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I finished taking all 8 classes to level 50, will answer any player questions.


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True sith aren't this reckless...


I never said I was sith.


I said, I was imperial....



/que imperial march.

/que stealth noise.

/que hiddenstrikeofroflpwnfacedeathfrombehindwhilesmackinthatallonthefloorsmackthattillyouscreammore


Thats right....

Akon's got my back.

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IS there a screenshot somewhere that actually shows you did what you claim?


I hate to be the one to ask for a screenshot or it didn't happen but people say so much on these forums that I feel the need to ask.


1. So i can have all the kiddies cry photoshop? You make an alt on Ven Zallow and see if you can catch me late evening, if I am not busy I can log them on for you. I will not interupt guild activities or PvP quests for it though. Of course if you want to compensate me for proving to you what I already know to be reality... lets say 50,000 per charcter I log on I can make time for you. Thats only 400,000 for the 8 charcters which we both know is peanuts if you have been a 50 long. Best time to catch me is about 3AM est, Ilum is dead and no WZ pops.

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Is this like, the new sword in a box? But like, in English?


What... The...... Fudge....


Seriously, every once in a while a post like the OPs pops up and it always makes my skin crawl. Like when you get this strange individual sitting next to you in the train that is just - disturbing. A full life giving adequate time to wife, children and friends would never allow that. Hey, I can also say I'm Hugh Hefner. I can prove it as much as the OP can prove he leads a socially healthy life and do what he claims to have done ... And be proud of it!!! *skin crawl*skin crawl*skin crawl*

Edited by Vagessel
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1. I am totally flattered that you feel I represent the mmo community, trust me though i do not :)


ya maybe 'misrepresenting' was a bad choice...


how about mis-classifying ? not-a-fully-representational-crosssection?


lol... not an english major... I will admit I dont get much practice in debate phrasing.



Edited by ArtMonster
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You may be techinically correct, though I think it's less of a minority than you think, but if you can't keep the "elites" in your game, it doesn't last. Not sure how many times this has to be proven, over, and over again....


They are the ones that bring in more players, not some guy who just wears a robe for the sake of wearing a robe and only has time to play on Sundays after church.


You may think SWTOR is awesome, and in your mind, and others, it is, but in the end, if you don't give the "elites" just a little bit, your game will just be labeled a failure whether it is or not. That's when the content slows and development ceases, happens every dayam time yet we still see posts like this....




Labeled a failure by who? Very vocal people that represent a small minority that feel they're much more important than they actually are? People that I most likely never even knew existed. And the opinion of people I don't know or care about means what to me? I see this claim tossed about occasionally but my experiences in various mmo's over the past 17 years contradicts your assessment. I've never seen any proof to support this theory.

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No real need for that since what he did wasn't hard, it was simply boring and time consuming. Playing each char for one day from release gives 90 days and thus 11.25 days to reach 50 on each toon. That's a pretty easy average of 4.44 levels per day. Nice and easy at low levels but tougher further in. My last time to hit lvl 10 was 2.5 hours - no rest - just straight play with full most the VO (seen it a few times). It really doesn't take long to hit 20 either.


Or another way to look at it, he played each for about 3 days to reach 50, giving a total of 24 days of play time. Keep it to 8 hours a day and 72 days would be all he needed.


What I want to know is why he is under an NDA when he's not being paid by a company to play the game? Which company is the NDA for, you can reveal this without breaching the contract. Usually when I have an NDA money is exchanging hands.


1. I am not under an NDA from BW or EA. The entity that I am under an NDA from has no vested interest in SWTOR, therefore no reason to pay me to play SWTOR.


2. You are incorrect in that it was not difficult to achieve this, I just posted to answer questions if any of the players wanted an opinion on classes/quests/leveling etc... Trolls are making it more then what it is, they gotta feed somewhere I guess.

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Labeled a failure by who? Very vocal people that represent a small minority that feel they're much more important than they actually are? People that I most likely never even knew existed. And the opinion of people I don't know or care about means what to me? I see this claim tossed about occasionally but my experiences in various mmo's over the past 17 years contradicts your assessment. I've never seen any proof to support this theory.


Just ignore trolls/haters/wowkiddies, just hope BW doesn't commit the error of listening to them condemning this game to failure, as it happened to other games that followed that route: people who like the game as it is leave, wowkiddies follow a month or less later...

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Hey OP – well done, man – that’s quite an achievement. Thanks for taking the time to post and offer up some answers. Please ignore the trolls. This community needs to take a long, hard look at itself, sometimes.:(


Anyway – seeing as you went Imp:


Which rep class gave you most problems in WZ? Either by class or overall?



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I am lvling an Operative atm. foccusing on Conceal tree.

which skill in that tree are completely useless and shouldnt be invested in?


I focus primarly on better stealth and better damage



When building my Operative here is a video I watched from a damn good player, the youtube video is 1.5 hours but will walk you through everything. Credits goes to the author, I am just providing the link:



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Hey Mate,

Its good to see your patience come out in full effect almost like a Jedi, yet youre a Darksider lol....


Really refreshing to see a Q&A session take place, I think I picked up so many tips from reading this thread than I did from solo playing in 4 weeks.


Good job man,,,,,,,,,,

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Hmmm, so you create the post saying that the intention is to help players with info about the classes, later you say you don´t intend (or didn´t ) to master them and you reply to someone with a link to the basic information.


My question is (and this is not meant to be a troll post) what can you answer about the classes?


After all what information/advice can you give that any other website doesn´t have?


What was the purpose of saying you were the first to lvl bla bla a char in Warcraft?

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1. So i can have all the kiddies cry photoshop? You make an alt on Ven Zallow and see if you can catch me late evening, if I am not busy I can log them on for you. I will not interupt guild activities or PvP quests for it though. Of course if you want to compensate me for proving to you what I already know to be reality... lets say 50,000 per charcter I log on I can make time for you. Thats only 400,000 for the 8 charcters which we both know is peanuts if you have been a 50 long. Best time to catch me is about 3AM est, Ilum is dead and no WZ pops.


A screenshot will suffice for me though. So, I'll just wait on that.

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You would be the last person that anyone should ask for advice from for any class. You obviously haven't spent any extensive amount of time on any one character to fully know a class.


If someone wanted advice on leveling, then they should come to you.

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I'm starting to lean to the side that wants "a screenshot or it didnt happen".


no offense, jsut want to keep the thread honest.




kudos if you are a lvl 50 master, shame on you if you are just pulling our legs.



prove to us either way please.

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When building my Operative here is a video I watched from a damn good player, the youtube video is 1.5 hours but will walk you through everything. Credits goes to the author, I am just providing the link:




And answer me this (i´ll be honest and only watched 5 matches individually) but is that your notion of a good concealment operative?


I would provide ss´s if I had them but unfortunately due to guild needs I had to respecc full healer a bit before the operative nerf so I don´t have them. But I do remember I was outputting close to 400k almost everytime (with oscillations ofc) and I had 3 pieces of champion gear at the time, somewhere in January, I can´t remember precisely.


Ofc I will give a chance for you to come back to me on why you think he´s a good operative? (and please , don´t tell me dps isn´t everything as teh dps I outputted wasn´t obviously on a single afk player).

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Congratulations on leveling 8 characters to 50.


And no, not trolling, I really mean it. I can barely get myself to close to end-game most of the time, this is actually the first game where I have reached cap simply because I am enjoying it.


So again, congratulations my friend.

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You may be techinically correct, though I think it's less of a minority than you think, but if you can't keep the "elites" in your game, it doesn't last. Not sure how many times this has to be proven, over, and over again....


They are the ones that bring in more players, not some guy who just wears a robe for the sake of wearing a robe and only has time to play on Sundays after church.


You may think SWTOR is awesome, and in your mind, and others, it is, but in the end, if you don't give the "elites" just a little bit, your game will just be labeled a failure whether it is or not. That's when the content slows and development ceases, happens every dayam time yet we still see posts like this....




What a bunch of self-important bollocks. Not sure how many times your b.s. has been proven false. Show me any data for your claim...any research, any evidence.


The reality is that games have gotten more casual, and that trend continues. The most casual games garner the most profits (see any Zynga game). WoW understood this (at one point anyway).


"Elites" need to feel they're important in order to justify their own obsessive playstyle.

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When I played WOW, the average time to take all the Horde classes to cap was between 7-8 days /played and that was using 100% rested above level 15. I also feel, strictly from what I have heard in game, that if this is implemented, quite a few players will leave. Developers need to stop trying to dumb down their games and stop underestimating the intelligence of their customers. How long did it take to develop SWTOR? It took 4 days for the first lvl 50 to pop out.(granted they used exploits) I can't say more as I am under an NDA, however one of the largest problems in MMO's today is the failure of devs to understand the tenacity of their customers. I was not paid to play SWTOR like I was to play WOW, however if I was, I could have capped the 8 classes about 3 weeks ago. Heck I took a break for a week and a half to check out Jagged Alliance Back in Action and the sale Steam had on Deus EX!





This is so true and it makes me very happy to see someone who understands this. Bioware has been on a downhill slide with things like this with nearly every "fix" they put into the game.


In the Smuggler forum there are some threads complaining that the class quest, "The Lightspring" is too difficult. So what does Bioware do? They give the "easy button" fix to a quest that had absolutely nothing wrong with it in the first place, in fact I thought it was brilliant because it really did teach the player to use their interupts and to even learn how to kite one boss away from the other boss.


From patch notes 1.1.2



•The Lightspring: The toughness of Vaverone Zare and Nariel Pridence has been decreased. This mission can no longer be failed.


At the same time the IA class quest "Defender of the Empire" that is very similar to The Lightspring because it as well teaches the player how and when to use their interupts and how to use the enviroment as cover, however this quest does have bugs and needs to be fixed and it still stands as not fixed and a lot of agents get stuck on this quest right at the end of chapter 1.


The thing is on the one hand there was nothing wrong with The Lightspring, it was absolutely brilliant in design and execution, and the one that needs fixing is left as is dating way back into beta...not only that but instead of really tweaking the quest they just make it so that it is impossible to fail...

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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