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1.2 release date?


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Fair comment, but I suspect even if they did this it wouldn't make much of an impact on the complainers :(


you're right, it doesn't. It's the same BS being spewed, just in a different context. It's carrot dangling, no more, no less.

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I take it that you think BW can do no wrong? Make no missteps? Doesn't need to learn anything?


This game is new, as is the developer to this genre... I assure you, in their back rooms, they are scrambling at times and trying to figure things out on the fly (as most businesses do when delving in to new ventures). They will hit the mark sometimes and other times they won't.


Hopefully, when they don't, they learn from it. Unfortunately, their communication methods and style leave a little to be desired from a consumer perspective, imo.


No, I definitely do not think that. Trust me, I'm all over these forums talking about the things that I would like to see improved. There is a key word there. Talking. Discussing. Voicing my discontent in such a fashion as to not come across as some whiny toddler twit who didn't have my nappy today. If it gets to a point where I believe this game is beyond saving or that they have run out of potential, I will speak with my money and leave gracefully.


I will not hang around the forums for days before or after I unsubscribe telling everyone else how I unsubscribed because I do not care about this game. The people who do this both amaze and amuse me. If I was over the game, well, I'd be over the game. I could certainly find better things to do with my day than hang around the forums of a game I profess to hate telling everyone how I'm sitting here with an extra $15 in my pocket and all I can think to do is hang out with you lot.


As far as Bioware scrambling in back rooms at times to get things accomplished, I wholeheartedly agree. This is new to them. They're very likely going to make some mistakes and yes, as a player, I certainly hope they learn from them. Didn't everyone kind of know going into this game that this was new for them? They're developing on a very unforgiving learning curve here and I can't help but wonder what all these negative nonconstructive posts are suppose to be teaching them?


To those who have been posting productive, useful, and constructive complaints about their dissatisfaction with how 1.2 is handled, I have no beef. But I have been searching for a fair bit now and cannot seem to find any information with a legitimate source that says anything more concrete than we will launch this patch in April. It is April 10th. There are 30 days in this month. And frankly, if they come out tomorrow and say we're not going to be done with this till May 30th because we want to get this polished and perfected that will mean more to me than we're going to launch this tomorrow even though it is a glorified piece of crap to appease all the crybabies who won't let us do our job.

Edited by Dolcia
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See, that's not so hard. But we'll see if close means today, tomorrow, or two weeks from now. Either way, we do appreciate some feedback.


I do apreciate the reply but im guessing honestly very close means very close to resub time. It realy the only feasable reason for holding the patch at this time.

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We know everyone is very anxious to hear when Game Update 1.2 is going live. We'll be sharing those details with you very soon.


A deployment of this size and complexity has a lot of moving parts, and as is our usual policy, we will not reveal dates until they are locked down. The good news is, we're really close to revealing that date.


Thanks for your patience.


Reading your twitter is a bit of an eye opener, did I see one guy moan your out at pax and not at a desk coding 1.2 lol??


Liked the one thats says three days notice is normal, looking forward to it.

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See, that's not so hard. But we'll see if close means today, tomorrow, or two weeks from now. Either way, we do appreciate some feedback.

This is exactly the problem. Exactly *** does close mean? Instead of just giving us a date, they give us "close" which means they pretty much have as much wiggle room as they want. Just the same **** wrapped differently.

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I do apreciate the reply but im guessing honestly very close means very close to resub time. It realy the only feasable reason for holding the patch at this time.


Or ... you know, because it is not ready and they're trying to avoid more whining.

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I would enjoy being on PTS ... does anyone know if a single character can move there or just a guild. I would like to contribute to making the game better..:) and hopefully acccelerate the quality by making input in a fast time -line. Edited by Grunderbelly
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Diablo 3 will cut pretty hard into my TOR time. I won't completely vanish, but I pre-ordered D3 on day one. :)[/quote


Responding to the dudes quote. Although d3 is coming out soon, it wont have an impact like people think. d3 is a different type of genre mmo. Now if we was to say gw2 is coming out soon then yes. I think this yrs mmo competition will be with gw2 and swtor. reason why i didn't list tera is because, tera is nothing new. also the pve content is bad. the only fun part in tera is their instances, other then that it's a hard copy paste of aion online. swtor on the other hand has story lines that makes all quest/missions very unique. even the instances in swtor is unique. i say it's going to be down between gw2 and swtor battling it out this yr, is because swtor has less features to offer compared to gw2 atm. now i don't know when gw2 will come out, but if it comes out late this yr, it will give swtor enough time to bloom. i haven't played wow but alot of people that played it and is on swtor now says that wow had lots of bugs when it was first released. other words it was just like swtor. so imo gw2 and swtor will def be the mmo that will be battling it out for the yr and maybe the following yrs to come. i'll say this if swtor adapted the micro transaction that gw2 is using compared to using subs, it will bring so much players in. just the matter of the question who will stay with what game.

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For FREE? How about for 15 bux a month. None of this is free. It costs time, it costs money, I have hours invested I'll never get back, and I'm paying them for the privilege. I have EVERY right as a consumer to complain when they let me down, and yes, I'll still have that right after the patch comes out and I want more. That's how it works.


Nobody here is stupid just because you disagree with their opinion. Gaming is a business. They produce a product, we give them money for it. They're still getting our money, we're not getting the product. This is a broken model and everyone complaining has every right to complain.




Exactly to a T

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Or ... you know, because it is not ready and they're trying to avoid more whining.


If they was realy trying to avoid whineing maybe they should stop hideing and just be upfront with people.


Yes they will always be those thats unhappy but for the majority of us we just want alittle more information. And less vague responses that realy tell you nothing.

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I just want a date. It doesn't even have to be set in stone, it just needs to be a date where they're planning to release 1.2, or somewhere shortly afterwards. I really don't care if they ran into issues as it happens, I don't want excuses, just dates. Just a date. Doesn't have to even be anytime soon, it can just be a date. A freakin' date, BIOWARE!


So just because you feel that you are mature enough to handle a date, even if they run into issues and have to push it back, the rest of the community is? Your next statement is you don't want to hear excuses from them. How truly forgiving would you be if they told you it was coming out on April 12th exactly and then they couldn't make it happen until the following week due to unforeseen circumstances. Would that just be an excuse? Guaranteed there would be a massive outpouring of boo-hooing in these forums about how Bioware has lied to them, misrepresented themselves, done it to be malicious, to squeeze more money and time from you, etc. They are in a no win situation.

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We know everyone is very anxious to hear when Game Update 1.2 is going live. We'll be sharing those details with you very soon.


A deployment of this size and complexity has a lot of moving parts, and as is our usual policy, we will not reveal dates until they are locked down. The good news is, we're really close to revealing that date.


Thanks for your patience.


Maybe just a comment on whether it's this week, or later?

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So just because you feel that you are mature enough to handle a date, even if they run into issues and have to push it back, the rest of the community is? Your next statement is you don't want to hear excuses from them. How truly forgiving would you be if they told you it was coming out on April 12th exactly and then they couldn't make it happen until the following week due to unforeseen circumstances. Would that just be an excuse? Guaranteed there would be a massive outpouring of boo-hooing in these forums about how Bioware has lied to them, misrepresented themselves, done it to be malicious, to squeeze more money and time from you, etc. They are in a no win situation.


I bow to your maturity... give me a break, please.

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So just because you feel that you are mature enough to handle a date, even if they run into issues and have to push it back, the rest of the community is? Your next statement is you don't want to hear excuses from them. How truly forgiving would you be if they told you it was coming out on April 12th exactly and then they couldn't make it happen until the following week due to unforeseen circumstances. Would that just be an excuse? Guaranteed there would be a massive outpouring of boo-hooing in these forums about how Bioware has lied to them, misrepresented themselves, done it to be malicious, to squeeze more money and time from you, etc. They are in a no win situation.


So if people will complain anyway, and it doesn't matter either way...



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If they was realy trying to avoid whineing maybe they should stop hideing and just be upfront with people.


Yes they will always be those thats unhappy but for the majority of us we just want alittle more information. And less vague responses that realy tell you nothing.


I agree with you - there are many of us, like myself and maybe even yourself, that could handle and process this "more" information perfectly well. It is sad that we have to be deprived that luxury because we share this game and this community with the other side of the playpen.

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This is exactly the problem. Exactly *** does close mean? Instead of just giving us a date, they give us "close" which means they pretty much have as much wiggle room as they want. Just the same **** wrapped differently.


i don't know if i read this wrong, but it seems to me your complaining about the release date. isn't it best to have a polished patch compared to a half assed patch. i mean people in forums are complaining for a fix in the game and etc... so why not just wait it out and let them do what they are doing. i bet your 1 of those players who complains about the bug issues/glitch/not enough endgame content. if you are then think before you speak. you complain when they are trying to fix it and then ask for a release right now. just chill man and go lvl up another toon. i doubt anyone here has played through the whole story lines of swtor lol. btw if you don't want to lvl alts just do something else, just saying.

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This is exactly the problem. Exactly *** does close mean? Instead of just giving us a date, they give us "close" which means they pretty much have as much wiggle room as they want. Just the same **** wrapped differently.


Close means stop worrying about it and play the game. Everyone is so uptight about when 1.2 is going to be released. It will be released when they think it is ready to be released with the fewest bugs as possible. They aren't going to release the patch if nothing works. That would make them lose more people than they already have. Bioware needs this patch to be damn near perfect on release so they can bring people back to the game. Not lose more. And they are never going to give a release date until they are 99.9% the patch is ready. Most likely it will be 3-4 days before it goes live.


If you are still complaining that they haven't given us a release date must have never played any MMOs because most major patches like this don't get release dates till they are ready for release because if they say "1.2 release date is April 17, 2012" and then it isn't ready for release April 17, 2012 they look like idiots and continue to lose more people because it looks like they can't deliver on what they promise.


I am personally glad they aren't caving in and giving a release date because they caved in and released the game way before they should have because of all the whining about when the game would be released. And look what happened there! In just under 4 months of release they lost over 50% of their server traffic because of poor design and structure. So I hope they take as long as they need to make this release the best possible release they can.

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I would enjoy being on PTS ... does anyone know if a single character can move there or just a guild. I would like to contribute to making the game better..:) and hopefully acccelerate the quality by making input in a fast time -line.


unfortunately you cant move one of your characters yet, you can roll a new lvl 1, I lvled one onto fleet just for a look around, not too keen on lvling up to 50

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I think BioWare might actually be giving us more for our money. So we have the MMO, and figuring out what their vague statements mean is like an ARG. We have to search for clues, find links, and put all of the information to guess what they mean.


So in reality, you're getting even more for your money.

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I agree with you - there are many of us, like myself and maybe even yourself, that could handle and process this "more" information perfectly well. It is sad that we have to be deprived that luxury because we share this game and this community with the other side of the playpen.



exactly my feelings as well


And you can tell by the posters in this thread that we are in the minority


If there has been one absolutely clear message from the SWTOR community to Bioware, it has been to never ever release any information, particularly about timing, until it is cast in stone, which would be only a few days before an actual release.

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Guess what? They don't have to tell when it's coming out, heck they don't even have to give us an update at all. All of us signed the same user agreement which states, "EA is not obliged to supply Software updates, upgrades or expansions, or even to operate or continue support the Game or Software, for an indefinite period."


Ofcourse this would be bad business pratice not to, but do you people realise how much of the minority people complaining about a lack of release date is.


Lol, all the people saying they would un-sub because of this, I'm calling your bluff right now.

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