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Player vs Player... IS NOT Player vs Air/Avoid


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It's huttball. It's an objective based game with traps that hurt you.


Using the traps to your advantage is what I would call a good strategy. Be mindful of the traps and prevent people from knocking you into them and your huttball career will be much smoother and enjoyable!



Also, L2P.

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It's huttball. It's an objective based game with traps that hurt you.


Using the traps to your advantage is what I would call a good strategy. Be mindful of the traps and prevent people from knocking you into them and your huttball career will be much smoother and enjoyable!



Also, L2P.


Or.... voice my concerns to a dying game and not resub?


Actually: my statement is much more logical and factual than "prevent people from knocking you into them" considering soooo many factors give the person doing the knocking the massive advantage... down to the game engine and flaws with how latency works... and that I can be lined up flawlessly on MY client and then BOOOOM off I go anyways because on YOUR lagging client you are actually somewhere else.


I can dodge roughly 20-30% of knockbacks which is actually pretty good when compared to your average SWTOR player.... how sad is that... when you can avoid an ability like that only 20-30% of the time... with a recast timer so low.


You act like you think knock backs aren't overpowered. That in itself negates any credibility you have in your part of this discussion.

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"complex" ... I hope you understand the irony here.... because it's sooooo complex to pull someone into fire/acid or knock multiple people from ledges with an instant ability that takes zero skill to do... ummmmmmm.... not flaming you, I promise... but come on..




Pretty sure this guy plays operative or scoundral.


Is's called UTILITY, players will use it to survive your burst dps. Do you expect us to stand there and die while you spam your backstabs on us?


Put yourself in the shoes of your target. An operative pops out of stealth with his back facing a fire trap (dumb move on that operatives part), you have a knockback that can put him into that fire. You are more concerned about scoring the ball than going toe to toe vs that operative so you do the mos strategic and logical thing possible. YOU KNOCK HIM INTO THE FIRE.


Now you can help your team to get the ball over the line, without worrying about that silly operative trying to get a insignificant kill.



Silly operative/scoundral Huttball isn't team deathmatch, don't cry when players don't feel like playing your epeen game.

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As a healer, I'm KOS the moment I put my hand to my ear, so a map like huttball actually makes my life a lot more fun since I have a better chance of being able to kill someone back.


I used to despise huttball, then I spent enough time in there to learn the game more thoroughly and gained a few levels to broaden my skillset.


As far as abilities not being used as intended:


If creative use of skills in pvp was not intended, then they would not function in pvp specific areas or we would have an entirely different set of abilities upon entering a warzone. Huttball specifically encourages players to use the terrain to their advantage, and, truth be told, pulling someone into an acid pit isn't any different from using a pillar for LOS. These things are not cosmetic.




Stop and consider the acid pit for a moment. Seriously stop and consider it before reading further.




Why put in an easily avoidable acid pit? Its not there to make you go around it, a wall would have done that job. Its not in a spot you have to cross like the timer-triggered fire pits. Very few people are going to be dumb enough to run through it on accident unless they're attempting to clip the corner, and that's an understandable dip into it.


Its sole function is to knock other players into it. It cannot possibly serve any other purpose.


Kind of deviated from my point about abilities in pvp...


In my experience, leaping across 20% of the map and pulling players into fire doesn't win games on its own. For every Jedi or Sith leaping up to the rafters, there is another player with a knockback on cooldown to send them right back down (maybe even into acid!). These abilities provide nothing else outside of Huttball with the notable exception of not having to extend the bridge in voidstar which is also, clearly, intended given the fact that it is


A) Possible to do it without hacking

B) There isn't a force field on that particular part despite the rest being blocked

C) They haven't done anything to change it or demonstrated any intent to do so (please correct me if I'm wrong on that).


Bioware decided that adding unique elements to terrain and encouraging creative use of abilities was a good thing. Sorry if you don't like it, but many of us certainly seem to think it's great.

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Bioware decided that adding unique elements to terrain and encouraging creative use of abilities was a good thing. Sorry if you don't like it, but many of us certainly seem to think it's great.


QFT - I love it. Most players do. Get used to it, or simply don't play. =)

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Ok ok - you got me... I'm obviously not going to find anything official... I guess from a rational standpoint and the progression of MMOs in general from past to now... experience tells me the intention of those abilities.... event warrior "leaps" are really initially designed around PVE objectives like jumping ahead of your group to lay down a bit of agro before your group can react... for example.


It makes a lot of sense that the sorc "knock back" splashing OUTWARDS is meant defensively considering their AOE abilities require mobs to be significantly "clumped" up... so it makes NO SENSE AT ALL to have the sorc run up to a clump of mobs... hit knock back spraying mobs AWAY from the center point/out of AOE damage they would dish out. Actually.... if you've played a sorc you know you would hit your shield... run up... AOE damage and it's very effective. Using your knock backs to hit tougher mobs away from you + slowing them to allow you to kite them. Several of the class quests you cannot complete without doing that.


Same with the Sorc pull ability... I believe it was haphazard that this pull ability became significant in Huttball.... I don't believe the initial intention of the ability was "hey - lets make a spell that pulls huttball players to them... " "what's huttball?" "oh - don't worry... it hasn't even been blueprinted yet" - like come on. Use some common sense, guy.


Playing a PT I can also tell you that the "pull" is designed as an initiator... pulling LOS mobs for example... or allowing you to better position mobs in a "clump" for AOE... or pulling them off group mates.


The problem isn't the game or the abilities in the game.


As you proved above, it's your narrow point of view and lack of thinking outside the box that makes your game experience bad.


You are assuming way too much. These abilities wouldn't be in the game if BW didn't want us to use them. If someone is going to use these abilities to push, pull or stun people in a fire or acid pit or off a ledge. There is skill there.


Also, I'd just like to say. That yes it is annoying when I'm carrying the ball on huttball and I get pulled into a fire or pushed off a ledge. But that team is defending there goal. If you only had to kill the person and we didn't have knockbacks, it would take so much strategy and dynamic gameplay out of huttball to the point that it would not be as fun.


Yes, losing sucks and from what I can tell you have been doing a lot of losing. Start using these abilities to your advantage and you will excel.

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Yes, losing sucks and from what I can tell you have been doing a lot of losing. Start using these abilities to your advantage and you will excel.



Listen... even winning and playing the "over powered" classes like Sorcs and PTs... it's STILL not fun.


The fix here to make it fun isn't to match over powered against over powered or even a guaranteed 50% win ratio... it STILL isn't fun having that much CC, knock backs, and 100-0 health in 3 seconds killing in the game...

Edited by Parali
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Don't get so angry brother, it's just a game. I'm sorry I knocked you into the pit/fire/acid. I swear I didn't mean to. :D


lol, if I knock someone into the acid pit, it's either because I caught them positioned too close to it, or I baited them into getting close to it then ran through them and knocked them in. In both cases, I am not sorry one bit because frankly; they were asking for it.


I understand that, at times, being on a ledge will lead to you being in a bad position with little or nothing you can do about it. I've been on the receiving end of those knockbacks as well. I just accept that they got off a good knockback on me and forget about it. Far better to focus on what I can do to recover, whether it be to throw the ball to someone else who is in a better position to score, or go back to mid and help control it so that if the rest of my team can't recover the ball, then at least our team might be able to grab the next one and begin a scoring drive.

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lol, if I knock someone into the acid pit, it's either because I caught them positioned too close to it, or I baited them into getting close to it then ran through them and knocked them in. In both cases, I am not sorry one bit because frankly; they were asking for it.


I understand that, at times, being on a ledge will lead to you being in a bad position with little or nothing you can do about it. I've been on the receiving end of those knockbacks as well. I just accept that they got off a good knockback on me and forget about it. Far better to focus on what I can do to recover, whether it be to throw the ball to someone else who is in a better position to score, or go back to mid and help control it so that if the rest of my team can't recover the ball, then at least our team might be able to grab the next one and begin a scoring drive.


EXACTLY. Use the terrain to your advantage. Nothing better than to trick a player into thinking they have won the fight, only to introduce them to the fire/acid they so blindly ignored.

Edited by XOrionX
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OP, don't bother with these threads.


People used to decent pvp games already left, so you are just getting flamed for having a different opinion.

Of a grand total of three warzones, one is entirely designed around annoying mechanics, wich apparently have the sole purpose to annoy the players.

And a lot of people seem to enjoy it. So how can you argue with them? Let them enjoy this pvp...thing and move along.

GW2 isn't so far anymore and there is some promising stuff like Dominus coming out.


You'll get the usual "Do you want an empty square where people beat each other to death?".

They probably never played Guild Wars, wich have very interesting maps (I'm talking GvG here), without uber-annoying gimmicks like fires or acid pits.

A lot of people probably played only WoW and this garbage, so they don't even know how a good pvp game is supposed to be.


Just move along and save yourself the hassle.

Every game has the players it deserves.

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OP, don't bother with these threads.


People used to decent pvp games already left, so you are just getting flamed for having a different opinion.

Of a grand total of three warzones, one is entirely designed around annoying mechanics, wich apparently have the sole purpose to annoy the players.

And a lot of people seem to enjoy it. So how can you argue with them? Let them enjoy this pvp...thing and move along.

GW2 isn't so far anymore and there is some promising stuff like Dominus coming out.


You'll get the usual "Do you want an empty square where people beat each other to death?".

They probably never played Guild Wars, wich have very interesting maps (I'm talking GvG here), without uber-annoying gimmicks like fires or acid pits.

A lot of people probably played only WoW and this garbage, so they don't even know how a good pvp game is supposed to be.


Just move along and save yourself the hassle.

Every game has the players it deserves.


The game is still pretty new. I doubt three warzones will be the grand total for this game.


I disagree about huttball, sure we have to play a lot of it, but as far as instanced PvP goes, Huttball is a very innovative and brand new gametype. It seems similar to capture the flag, but with varying nuances that make it interesting and challenging. I personally enjoy the traps.


I agree with you though, GW2 looks fun and interesting, I am curious to see if it will live up to the hype. A lot of MMORPG's get a lot of pre-hype and then fail to deliver. IMO, the entire MMO community is jaded beyond repair. I used to be the guy that griped over everything if it wasn't perfect, but I have since ditched that standpoint. It has been a while since I have given an MMO longer than 3 months time. I commited myself to give this game until at least GW2 to see what happens with it.

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Ok ok - you got me... I'm obviously not going to find anything official... I guess from a rational standpoint and the progression of MMOs in general from past to now... experience tells me the intention of those abilities.... event warrior "leaps" are really initially designed around PVE objectives like jumping ahead of your group to lay down a bit of agro before your group can react... for example.


It makes a lot of sense that the sorc "knock back" splashing OUTWARDS is meant defensively considering their AOE abilities require mobs to be significantly "clumped" up... so it makes NO SENSE AT ALL to have the sorc run up to a clump of mobs... hit knock back spraying mobs AWAY from the center point/out of AOE damage they would dish out. Actually.... if you've played a sorc you know you would hit your shield... run up... AOE damage and it's very effective. Using your knock backs to hit tougher mobs away from you + slowing them to allow you to kite them. Several of the class quests you cannot complete without doing that.


Same with the Sorc pull ability... I believe it was haphazard that this pull ability became significant in Huttball.... I don't believe the initial intention of the ability was "hey - lets make a spell that pulls huttball players to them... " "what's huttball?" "oh - don't worry... it hasn't even been blueprinted yet" - like come on. Use some common sense, guy.


Playing a PT I can also tell you that the "pull" is designed as an initiator... pulling LOS mobs for example... or allowing you to better position mobs in a "clump" for AOE... or pulling them off group mates.


you do know what pve stands for right? Player vs environment... i often use the environment to knock a mob off a cliff and kill him, that is pve, that is knockback, and it is not defensive


you are 100% off base, all the CC and movement impairments/enhancements add depth and complexity to the game.


you think it takes zero skill to pull someone into acid and cc them?


define skill for me please because being aware of yourself, your environment and your enemy and optimizing their untimely death using all threa of those things seems to me to be a skilled thing, timing the fire and positioning as well as making sure you use your cooldowns at the right time to make it all happen... skill...


i think you are not the pvper you are looking for.

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Huttball is an objective based PvP game, not a deathmatch. It's not about 1v2 combat, it's about scoring goals. The traps are in place to force players to adapt to the tactical environment - you can use it to your advantage with a little planning and creative use of all your abilities. Edited by rawhead_wrecker
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you do know what pve stands for right? Player vs environment... i often use the environment to knock a mob off a cliff and kill him, that is pve, that is knockback, and it is not defensive


you are 100% off base, all the CC and movement impairments/enhancements add depth and complexity to the game.


you think it takes zero skill to pull someone into acid and cc them?


define skill for me please because being aware of yourself, your environment and your enemy and optimizing their untimely death using all threa of those things seems to me to be a skilled thing, timing the fire and positioning as well as making sure you use your cooldowns at the right time to make it all happen... skill...


i think you are not the pvper you are looking for.


QFT - timing, positioning, being aware of your surroundings and using them to turn the tables. Epeen doesn't win every fight. :)

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This thread is fun...


On the real, though...you must really have people out to get you, from how you describe how often you're subject to the traps/mechanics in Huttball. Yes, everyone gets booted into the pits and off catwalks; if you don't, then you're not participating. However, when it comes to people being in a position to pull/push/punt(as some call it) you into poison/fire in an attempt to kill you the easy way or grief you, you have to understand one fundamental concept:



90% of the time, they are not objectively helping their team win the match.



To be in that perfect position means they have to be idling for some time to watch and wait for someone to have the right range/position/name(in your case, it seems). If they're idle, they're not attacking the ball carrier or moving with their own ball carrier to help them score. People that tend to do this, do it the whole match, so essentially, their team is now 7. Whenever I encounter people like this, it almost always results in a loss for that team. Just the other day, there was a sorc on the other team that would remain stealthed at their goal line and wait for someone to come off the catwalks, then promptly attempt to knock them back into the fire or the pit. That's all well and good if the ball carrier is the victim, but what about the other 13.5 minutes of the match?


My point, is that if you can get over the fact that it WILL happen to you (because it's not going away anytime soon), and realize that your team WILL objectively have the upper hand, then your Huttball experiences will be much more "un-un-fun".


EDIT: to clarify so I don't get flamed: Yes, I'm aware that there are times where skill comes into play and that there are people that know how to (ab)use those situations for their benefit (chasing the ball carrier that just barely cleared the fire and you didn't, a noob staying just the right distance from fire/poison to get booted into it, etc...). I'm talking about the baddies or wannabes that do nothing waiting for those opportunities when they don't yet exist.

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On topic, I must say that I thoroughly enjoy the dynamics of Huttball, Alderaan and The Voidstar; I think they are just the beginning of the twists on PvP that BioWare will be delivering, and I can't wait to try out the new Warzone being released with 1.2.


I find that when I tire of PVP I can re-situate into the PVE world of story-driven plot that BioWare does so well, and try PVP the next day (with fresh faces and new teams).


Lastly, I suggest chill-pills; Find something that chills you out, and use it.





Edited by Cyrrusai
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So i am guessing the op wants a i win objective button in huttball. because no one should be able to counter him running to the objective. Wow need to L2P much


I am 99% positive he plays an operative/scoundrel. Of all the classes I try hardest to throw into the pits/fire/acid, it is them. They are the easiest to bait into those situations it seems. As long as they don't burst you down to 0% and you have a cc break handy, they are pretty easy to get away from.


I find it pretty hard to 1v1 a scoundrel/operative, using game mechanics to even the odds seems to be the best route to get him/her off of me and to get back to helping my team score the ball.


I could see how an average skill operative/scoundrel could get really frustrated in huttball. But then again, I have run across some very skilled operatives who don't fall for those tricks and position themselves to be more effective usually resulting in my death.


I think the most important thing to remember in huttball is to not take things personally and not to rage. Obviously you will get thrown into traps, just expect it. Rage never helps you win.

Edited by XOrionX
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Sounds like you are complaining about some fundamental mechanics of Huttball. The traps are there because they WANT people to be pulled into/over/through them.


Same with the different levels of floors. They want you to force charge/leap/grapple/pull up and down the levels. It adds strategy and flavor.


I for one think it is a refreshing take on otherwise boring "capture and hold this" PVP types (Alderaan, Arathi Basin, etc...)


If you don't like it, don't play it.


This. I avoid Alderaan because I find it either frustrating or boring, rarely being a decent highly contested battle. The OP should do the same with Huttball.

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I hope BW adds more WZ's that are equally engaging for the players. I like how intricate and complicated huttball is. So many outcomes are possible depending on what classes you roll with and how you choose to take advantage of the terrain.


Huttball reminds me of bloodbowl. I think they should do more sports/arena PvP WZ's.


I'm not sure how much I like the idea of the new WZ, it sounds too much like Alderaan. But I suppose we will all see very soon. :)

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