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Will Shadows Shine or Fall?


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WZ Scoreboards are meaningless.


Yeah, because the DPS spec that gets totally out DPS'd by a tank spec was worthwhile somewhere else, like protecting the healers, or capping, or killing healers... Yet, they weren't. LOL


Maybe it's just my server, but I don't see Inf as a viable PvP spec.


Nevermind the KCs wearing DPS gear and absolutely decimating.

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Yeah, because the DPS spec that gets totally out DPS'd by a tank spec was worthwhile somewhere else, like protecting the healers, or capping, or killing healers... Yet, they weren't. LOL


Maybe it's just my server, but I don't see Inf as a viable PvP spec.


Nevermind the KCs wearing DPS gear and absolutely decimating.


1- KC damage is AoE.

2- If the infils on your server are getting outdps'd by a KC then that is a player checkup, not spec.

3- Agreed, Infil is not a viable spec.

4- WZ Scoreboards are meaningless.

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I hope we can provide enough evidence that it is the case that shadows are not suitable for rated.


Nah...my Shadow will continue to excel in RWZs, just like he has excelled in regular WZs, 50 Bracket WZs, and 1v1s. I'm not sweating Rateds at all, especially considering that Rateds will be more team play and synergy dependent, and my guildies are very good players.


My only concern is that BW nerfs us in some way. That wouldn't be okay with me.

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Nah...my Shadow will continue to excel in RWZs, just like he has excelled in regular WZs, 50 Bracket WZs, and 1v1s. I'm not sweating Rateds at all, especially considering that Rateds will be more team play and synergy dependent, and my guildies are very good players.


My only concern is that BW nerfs us in some way. That wouldn't be okay with me.


I assure you, you will not excel against my guild.

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I assure you, you will not excel against my guild.


if he is on a good team that understads how team pvp works, then yeah, he will do well. if he is on a team full of non-tanking DPS gear tanks, then he wont do well.

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KC will have a spot. Infil? Absolutely not. Even Balance is more viable than infil. It's our single worst tree in the class and is in desperate need of help.


Nevertheless, some of us will be there as Infiltration. :)

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I don't understand what the difference is rated or not rated. It's not going to change your skill level... regardless of the spec you play.


Think about it..does it make sense? lol

The only difference is the possibility of fighting other premades. That's it. How is that going to affect your skill?


IMO Shadows have always done well in PVE and PVP and in all 3 specs. We're fortunate to be one of the few classes that is somewhat okay. Could use a few tweaks here or there, but it's not bad.


The real question is


Will your PREMADE shine or fall when rated WZ comes out.




The KC Deeps make me lawl. Really how you going to compare an AoE spec to a single dps spec?

Edited by Darkerwarrior
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Rolling a Shadow alt.... Currently have BM geared sentinel....... Just was browsing this topic and found it very laughable for 2 reasons.


1. This is not WOW arena it will not be 4v4 head on fight to the death... Objectives and several other circumstances will play a factor and as far as I can see from fellow shadows on my server they seem to do well when it comes to accomplishing majority of the objectives..... Just from reading 99% of this doom and gloom sounds like everyone is expecting a head on 8v8 fight not happening.


2. This POWER fellow talking about how his team is superior and someone running an inf shadow would not win..... stroke your epeen much.


At any rate if you love to play this class and are interested in rateds ignore 99% of what you read on these forums.... Success is determined by how well you and your team communicate and play together.... being an inf shadow is secondary.

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At any rate if you love to play this class and are interested in rateds ignore 99% of what you read on these forums.... Success is determined by how well you and your team communicate and play together.... being an inf shadow is secondary.


You speak with common sense sir. I like you.

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You speak with common sense sir. I like you.


Exactly the key is to figureing out the roll of the group and then what everyone elses individual roles are in that group.


For example I am stacking Defensive stats on my KC Shadow to be the Ball runner/Guardbot but Ill also push high Willpower to maximize damage as best I can as well. My main job however is to survive/peel and taunt the opposing DPS to keep my teammates alive. I stop them from doing their job, or I make our teams job easier.

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Ok the thing is you won't live long enough to keep that pressure going, even if they don't get cleansed, your 2 dots on 5 peeps (exagerating here but for the sake of it), won't take more than 10% of their hp in best circumstances. 1 Dot is kinetic dmg, other one is internal, kinetic vs medium and heavy armor sucks donkey lolypops.


You still have same survability as infiltration, so is not like out of sudden you have mega armor and defensive cds to allow you to keep spreading that pressure without becoming main healing target for your team.


That's my point I am trying to make, infiltration while same squishy, can at least make an impact and deliver the burst when it matters to justify the dps slot they are filling in.


If all your dots were doing internal dmg then by all means, would been awesome, but is not.


Personally I'd love both ballance and inf to get a rework to be completely viable and ending up being a style preference instead of anything else.


You also need to be in close range to apply most of your dots which means in middle of the enemy team, only sever force and FiB are 30 yards (for some odd reason).

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Patch notes are out, no significant change. :) Thank god. XD


Although now that validates Powerr and Shin's worries. :p





Mass Mind Control: Updated this tooltip to correctly state that the ability does not break Stealth. The ability's functionality has not changed.


Kinetic Combat

Kinetic Ward's appearance now refreshes properly when reapplied.


Balance (Shadow)

Force Synergy's activation effects are now more visible.

The Force in Balance no longer heals the caster if no targets are hit.




Edit: Woah Sentinels and Guardians get crazy buffs. >_>

Edited by Kai-Eurah-Tird
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So has anybody's opinions changed after seeing the patch notes?


I am happy that the tank spec was not nerfed but I was disappointed to see nothing for Infiltration. I am undecided on how I think we will be in rated though as I see many good arguments on both sides.

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