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I finished taking all 8 classes to level 50, will answer any player questions.


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A few things of note for people who didn't read all of his posts.


The OP is:


1. Married with children

2. A Veteran

3. Disabled

4. Has been paid to play games (though not this one)

5. regarding #4, knows how to power-level efficiently


Just keep that in mind, when you go to insult him.


Also, said he coaches girls soccer in his spare time for the people that didn't read and asked about sunlight. This has been a fun thread.


My only question is with his companion rep. Did you give a lot of gifts or just go through dialogues?


I would have to think gifts, because I am having trouble on my first character as I am 44 and only have 1 over 5000. Of course I don't mind the minuses here and there and I have given like 4 rank 2 gifts total.

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Nothing, folks just get behind a computer and want to trash people. It is awful how people are these days.


Yeah, this community like so many other Internet communities pretty much sucks.


(again) Thanks for the post OP, this is one of the few threads that I have bothered reading today.

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Which would all be fine and dandy, except there is no excuse for his "I have convened with god and I will now answer your questions" tone.
Except when you read text there is no vocal tone, no body language, no sounds, no sign to set the feel for a thread. It is just words. Those feelings come from your own personal feelings or what you inject into the post by reading it and are affected by your current mood, feelings, etc. So if you had a bad day, feeling lousy then you might read it as offending or if you just don't care might not read anything in at all.
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I will list the character info here,(all are lvl 50 and completed all class quests) in case there are any character/class/companion questions. All the listed crafting skills and gathering skills are all capped at 400. I was not in any beta, so I cannot comment on any changes that were made in the beta before retail, compared to how the classes are today.


Myshtara – Sorcerer – Valor 52 – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

Biochem – Bioanalysis – Diplomacy

Val = 9870 Revel = 10k Drellik = 10k Zavros = 2954 Xalek = 5920


Myshtar – Assassin – Dark 8600(Dark 4)

Synthweaving – Archaeology – Underworld Trading

Val = 7912 Revel = 7790 Drellik = 7823 Zavros = 10k Xalek = 6579


Myshtarg – Marauder – Dark10k(Dark 5)

Artifice – Archaeology – Treasure Hunting

Vette = 7265 Quinn 8257 Willsaam = 8848 Broonmark = 9917 Pierce = 6867


Myshtarie – Juggernaut – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

Slicing – Investigation – Treasure Hunting

Vette = 3394 Quinn = 9657 Willsaam – 7454 Broonmakr = 10k Pierce = 7978


Myshtard – Sniper – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

Armstech – Scavenging – Investigation

Kaliyo = 6687 Vector = 8304 Temple = 7898 Lokim = 9626 Scorpio = 6043


Myshtary – Operative – Valor 31 – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

Armortech – Scavenging – Underworld Trading

Kaliyo = 5147 Vector = 7240 Temple = 9992 Lokim = 10k Scorpio = 8045


Myshtaria – Mercenary – Valor 29 – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

Cybertech – Scavening – Underworld Trading

Mako = 6260 Gault = 7532 Blizz = 8879 Skadge – 5887 Cadera = 10k


Myshtarc – Powertech – Dark 10k(Dark 5)

Bioanalysis – Slicing – Diplomacy

Mako = 9830 Gault = 9798 Blizz = 8793 Skadge = 9418 Cadera = 9550


P.S. Just post any questions you have and I will answer them as soon as I have time. I was also the first player in World Of Warcraft to cap out the classes.(Both were done on PvP servers, although SWTOR was done on an RPPvP server)


You finished 4 classes (Storys), PM me tomorrow and I will answer your questions on how it really is to have finished all 8 classes. :)

Edited by System_TOR
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so, when are you going to screen shot your character selection screen?



For what? I already told you the kiddies will cry Photoshop. If you want me to waste my time proving reality to you, then at least have the decency to log on the server I play on and see for yourself. This is part of the problem, everyone expects everyone else to prove everything to them. I offered to answer questions about the game, if you doubt I have the 8 lvl 50's, log on to the server I play on and see for yourself, that way I at least get your time while you get mine :)


P.S. It is 7:11 P.M. EDT - I will be on from 9pm until at least 3AM - I will be on Myshtara/Myshtary/Myshtaria on Ven Zallow.

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Hey OP – well done, man – that’s quite an achievement. Thanks for taking the time to post and offer up some answers. Please ignore the trolls. This community needs to take a long, hard look at itself, sometimes.:(


Anyway – seeing as you went Imp:


Which rep class gave you most problems in WZ? Either by class or overall?




Am I allowed to "hate" since I am dark 5?


My Sorc hates Knights.

My Operative hates Troopers.

My BH hates no one.


I know this may be obvious but I concern myself more with the player then the class. Running WZ's many times a day you get the feel of the opposing force player by player more then class by class. The above "hates" are just in general, I know the players running around in BM gear and it does not matter what class they are I am getting wiped.(for the most part) However, as suspected, this is slowly changing as my PvP gear gets better. There are times now that a player just spam whacks(mana/energy dumping) the heck out of me and casuses no/little damage, this has to be players that just hit 50 and have no pvp gear yet.

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I'm starting to lean to the side that wants "a screenshot or it didnt happen".


no offense, jsut want to keep the thread honest.




kudos if you are a lvl 50 master, shame on you if you are just pulling our legs.



prove to us either way please.


I posted a screenshot. Would it not be better to just create a lvl 1 alt on the server I play on and see the characters for yourself? Screenshots can be faked, which is normally what the kiddies cry...

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And answer me this (i´ll be honest and only watched 5 matches individually) but is that your notion of a good concealment operative?


I would provide ss´s if I had them but unfortunately due to guild needs I had to respecc full healer a bit before the operative nerf so I don´t have them. But I do remember I was outputting close to 400k almost everytime (with oscillations ofc) and I had 3 pieces of champion gear at the time, somewhere in January, I can´t remember precisely.


Ofc I will give a chance for you to come back to me on why you think he´s a good operative? (and please , don´t tell me dps isn´t everything as teh dps I outputted wasn´t obviously on a single afk player).


It was my intro to an operative in PvP. Whether you are better or worse is meaningless, he asked for guidance, I gave it to him. If you would like to provide help to players that play an operative, then start a thread and do so :)

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Just curious, but would you be willing to do a /played on each character and post the amount of time you spent on each one?


1. All are under 4 days but the time would be way off. For example my sorc is valor 51 which will be more then 4 /played days now because of extensive PvP and playing nascar on Ilum for hours :( Also I crafted alot o fitems for the end game which will add a bit of time, as well as taking each charcter into lvl 50 PvP to get a "feel".


2. I can do it but like I said the /played time will be screwed...


Myshtara Sorc- 7 days 7 hours(valor 51)

Myshtar Assassin- 4 days 4 hours

Myshtarg Marauder - 3 days 20 hours

Myshtrarie Jugg - 3 days 8 hours(A jugg that was offensive specc'ed, with a healer go figure)

Myshtard Sniper - 4 days 1 hour

Myshtary Operative - 4 days 6 hours(valor 31)

Myshtaria Merc - 3 days 23 hours(valor 29)

Myshtarc Powertech - 3 days 8 hours. Very surprised here this was tanked spec'ed all the wy through, that it would have taken longer then that.

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Impressive stuff! I wanted to ask what your favorite classes were for pvp and for pve? Did you pvp while lvling at all? :D


1. No pvp until 50(can't get gear till then anyway)

2. Favorite class for PvE is Merc for PvP it has to be operative although I am still learning/gearing the toon.

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Congratulations on leveling 8 characters to 50.


And no, not trolling, I really mean it. I can barely get myself to close to end-game most of the time, this is actually the first game where I have reached cap simply because I am enjoying it.


So again, congratulations my friend.


The "ride" from 1-50 in SWTOR is exceptional, it is one of the positivies I give the devs :)

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Dual spec is not a waste of time. Thousands and thousands and thousands of people want it, need it, and are getting it in patch 1.2. No one is leaving the game because dual spec is coming...I dont even understand why you said that.


Assassins are amazing tanks, my guild has cleared all current end game with an assassin tank.


Screenshot has been repeatedly asked for but you have not provided one. This whole thread is BS!!!!!!!


1. LOL, this is a game sir, there is no such thing as a "need".

2. A screenshot has been posted child, go look at it then start a photoshop post...

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Do you have a life? If so, please in detail walk me through your average RL weekly schedule.



My guess is its "wake up at 7am, log into swtor, yell for mom to make hot pocket breakfast, pewpsock, play swtor for 18 hours straight, then go to be at 1am. repeat.


1. No idea why you are interested in my personal life. My wife said for you to email us some pics of yourself and we will decide if we will tell you about my personal life. Also I am 43 and have not lived with my mother since I went in the military at 17.


P.S. If you are a guy don't send the pics(LOL)


P.P.S. for the kiddies this is a joke, no one knows my emaill addy, and I am happily spoken for :)

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Ideally, an MMO wants to have a solid core of near-obsessive fans just for the sake of building a community knowledge base -- you know, the people who make fan sites and document the game's mechanics/features for the rest of us who can't be bothered. The presence (or lack) of that core of players reflects on the game's success as a massively multiplayer environment.


So he (the guy you're answering) is right, from a certain point of view.


On the other hand, trying to hold onto the vast bulk of so-called elite players is probably futile, perhaps even self-defeating. It always makes me laugh when I see complaint posts that start with a lengthy summary of the other MMOs the complainer has mastered. Such online resumes are intended to lend the author's opinion extra weight, but the obvious message is that the author isn't happy in any game for very long. If you've played 10+ MMOs in the last handful of years, then chances are you're too picky to have become a long-term customer here, even if Bioware did everything right.


The bottom line is that content will always be finite. It will always take a lot longer to develop new content than it will for the most eager/able/obsessive players to consume it. What gives an MMO staying power is largely intangible. Inject the Blizzard devs with truth serum, and even they'll tell you they're not entirely sure how they caught lightning in a bottle. All you can do as a developer is cross your Ts, dot your Is, and the let the chips fall where they may.


SWTOR is off to a good start, by all indications.


Anyway, I can't imagine having leveled eight characters in the past 3-ish months. (I just hit 50 on my first and only character last night, in fact.) But kudos to the OP; I give you credit not so much for your in-game achievement, but for your extraordinarily patient tone in this thread. This thread reads like a primer on how to deal with criticism on the internet. :)


1. Well, if you really want something to think about. Some of the grief posters actually have children, which were raised in that environment, and parents shake their head and wonder why their children fail at school and bully other students. I insisted my 17 year old son read this entire thread, it was a shock to him, but I feel it is an awesome lesson into how hateful some people are. They cannot mentally think of any way to add to the post, or even ask a question, instead they get brainlock(should not be a surprise) and feel they have to make persoanl attacks or ask personal questions, when the entire topic of the thread was to HELP THEM with any questions they may have. This is not my first run around the block, so if you notice I ignore them.(mostly) Sometimes it takes a week or two for them to go somewhere else, intil then "tolerate" is the key word.


2. I always welcome constructive criticism, besides experience it is the best teacher :)

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I have one Rep 50 and one Imp 42.


and I am really worried about my health and lack of life sitting at the screen for this long....lol. I thought I was the ultimate dork geek nerd ... guess I've been trumped.


not knocking you OP...I know you are disabled and stated previously, therefore your ability to spend a lot of time.


but damn !... I wish I had more gumption to do what you did.

I cant get enough of this game as it is...but I just cant do anymore than I am now.

swtor is addicting as they come when it comes to gaming..... setriously. like crack ! it's like freakin' crack !!! *sob.


my name is Anonymous Joe, and I'm an mmo-aholic.



(still would like a screenie though :) I'm still thinking it's darn near humanly impossible with each story reaching over 200 hours and all. )


(( can you tell I'm plotting to try and figure out how to do this myself?))


I posted an SS. In case you missed it let me grab it:



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200hrs is cut down when all you do is hit the space bar to get through conversations. The second 50 I leveled only took 4 played days to do. Thats with some afk time. I am convinced you can hit 50 in a little over 3 days played.


I posted the /played time on all the characters and you are correct after you run a character to 50, the ones that follow take a little over 3 days.

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I only read through to page 12, so forgive me if this has been asked (if you return to this thread)


Since you soloed all the Imp AC classes, which AC & Companion combo was the easiest to level through?


Also, did you switch up your companions a lot, or stick to one for each AC? Which were your favorite and/or most helpful companions for each of the ACs?


1. Besides the Sorc all the characters had a healer as a companion so as to reduce downtime between pulls. Since Sorc was a semi healer she leveled with Khem Val.(Tank)


2. Never switched companions,(after I got a healer) no reason to.


3. If you look closely at companions they are cookie cutters of each other in other classes.


4. My favorite companion to OW PvP with is Blizz, he is just so funny :) If you see a grapple with a Jawa on the end of it, that's Blizz :)

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How do you think SWTOR's quality and fun factor compares to other MMOs over all?


I have to keep this short...


1. As far as the ride from 1- 50, it is exceptional. I do feel however that quite a bit of content will not be experienced by the majority of gamers due to the fact that they would have to play every class/sex/race/ to experience all the conversation branches/options


2. As it stands now, from a PvP only viewpoint, I feel SWTOR is in for some "rough seas". Ilum is dead, unless players are doing their weeklies on Tuesday evenings. Only having 3 WZ's is also a concern. The best end game in an MMO that I have seen is in DAOC. I fell that BW has the "ride" down good, but they need to make some major changes ot the end game.

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