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Bioware,how are you going to make sure people dont spam pvp and get war hero in aweek


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The new set of gear that your adding for new 50s- whats going to stop the new 50s from getting in a 8 man group and getting full war hero without even taking the middle step? Whats going to stop people from spamming pvp and getting war hero gear in the first week? Can there not be a little stat difference for higher ratings, because that will make the elitest happy, and will make the standards something to drive for, making them stay playing PVP longer. Which would make them not get bored for a greater duration. Just to make sure, will the 1000 ranked group be playing with the 1000-1300 ranks? Instead of a 1000 playing against a new group that is 100? Like will there be a weekly amount of coms. you can get?
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keeping the elitists in check.


kudos bioware.


While I do agree with you that PvP should not revolve around getting better and better gear, Bioware still needs to make sure that their PvP remains fun, competitive, and continually rewarding.


The last thing we want to get all the gear and just stand around because the game modes are not fun enough by themselves to maintain our interest.


So my point is, the ease or difficulty in getting the new gear should not be our only concern.

Edited by Ravaran
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Gotta make it fair for everyone and punish those who want to get ahead of the pack.


Anyway, you won't have to worry about that anyway. Those who actually care about PvP have mostly left this game already.

Edited by Meluna
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While I do agree with you that PvP should not revolve around getting better and better gear, Bioware still needs to make sure that their PvP remains fun, competitive, and continually rewarding.


The last thing we want to get all the gear and just stand around because the game modes are not fun enough by themselves to maintain our interest.


So my point is, the ease or difficulty in getting the new gear should not be our only concern.


very much agreed.


that's why I dont pvp more than a match or two every once in a while.

gear rewards means nothing to me really. (it is so easy to get in a multitude of different ways)


....but, variety of 'things to do' is paramount. I agree.

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Gotta make it fair for everyone and punish those who want to get ahead of the pack.


Anyway, you won't have to worry about that anyway. Those who actually care about PvP have mostly left this game already.


No we did not, we are still here playing and enjoying :D

Edited by Meluna
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Gotta make it fair for everyone and punish those who want to get ahead of the pack.


Anyway, you won't have to worry about that anyway. Those who actually care about PvP have mostly left this game already.


This is a game. You paid for it, I paid for it. What makes you think that you should be entitled to some part of the experience that I'm not?


You're one of the people who thinks that sitting at your computer for 7 hours a day and 12 hours on a weekend day grinding through warzones to the point where you're not even thinking anymore means that you should be able to equip more stats and give yourself a distinct advantage over players who may be more skilled than you but can only play 6 hours a week.


And the real pvp'ers are actually looking forward to the implications of this patch. If it goes the way they described, everyone will be able to start rated WZs with war hero gear and then rank up from there based on performance and not time spent drooling on the keyboard.

Edited by Meluna
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The new set of gear that your adding for new 50s- whats going to stop the new 50s from getting in a 8 man group and getting full war hero without even taking the middle step? Whats going to stop people from spamming pvp and getting war hero gear in the first week? Can there not be a little stat difference for higher ratings, because that will make the elitest happy, and will make the standards something to drive for, making them stay playing PVP longer. Which would make them not get bored for a greater duration. Just to make sure, will the 1000 ranked group be playing with the 1000-1300 ranks? Instead of a 1000 playing against a new group that is 100? Like will there be a weekly amount of coms. you can get?


I spam PvP every night. New gear or not I will spam PvP. I quickly run my story quest and then do nothing but PvP for my levels and gear. I love this games PvP. No matter what you do there will always be people like me who will get the new PvP gear sooner because that is our focus.

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It was my understanding that War Hero gear would not be purchasable with comms or tokens, and that gear could only be obtained after gaining a certain rank on the ELO system.


To me, this system works for the hardcore and casuals. THe hardcore get to show of their shiny gear and the casuals have something to strive for.

Edited by XOrionX
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Gotta make it fair for everyone and punish those who want to get ahead of the pack.


Anyway, you won't have to worry about that anyway. Those who actually care about PvP have mostly left this game already.


My guild LOVES PvP, we are still here. And I see quite a few competitive guilds on my server that have been here since day 1.


Let's avoid making blanket statements. mmk?

Edited by Meluna
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It was my understanding that War Hero gear would not be purchasable with comms or tokens, and that gear could only be obtained after gaining a certain rank on the ELO system.


To me, this system works for the hardcore and casuals. THe hardcore get to show of their shiny gear and the casuals have something to strive for.

I am under the impression that you get War Hero gear for just competing (regardless of your ELO rank) though yes, I'd think that a marginally higher tier of gear available via high ELO rank would probably be acceptable as well.

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Gotta make it fair for everyone and punish those who want to get ahead of the pack.


Anyway, you won't have to worry about that anyway. Those who actually care about PvP have mostly left this game already.


Odd.. My guild does pvp all the time, not only are we still here, we're growing...


I hear water helps wash a foot down.

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Gotta make it fair for everyone and punish those who want to get ahead of the pack.


Anyway, you won't have to worry about that anyway. Those who actually care about PvP have mostly left this game already.


Let me modify your statement:

Gotta make it fun for everyone, and punish people who seem to value the idea of getting ahead of the pack, presumably at the expense of others, more than the enjoyment of the game.


And I'm glad to hear that 'anyone who values PVP' has left this awesome game. Priorities, ftw. GLHF, Next!

Edited by galadimana
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This is a game. You paid for it, I paid for it. What makes you think that you should be entitled to some part of the experience that I'm not?



And you are the type of player that plays an MMO for 2-3 hours a week and expects top items for no effort.



I was in the camp that giving away free gear in pvp was bad. Now I am excited about the free give away of pvp gear so all those that have been crying that they only get beat because of the gear difference will find they still get beat. I just wonder what you will be crying about after you find this out? :p

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It was my understanding that War Hero gear would not be purchasable with comms or tokens, and that gear could only be obtained after gaining a certain rank on the ELO system.


To me, this system works for the hardcore and casuals. THe hardcore get to show of their shiny gear and the casuals have something to strive for.


There will be no difference stat wise for players with different ratings. All players will be able to get WarHero gear with ranked comms with any rating. The ranking will only allow access to vanity items like colors/titles/mounts.

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While I do agree with you that PvP should not revolve around getting better and better gear, Bioware still needs to make sure that their PvP remains fun, competitive, and continually rewarding.


The last thing we want to get all the gear and just stand around because the game modes are not fun enough by themselves to maintain our interest.


So my point is, the ease or difficulty in getting the new gear should not be our only concern.


Great point, perfect response, in my opinion. I feel the same way, people PvP for a competitive feeling and they like to earn the edge.

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I don't have a problem with a level playing field in PvP. But it will never be. Gear effects PvP no matter where you get it. If you are in full Rataka, you've got a a big advantage.


So, you want all the PvE players to have the advantage, but take it away from the PvP'ers?

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There will be no difference stat wise for players with different ratings. All players will be able to get WarHero gear with ranked comms with any rating. The ranking will only allow access to vanity items like colors/titles/mounts.


I am fine with this.


Titles, colors and mounts would be an excellent addition for higher ELO ranks.

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The new set of gear that your adding for new 50s- whats going to stop the new 50s from getting in a 8 man group and getting full war hero without even taking the middle step? Whats going to stop people from spamming pvp and getting war hero gear in the first week? Can there not be a little stat difference for higher ratings, because that will make the elitest happy, and will make the standards something to drive for, making them stay playing PVP longer. Which would make them not get bored for a greater duration. Just to make sure, will the 1000 ranked group be playing with the 1000-1300 ranks? Instead of a 1000 playing against a new group that is 100? Like will there be a weekly amount of coms. you can get?



Bioware, how are you going to make sure people don't play the game better than me, you must stop them



pretty much what your saying, go QQ elswhere, people WILL ALWAYS have more than you, or have better gear, more titles, get used to it

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