financially but I had to make my way as a person who had interests, dreams, passions, endeavors, etc..


ANYONE who wants to live needs to have a need to do that..


I played so many games in the 90's eq, BF, RB6, all that etc..


In SWG I really felt compelled to login to the game to LIVE.. like it tapped into my need to live and that's creepy maybe .. but it tapped into my my needs.


I'm a very successful person and I need a game to replicate what I do all day --- that I can have fun with and take risks with in the evening.


Does that makes sense?


I spent the last two weeks playing Farming Simulator 2011 because I was so tired of fighting everything and everyone in this game.. i just wanted to plant crops and raise some cows..


That's what SWG was.. . i t was a career game.. you could fight, dance, mine, raise pets, bio engineer pets, make clothes



.. bioware has no financial interest in adults.

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Well, I'm a successful 42 year old that had to work very hard to become this way, and had very little help, but I thought SWG was mostly terrible, and love this game.


I certainly don't want a game that mimics anything like my work life when I go home. I've played games all my life, and used them to escape reality, but never have I desired to make my game life like job. In fact, when that has happened to me, its been terrible for my real life and put aspects of it in real jeopardy.


So you see, this has nothing to do with being old. It has to do with your own personal opinion.


This game isn't SWG2, was never advertised to be that, and in fact, was advertised to the be KoTOR the MMO. So how could you ever expect it to be SWG2?

Edited by Drallbait
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I'm a very successful person and I need a game to replicate what I do all day --- that I can have fun with and take risks with in the evening.


Does that makes sense?




.. bioware has no financial interest in adults.


Most people play games to do stuff they can't do IRL. Racing a formula 1 car, gun from an AC130, Direct an NFL team play by play, etc. I like fighting imperials on the dunes of Tatooine with a light saber. If you expected something else from this game, I think it might have been disingenuous to the IP, and also probably to gaming in general. Some games are set up to be like a job but those tend to be pretty niche.


You should consider taking up a hobby you can actually monetize if that's what you want. Try joining a band for example. It's a rewarding hobby with a low cost investment and can actually make a little cash. Playing a show is very similar to being in a raid - personal skill and recovery from mistakes is critical, and when your audience loves you it's a huge rush. Maybe a little less effort would be day trading, though if you want to take risks you could try the same in SWTOR by becoming filthy rich using the GTN or setting some other job like goal for yourself.


I am sorry to hear you aren't getting what you want from SWOTR, but maybe it's time to play something else. Personally, I support a family and I like the idea of shutting my brain off at the end of the day to get away from my problems, the last thing I want to do in the few hours before my head hits the pillow is stress out over "success" - I have enough real problems.

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I don't understand.

So an adult doesn't understand that different people of all ages have different interests and prefer different things? How can an adult judge everyone based on his own opinion?


Did the OP really state that "smart adults should only be interested in sandbox games, and no other genre", or did I miss something?

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I don't understand.

So an adult doesn't understand that different people of all ages have different interests and prefer different things? How can an adult judge everyone based on his own opinion?


Did the OP really state that "smart adults should only be interested in sandbox games, and no other genre", or did I miss something?


No, you pretty much got it.


I guess, since my IQ registered in the 99th percentile that I can't be interested in this game anymore.


That sucks, I was really looking forward to the Legacy system but I'm SOL now.

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I find it silly that SWG players refuse to let TOR be as is . SWG did not catter to the majority of MMOers and did bad for it .


SWG was a grinder , you had to live in it to get somewhere. TOR is a casual players game.

SWG had didn't have alot of story , TOR is story driven .


If you want a Grinder that someone of no life would have to live in , go play Lineage II or FinalFantasy. FinalFantasy might be easy to level in no but its crafting system is still overboard grinding and takes months to a year to get everything to master it.


I find it insulting that you are calling all us who enjoy TOR children . I am 32 years old with 3 kids and a wife , I have to be able to do things in my real life that will not allow me the time to play a Grinder game . Grinder Games are for people who have extreme amounts of free time, and get rewarded for having that time . I can understand that , but I came to TOR knowing it was a casual players MMO after all it was announced to be so.


I have played every Bioware game but ME3 , and none of them are grinders . So how did you think this game would be any different ?


Bioware is about story and interaction with the story , and I find the gameplay in the games to be refreshing from the standard grind all day games .


I truely have no idea why a grind all day would be considered a Adult game to begin with , adults have jobs ,school , kids , husbands and wives , and not to mention a good amount of adults like to go outside to do many things .


To be honest I think TOR is a adult game ! It has Romances, sometimes dirty language , cussing, fighting , war , and people dieing. Something I would think about before letting any of my kids play.

I have a 12yr old son that does not play this game and if he asked to , I would have to do alot of thinking about it and talking to him to make sure he understands what is real or not and what he can talk about outside of this game .


TOR is a totally different game than SWG , I am happy you miss your game but this is the wrong forums for it. Go to LucasArts forums or SOE forums and ask for your game , Bioware cannot bring it back and would be betraying its current members by bringing anything from SWG here that would greatly change the gameplay or story of this game period.

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Games and for the most part novels are there for "escapism". You can escape to an environment and do things you cant do IRL and have some fun. Logging onto a game and milking cows for 4 hours to get materials so you can bla bla bla doesnt sound much like escapism or fun to me. However to each his own... different strokes and all that..


Have you tried other sandboxes? There arent many, and they will have dated graphics but maybe they can fill a void for you until another sandbox gets released. Not sure when that will be though as they only cater for the minority and dont bring in as much $$$.


Maybe have a look at a game called Wurm. Extreme sandbox...

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Interesting opinion.


I actually agree with you. It does get a bit dull especially when you are about to start your fourth round of Alderran Civil war on PVP.


It would be fun to have extra tasks for us to enjoy simular to the mini games in Final Fantasy 7.


What I was hoping for was was more PVP and co op. Am very disapointed with the guild system and with the instances and herioc's. 4 person party??? WOW had five. Why 4???

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I don't understand.

So an adult doesn't understand that different people of all ages have different interests and prefer different things? How can an adult judge everyone based on his own opinion?


Did the OP really state that "smart adults should only be interested in sandbox games, and no other genre", or did I miss something?


Its just some nub know one knows making a pointless thread for attention.

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Some of you know me as IagIag or Tubomixer from sunrunner from SWG and I DO NOT WANT TO start another debate about that..


The gaming world is headed to absolute consulitis (yea like tonsiliutus) or just follow this this pretty script and you'll be at level 50 ! and then you can hang out in the republican fleet hanger and show off some uber speeder...


I like sandboxes.. alot.. BUT as an EVE player for 7 years that environment doesn't work either - EVE is a guild controlled world. I have 10 and 10's of billions of dollars of ships and stuff there but I never meet anyone I trust enough to game with (and thats after many bad friend ships (pun intended) and I love the idea of eve.. but I can't spend two months on a ship to have it destroyed in 2 minutes.


So back to this game and SWG.


I'm a middle aged adult and I grew up as a person who not only had to make his/or her way financially but I had to make my way as a person who had interests, dreams, passions, endeavors, etc..


ANYONE who wants to live needs to have a need to do that..


I played so many games in the 90's eq, BF, RB6, all that etc..


In SWG I really felt compelled to login to the game to LIVE.. like it tapped into my need to live and that's creepy maybe .. but it tapped into my my needs.


I'm a very successful person and I need a game to replicate what I do all day --- that I can have fun with and take risks with in the evening.


Does that makes sense?


I spent the last two weeks playing Farming Simulator 2011 because I was so tired of fighting everything and everyone in this game.. i just wanted to plant crops and raise some cows..


That's what SWG was.. . i t was a career game.. you could fight, dance, mine, raise pets, bio engineer pets, make clothes



.. bioware has no financial interest in adults.


I agree with your view and something I've been saying for years is that the gaming industry needs to grow up too.


By that I mean that it's time developers realise that the first generation of gamers (C64, anyone?) are now knocking on a bit. We don't want games that lead us by our hands. Our mothers stopped doing that decades ago!


Yes, of course we need games that get the younger generations involved, but don't forget us, the ones that encouraged the industry in the first place by playing those old games and getting involved in the first MMOs.


There was a lot wrong with SWG, but for me personally, there was a great deal that was right about it too. Even more so now that I can appreciate what I enjoyed about the game with hindsight.


I would play a sandbox game again at the drop of a hat.

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Well, I'm a successful 42 year old that had to work very hard to become this way, and had very little help, but I thought SWG was mostly terrible, and love this game.


I certainly don't want a game that mimics anything like my work life when I go home. I've played games all my life, and used them to escape reality, but never have I desired to make my game life like job. In fact, when that has happened to me, its been terrible for my real life and put aspects of it in real jeopardy.


So you see, this has nothing to do with being old. It has to do with your own personal opinion.


This game isn't SWG2, was never advertised to be that, and in fact, was advertised to the be KoTOR the MMO. So how could you ever expect it to be SWG2?


Excellent reply.


I understand and accept OP being disappointed, but to say that he/she's too "adult" for the game sounds silly to me.

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I agree with your view and something I've been saying for years is that the gaming industry needs to grow up too.


By that I mean that it's time developers realise that the first generation of gamers (C64, anyone?) are now knocking on a bit. We don't want games that lead us by our hands. Our mothers stopped doing that decades ago!


Yes, of course we need games that get the younger generations involved, but don't forget us, the ones that encouraged the industry in the first place by playing those old games and getting involved in the first MMOs.


There was a lot wrong with SWG, but for me personally, there was a great deal that was right about it too. Even more so now that I can appreciate what I enjoyed about the game with hindsight.


I would play a sandbox game again at the drop of a hat.


You and the OP are generalising that everyone over a certain age only wants to play a certain kind of game. You are wrong.

I started on the 2600, then a Spectrum (C64? Hiss! Boo! You were the other side!). I'm the wrong side of 40, and I don't want to spend my gaming time 'living' ... that is what life is for. Any game that requires me to devote and dedicate my time to it to such an extent that it could be considered a life is not what I want to play. I played SWG from launch for a year or so but I just didn't want to dedicate my real-life time to creating an alternate reality life.


Sure, you like sandbox games - great - but I don't. That doesn't mean you are wrong and that I am right, just that we like different things. I'm sorry SW:TOR isn't the game you were hoping for, but for others it is ... and it has absolutely nothing to do with age.

I hate most sandbox games ("Invent your own fun!") and prefer a well crafted game-play experience. I prefer Dragon Age ("Be the hero who saves the world") to Oblivion ("Be whatever you want to be").

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You and the OP are generalising that everyone over a certain age only wants to play a certain kind of game. You are wrong.

I started on the 2600, then a Spectrum (C64? Hiss! Boo! You were the other side!). I'm the wrong side of 40, and I don't want to spend my gaming time 'living' ... that is what life is for. Any game that requires me to devote and dedicate my time to it to such an extent that it could be considered a life is not what I want to play. I played SWG from launch for a year or so but I just didn't want to dedicate my real-life time to creating an alternate reality life.


Sure, you like sandbox games - great - but I don't. That doesn't mean you are wrong and that I am right, just that we like different things. I'm sorry SW:TOR isn't the game you were hoping for, but for others it is ... and it has absolutely nothing to do with age.

I hate most sandbox games ("Invent your own fun!") and prefer a well crafted game-play experience. I prefer Dragon Age ("Be the hero who saves the world") to Oblivion ("Be whatever you want to be").


Fair point, but doesn't that go to show that there is room for more than just one genre of game? You can play your themeparks and those of us who enjoy sandboxes could also be happy.


Edit: Actually, I wasn't hoping from any thing much from SWTOR, I started playing because it reunited my old guid, briefly. But even those who were wildly enthusiastic have stopped playing and they are mostly under 30.

Edited by Jeia
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Fair point, but doesn't that go to show that there is room for more than just one genre of game? You can play your themeparks and those of us who enjoy sandboxes could also be happy.


Sure. But you do realize you're never going to find your sandbox game on a SWTOR forum, right?

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Its a gaming market and money making venture problem, capitalism at its worst.

Games such as sandbox games dont make as much money as other concepts therefore they will be left behind. That audience in the gaming industry is beleived to be a small demograph.


Personally I believe its a massive oversight and Sandbox has more than a large enough base to be successful. I played Red Dead Redemption and the ranch part was the most fun for me. Left me thinkin, why is there no sandbox farm, ranch game out there where I can herd and market my crops. I really would enjoy that kind of escapism. As thats what games are. I care not for my Jedi or Sith, I have no emotional tie to my alts that make me feel I want them to do well. I just run, grind and grind. What is it for...? End result, 'I did that' and secondary materialistic offering of 'look at what ive got'. Thats not enough to last.

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Sure. But you do realize you're never going to find your sandbox game on a SWTOR forum, right?


Yes, I do realise that neither BW or EA are going to rush out and produce a sandbox for those of us who enjoy them. ;) But those aren't the only devs who are reading these forums, I feel sure.


However SOE have hinted that they are planning a sandbox:


The answer is... stay tuned on the subject of sandboxes. We're super excited about the future of sandbox gaming. Let me just leave it at that!


Whilst I know many are still bitter at SOE for the NGE, I got over that long ago and if they do create a sandbox MMO, I'll certainly be giving it a try.


I do hope that SWTOR will improve, that those who were longing for it's launch and have left disappointed are lured back eventually. It's a new game, there is time. Much of it's not for me, but then I'm only here for the RP :D

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Fair point, but doesn't that go to show that there is room for more than just one genre of game? You can play your themeparks and those of us who enjoy sandboxes could also be happy.


Absolutely! There should be enough room to cater for all kinds of gamers. The OP, and yourself though, seemed to be asserting that the theme-park game had no place ("grow up games industry", "consolitis" etc) and also linking it with the age of the gamer. I was just trying to bring balance to the force and highlight an example of someone who is an old gamer and doesn't like sandboxes.

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Yes, I do realise that neither BW or EA are going to rush out and produce a sandbox for those of us who enjoy them. ;) But those aren't the only devs who are reading these forums, I feel sure.


However SOE have hinted that they are planning a sandbox:


The answer is... stay tuned on the subject of sandboxes. We're super excited about the future of sandbox gaming. Let me just leave it at that!


Whilst I know many are still bitter at SOE for the NGE, I got over that long ago and if they do create a sandbox MMO, I'll certainly be giving it a try.


I do hope that SWTOR will improve, that those who were longing for it's launch and have left disappointed are lured back eventually. It's a new game, there is time. Much of it's not for me, but then I'm only here for the RP :D

I loved EQ1 as it gave me everything I wanted in an MMO back in them days. The fear factor and social game play too. I beta tested SWG and hated it so never felt compelled to play it like many others did. However I thought this would be amazing and feel disappointed at the finished product, so much so that I have just cancelled my 6 monthly subs so back to searching the universe for the next saga in my MMO life. Just for the record I'm clocking on a bit age wise I'm 55 years young but still looking for that original EQ1 fix which i got from that game, will I ever find it :rolleyes:
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