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Bioware,how are you going to make sure people dont spam pvp and get war hero in aweek


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If you PvP every day for a month, that's the equivalent of Bioware handing out the best gear to new 50's? You're lacking logic. I can get full Rakata within a week with only about 8 hours spent total (2 sets of locks), nobody complains about "free" PvE gear.


I kinda do. Its too easy. How ever, you still need to actually conquer raid bosses. In PvP they make sure that you could care less who wins/losses.

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If you PvP every day for a month, that's the equivalent of Bioware handing out the best gear to new 50's? You're lacking logic. I can get full Rakata within a week with only about 8 hours spent total (2 sets of locks), nobody complains about "free" PvE gear.


All I gotta say is holler at me a month after 1.2, when everyone has endgame gear, and the New WZ is old and as boring as the other 3 we have all played until our eyes have bled, all with no world pvp at all on 99% of the servers And we shall see where the state of this games PVP is at that point.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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Oh just because there wont be Valor requirements does not mean there wont be any requirements. I can for see the same 1000/1000 a comm with each piece requiring 4 comms to complete it.


That just means you have to spend a lot of time in WZ. I prefere unlocking gear via ranked etc.

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Oh just because there wont be Valor requirements does not mean there wont be any requirements. I can for see the same 1000/1000 a comm with each piece requiring 4 comms to complete it.


So the requirement is that I afk in stealth?

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All I gotta say is holler at me a month after 1.2, when everyone has endgame gear, and the New WZ is old and as boring as the other 3 we have all played until our eyes have bled, all with no world pvp at all on 99% of the servers And we shall see where the state of this games PVP is at that point.


I'm not someone who thinks this game's PvP is amazing, but saying the gear grind (or in the case of your claim, a lack thereof) is going to support or kill the PvP scene based on faulty reasoning is pretty ridiculous.


You're completely ignoring the actual rating system that's going into place, and the eventual rated "season" where teams will be competing to have their players in the top ratings. Maybe not on your server, but I know on my server, even if everyone was LITERALLY handed the War Hero gear by logging in, there would still be plenty of competition a few months into 1.2 due to how many guilds take PvP seriously on my server. This will only become more true once they add cross-server queues, as bragging rights (and, if good enough, tournament prizes) are what drive PvP games with no vertical "progression".

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I'm probably the only person who thinks war hero gear is going to take a lot longer than any pvp gear in the history of swtor.


If I had to design it based on the current limitations of the engine, player attention lifespan and making the player addicted to the carrot, I will do it like this.


The higher the team rating, the more RATED commendation they get.

The lower, the lesser the commendation.

1000/1000 rated comms per war hero token.

2-3 tokens per piece of war hero gear.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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I'm probably the only person who thinks war hero gear is going to take a lot longer than any pvp gear in the history of swtor.


If I had to design it based on the current limitations of the engine, player attention lifespan and making the player addicted to the carrot, I will do it like this.


The higher the team rating, the more RATED commendation they get.

The lower, the lesser the commendation.

1000/1000 rated comms per war hero token.

2-3 tokens per piece of war hero gear.


this is most likely what it is... though i would guess they would leave the 1 token / extra pc, 2 token / set pc, 3 for weapon thing the same.

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The new set of gear that your adding for new 50s- whats going to stop the new 50s from getting in a 8 man group and getting full war hero without even taking the middle step? Whats going to stop people from spamming pvp and getting war hero gear in the first week? Can there not be a little stat difference for higher ratings, because that will make the elitest happy, and will make the standards something to drive for, making them stay playing PVP longer. Which would make them not get bored for a greater duration. Just to make sure, will the 1000 ranked group be playing with the 1000-1300 ranks? Instead of a 1000 playing against a new group that is 100? Like will there be a weekly amount of coms. you can get?


You. Your Skill. Whatever you've been building thus far. Lots of things, it's pvp for a reason and you only get the commendations for WINNING ranked matches. So I don't think there'll be much of a problem with "noobs" getting gear, cus pros like you and I should be squashing them and forcing them to go do normal pvp until they get decent.

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You. Your Skill. Whatever you've been building thus far. Lots of things, it's pvp for a reason and you only get the commendations for WINNING ranked matches. So I don't think there'll be much of a problem with "noobs" getting gear, cus pros like you and I should be squashing them and forcing them to go do normal pvp until they get decent.


Pretty sure you get the comms just for showing up, but yea.

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this is most likely what it is... though i would guess they would leave the 1 token / extra pc, 2 token / set pc, 3 for weapon thing the same.


Bioware can also put a rating requirement on each piece of gear.

For example, it takes 2000 rating before people can buy a weapon or chest piece.

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And the real pvp'ers are actually looking forward to the implications of this patch. If it goes the way they described, everyone will be able to start rated WZs with war hero gear and then rank up from there based on performance and not time spent drooling on the keyboard.


This is the conundrum with modern MMO's. They've turned into part-time jobs, primarily due to this warzone instanced PvP generation of linear gameplay where you are pigeonholed in a very strict setting with simple goals.


It used to be open world PvP where even the casuals who had whatever gear didn't really care, they still had fun, because it was a big brawl, and people weren't looking at someones gear, they were saying "we need more people".


Those days are gone in this 8v8 instanced/warzone hamster-wheel horror show. Now people need an incentive. They are all about the gear, as that is the only 'new' thing, because the battles NEVER ARE FRESH OR NEW.


Always the same 3 maps.


Oh, excuse me, 4.

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I have paid my money so I want all the titles, colours, mounts, pets and any other rewards that you give anyone else who ever plays this game and I want them yesterday; else I will tell my mommy to not pay you anymore.


Yours sincerely


Backpeddling, clicker and keyboard-turner.


And once again the gearaholic grinder pseudo-pvpers rear up to sling vileness and elitist egocentric filth all over the forums.


Oh the day you guys are all gone is the day the community is blessed indeed.

Edited by Vaipyr
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I just went over a recent interview with the PvP guy we are to think of the new tier of gear/Rated WZ as a sort of PRE SEASON type of thing.


Thinking of it from a gear progression POV the new gear is to get people ready for the actual SEASON that will have cross server rated -and new tier of gear again and I suspect will have rating restrictions and take many weeks to get.

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Always the same 3 maps.


Oh, excuse me, 4.


Well, always the same 1 map would be closer to accurate, for Empire ;)


In the 70+ war zones I've done since I decided to start PvP'ing with my Merc, think I've done 3 Void Stars and 5 or so Civil War. Everything else, Huttball.

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Actually they do, it's called filling the seats, and there by maximizing profit.


Sorry but you really might want to look into how economy works.


Such a facepalm, this is not how the economy works... in the great depression food shops (butchers) would throw away excess meat, as to not undermine their existing sales.


Go read a book...


This does not necessarily maximise profit, if you loose your core players and go for flitting gamers who are casual and may/may not renew their subscription your quarterly profits may rise in the short term, but you loose in the long term.


To raise sufficient capital this game would have been funded on a 5 year plan not a 2 year plan.



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Such a facepalm, this is not how the economy works... in the great depression food shops (butchers) would throw away excess meat, as to not undermine their existing sales.


Go read a book...


This does not necessarily maximise profit, if you loose your core players and go for flitting gamers who are casual and may/may not renew their subscription your quarterly profits may rise in the short term, but you loose in the long term.


To raise sufficient capital this game would have been funded on a 5 year plan not a 2 year plan.




Actually it varies with the type of business, it is very common for airlines to use a model where the last seats (if any) are sold cheaper in order to fill the seats and maximize profits, Air planes do use fuel after all, and it's the customer who pays for it.

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