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I finished taking all 8 classes to level 50, will answer any player questions.


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I'm still thinking it's darn near humanly impossible with each story reaching over 200 hours and all.
200 hours is only 8.3 days of /played time. Even if the 200 hours was an exact measurement, because it isn't (some classes level faster than others) it would only be 67 days worth of gameplay. In reality if you didn't do heroics, flash points and only did class quests and regular quests then once you hit 50 you've probably only done about 100 hours worth of content. It goes even faster if you spacebar though it too (repeated content at least).
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Sorry if this has been asked, I just don't have the time to read through almost 20 pages... what was the easiest, most overpowered class and what was the most underpowered one?


1. WOW that is a loaded question... For PvE there is not really a gimped class, as far as the strongest(for PvE) I would say offensive Marauder and offensive Merc, however there was nothing that the Sorc and Val could not walkthrough.(DPS DPS Spam Heal Val DPS DPS, I actually grabbed agro from him a few times even with his taunts)

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In your opinion, which class scales best with gear upgrades?


Its going to be a melee class, but the argument between Sith Marauders vs Sith Juggs seems to go on and on....



1. As far as PvE goes? The Marauder can dish out a little more DPS, the Jugg can take a little more damage. As far as PvE goes there is not that much of a difference. As the game stands today it is really easy to hit 50 I would not even worry about this unless you are in end game PvP or end game PvE.

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Are you a clicker or a keybinder? On one hand, I'd expect a vet MMO player and PVPer to be a keybinder, but with 8 characters on the go in such a short period of time, that's a lot of keybinds to remember..


1. Abouit half and half. It does take me 15-20 minutes when logging on a different charcter to "get in the groove" of the rotation and key clicks.

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Several questions come to my mind but I don't need help. Why take ALL classes to level 50 and how did you have time in only a few months? You can't have much of a life at all. I would start to hate the game if I was forced leveling that many classes that fast.


1. I was not forced to level :)

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Is the sith warrior tank any good and was it easly to level or what did you do


1. The Jugg was very easy to level. The class that took me the longest to figure out how to make it fit my playstyle, was the Assassin. The Jugg and the Marauder were very friendly to PvE.

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post a pick of yourself ;) i guess the ladies will be delighted


1. Actually I was popular with the "ladies" while in the military.(What soldier isn't?) I do have a facebook account with pics, you can have the addy, but I only check it about once every 3 months :)


My last post was Jan. 18 - This might be fun, let all the kiddies grief me on facebook - sure:




P.S. Please don't grief my pit mutt, I am sure she will cry :)

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Just read all 20 pages here and I have to say, this is a prime example of how ****** this (and most mmo) communities really are. Instead of just insulting him, look through his posts and you'll see he's actually answered most of these trolls. Yeah we know how *********** hilarious you are, now keep your "funny" comments to yourself please.


It's his time, how he spends it has no impact on your life. Let him do what he enjoys or what he's been asked to do. No idea what his NDA is about, but doesn't seem like he'll answer anything about that.


I've been casually playing (~1-3 hours a day, more on weekends) since a month after release, and I have 2 lvl 50s, a lvl 42, and a few in the teens. Just because some of us know how rested XP works and how to follow the little green target on our maps, doesn't mean we have no lives. I'm a graduate student (in lab >60 hours a week), have friends, have a girl friend, I exerciser daily, learning to top rope/boulder/climb in general, read books, etc. This game is by far the easiest to level in any game I've ever played (mmo or single player). The fact that you can solo to 50 makes it that much easier. I'm actually surprised no one beat him to it. Congrats though. Like some others pointed out, the only thing stopping me is boredom with this game.


I am also a little uncertain why you seem Assassins aren't viable tanks. From what I've seen tanking in this game is more about the player than the class. I've seen **** jugg tanks, and good jugg tanks. I've seen **** powertech tanks, and good powertech tanks. I've seen **** assassin tanks, and good assassin tanks. Assassins are perfectly viable. Don't spread the rumor of light armor =/= tank, because dark saber, talents, and other abilities make up for the difference in armor.


My question to OP is what is your favorite crafting skill? I only maxed out biochem so far and from what I've seen and heard, it's the best. Is this true? What are some of the perks you get from the other crafting skills that you enjoy/think make it better than biochem?


1. PLayer skill will always > character class. I feel this is a misunderstanding with my comments on the Assassin not being a "tank". As I have stated I am only interested in end game PvP, as such I don't know of anyone using an Assassin to tank in WZ's.(Maybe a few in Ilum, but it is still rare) In my experience with MMO's the Assassin just does not fit in a tank role. How many tanks have you played in other MMO's that can heal, stealth and DPS? As far as: "Can an Assassin tank in end game PvE"? of course it can.


Does it play like a tank in PvP - NO. A classic tank in PvP will(be visable LOL) burst through the front line(hoping to grab as much attention as possible to relieve other members of the party) to tangle with the healers in the back, it does not heal itself and counts on healers/armor to mitigate damage. The Assassins I have played with/against in SWTOR DO NOT do this.(I did not even mention the light armor) They stealth and try to engage healers 1V1 and can heal themselves, this to me does not fit the "tank" class. IMO the Assassin in SWTOR is more of a Rogue type or even like a friar in DAOC:




2. I was very disapointed in the crafting system. Way to easy to level, and when you cap out at 400 you are FORCED to PvE to get ingrediants to craft the better end game items. Since I PvP, how am I supposed to get the items to craft? Could I not trade in a cetain amount of commendations to get the ingrediants? As it stands now leveling every crafting skill to 400 was "almost" a waste.(I did craft a few things while leveling, and made a few items to gear up at the end) Also, Please understand that those special Bio Chem items are being removed from the game:



Sadly for users of biochem, reuseable stims/adrenals will be phased out sometime down the road - Bioware doesn't like the idea of reuseable stuff and aims to provide a more robust economy. For those concerned about expensive & hard to get crafting mats, Bioware assures you that when 1.2 comes, some of the previously operation exclusive mats will be able to be traded and there will be resource nodes on the new planet & some of older areas as well.


You can see also more 1.2 info here:




BTW if we are to assume that all that info is true I firmly believe that it will destroy the game, Diablo 3 is being released when? You really expect every player that has busted their but to get to Champion gear to accept that now you can buy equal PvP gear for coin? Reminds me of WOW's first expansion, raising the level cap, in one day they destroyed the hundreds and thousands of hours players put into end game PvE gear, only to have the level cap raised and their gear was trash...

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When I read this post... I instantly thought of the guy at the end of program in the Southpark episode of Warcraft.... think its called... "Make Love, Not Warcraft" ?


1. When I first read all the troll posts, I thought of them as Cartman joining NAMBLA...


(season 4 episode 6, if you wanna watch it)

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I think it is pretty funny that other people insult him about wasting his time, etc. Given the fact they are playing an MMO and I'm sure wasted all their time playing any MMO which doesn't contribute to anyone. EVERYONE is wasting their time, that is what entertainment is :p


Given the fact that it is not too difficult to do what he has said. I currently have 4 level 50's and 12 others in 38-42+ range spread out between my Republic and Empire server. I'm married, helps that my wife plays, work full time and have children. It isn't that hard given I only play 2-3 hours an evening and probably about 8-16 hours on the weekends. It isn't truly a difficult task if you know how to properly chain your quests and don't spend time doing tradeskills, farming mats, doing flashpoints and dailies.


If you read his post a bit more, he did say they weren't viable for his play style. I can actually understand that. I do like and can tank effectively as my Jedi Shadow, however I do prefer the tanking style of my Bounty Hunter or Jedi Knight better. It can be done and done well but there are differences. Similar to WoW when you compare Death Knight, Warrior, Paladin and Druid tanking styles. I love tanking as a Paladin and do good as a Druid but don't like Death Knights or Warriors. But I also AoE grind and do a few other things that the Warrior for example isn't suited for.


Different play styles, difference of opinion, build and equipment as well also contribute to these things.


LOL, yeah I remember the bubble and heartstone out pallies, and the nerf to Shaman's that stopped us from wiping the floor with them. Now a WOW Pally - THAT is a tank :)

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Which would all be fine and dandy, except there is no excuse for his "I have convened with god and I will now answer your questions" tone.


This is funny... Google: "Understanding The Truth About God" guess who the author is? No, you cannot buy a copy, I had the book pulled. No, I will not answer questions about God or the book, just thought it was funny he feels I convened with God.

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Also, said he coaches girls soccer in his spare time for the people that didn't read and asked about sunlight. This has been a fun thread.


My only question is with his companion rep. Did you give a lot of gifts or just go through dialogues?


I would have to think gifts, because I am having trouble on my first character as I am 44 and only have 1 over 5000. Of course I don't mind the minuses here and there and I have given like 4 rank 2 gifts total.


1. I always used my companions to get gifts.(missions) 80+% of the affection they have is from gifting, some of the tier 5 grapes give 400-500 affection a pop.(Depends on comapinion and your character) With most of my characters at Dark 5, I have lost TONS of affection from Vette and Mako by always being evil :)

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O.K. This is gonna make me sound really bad, but I cannot lie...


1. I did not beta so did not know the population balance, when I first started playing WOW, I went Horde because I assumed that the kiddies and carebears would go Alliance.(Which they did, for the first 6 months anyway) That assumption was correct.(I like playing the underdog) Since I had no exp with SWTOR I assumed WRONGLY that all the kiddies and carebears would go Republic.(Remember SWG?)


2. I went hardcore darkside because I had heard there was going to be items that were force specific(thought there were going to be ALOT more then there actually are) so I picked dark over light, since I went imp. Since I knew I would have all crafting in the game capped,(which I do) I thought I would be able to craft force specific items.


3. Sorc is a female Twilek - Assassin is a male Pureblood - Marauder is a male Zabrak - Jugg is a female Human - Sniper is a male Chiss - Operative is a female Human - Merc is a female Rattataki - Powerch is a male Human. 4 males - 4 females, all the races.


4. I did not feel they were robotic at all, most of the light or dark choices are in the class quests, and then even there sometimes there is more then 1 dark choice to choose from, and even then if you pick a neutral response the next choice might be dark or light. BW did an awesome job in that aspect.


5. Favorite class to PvE is Marauder, favorite class to PvP is Operative. I do get my *** handed to me quite a bit because of not even having full cent yet, however with only 5 pieces there is a huge difference then having none. There is just nothing like watching a healer start casting and then Hidden Strike him/her planting their face firmly into the floor, makes me giggle like a school girl almost everytime :)


Thanks for the answers.


I too like being in the underdog faction, and played Horde back in Vanilla WoW. :)


Anyway, I think it's interesting that you felt like you had choice among dark side directions. Maybe it's because most of my experience has been playing Republic, but it seems as though there's really only one "dark side" choice in most situations.


There's usually a bland "I'll do whatever you tell me" LS choice, a greedy but good-intentioned/neutral "I want credits" choice, and some dark side choice. Sometimes, the only dark side choice doesn't make a lot of sense in the circumstances, and I have a hard time seeing people pick it unless they're going for relics. That said, I love going light-side as an imperial, because I get to rub some of those insufferably snotty and racist NPC's the wrong way. To each his own, I guess.


I'm still surprised you didn't take the second advanced class to the opposite faction though. (For example, rolling a gunslinger after an operative, instead of sniper.) I do see the sense in having all in one faction though, as you can share money and items between them. However since Bioware announced they'd let you send cross-faction mail, do you regret it?




Finally, another question. What do you plan to do next? Are you going to roll any more characters or work on gearing up your current ones?

I do hope you at least take a republic toon or to 50, since it's another whole half of the game you're missing! Though it's understandable if you wanna take a break. :p

Edited by Stenrik
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I thought I was bad with my 3rd 50.

50 Sorcerer

50 mercenary

50 Guardian


You are totally right though. Levelign alt characters ( ESPECIALLY With rest XP AND knowing where to go/what to do) makes short work on the time it takes to get to 50.


I have 3 more alts that I am leveling in tandem and found that I skipped Taris and Nar Shaddaa (Republic characters ) and made it to Tatooine @ level. I JUST did the class specific quests on those 2 planets.



I am also like your polar opposite. Almost all of my characters are light sided. ( my BH is 100% neutral though. I just played the character ignoring light/dark. If they were cool with me, I was cool with them. If they were a scumbag, I put them in a body bag. ) I found trying to be a sith AND follow the light path to be a really great story. You can make a sith out of a slave but you cant make a slave out of a sith.



I would STRONGLY suggest leveling at least 1 character republic side. The quests/lore and general feel of the game it completly different.



PS. Thats Doctor Darth Emperor Alektra Master of the Universe to you !

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1. Tell you what, Play a female Twilek Sorc to 50 and then play a male Pureblood Assassin to 50 and tell me if you think they were exactly the same.


2. I listened to every line of every conversation at least once.(That I had the chance too, cannot claim I found every NPC in the game)


I am playing a male gunslinger and a female scoundrel. Not 50 yet but the feeling is that the class story is about 95% the same. Sure, you can reply differently and make different kind of light/side dark side choices. Sure, the male gets to flirt with pretty girls and the female gets to flirt with handsome men. But class story wise, they felt the same to me.


Ditto for powertech and mercenary (again both gender)


BTW, I currently have 10 alts and I probably will take YEARS to get them all to 50....

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Is this a joke? If so I do not undwerstand it. Are you asking me to comment on my builds? Your builds? Are you asking if an Assassin is a melee and a Sorc is a caster? If an operative has stealth and stabs you in the back or that a sniper is a ranged DPS? I really do not understand your point if you want to know the basics of the classes go here:




Not a joke. Since you played an assassin to 50 and a sorceror to 50, for example. Do you feel they played like same class, somewhat similar class or totally different class?

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I have to keep this short...


1. As far as the ride from 1- 50, it is exceptional. I do feel however that quite a bit of content will not be experienced by the majority of gamers due to the fact that they would have to play every class/sex/race/ to experience all the conversation branches/options


2. As it stands now, from a PvP only viewpoint, I feel SWTOR is in for some "rough seas". Ilum is dead, unless players are doing their weeklies on Tuesday evenings. Only having 3 WZ's is also a concern. The best end game in an MMO that I have seen is in DAOC. I fell that BW has the "ride" down good, but they need to make some major changes ot the end game.


This pretty much sums up my feelings about SWTOR too. The journey to 50 is indeed exceptional. What happens then is far from terrible, but neither is it particularly engaging and it won't hold attention long term.


I agree about DAOC having the best and most engaging endgame where PvP is concerned. Bioware can learn from this. Not copy, just learn. One thing is for sure, three warzones is far too little. But there could be a dozen and the problem would remain. PvP minigames are not to everyones taste and there needs to be alternatives to warzones where the PvP is more open, less constrained and more fluid. Ilum is currently not that alternative and they need to go back to the drawing board. They could do worse than learn a thing or two from DAOC.


Congratulations on your full set of level 50s. I have two and I was worried I played too much, hehe.

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Grats to the OP not only for doing this, but also being willing to share your experience.


My interest is in PVE, and specifically the abiltiy to solo hard mobs (Champions of equal or similar level to my character) while levelling.


Which classes did you find where best for this job?


Does it vary at low / mid / max level?


I have had more luck with Sorcerer+Khem so far, and healers in general, but I beg to be wrong.

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