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I finished taking all 8 classes to level 50, will answer any player questions.


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What is the hardest boss in the Hammer and what are his abilities?


Do the rewards from Heroic quests beat the ones from class quests at the same level.


Are there any zones where it's faster to grind mobs than quest - include grinding gold mobs with a friend?


Given there are about 12 planets and you did each 8 times (96), and claim to have done one planet / day you seem to have completed it faster than possible since release date. Can you account for that?


How much of the time levelling a char would they have been in rested state? Each planet is 3-4 lvls generally and we'll assume you started with full rest state - at what point did you find yourself running on empty?


I'm just not certain that any information you could have cleaned from your grind-fest is of any real value. You are now qualified to comment on pretty much the more shallow and obvious things we already knew from beta - but it's your life and time, so expend it how you will.

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I got a question for you. Seeing that getting from 1 to 50 and gearing up is not hard and time consuming.


Do you think dual/multi specs are something devs should implement or are they a waste of dev time?


A waste of time, as I said all the classes took under 4 days to go from 1 to 50. Leveling in SWTOR is very fast compared to other games on the market, I just think they will be cutting their income stream short if they start "kiddie catering".


When I played WOW, the average time to take all the Horde classes to cap was between 7-8 days /played and that was using 100% rested above level 15. I also feel, strictly from what I have heard in game, that if this is implemented, quite a few players will leave. Developers need to stop trying to dumb down their games and stop underestimating the intelligence of their customers. How long did it take to develop SWTOR? It took 4 days for the first lvl 50 to pop out.(granted they used exploits) I can't say more as I am under an NDA, however one of the largest problems in MMO's today is the failure of devs to understand the tenacity of their customers. I was not paid to play SWTOR like I was to play WOW, however if I was, I could have capped the 8 classes about 3 weeks ago. Heck I took a break for a week and a half to check out Jagged Alliance Back in Action and the sale Steam had on Deus EX!




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I have to watch what I say as not to ruin the game for people that have not finished the class quests.


In order from best: (IMO)


1. INQ - Going from the lowest of the low, to what you hit at the end was very satisfying and realistic.


2. BH - I liked the "hunt" and it seemed to remain strong throughout the game. The "list" towards the end was really cool.


3. Agent - it started strong but seemed to taper off mid game, when I was "transferred" I was horrified. The whole thing they did with the "removing your workplace" was offkey and not realistic at all.


4. Warrior - if you played the INQ. you would know that you deal with your antagonist a lot earlier then the warrior. It just seemed that throught the game I was always a pawn and should have had a shot of removing "him" from the story long before then end.


I hate to be so short, but I am so afraid I am going to ruin the game for someone else I really do not want to say more.



I've only played the SI, and I can say, it's way better than the Consular's story. I'm going to work on the IA next, as I was told the reveals are the best there, and that it's a good story. Apparently you disagree with that.

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Wait, so you leveled 8 classes and not a single light side character? You sir, are an evil person. :D


Anyway, congratulations on your achievement. How you did it is beyond me. I'm having a hard time leveling a second character to 50 as the quests are so fricken' boring...



1. Monotony will destroy your experience and entertainment, don't do it. Go PvP, put the game down for a week or two, take a break go check out:




I recently bought Battle Isle and History Line, super cheap and brings back a lot of memories, if you are an old fart like me :)

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Kind of inspiring, and being a huge altoholic I sorta want to give this a go :S...


The only thing I'm wondering, though, is why not have say, A Jedi Guardian & Sith Maraurder? Alternate so you experience all 8 stories, and not 4 of the same stories twice each? I noticed you said you used to write for websites and such, and the only logical conclusion I can come to is someone paid you to write for the entire Imperial side?

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... Developers need to stop trying to dumb down their games and stop underestimating the intelligence of their customers......one of the largest problems in MMO's today is the failure of devs to understand the tenacity of their customers.....


I think you are misrepresenting the overall mmo community.


elites are not the 'main base' of any mmo anymore (those days are long long gone), it's the lasting casual players that are thier primary targets...the ones blissfully playing the provided content, not speculating or raging about not having the content they want and demand.


elites are the ones who move out of a game to master another game faster than the casuals. Devs use their data from these players to benefit the staying playing paying customers.


been proven that outspoken forumites are a very vocal but a small minority none the less.


you say 'dumbing down' ..... many many other players see it as 'taking out the unnecessary and not-so-fun work, and putting the fun back in the game.


'tenacity' or not.... you arent the ultimate main target of thier bean counters.... and I am thankful for that....being not so tenatious and all.

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The title of this thread is misleading.


Also..isn't it funny how those who love this game so much won't hesitate to trash talk others who accomplish more than them in the game?

Edited by Tiaa
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Life, do you have one? :eek:


No, I have been dead for a LONG time, I was alive in the world during this actual timeframe, that "you people" made a game out of. I understood that PEACE was a lie, and that PASSION would fuel my STRENGTH... I surfed the holonet feeding off the POSTS OF TROLLS, all their hatred game me strength, that strength gave birth to a POWER that I felt growing inside of me... I nutured that power with the POSTS OF TROLLS until that power gave me VICTORY... Through that victory I achieved FREEDOM over death, the FORCE has set me free!!!


P.S. Imps will get it, pubs won't have a clue :)


P.P.S. As long as trolls post, I shall be FREE!(<insert evil laugh here>) Dark 12500(Dark 6)

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